
Page 139 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 139)

8/1/2015, 4:44:32 PM

awesome calculator!!! takes a lot of stress off the final exam, knowing what I absolutely have to make in order to pass. Thank you so much!

So scared
8/1/2015, 3:53:22 PM

I need a 78 in English summer school to stay above an 80. English is so fkinhaaaaard

7/31/2015, 8:04:15 AM

Roll Tide

Dank Student
7/31/2015, 4:37:13 AM

Thanks roger for a great calculator, u da real mvp

7/30/2015, 11:34:35 PM

I needed 41% which I'm pretty sure I got, but i showed up late and I'm pretty sure they're going to automatically remove me from the class. I'm so fucking fucked :)

Timothy Jun
7/30/2015, 5:18:47 PM

I need at least a 34.4 percent To at least maintain a B in World History so awesome I love this class

mehar arooj
7/30/2015, 7:43:04 AM

i got 57 marks in maths plz tell me what i can do?

7/29/2015, 9:57:57 PM

well i need 5.97 % on my math summer school exam to get a 50 i'm scared because i totally tanked it but relieve since i know ill pass

7/29/2015, 7:14:03 AM

This website will either worry you or relieve you.

Doing fine
7/28/2015, 2:11:57 PM

At an 80 right now, and that's the minimum I want for my report card.

Summer school
7/28/2015, 1:41:07 AM

I have 49% in summer school *cries in the corner*

7/28/2015, 1:15:11 AM

I needed a 28% on my final. I worked hard all year to put myself in this position and figured I don't need to study (roger told me so as well). Anyway I got a 19% on the final but at least I still got a B.

7/27/2015, 2:51:36 PM

You Are Failing.

7/27/2015, 5:06:15 AM

I could get a 0% on my exam and still pass with a C. I feel so amazing

7/27/2015, 1:15:10 AM

All I need is a 110.5% :)

Cris Cool
7/26/2015, 3:31:16 PM

Sitting on a 93% right now. I can make a 77% and still have an A in the class.

Marcus Kaya
7/24/2015, 8:00:09 AM

i'm cool

Micah Nishimoto
7/24/2015, 7:57:56 AM

I needed a 92.5% on my finals, but instead I got distracted by CS:GO, and got a 34% on my finals. FML

7/24/2015, 4:01:33 AM

Thanks Roger for making the site. I appreciate not having to do the math. Thanks again.

7/24/2015, 3:28:51 AM

i need a 104 to get an A

7/24/2015, 2:05:51 AM

Follow me on twitter,instagram,FB fam

Struggling with calculus
7/23/2015, 6:39:21 PM

Your helper, your caring words has put me at ease and I thank you sincerely.

Your helper
7/22/2015, 9:08:46 PM

Those of you who are here,

It may have been too late. Just a tip. For your next class, the first 6 weeks tackle them religiously, then begin easing up. A lot of us do the opposite. We ease up because its just the beginning and begin cramming slowly. NO. DON'T DO IT! I made the mistake more times than I should have, but now I know what to do. First 6 weeks are sooooooooo important. Be organized. Study, study and study. Then ease up.

Alright, take care.

A friend.

7/22/2015, 8:25:25 PM

60% and want to get an 80%... i need a 260% send help

7/22/2015, 5:45:56 PM

Need a 81 to get an A for Algebra and a 60 to get at least an A-

7/22/2015, 1:22:45 AM

I love you Roger

7/22/2015, 12:22:02 AM

LOOL. I need 111% on my final to get 90% as an average. Well it was worth dreaming for. Hahahahaha

7/21/2015, 8:56:01 PM

I love this page so much

7/20/2015, 11:45:30 AM

So, in nursing school an A is no less than 92%! I currently have a 92%! The final is worth 30% of our grade and I must achieve a 92% on the final to maintain my A! much for working hard during the class so I can ease up on the final!

7/18/2015, 10:03:27 PM

I have an overall 100% how can you be that dumb

7/16/2015, 3:28:36 AM



I give up
7/15/2015, 7:27:36 PM

So i needed an 84 to get that A, but guess what... i got a 61...

7/15/2015, 3:26:07 AM

I'm fucking screwed.

7/14/2015, 5:23:50 AM

I need a 81 to get a A- on my test ?

deez nutz
7/13/2015, 4:59:03 PM

this thing is awesome but not my class

Irritated Student >__
7/13/2015, 6:55:27 AM

First things first... I love this site!

I hate my teacher.

Caramel Biddleton
7/11/2015, 8:42:12 PM

Guys, before you start giving up, let me tell you something...
I started a class with a 76, and that was the worst grade possible considering taking this class for summer (so I don't have to take it next year) and it sucked. But I tried and struggled and finally my average became an 89. With the final I got a 92...and that brought my grade to a 90! That made it a 5.0 GPA, and guys if you try, you will make it, just believe in yourself and stop complaining! You all can do one is dumber than another unless they try...

7/11/2015, 6:58:13 AM

i already took my final but i felt so good when i could get -300 and still pass that feeling is so nice

looking for a miracle
7/9/2015, 2:16:50 AM

I need 109% so I'm not gone waste my teacher time :(

Oh no m80 this isnt gr8
7/8/2015, 3:15:02 PM

Im taking my APUSH Final today i need an 84 AIWHOFUEIHBLGUEBWAUD:

7/8/2015, 2:39:49 PM

Happy about all my overall grades for 10th grade (adding the two semesters and dividing by two). I know some of you guys will have better classes and or grades, but here we go.
-Principles of Health Science (100%)
-Honors Spanish II (94%)
-AP World History (100%) (5 on the AP test)
-Honors English II (94%)
-Tech Theater (100%)
-Honors Chemistry (90%)
-Honors Geometry (91%)

Can't wait for next year!

-Medical Terminology
-Mental Health Science
-Honors Spanish III
-Algebra II
-AP Physics I
-AP English III
-AP US History

And then the year after!

-AP English IV
-AP Biology
-AP Government and Economics
-AP Chemistry

Leroy J
7/8/2015, 1:58:12 AM

alright I just need a 135.84% to pass let's do this

7/7/2015, 11:34:22 AM

I just used this because i didn't get my online exam mark and wanted to know what i got.. came in with an 83 and ended with an 81% :)

7/6/2015, 9:28:52 PM

need 62% on math to get 50% overall, this is tough.........

you guys are lucky
7/4/2015, 7:09:23 PM

at my school need to get at least 70 in math,science,language art,and history to pass to the next grade while you guys need like 50 to pass but lucky i made it and i am going to seventh grade.last why are you guys still talking about finals the school year is over it ended in may

7/1/2015, 5:36:54 PM

id prob dropout of school if i didnt have this. thanks fam

6/30/2015, 8:48:02 PM

i need a 2% on my final to have a 100% in the class. lol

6/30/2015, 1:42:48 AM

Need a 105% on my optional accounting final to get a least I can sleep in tomorrow.

Richard Rothschild
6/29/2015, 2:42:46 PM

I need a 80% on my final exam to get a 80% on my Psychology class! We'll better start studying!

nursing student
6/29/2015, 1:50:38 PM

75% to pass nutrition... Wish me luck about to test within the hour ????

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