Assignment 3: Tessellation

Created by Jeffrey Dong and Roger Chen.

Click 'Show Details' for more information, and click on the pictures for a larger image.

Demo video

Custom shape

./teapot examples/box.bez 0.1

Uniform tessellation

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1

Uniform tessellation (wireframe)

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1

Uniform tessellation (flat shading)

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1


./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1


./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1


./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.1

Adaptive tessellation (wireframe)

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.05 -a

Adaptive tesselation

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.01 -a

Adaptive tesselation (flat shading)

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.01 -a

.obj file input

./teapot examples/angelDrop-fixed.obj 0.05

Hidden line mode

./teapot examples/teapot.bez 0.05