

Thanksgiving is coming up. Well, more specifically, Thanksgiving Break is coming up. A whole 5 days from school.. what to do.

Whatever you’re doing. Have fun with it, because you can. Yeahh, you already know there are people that don’t get all the nice things you get.

So be happy about whatever you’re doing, even if you think it sucks.

(Changes the topic)

You wouldn’t believe how often people skip words when writing sentences.

In their head:
"I am one of your students."

From their hand:
"I am one of students."

Yeahh, that exact thing happened in first period today.

Image: listen_to_yourself.png


Yeahh. haha. So read over your writing before you turn it in.

(Changes the topic again)

Smokers. They suck. Instead of "No Smoking", signs should say "No Smokers". Just because someone isn’t smoking doesn’t mean they don’t smell disgusting.

Especially in Asian restaurants, there’s always the guy right outside the door smoking because he’s not allowed to smoke indoors. Yeahh those extra ten feet make that much of a difference. I hope nobody I know ever starts smoking....

From the day I upgraded to Windows 7, I haven’t found a single wallpaper that fits my desktop just right. So I’ve been using the default one.. >.>

But this one’s actually not bad:

Image: 02080_oldstone_1280x720.jpg

(Other than the retarded blur, this one’s very pretty )

Image: 01253_silence_1280x720.jpg

(This one’s pretty cool too. I use it as my wallpaper)

Yeahh. there’s usually a lot of great wallpapers at InterfaceLIFT (get the pun?). If you’re looking for a good quality wallpaper, check there first. They have alot of different resolutions and trust me: A sharp professionally-resized wallpaper is incomparably superior to a system-resized one.

So make sure you choose the right resolution when you’re downloading their wallpapers.

Yeahh.. so Happy Thanksgiving :)


I couldn’t think of a title, so I’ll just leave it blank. Whenever I see "Untitled" in MS Word Documents, I always think "Utilited". I don’t even know how that word got in my head. It’s not even a real word.

2 CommentsAdd one

Windows 7
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:32:27 GMT

the windows default pic actually looks pretty tight!

Tue, 24 Nov 2009 05:39:51 GMT

I smoke.
Just kidding.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too~

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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:42:00 GMT