Code.RogerHub » web development The programming blog at RogerHub Fri, 27 Mar 2015 23:04:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Taking advantage of cloud VM-driven development Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:39:48 +0000 Most people write about cloud computing as it relates to their service infrastructure. It’s exciting to hear about how Netflix and Dropbox et al. use AWS to support their operations, but all of those large-scale ideas don’t really mean much for the average developer. Most people don’t have the budget or the need for enormous computing power or highly-available SaaS data storage like S3, but it turns out that cloud-based VM’s can be highly useful for the average developer in a different way.

Sometimes, you see something like this one-liner installation script for Heroku Toolbelt, and you just get nervous:

wget -qO- | sh

Not only are they asking you to run a shell script downloaded over the Internet, but the script also asks for root privileges to install packages and stuff. Or, maybe you’re reading a blog post about some HA database cluster software and you want to try it out yourself, but running 3 virtual machines on your puny laptop is out of the questions.

To get around this issue, I’ve been using DigitalOcean machines for when I want to test something out but don’t want to go to the trouble of maintaining a development server or virtual machines. Virtualized cloud servers are great for this because:

  • They’re DIRT CHEAP. DO’s smallest machine costs $0.007 an hour. Even if you use it for 2 hours, it rounds down to 1 cent.
  • The internet connection is usually a lot better than whatever you’re using. Plus, most cloud providers have local mirrors for package manager stuff, which makes installing packages super fast.
  • Burstable CPU means that you can get an unfair amount of processing power for a short time at the beginning, which comes in handy for initially installing and downloading all the stuff you’ll want to have on your machine.

I use the tugboat client (a CLI ruby app) to interface with the DigitalOcean API. To try out MariaDB Galera clustering, I just opened up three terminals and had three SSH sessions going on. For source builds that have a dozen or more miscellaneous dependencies, I usually just prepare a simple build script that I can upload and run on a Cloud VM whenever I need it. When I’m done with a machine, I’ll shut it down until I need a machine again a few days later.

Running development virtual machines in the cloud might not drastically change your workflow, but it opens up a lot of opportunities for experimentation and massive computing resources when you want it. So load up a couple dollars onto a fresh DigitalOcean account and boot up some VMs!

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How to write fast-rendering HTML and CSS Sun, 24 Nov 2013 06:04:41 +0000 RogerHub’s most popular page contains over 50,000 HTML nodes. It’s no easy task for a browser to chew through all of that HTML and render it quickly. However, most modern browsers are now able to render that particular page without any performance issues, including mobile and tablet web browsers. When it comes to website performance, most people are concerned with app server response time or JavaScript performance. There really aren’t a lot of things that you can do to make gigantic pages load more quickly, but here are some tricks I learned along the way.

Cut down on the CSS3

Drop shadows and gradients look great when you use them correctly, but when your document is 600,000px tall, they create serious browser lag no matter how modern your hardware may be. You get the fastest renderer performance with simple solid colors. Aesthetics are a small sacrifice when you’re trying to squeeze more speed out of your markup.

Hide unnecessary things

I keep all of my calculator’s comments on a single page because 1) that’s the way it has always been, and 2) SEO. However, many users never even look at those comments. It improves browser performance if you simply instruct the browser not to display most of the markup until they are requested, which brings me to the next point..

Limit the number of tree children

Rather than applying a universal .comment-hidden class to all older hidden comments, put hidden elements under a single unifying parent and apply styles to the parent instead. It’s much faster to style one parent element than a thousand children.

Fake it

The comments on RogerHub no longer support Gravatar-based photos, since literally hundreds of unique avatars were being requested and rendered on each page load. Since I didn’t want to take out the images entirely, everybody now gets a generic anonymous avatar. Much of the original comment markup has also been taken out, leaving only the bare necessities required to properly apply styles.

Use simple, non-nested classes

I don’t have any hard data behind this practice, but intuitively I feel that simple unnested classes are the fastest way to go about styling an arbitrary number of elements. Avoid tag selectors, deeply nested selectors, wildcard selectors, attribute/value selectors, etc.

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Continuous integration in web development Mon, 24 Jun 2013 01:08:26 +0000 CI, or Continuous Integration, is a big help when you’re working on console applications. If you’re not familiar with the term, continuous integration refers to a system through which you can have your code compiled, executed, and tested in the background as you’re working on it. This usually happens on remote servers dedicated to the heavy-lifting involved with building code. You can be notified of build failures asynchronously and test new features without having to interrupt your workflow to wait for a compile job to finish.

However, things are different with front-end web development. Websites are hard to test, and when they are tested, they’re usually tested by hand in some kind of re-build/alt-tab/refresh loop, without the power of CI. Following are some tips I derived from CI that may help you improve your web development workflow.

If you’ve ever worked on a large JavaScript-intensive application, you’ve probably written build scripts to concatenate and minify JavaScript. You don’t need a huge IDE or development framework to accomplish any of that. I regularly use the following tools and scripts to help me develop my Final Grade Calculator:

CLI JavaScript Minification

There are plenty of websites that will do JS-minification for you online. In fact, most of them run in JavaScript themselves. However, if you find yourself visiting them more than once a day, you should get yourself a command-line JavaScript minifier. Dean Edwards, the author of /packer/, one of the most popular JS minification websites online, has ports of his JS packer available in several programming languages on his website. (I’m using the PHP version, because it appears to be the most faithful port.)

After you’ve acquired a minifier and have appended it to your $PATH, you can incorporate it into your build scripts like so:

packer src/final.english.js out.js
./ > out.htm

inotify Tools

Even if you’ve combined all of your build tasks into a single build script, you still have to run the thing every time you want to see new changes in your web application. A sleep-build loop would take care of this inconvenience, but then you’re stuck between wasting CPU cycles and having to wait a bit for new changes to appear. We can do better.

The term inotify stands for index-node (inode) notification. Most unix systems come with tools that bridge inotify services with the CLI, and you can use these to have your build script run only when you change and save a source file in your text editor.

I have an alias set up like so:

alias watchdir='inotifywait -r -e close_write,moved_to,create'

The switches enable recursive behavior and restrict the events to a certain few. This command will block until one of the three events occurs:

  • close_write – when a file handle in w mode is closed
  • moved_to – when a file is moved into the directory
  • create – when a new file is created in the directory

Combined with an rsync alias with some reasonable defaults, you can put together a loop that syncs source files to a remote server and builds them as they change.

alias rrsync='rsync -vauzh --progress --delete'

For example, I used something like the following while developing this blog’s theme:

while watchdir cobalt; do sass ... ; rrsync cobalt ... ; done

This last one isn’t a concept from CI, but it can be adapted to fit in your CI workflow whenever you need it.

Ad-hoc Web Server

You can test static html files just by opening them locally with your web browser, but there are a few reasons that an actual web server, no matter how simple it may be, is a slightly better option (root favicon, greater network permissions, absolute paths, protocol-relative URL’s, just off the top of my head). Python (and Python 3) comes with a built-in single-threaded simple web server that supports directory listing, symbolic links, a decent number of MIME types, modification/expiration headers, and large-file streaming. In other words, it’s a pretty good tool that will do anything you could want related to serving static assets (you know, unless you want to download two things at once).

Start the python web server at the command line, and it will start serving files through HTTP from the current working directory:

> python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port number]  # Python 2
> python3 -m http.server [port number]      # Python 3
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