
Page 114 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 114)

Sun, 03 May 2015 18:03:42 GMT

What if I have two semester classes that are combined into one? Will my grade for both be averaged together for my grade for one semester or will I get a grade for each "semester" that is actually the length of a quarter?

Roger: I think it depends on who you ask! Are you calculating your GPA? According to how your current school calculates it? Or a school you might be applying to?

Sun, 03 May 2015 17:17:04 GMT

Thanks, this site greatly reduced my stress level, Now I can go back to having fun at the pool!

Sun, 03 May 2015 14:30:00 GMT

I need a -19 or higher to have a B average! Thank you so much for this site, it takes a lot of test-stress off of my mind.

Sat, 02 May 2015 14:37:44 GMT

I have to get at least a 94 on my final in chemistry to be an A!!! What the heck?! My grade right now is 89.37% and I have to get a 94?! Geeze... and its due today...

Sat, 02 May 2015 04:50:11 GMT

I'm so upset - I need exactly 100% on my presentation to get an A in this class. I would stress about it way less if I'd needed 101% and it was unattainable... but instead I have to work REALLY HARD to try to get that 100% and cry when I don't.

Roger: I’ve been in that situation too. I needed a 99% on the final exam to get an A. I studied more intensely than I ever had, aiming to get every single question correct. I ended up with a 93%, which was pretty high, and even though I didn’t get the grade, it ended up not mattering very much. Good luck!

Fri, 01 May 2015 16:12:31 GMT

Roger, I have a 93 in my calculus class. In order to not take my exam I have to have a 90 at the end of the year. Tests are worth a cumulative 65% of my grade and I have my sixth and last test grade to take.
My current test grade average is a 94
Quizzes (worth 30%) 91
Hw (worth 10%) 100

What's the lowest I can get on this last test and still have a 90 or above?


Roger: I’m going to assume that you meant “60%” instead of “65%”, since 65 + 30 + 10 = 105, which is too much. You need to get at least a 57.0% on the sixth test grade to get a 90% overall.

Fri, 01 May 2015 12:41:04 GMT

Does being a walmart manager make a lot of money?

Understated girlfriend
Fri, 01 May 2015 06:19:20 GMT

dis *

Understated girlfriend
Fri, 01 May 2015 06:16:00 GMT

Fuck did shit imma become a stripper

Anonymous 3328
Fri, 01 May 2015 04:17:39 GMT

In regards to my first question:: my final is worth 20% of my grade

Roger: It still depends on how many points you have total.

Anonymous 3328
Fri, 01 May 2015 04:15:45 GMT

Roger, I currently have a 95.5 in my class and need to get at least a 91.5 at the end of the semester. My final will be an easy 90ish%. I still have a test and a project that are both 100 pts each. What will I need to get on that test and project in order to get at least a 91.5 in the class?

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Fri, 01 May 2015 02:28:15 GMT

I currently have a 53 in my Literature class, terrible professor but i won't get into that, I still have three more assignments due before my final. If I get a 100 on all three assignments what would I need on my final to pass? We have 10 journal entries that are worth 15% and I still have two more to turn in, and the other assignments are a notebook submission which are worth 10 percent and have only one left.

Roger: It depends on what percentage you need to pass, and it depends on your current average in your journal entries category, as well as how many journal entries you’ve already submitted. Also, it depends on how much your final is worth. (I’m assuming you only have 1 notebook submission for the entire course.)

Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:46:33 GMT

I have a 138% in science GT. XD

Michael johnson
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:36:18 GMT

I have a 72 in the class. I just got a 52 major grade(70% of the grade) on my essay. So what would I need to make on the next major grade to make a 75 in the class?

Roger: It depends on 1) how many of the “major grades” you have, 2) your current average in the “major grades” category, 3) if you have any other undetermined categories like a final exam, etc. Also, does the 72% include your most recent 52% grade?

Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:31:48 GMT

Gigi.....100-30=70% You would still pass with a 70% if you have a 100.

Thu, 30 Apr 2015 05:58:45 GMT

Really, truly helpful, thank you! Also, big fan of the sassy comments :p

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 30 Apr 2015 02:14:01 GMT

so I am in like an off campus PE thing and they make us do a online class and I am way behind and you get a 60% if not complete. the online thing is worth 30% of my grade. so if right now my grade is 100% will it still be passing

Roger: Well, your final grade should be a 88%.

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 22:06:26 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a 75.4% in my math class, to pass the class I need at least a 69.5. My final is worth 30%. Is it really true I can get a 57% on the final and still pass the class with a 69.5?

Thanks for the help

Roger: That sounds about right.

Asian nigga420
Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:54:38 GMT

I need 0.5% to get 100 percent average get fucking rekt kids. Gratttattta

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 14:04:28 GMT


Roger: You’re welcome!

Anonymous Questioner
Wed, 29 Apr 2015 13:22:20 GMT

Rodger are you real, if so what is your favourite ice cream flavour and tell me a funny joke.

Roger: Mint chocolate chip.

Q. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

A. A carrot.

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 05:25:09 GMT

I'm the most unathletic person on earth, but I try my absolute best in PE. Our PE teacher grades REALLY hard on fitness exams, and even though I try my best, I still don't do very well. She says I'll be fine and my grade will be fine, but I've gotten pretty pessimistic.
I'm about to graduate from my current school, and after attending for 3 years they offer this special award that comes with a watch if you get straight A's for all 3 years. The ONLY class that ruined that for me was PE- with a finishing grade of 89.71% after final exams.

Needless to say, I'm utterly disappointed that my academic scholarship was ultimately undermined by not being able to run a mile under 8 minutes.

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 04:48:31 GMT

Comment just for FUN.....Humor is a key to success!

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:05:03 GMT

Quality Goal Tracking................... Will do 1152 scans per month, goal is 88.01%, completed 886 scans avg = 87.06%, what do the remaining 266 evals have to avg for a score for us to hit goal of 88.01%?

Roger: You need to average a 91.17% on the remaining scans.

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 14:45:32 GMT

Comments like "maybe you should just draw a flower on the next test" - is just unnecessary! People do struggle and look to this site for information, not to be put down!

Roger: Sorry you felt that way! It wasn’t meant as a put down.

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:25:46 GMT

I am taking on a 400 point assignment and I have a 94 if I get a zero what will it be

Roger: It depends on how many points you have right now.

Biology Confusions
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:44:03 GMT

So my test category is 34% and my exam is 25% and my labs are 29.75%... the last 11.25 is a project that I did last school year so this category is blank and will just never have a grade in it. How do I calculate my average for all these weighted categories properly when i also have blank categories? Thank you formal your help

Roger: You can take each weight (how much each category is worth) and multiply it by the grade you got in the category. Sum those together, and then divide by the sum of the weights. So, you can do (0.34 × X + 0.25 × Y + 0.2975 × Z) / (0.34 + 0.25 + 0.2975).

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 03:19:06 GMT

why dont you just use the calculator? whats with all the people asking about what they need, when the calculator IS RIGHT THERE????

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:41:53 GMT

To: Dontwannasayyourname
You need 68.32% to pass.
Have Fun!!!

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:26:12 GMT

Please replay asap as my final is in a week

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:20:08 GMT

Alright I need a few things cleared up:
1rst semester I got a 100.41% average
2nd semester I got a 95.35% average
3rd semester I got a 97.60% average
I currently have a 98.65% average
My final is worth 30% of my grade
What do I need on my final in order to pass the class with at least a 89.55 overall grade?

Roger: Assuming that your three semesters are equally weighted, you need to get at least a 70.33% on your final to get a 89.55% overall.

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:33:36 GMT

Thanks Roger! I got a 79.5% on my last AP test though (darn!)

I ended the class with an 89.44% and my teacher wont round up, I'm so sad!

Roger: Sorry to hear that!

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:56:04 GMT


for integrated
Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:55:59 GMT


Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:57:47 GMT

I have a few assignments left 3 that needs to be graded, and the others that need to be turned in.

I am now trying to get a 70% for a final grade, to ensure passing.

The calculator has helped me determine what I need to get to 70% on the assignments. Thankfully it's not much since the grading scale is low with this class.

This has helped me out a lot with my concerns.


Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:57:40 GMT

I'm so glad that me and Shannon are dating. I love her and math

Steven Pink
Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:42:34 GMT

In response to SomeoneUnimportant's question on scaling grades versus using a curve...

A Bell Curve is a statistical grading method of sorts that only allows for a certain number of each letter grade. If you look to the link below, you can see how a Bell Curve is laid out. This means that you could have a 90% and have a B because you had others with higher 90s who "took" the A's.

Scaling simply involves boosting everyone's scores. The scaling system shifts the grade curve from the left to right with the lower scores receiving the greatest amount of
change. Scaling is typically performed with f-values of 0.9 to 0.6. To calculate the scaled score for f-values, simply take 100-[f(100-Test Score)]. Have a look at the second link for a more in-depth explanation with charts and examples. I personally believe scaling is much more fair than a bell curve, because it doesn't limit the number of successful students.

Roger: Nice explanation!

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:18:50 GMT

I need a 110 % to get a c.
God damn it.

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:30:37 GMT

Sorry David, you would need a 105% to get an A. Ask for extra credit!

Integrated Gen, Bio, O Chem Student
Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:19:03 GMT

I have an 83.13%

Grade breakdown: Tests (5) and Final=60%, quizzes=10%, reading hw=5%, pre labs=5%, labs=20%.

Note: exam 5 and final are combined.

So far the weight achieved is:
48.24 / 60 on tests ([94%, 87.5%, 65.79%] 3 of 5 exams),
8.51 / 10 on quizzes,
4.37 / 5 on pre labs,
17.7 / 20 in labs,
4.3 / 5 in reading hw.
Overall weight achieved is 83.13 / 100.

In order to get an 88% in the class, what scores do I need on the next exams?

Roger: I assume that your final is your 5th exam, but I’m not quite sure if that’s what you meant. You need to average at least a 97.69% on the remaining two exams to get an 88% overall.

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:26:59 GMT

hey bae rogers ;)

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:24:20 GMT

I had a 91 for my first quarter,91 for my second quarter, and an 83 for my third quarter. My final is worth 10% of my grade. What grade do I need to get in this quarter so I can get an A average. Thx

Roger: Assuming that all your quarter grades are worth the same, you need at least a 105% on the final to get a 90% overall. (By the way, when there are three quarters, we usually call them trimesters.)

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:14:52 GMT


Are y'all really worrying about grades while being to stupid to use a basic calculator.

If you can't fill out a basic calculator, you can't pass any worthwhile class. Stop being lazy!

for melody
Sat, 25 Apr 2015 20:55:57 GMT

melody you need a 97

melody dawn river
Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:17:11 GMT

earned scores of 90 points, 82 points, 95 points, and 86 points on four tests. What is the lowest score i can get to earn a 90% avrage.

Roger: Lowest score you can get on what?

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:13:25 GMT

I would like to know how curves are calculated. But can you also please explain the difference between a scaled test and a curved test? Can you please give examples? Please and thank you

Roger: Here’s a simple way of thinking about it: Curving means assigning grades based on your class rank in order to get the grade distribution you want. For example, if your teacher wants 25% A’s, 50% B’s, and 25% C’s, then he/she can assign the top 25% of the class A’s, the bottom 25% of the class C’s, and the rest of the class C’s. So, even if you have a 90% in the class, you might not get an A if you aren’t in the top 25% based on class rank. Scaling means adding a number to everyone’s score to move them up or down. For example, your teacher might scale everyone’s score by +10%. A common option is to scale the highest score to 100% (e.g. if the highest score was a 96%, everyone would get a +4% boost to their score).

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 00:51:04 GMT

Roger, do you know how teachers calculate curves?

Roger: Most of the time, when teachers say that they curve grades, they actually mean that grades are scaled. Curving is a bit trickier than scaling. What do you wanna know?

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:49:01 GMT

Hey does anybody here have Mrs. Way for AP Chem? What a maniacal witch. I'm so glad I am done with that class.

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 01:19:08 GMT

Hi, my class is not weighted at all but my teacher has each of the AP tests I take (4 in total) worth 200 points each but to make things better the last one she made worth 400..
So my current grade with 3 of the AP tests is 91.45% (1818/1988)

For the last AP test which is the one worth 400 points what do I have to get to keep 90%? Thank you so much I'm SO worried!! Wish me luck

Roger: You need at least a 331.2/400 (82.8%) on your last AP test to get a 90% overall.

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 22:37:17 GMT

rog who do you got in the nba finals?

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