
Page 112 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 112)

peter kleiser
Tue, 24 Mar 2015 03:01:53 GMT

can you please help me calculate my grade for health! i have a 61.4 and my final is worth 15 percent of my grade. What do i need to get on the final to pass the class with a C (70). Thankyou. I always use this ;)

Roger: You need to get at least a 118.7% on your final to pass.

Mon, 23 Mar 2015 17:34:29 GMT

I have the following grades 78,76,80. Which are all worth 17.5% each, my final is worth 22.5 what do I have to have on the final to get a 75 overall average.

Roger: That only adds up to 75%. What is the other 25%?

Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:17:39 GMT

I need a 420 to get a 1337 for my final grade.

FLIP ALL DEM TABLEZ ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻

Mon, 23 Mar 2015 00:13:16 GMT

Hey rog
i luv u long time

John the Legend
Sun, 22 Mar 2015 23:57:44 GMT

I'm back and im turnt af rn swag im john

Angela Brooks
Sun, 22 Mar 2015 21:02:52 GMT

I have a 91% with a test worth 200 and homework. Worth 100points how many points to keep an A

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Fri, 20 Mar 2015 16:16:18 GMT

Wow, at least I know I'm going to pass this class. The lowest grade I can get is a -48.8. I think I'll be fine

Fri, 20 Mar 2015 02:08:37 GMT

im at a 30% in a class all i want is a 59.56% i have to do 62% on the finale to PASS THE CLASS!!!!!!!!! YES

Thu, 19 Mar 2015 22:06:35 GMT

To pass I need a 108% yay me

Wed, 18 Mar 2015 10:30:12 GMT

In order to fail my class, I would have to get a negative sixty percent on the paper which I'm supposed to be writing right now instead of playing with this grade calculator.

Ideas for how to get a negative 60 percent on a paper:
1. Write the entire paper using Wingdings font.
2. Base it on a piece of Twilight fan fiction (also known as the "Fifty Shades of Flunk" method)
3. Turn in 12 pages of Nickelback lyrics.
4. Turn it in covered in unidentifiable stains.
5. Turn in 12 pages of Nickelback lyrics covered in unidentifiable stains

Wed, 18 Mar 2015 02:16:03 GMT

If I have 73.9 in the class now and I have to pass with 78%. What do I have to on my final worth 15% of my grade and 150 points and also a math that is 15% of my grade and 100pt?

Roger: You need to average a 87.57% on the two of them.

Tue, 17 Mar 2015 23:19:52 GMT

My question is if I have a 93.25% in my class already and I miss an assignment that is worth 12.5% how far will that drop my grade to.

Roger: It should go down to a 81.6%, assuming that there are no undetermined categories in your grade.

Skylar Brown
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 17:59:51 GMT

*whew*. This actually took some stress off my shoulders. Just need to get a 46% to pass the class. :)

kiran krishnamurthi
Mon, 16 Mar 2015 17:58:52 GMT

This site is awesome. Just took a test and figured out what I need to get. Love it!!!!!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 15 Mar 2015 21:42:27 GMT

You are the best, I use this every single time I have a test and need to know the grade. My friend recommended this site to me and it has always been helpful

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 12 Mar 2015 20:39:26 GMT


Thu, 12 Mar 2015 11:46:16 GMT

It says I need a -8% to pass

Thu, 12 Mar 2015 11:25:01 GMT

Hey roger I got 65 the 1st quarter and 68 2st quater 38 on the midterm what will my grade be the first semester

Roger: It depends on how much your midterm is worth.

Sean Connery
Thu, 12 Mar 2015 03:07:14 GMT

Le tits now

Or as Americans say. Let it snow

swag daddy
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 21:18:25 GMT

hey roger I have a 51 in two of my classes how can I get a good grade on my final that is worth 20% of my grade

Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:58:02 GMT

Thanks for convincing me to study more roger :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 10 Mar 2015 04:24:45 GMT

hey there, i have an 83% at the moment and im taking AP biology and i was curious what i would need to get in order to maintain an 80% or higher on my final test of the quarter. im pretty sure my test grade is worth 20% of my final grade of the quarter but im kind of worried of what i need to get or how low my grade would go...

Roger: Do you mean that your test is worth 20% by itself? Or that you have a test category worth 20%? I’ll assume that your test is worth 20% by itself. If so, you will need at least a 68% on your test to get an 80% overall.

Tue, 10 Mar 2015 00:51:11 GMT

This has literally saved my life. Thank you so much.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:28:21 GMT

I have a 78 in my class I need at least an 82. I have a extra credit project worth a test grade. My test average is an 69 what do I need to get an 82.

Roger: It also depends on how many points your extra credit is, and how many test points you have. Also, it depends on how much your test category is worth.

Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:26:10 GMT

I need to get at least an 82 in my class. We have an extra credit project worth a test grade. My grade now is a 79. What do i need on the extra credit.

Roger: It depends on how much the extra credit is worth, and how it’s calculated into your grade. How many test points is it? How much is your test category worth? How many tests points do you already have?

Mon, 09 Mar 2015 01:55:23 GMT

Yo man, your calculator is love. Your calculator is life.THIS THING MATTERS IN MY LIFE JUST AS MUCH AS BALL. That was the most nonsensical rant i've ever been on.

Sun, 08 Mar 2015 19:31:33 GMT

what do i need to get if i have a 67% and a 100 point test to get a 70

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Sun, 08 Mar 2015 18:16:02 GMT

My term mark is 83 and the term marks counts for 70% of the final mark. What would be my final mark

Roger: What is the other 30% of your final mark?

Sun, 08 Mar 2015 07:07:23 GMT

I got an 88 last semester and 36 3rd quarter. I need an 80 to pass Spanish what do i need to get on the final exam? Its worth 20 % of my grade.

Roger: How are your 88% and 36% grades weighted? Is it 40% each?

Fri, 06 Mar 2015 19:28:06 GMT

I think that you have one flaw with this system and that is that your equation cannot take account of the number of assignments that exist in the gradebook. An exam that is worth 20 percent of a grade will have a larger effect on a person who has 20 assignments in the gradebook versus someone with 50.

Roger: The calculator assumes that your final exam is the last thing you’ll do in a course, so all of your other assignments should be already included in your overall grade. It also assumes that your final exam is in its own category that has a certain percentage weight, and NOT in a “Test” category with a bunch of other exams (but there is an option on the calculator that lets you calculate this too). Those two assumptions are usually true, so it works for most visitors. In that case, it doesn’t matter how many assignments are in your gradebook, since they’re all included in the current overall grade anyway.

Fri, 06 Mar 2015 16:29:02 GMT

1st quarter - 38%

what grade do i ned to get second quarter to pass m math class i need a ( 65-70 ) AVG ???

Thank you

Roger: Assuming that the two grades are equally weighted, you would need at least a 92% on the second quarter.

Fri, 06 Mar 2015 04:03:48 GMT

My calculus teacher has a system where she replaces our lowest exam score with our final exam score (assuming it's better than the lowest score) and includes a separate final exam category (25%). I currently have an 85.08% with my lowest exam score being a 64.19%. What grade would I need to get a 90%?

Roger: It depends on how many tests you’ve taken so far, your test average, and how much your test category is worth.

Fri, 06 Mar 2015 01:34:31 GMT

hey roger i would like to know my current grade in math

1st quarter-63
current quarter-85

Roger: Well, the average of those is a 74%. Is that what you were looking for?

The Internet
Thu, 05 Mar 2015 01:41:46 GMT

I just gotta say thank you Roger. I have been using this site for about 2 years now. It really helps knowing where my study priorities should be per class

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 03 Mar 2015 18:46:18 GMT

My professor uses a formula instead of points/percentages to calculate the grade: (5U+Q+3F)/9 where U = unit test average, Q =quiz average, and F = final exam. Letter grades will be determined from numerical grades as follows: A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; F: 0-59.

We've only had 2 unit tests so far which I got a (34% and 33%). Yes I know I failed miserably. Anyway, we've had 4 quizzes, not sure on my grades there cuz we don't get them but is there any way to calculate what I need on the remaining two unit tests as well as the final?

Best regards,

Roger: You can estimate what you got on the quizzes and get an approximate answer. But you also need to know what your target grade is.

Tue, 03 Mar 2015 03:40:25 GMT

Thanks for the tool bro. I was freaking out for my physics final thinking there was no was to get my b to an a but turns out I only need 90%. Accept for my history final I'm pretty much fucked because I need a 107% to get the a but whatever...

Roger: You’re welcome!

Cool guy
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 01:23:55 GMT

Don't listen to that Alan Tang bitch or any other that tells you this website isn't good. And besides, bringing up hitler was way over the line ass hole. It's affected everyone in the world so shut your mouth. As a first time user I thought this was amazing. I asked my friend how he knew what he needed to get earlier in class today, and so he showed me this, and I was like this is sooooooo awesome. Keep doing what your doing!

Mon, 02 Mar 2015 21:34:28 GMT

Hi. My exam before law was 76 but there was an assignment she didn't mark which was worth 10% and I got a 95 in it. My exam which was today worth 30 percent I'm not sure how I did but after calculating my assignment what does my mark add upto without the 30% exam added in ?

Roger: Assuming that there are no other assignments in your grade after your exam, your current grade should be a 89.6%. You can use that to figure out what you need on the exam.

Sat, 28 Feb 2015 21:53:52 GMT

Hi Roger! My grade in AP chemistry right now is an 85.2% and I would really like to end up with a 90%. The last exam I took counts as 22% of my grade and I got a 65% on it. However, my teacher is offering a retake on it, meaning that when I retake the exam the 65% will be replaced with the new grade I get. Before the 65% went into the grade book, I had a 89.8% in the class. If I want to get a 90% overall what would I need on the retake? I know this is confusing... but I'd really like to know. Thanks so much! (PS your site is really helpful)

Roger: Are there any empty categories in your grade (like a final exam category)? Your numbers don’t seem to match up. Your grade should have dropped from a 89.8% to a 84.3%. And if you have any empty categories, your grade would have dropped even further than that. I’ll assume that you have no empty categories and that your current grade actually is 85.2%. If so, you will need at least a 86.8% on your retake to boost your grade up to a 90%.

Anna Rose
Tue, 24 Feb 2015 19:23:01 GMT

Roger, you are my idol and soul. Through the dark years of high school you have been there through thick and thin (unlike Rhonda, that undeserving bitch). Every time I'm struggling through the desolate landscape of my grades, I can turn too you to see how truly screwed I am. I'd like to thank you for all of your work and reassurance. I am now graduating (see mom i told you I'm not a loser!) and leaving for Alaska Community college (Go Eskimos!) You're time and dedication to my high school career has left me speechless and forever grateful. Once again Roger, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Roger: Thanks for visiting, and you’re welcome!

Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:57:51 GMT

Hey Roger! Anyways I was just wondering what grade I need to get at least a B (87%) in my physics class

1st quarter- 85%
2nd quarter [current quarter] - 89%

(And also if you don't mind could you calculate what I need to get an A (94%) overall in this class)

Roger: It sounds like you already have an 87%. Do you have a final exam or something? How much is it worth?

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:41:27 GMT

Thanks for showing me how fucked I actually am. I need a fucking 325% on my final to even pass anatomy with a C this semester. Anyone want to kill me? I'll pay you.

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 05:56:18 GMT

Have a 65 in math and I'm screwed geez. Gotta work my ass off like I should've been to begin with

double plus
Sat, 21 Feb 2015 07:47:27 GMT

oh, ya, one more thing roger, I perceive your comments (the ones after the calculator tells you what score you need) as kind of rude. I can get a 95% with no problem, thank you very much. ;P

double plus
Sat, 21 Feb 2015 07:45:37 GMT

thx roger, this like like my reassurance website, even though I'm always checking to see what grade I need to maintain an A+, which really pisses my friends off.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:40:36 GMT

Thx Roger. Just found out I need to make 15% to pass the class with a 77. Lol I always use your final grade calculator. =)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Young Thug
Thu, 19 Feb 2015 14:24:16 GMT

18 floors up, I feel like I could f-l-y-e-e

Swae Lee
Thu, 19 Feb 2015 14:22:59 GMT

H2O Lean Same Thing

Tue, 17 Feb 2015 04:15:30 GMT

Hey, thanks to this website you have saved me a lot of anxietys and grief throughout nursing school. I finally graduate in a week. This website has really helped me sort out which class i can focus more of my time on when having multiple tests at once. & during finals when i feel imbgoing to "fail" then see I only need a 60% on finals to pass my class gives me this great feeling and really helps me focus andchill out with my psychotic studying.

Roger: You’re welcome! Thanks for coming back.

Tue, 17 Feb 2015 04:06:47 GMT

this is potentially one of the greatest websites created

Roger: Haha, thanks!

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