
Page 119 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 119)

5/19/2015, 3:03:43 AM

Rip Need a 99.9 percent to get an A in math

5/19/2015, 3:00:27 AM

Need a 90.1% on my final to get an A......kill me plz

5/19/2015, 2:46:47 AM

Looks like I'm retaking trig

super relieved
5/19/2015, 2:31:54 AM

I was nervous about my math test, turns out, even if I get an F, I can still pass my class with 70%

I love this site

5/19/2015, 2:15:20 AM

On the bright side, I only need a 9% to get an A in English.
On the not-so-bright side, I need a 90% to get an A in Biology.

5/19/2015, 1:48:47 AM


5/19/2015, 1:28:54 AM

Welp, no need to cram study now I guess score greater than a 77% and i gets an a A

Sir Leopold
5/19/2015, 1:15:23 AM

Hello, peasants. I would endeavor to inform all of you inferior parasites that I can get a 54.9 on my final, and retain my A.

i got A's for days
5/19/2015, 1:08:44 AM

Yall ready know that i got that 3.85 GPA on lockdown

5/19/2015, 1:03:04 AM

Roger you are an angel sent from heaven. I thank you for helping me come to the conclusion that i can get a -2% on my history final and still pass. How beautiful.

5/19/2015, 12:20:19 AM


Fuck this
5/18/2015, 11:52:17 PM

That's awesome after my teacher fucked with my grade I now have to get a 68.7 to pass chemistry -_- fml

5/18/2015, 11:45:44 PM

Hope i get an A in ap chem, just need a 147% and 256% to pass ap calc

Ms chapperini is a bitch
5/18/2015, 10:43:22 PM

Ight only need A FUCKING 708.5 TO PASS HER CLASS. fuck duluth high school bruh

5/18/2015, 10:39:17 PM

Fudge my life yall

5/18/2015, 10:30:03 PM

I like the "oh you don't need to study.. You'll do fine"(for like a 50% on the final) and im like bitch you haven't seen the rest of my test scores!

5/18/2015, 9:49:22 PM


bleach drinker
5/18/2015, 9:26:36 PM

okay I only need a 84 to get a b

5/18/2015, 9:26:10 PM

Ma life

bush did 9/11
5/18/2015, 9:25:34 PM


jet fuel cant melt steel beams
5/18/2015, 9:16:00 PM

gg m8s.

5/18/2015, 8:59:12 PM

Thanks to for telling me in a small little box that I am a complete retard in chemistry.

5/18/2015, 8:54:08 PM

Looks like I need to get at least an 85 on my philosophy final to get into the B- range, and an 83.8 on my stats final to get into that same range. Time for me to say goodbye to fun for these next few days. Thankfully though, I have only the 1st 2 days of finals for them, tomorrow and Wednesday. So hey, it could be worse.

5/18/2015, 8:02:17 PM

I only need a 502% to pass!

lazy kid
5/18/2015, 7:47:45 PM

wish me luck friends

5/18/2015, 7:27:00 PM

Are A's even a thing anymore?

5/18/2015, 6:28:06 PM

Thanks had human get final and felt good after seeing what I needed

Brookwood High School
5/18/2015, 5:58:29 PM

This is great because my teacher Mrs. GRENADE hates us and he called us monkey retards. So this is great thing to use. I'm border line so I need to get a 75 on the final. She's gonna probably gonna fail Me even if I pass.

5/18/2015, 5:18:56 PM

I just got my test results back in physics and I now have a 93.09 in the class!!!! Dont have to take the final!!

Patrick Daniel Bustos
5/18/2015, 5:14:46 PM

thanks i enjoyed this ( : (;

5/18/2015, 5:14:11 PM


5/18/2015, 5:12:31 PM

I was clenching my cheeks during the method I mean math test........good luck my childsss

5/18/2015, 5:08:29 PM

I have a 97 for both my third and fourth quarter in geometry
If this exam counts toward 20% of my semester grade, what do I need to make?

5/18/2015, 4:22:53 PM

I need a 305% to get an A in AP physics.... I'm golden :D

5/18/2015, 4:07:22 PM

This website saved my butt!! Less stressed now! Thanks

5/18/2015, 4:02:02 PM

What even is an A?

5/18/2015, 3:58:39 PM

I need to get 100.5 percent on my semester test to pass with a 59.6 percent my teacher sucks.... well i get to take physics next year instead of chemistry oh well

5/18/2015, 3:58:01 PM

Thank you so much for this website. Now instead of procrastinating about finding out how good I have to do on the test, I know. By no means does this mean I will actually study or try to be successful, it just means I can complain on Twitter about my misfortune. In fact, I procrastinate so hard that I'm purposefully making this comment more in-depth than the essay on my comm arts final, (which by the way I need to get a 63 percent on).

5/18/2015, 3:52:47 PM

Two days left of this place and the workload is beginning to show in my face.
I stayed up late and now I know my fate.
I will drop out of here and that much is clear.
I have not done anything, for that I am sure.
There's a disease called boredom and I need the cure.
I'm a pro at procrastination, I have no determination.
My motivation is lacking, my grades are slacking.
This place will be the death of me, that's very clear to see.
But thanks to this place, I can fail all my finals and still win the race.
Because C's get degrees, we know that much,
So thanks Roger Hub for coming in clutch.

5/18/2015, 3:46:02 PM

wrong hub, sorry

I don't pay attention
5/18/2015, 3:30:04 PM

Its sad when you're here calculating whether or not you will pass choir

5/18/2015, 3:26:11 PM

it says i need a 50% to pass ap calc and "you don't even need to study!"
haha..........don't even know if I can get a 50 on this final


Indian person
5/18/2015, 5:32:16 AM

I don't have to take my final. My teacher said she would give me 100% as long as I don't show up to class as she cannot stand the smell of my curry flavored body odor

5/18/2015, 5:08:29 AM

Need a 28% to get an A or a -263.7% to pass bio. I got this.

anon student
5/18/2015, 4:59:29 AM

need a 51% in one class and a 2% in another to get an A in both classes.

I'm set.

say a prayer for me
5/18/2015, 4:26:13 AM

need a 74.76 on my final to pass the class with a 75.5. sounds do able, but nursing school is hard !!! Pray for me people !!!

5/18/2015, 2:47:57 AM

I need a -2% on my chem final to get an A, I think I'm all set :)

5/18/2015, 1:29:29 AM

WHOO need a 57% on chem final to pass with a 93 (A).

5/18/2015, 1:22:09 AM

106% on final to get an A in accelerated algebra :(

5/18/2015, 12:08:31 AM

holy shit i need a 141% to get an a in chem
im just gonna go to a corner and cry now

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