
Slowing time

Catching sleep is no problem for me. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful 2nd period schedule this year and the last. I don’t pull all-nighters very often. I can’t even pretend that IB or anything else I do is demanding enough to make me lose sleep. Ha, I even have time to write on RogerHub.  But I still have sleep-related problems. I’m many-fold more productive and responsible after midnight, when I have the house all to myself. That’s when I do English essays that require deep thinking and concentrate harder on my work. Tumblr and Reddit have come to a standstill1, and most of the daytime distractions disappear. I wish I could get up early each morning and go take walks in the sunrise, but that’s not what’s going through my mind when the most annoying alarm sound in the world rings at 6:45. I thought about napping in the afternoon, so I would be generally more alert in the early morning and the late night. But in the afternoon, I want to go outside to skate and saw branches and climb trees and water the plants. There’s an internet cult around addressing the problem that too much time is dedicated to sleep. Polyphasic sleeping is typically a picture of a 24-hour clock with spokes of different sizes. You’ve seen it before. It’s naturally fascinating to me, and everybody else—that it’s possible to reduce the time spent sleeping by strategic planning of naps. I never really took it seriously, until recently. Typically, you would take quick power naps in order to supplement the nighttime sleeping period, because those power naps were more time-effective than the sleep cycles of a monophasic night-only sleep. But I kept reading and reading about it. Even the most conservative form, biphasic sleeping with one power nap directly opposite of the main sleeping period, was a bit concerning. I don’t know whether it’s beneficial or detrimental that I’m somewhat more knowledgeable about how we sleep. But I’ve considered it, and decided that it wasn’t worth the planning2. This was the most interesting thing I’ve learned about all week. Go read into it. It’s just fascinating. It’s not really slowing time. But maybe, the idea of being awake for longer periods than most people, it’s really like you’re making your days longer.

  1. We here on the west coast are fortunate that it’s 3 hours later than on the other side of the US. ↩︎
  2. Still, it’s annoying to have to plan all NHS things at hours past midnight because of other’s sleeping habits. ಠ_ಠ ↩︎

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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:32:07 GMT