
On responsibility and context

I think we’re a pretty responsible group. You and I, I mean. The audacity to dive into such a lengthy body of text, is it habitual or a shot at betterment? Perhaps we’re into displeasure. Things like drinking tea, and reading novels or persisting through thirty minutes of better nate than lever, they require a degree of enlightened perspective or philosophy that generally coincides with responsibility. So I say, we are a pretty responsible group. How much effort does it take? I’d say a whole damn lot. Effort, if the universe can be said to exert such a thing, in its relentless irony poking into our lives1. Responsibility is a rather abstracted term when you examine it. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to haul ass, such presumptuous words as responsibility come into use. In all honesty, it is indistinguishable from the effects of a clear thinking mind, in which group costs and benefits are factored into decisions. Nobody can be responsible, for the sake of responsibility. That’s one characteristic ideal which primary education and its golden arthropod target so savagely, so needlessly. The true yellow sheen comes from the oh-so-hotly debated axiom that human-to-human connections are priority in rational minds. Yes, for the sake of argument, this assertion is the primary one that must be accepted. But what are the efforts, the circumstances within which such a “responsible” group can exist? What may be a ubiquitous, absurdly vapid detail of all leadership applications is really a fairly lofty overhang on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. To a certain degree, everyone is aware of the uniquely indulgent position he holds in context of all existence2. The general conclusion is that, though contextual wisdom may be spiritually cathartic or emotionally practical, such thinking and inquiry ultimately degenerates into meaningless, unanswerable questions of existence and purpose. Therefore, the emancipated fool of newly-attained misinformed insight isn’t a very common nor applauded occurrence. In reality, it takes very little to call oneself responsible, and less to meet the standard.

  1. If anyone ever examined what I write in these posts, with a comprehensive understanding of my standpoint, there are so many things to be revealed. ↩︎
  2. It is a common observation that the only people whom people believe to exist are those people who inhabit the same idiosyncrasies. They, together, form the whole of everyone. ↩︎

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Tue, 25 Mar 2025 18:20:41 GMT