Ice Cream Everyday
I was reading the Hoofprint and I saw that Elliot wrote1 about the appeal of summer freedom. You know, I had high expectations for this one, kind of like the feeling you get, when it’s the first ten minutes of a movie and someone’s busting out ps and grep2. I was expecting the whole paradox where you realize that summer is boring and absolutely sucks because you’ve no school work to occupy your time. Instead, he writes about using your two-thousand hours to prepare for SAT or get a job, almost as if the administration jumped in, halfway through the article, and made some suggestions. Where’s the opinion in this? All year long, I never felt tired, uninspired. But now, I’m figuratively trying to light the last few crumbs of what’s still left. World Lit 2, perhaps a summer project: they just don’t give the mental high that they used to. I’ve got nothing to do, and now for the first time, I’m exhausted.
I will miss this 2-7 near-perfect schedule.