
Page 10 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 10)

Tue, 15 May 2012 18:21:51 GMT


Tue, 15 May 2012 14:20:27 GMT

I've been so worried about my English final that I almost cried last night. I made a 67 on my final and to know that all I had to make was a 30 to pass is amazing. I am so happy that I know for sure that I will be graduating in 4 days.

Sis :)
Tue, 15 May 2012 04:51:57 GMT

This helped meh a lot :) the only class I need to study for was World History and my teacher is jumpin us up a grade level if we do the study guide. So I really don't have to do anything :) I am so much happier now :) aha

Tue, 15 May 2012 03:57:40 GMT

i can fail all finals and still get all a's. 4.45 gpa feels nice.

Tue, 15 May 2012 03:56:37 GMT

Alright so I was totally stressing about finals, and in all truth, i dont even need to show up to maintain my A's and B's. The class I'm even close to having to worry about, well, I need a 68%.

Tue, 15 May 2012 03:13:46 GMT

this calculator helps me stress a bit less :)

Tue, 15 May 2012 00:30:40 GMT

Amazing! Great comments, they made me stress a little less.

Mon, 14 May 2012 22:13:21 GMT


Dixie Normous
Mon, 14 May 2012 19:07:13 GMT

Thanks for the help, Rog!

Mon, 14 May 2012 17:07:44 GMT

You're right. I'm screwed. Thanks for the help, though!

Mon, 14 May 2012 16:31:36 GMT

The stupid rat parts all look the same!

Mon, 14 May 2012 16:20:48 GMT

I had a 97 in bio. One stupid rat practical dissection test completely screwed me over and now i must get a 96 on the final to get a 90 overall. Isn't it just stupid how one bad test can ruin your dreams of the coveted 4.0? Or, I can choose to be a boss and get the grade and overcome this obstacle. I choose option 2.

Dr. Dude
Mon, 14 May 2012 14:31:15 GMT

Need at least 100% on my final to get an 80%.... im screwed dewdd.

Mon, 14 May 2012 03:09:31 GMT

I need at least a 93% to pass and to go on my classes' Six Flags Field Trip. I can do this!

Sun, 13 May 2012 06:28:59 GMT

Lol at the -32% on the final for an A in Spanish. I think I'll be ok. :P

Sun, 13 May 2012 02:55:56 GMT

This is better than the other hub ah ah ah :/

Sat, 12 May 2012 21:23:24 GMT

This site is by far the easiest I've found so far for figuring this stuff out...thanks so much!!

Sat, 12 May 2012 20:12:01 GMT

Need a 94-96 for an A in my honors math. :/

Sat, 12 May 2012 17:52:26 GMT

I have like all 92s and stuff! WISH ME LUCK EVERY1!!!

Lizeth Vega
Sat, 12 May 2012 05:07:30 GMT

Thanks :) I need to get a B in order to pass :)) Alright :) Thanks dude! :)))

Sat, 12 May 2012 00:16:06 GMT

lol at the "your pretty much screwed" i feel sorry for the people who have 60% and a 20% final wont even help them... great site man ty

Yo momma
Fri, 11 May 2012 20:52:08 GMT

Boy get to studying!

Fri, 11 May 2012 16:54:04 GMT

I failed algebra II as a senior in high school

Fri, 11 May 2012 02:49:17 GMT

Thanks to this calculator, I have discovered that I don't need to bother studying for 4 classes. Way to lighten my stress(:

Fri, 11 May 2012 02:14:51 GMT

ugh I need a 90% on my bio final- study time :)

Fri, 11 May 2012 01:54:09 GMT

Final worth 30% of grade. Sucks no matter what!

Fri, 11 May 2012 01:07:30 GMT

My life was made 10000000000000000000000000000000000 times easier with this handy dandy calculator! Thanks soooooo much!!!!! (:

Fri, 11 May 2012 01:06:21 GMT

For my PE class, I only need a -18% to get an 'A'. For geometry on the other hand to get an 'A', I need a 110.07%. Oh well, no need at all to study!!!!!!

Thu, 10 May 2012 21:50:42 GMT

I am hungry

Thu, 10 May 2012 20:46:03 GMT

thnkx. u really made my life easier..i hope i just pass math this year cux my paremts r gonna kick my a*s if i dont. im failing ryt now by fricken 2%..i have to sum how pass this fricken exam

Thu, 10 May 2012 03:30:12 GMT

ok so i had a 83 in the class before the final, i got a 80 on the final which was 20% and a .15 for participation which is 10% what will be my overall grade

** .83(1-.2-.10) + .80(.2) + .15(.10) = 75.6% You got a 15% in participation?

Wed, 09 May 2012 23:58:51 GMT

"don't even bother studying"
does that mean i'm in the clear or should i get off the internet and study...?

Wed, 09 May 2012 15:42:56 GMT


Wed, 09 May 2012 14:54:27 GMT

need a 142%. Shit

The Chinese Boy
Wed, 09 May 2012 06:12:22 GMT

My parents are gonna kick my asian ass out of the house!

Wed, 09 May 2012 05:55:57 GMT

lol @ you douchers for bashing the "dont bother studying" comments... really?

Wed, 09 May 2012 01:38:28 GMT

this really cheered me up. thanks!

Tue, 08 May 2012 22:40:12 GMT

Haha, the only finals I actually need to study for are my English and World History finals.

Tue, 08 May 2012 15:51:25 GMT

The comments after pressing calculate were a good laugh! Thanks I needed a laugh! For all those that are screwed! Ha! You should probably have studied more early on in the semester!

Doctor Zelda
Tue, 08 May 2012 13:32:21 GMT

I personally like this site. All I have to make in order to get a 4.0 in my class is a 2.5% on my final. To every one who is being a jerk over the "don't bother studying" its not meant to be mean. (at least I'm pretty sure its not) to Roger, thank you for making this site, I'm not going to be extreme and say you saved my life but it was helpful.


An Educated Person

Tue, 08 May 2012 03:48:05 GMT

Like the calculator... but the inclusion of the "you have no chance" comment was a little off-putting.

Mon, 07 May 2012 16:04:58 GMT

this thing is really helpful i hope to pass but from the looks of it i wont have to try to hard!!!!! yay seniors!!!! 2012

Mon, 07 May 2012 16:04:07 GMT

this thing actually helped me..... i hope i pass everyone!!!!!! well who am i kidding i aint a genious i cant do to bad though!

Mon, 07 May 2012 15:23:25 GMT

awwwww yeeeeaaahhhh, dont even much have to study for this one! thanks man!

Mon, 07 May 2012 07:07:40 GMT

Need a 46% on tomorrows exam to pass the class. Not sure I'll make it though. Wish me luck everyone!

Mon, 07 May 2012 05:16:49 GMT

This is really neat! I just found this website today but I don't know any of my finals' overall percentages, so I shall bookmark this and use it for the future! Thankssss~~

Sun, 06 May 2012 22:24:01 GMT

you suck.... you clearly have no life....
trying to put down people with a sucky grade ... "dont even bother studying" what the hell is that supposed to mean?!...

Sun, 06 May 2012 17:48:24 GMT

Your calculator made my life 3x easier today. Your page has earned a spot on my bookmarks bar. Thanks!

Sun, 06 May 2012 15:59:48 GMT

Thanks Hijacker!

math is not my best subject
Sat, 05 May 2012 12:50:55 GMT

Call me dumb but I can't make the calculator formula work. How am I supposed to figure out the grade without knowing what my final grade is yet?
Grade = Exam Worth × Exam Score + (1 – Exam Worth) × Current Grade
It says I need a 94 to get an 85 when I already have an 84 and the final is only worth 10%.


**Hi, Roger here. Hijacking this comment.

There are four variables in the equation (Exam Worth is repeated). Two of those (Exam Worth and Current Grade) are constant already. You know their values. The other two are not determined yet (Grade and Exam Score). The equation relates those two variables. It can tell you what kind of Grade an Exam Score will give you, or in reverse, what kind of Exam Score you need to get the Grade you want. You have to decide one of those two on your own.

(The result you got is accurate. With a final only worth one-tenth of your entire grade, it will take a lot to shift it an entire percentage point especially when your grade is so close to a hundred already.)

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