awesome calculator!!! takes a lot of stress off the final exam, knowing what I absolutely have to make in order to pass. Thank you so much!
So scared
8/1/2015, 3:53:22 PM
I need a 78 in English summer school to stay above an 80. English is so fkinhaaaaard
7/31/2015, 8:04:15 AM
Roll Tide
Dank Student
7/31/2015, 4:37:13 AM
Thanks roger for a great calculator, u da real mvp
7/30/2015, 11:34:35 PM
I needed 41% which I'm pretty sure I got, but i showed up late and I'm pretty sure they're going to automatically remove me from the class. I'm so fucking fucked :)
Timothy Jun
7/30/2015, 5:18:47 PM
I need at least a 34.4 percent To at least maintain a B in World History so awesome I love this class
mehar arooj
7/30/2015, 7:43:04 AM
i got 57 marks in maths plz tell me what i can do?
7/29/2015, 9:57:57 PM
well i need 5.97 % on my math summer school exam to get a 50 i'm scared because i totally tanked it but relieve since i know ill pass
7/29/2015, 7:14:03 AM
This website will either worry you or relieve you.
Doing fine
7/28/2015, 2:11:57 PM
At an 80 right now, and that's the minimum I want for my report card.
Summer school
7/28/2015, 1:41:07 AM
I have 49% in summer school *cries in the corner*
7/28/2015, 1:15:11 AM
I needed a 28% on my final. I worked hard all year to put myself in this position and figured I don't need to study (roger told me so as well). Anyway I got a 19% on the final but at least I still got a B.
7/27/2015, 2:51:36 PM
You Are Failing.
7/27/2015, 5:06:15 AM
I could get a 0% on my exam and still pass with a C. I feel so amazing
7/27/2015, 1:15:10 AM
All I need is a 110.5% :)
Cris Cool
7/26/2015, 3:31:16 PM
Sitting on a 93% right now. I can make a 77% and still have an A in the class.
Marcus Kaya
7/24/2015, 8:00:09 AM
i'm cool
Micah Nishimoto
7/24/2015, 7:57:56 AM
I needed a 92.5% on my finals, but instead I got distracted by CS:GO, and got a 34% on my finals. FML
7/24/2015, 4:01:33 AM
Thanks Roger for making the site. I appreciate not having to do the math. Thanks again.
7/24/2015, 3:28:51 AM
i need a 104 to get an A
7/24/2015, 2:05:51 AM
Follow me on twitter,instagram,FB fam
Struggling with calculus
7/23/2015, 6:39:21 PM
Your helper, your caring words has put me at ease and I thank you sincerely.
Your helper
7/22/2015, 9:08:46 PM
Those of you who are here,
It may have been too late. Just a tip. For your next class, the first 6 weeks tackle them religiously, then begin easing up. A lot of us do the opposite. We ease up because its just the beginning and begin cramming slowly. NO. DON'T DO IT! I made the mistake more times than I should have, but now I know what to do. First 6 weeks are sooooooooo important. Be organized. Study, study and study. Then ease up.
Alright, take care.
A friend.
7/22/2015, 8:25:25 PM
60% and want to get an 80%... i need a 260% send help
7/22/2015, 5:45:56 PM
Need a 81 to get an A for Algebra and a 60 to get at least an A-
7/22/2015, 1:22:45 AM
I love you Roger
7/22/2015, 12:22:02 AM
LOOL. I need 111% on my final to get 90% as an average. Well it was worth dreaming for. Hahahahaha
7/21/2015, 8:56:01 PM
I love this page so much
7/20/2015, 11:45:30 AM
So, in nursing school an A is no less than 92%! I currently have a 92%! The final is worth 30% of our grade and I must achieve a 92% on the final to maintain my A! much for working hard during the class so I can ease up on the final!
7/18/2015, 10:03:27 PM
I have an overall 100% how can you be that dumb
7/16/2015, 3:28:36 AM
I give up
7/15/2015, 7:27:36 PM
So i needed an 84 to get that A, but guess what... i got a 61...
7/15/2015, 3:26:07 AM
I'm fucking screwed.
7/14/2015, 5:23:50 AM
I need a 81 to get a A- on my test ?
deez nutz
7/13/2015, 4:59:03 PM
this thing is awesome but not my class
Irritated Student >__
7/13/2015, 6:55:27 AM
First things first... I love this site!
I hate my teacher.
Caramel Biddleton
7/11/2015, 8:42:12 PM
Guys, before you start giving up, let me tell you something...
I started a class with a 76, and that was the worst grade possible considering taking this class for summer (so I don't have to take it next year) and it sucked. But I tried and struggled and finally my average became an 89. With the final I got a 92...and that brought my grade to a 90! That made it a 5.0 GPA, and guys if you try, you will make it, just believe in yourself and stop complaining! You all can do one is dumber than another unless they try...
7/11/2015, 6:58:13 AM
i already took my final but i felt so good when i could get -300 and still pass that feeling is so nice
looking for a miracle
7/9/2015, 2:16:50 AM
I need 109% so I'm not gone waste my teacher time :(
Oh no m80 this isnt gr8
7/8/2015, 3:15:02 PM
Im taking my APUSH Final today i need an 84 AIWHOFUEIHBLGUEBWAUD:
7/8/2015, 2:39:49 PM
Happy about all my overall grades for 10th grade (adding the two semesters and dividing by two). I know some of you guys will have better classes and or grades, but here we go.
-Principles of Health Science (100%)
-Honors Spanish II (94%)
-AP World History (100%) (5 on the AP test)
-Honors English II (94%)
-Tech Theater (100%)
-Honors Chemistry (90%)
-Honors Geometry (91%)
Can't wait for next year!
-Medical Terminology
-Mental Health Science
-Honors Spanish III
-Algebra II
-AP Physics I
-AP English III
-AP US History
And then the year after!
-AP English IV
-AP Biology
-AP Government and Economics
-AP Chemistry
Leroy J
7/8/2015, 1:58:12 AM
alright I just need a 135.84% to pass let's do this
7/7/2015, 11:34:22 AM
I just used this because i didn't get my online exam mark and wanted to know what i got.. came in with an 83 and ended with an 81% :)
7/6/2015, 9:28:52 PM
need 62% on math to get 50% overall, this is tough.........
you guys are lucky
7/4/2015, 7:09:23 PM
at my school need to get at least 70 in math,science,language art,and history to pass to the next grade while you guys need like 50 to pass but lucky i made it and i am going to seventh grade.last why are you guys still talking about finals the school year is over it ended in may
7/1/2015, 5:36:54 PM
id prob dropout of school if i didnt have this. thanks fam
6/30/2015, 8:48:02 PM
i need a 2% on my final to have a 100% in the class. lol
6/30/2015, 1:42:48 AM
Need a 105% on my optional accounting final to get a least I can sleep in tomorrow.
Richard Rothschild
6/29/2015, 2:42:46 PM
I need a 80% on my final exam to get a 80% on my Psychology class! We'll better start studying!
nursing student
6/29/2015, 1:50:38 PM
75% to pass nutrition... Wish me luck about to test within the hour ????
Comments (Page 139)
awesome calculator!!! takes a lot of stress off the final exam, knowing what I absolutely have to make in order to pass. Thank you so much!
I need a 78 in English summer school to stay above an 80. English is so fkinhaaaaard
Roll Tide
Thanks roger for a great calculator, u da real mvp
I needed 41% which I'm pretty sure I got, but i showed up late and I'm pretty sure they're going to automatically remove me from the class. I'm so fucking fucked :)
I need at least a 34.4 percent To at least maintain a B in World History so awesome I love this class
i got 57 marks in maths plz tell me what i can do?
well i need 5.97 % on my math summer school exam to get a 50 i'm scared because i totally tanked it but relieve since i know ill pass
This website will either worry you or relieve you.
At an 80 right now, and that's the minimum I want for my report card.
I have 49% in summer school *cries in the corner*
I needed a 28% on my final. I worked hard all year to put myself in this position and figured I don't need to study (roger told me so as well). Anyway I got a 19% on the final but at least I still got a B.
You Are Failing.
I could get a 0% on my exam and still pass with a C. I feel so amazing
All I need is a 110.5% :)
Sitting on a 93% right now. I can make a 77% and still have an A in the class.
i'm cool
I needed a 92.5% on my finals, but instead I got distracted by CS:GO, and got a 34% on my finals. FML
Thanks Roger for making the site. I appreciate not having to do the math. Thanks again.
i need a 104 to get an A
Follow me on twitter,instagram,FB fam
Your helper, your caring words has put me at ease and I thank you sincerely.
Those of you who are here,
It may have been too late. Just a tip. For your next class, the first 6 weeks tackle them religiously, then begin easing up. A lot of us do the opposite. We ease up because its just the beginning and begin cramming slowly. NO. DON'T DO IT! I made the mistake more times than I should have, but now I know what to do. First 6 weeks are sooooooooo important. Be organized. Study, study and study. Then ease up.
Alright, take care.
A friend.
60% and want to get an 80%... i need a 260% send help
Need a 81 to get an A for Algebra and a 60 to get at least an A-
I love you Roger
LOOL. I need 111% on my final to get 90% as an average. Well it was worth dreaming for. Hahahahaha
I love this page so much
So, in nursing school an A is no less than 92%! I currently have a 92%! The final is worth 30% of our grade and I must achieve a 92% on the final to maintain my A! much for working hard during the class so I can ease up on the final!
I have an overall 100% how can you be that dumb
So i needed an 84 to get that A, but guess what... i got a 61...
I'm fucking screwed.
I need a 81 to get a A- on my test ?
this thing is awesome but not my class
First things first... I love this site!
I hate my teacher.
Guys, before you start giving up, let me tell you something...
I started a class with a 76, and that was the worst grade possible considering taking this class for summer (so I don't have to take it next year) and it sucked. But I tried and struggled and finally my average became an 89. With the final I got a 92...and that brought my grade to a 90! That made it a 5.0 GPA, and guys if you try, you will make it, just believe in yourself and stop complaining! You all can do one is dumber than another unless they try...
i already took my final but i felt so good when i could get -300 and still pass that feeling is so nice
I need 109% so I'm not gone waste my teacher time :(
Im taking my APUSH Final today i need an 84 AIWHOFUEIHBLGUEBWAUD:
Happy about all my overall grades for 10th grade (adding the two semesters and dividing by two). I know some of you guys will have better classes and or grades, but here we go.
-Principles of Health Science (100%)
-Honors Spanish II (94%)
-AP World History (100%) (5 on the AP test)
-Honors English II (94%)
-Tech Theater (100%)
-Honors Chemistry (90%)
-Honors Geometry (91%)
Can't wait for next year!
-Medical Terminology
-Mental Health Science
-Honors Spanish III
-Algebra II
-AP Physics I
-AP English III
-AP US History
And then the year after!
-AP English IV
-AP Biology
-AP Government and Economics
-AP Chemistry
alright I just need a 135.84% to pass let's do this
I just used this because i didn't get my online exam mark and wanted to know what i got.. came in with an 83 and ended with an 81% :)
need 62% on math to get 50% overall, this is tough.........
at my school need to get at least 70 in math,science,language art,and history to pass to the next grade while you guys need like 50 to pass but lucky i made it and i am going to seventh grade.last why are you guys still talking about finals the school year is over it ended in may
id prob dropout of school if i didnt have this. thanks fam
i need a 2% on my final to have a 100% in the class. lol
Need a 105% on my optional accounting final to get a least I can sleep in tomorrow.
I need a 80% on my final exam to get a 80% on my Psychology class! We'll better start studying!
75% to pass nutrition... Wish me luck about to test within the hour ????