
Page 19 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 19)

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 14:23:37 GMT

My current average is 76.48 in microbiology, the professor says I need a 72 to pass, and I need a 75 total to pass..the weight of my final is 10%. The calculator says I need around 68% ?

Roger: The calculator is correct. Maybe you need more than a 75% to pass? One of your numbers must be wrong.

Jeremy Neroes
Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:03:52 GMT

I have a 57.56, the final is worth 30% a total of 300 points i could get. Think I can get a B?

Roger: No, sorry.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 07:06:00 GMT

Hey Roger,

The Final is 20% of my grade and I have one more test coming up that is 100 points. What is the lowest I could get on both to keep my A? Also, I wont be able to keep over 100% in homework. So my real grade is a little lower

Category___________Points_____Possible______ Grade
Chapter Tests _______ 363----------- -400----------------90.8% A-
Homework __________705 ------------679-------------- -- (100) 103.8% A+
In class quizzes⁄work____ 463------------459----------------- 100.9% A+
Final Exam 0 0 --
Term 95.3% A
Thank you!!!
This website is amazing! Brilliant idea to make this for us students in need :)

Roger: Thanks. Now, notice that your grade is calculated not by percentages, but by a simple point system. At the end of the semester, you will have 400+679+459 + 100 = 1638 points possible. Ninety percent of that is 1474.2. (Although you might not be able to keep over 100% in homework, this approximation will be very accurate.) You currently have 1531 points, so you need 56.8 more points to make up the difference. Anything higher than a 56.8/100 on the final will keep your A.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 03:53:05 GMT

I currently have a 80 in my class. I want a 84 and i have three more grades left. each is worth 100 points. is it possible?

Roger: How many points do you have right now?

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 01:58:24 GMT

Okay, so currently I have a 77.221 in my Chemistry class. We have a final worth 30% and the grade I make on the final replaces my lowest test score (worth 10%). What is the lowest I could score on this final and still get an 80 in the class?

Roger: This depends a little bit on what your lowest test score was, but overall it looks like you need an 85+.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:57:16 GMT

Does this work for wanting to know what grade do get only on a test to raise your grade?

Roger: yes.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:35:25 GMT

So I have a 69% in the AP US History class. The final is %20 and I have to get a 71% to get my +5 AP points. The calculator is saying I need a 69 to get a 71 but that doesn't seem right. What would I have to make?

Roger: It seems like you put in the numbers wrong. So, you have a 69%, you want a 71%, and your final is worth 20% right? You would then need a 79% final. (Put this in your own calculator: 69 x 0.8 + 79 x 0.2. You will get 71 as the answer.)

Tue, 04 Dec 2012 23:55:37 GMT

Thank you for creating this site! It has helped me exponentially this semester with my progress in all of my classes! :)

Jeffy Miles III
Tue, 04 Dec 2012 16:29:19 GMT

Yeah so i came back the next day and my grades still suck

euro help
Tue, 04 Dec 2012 05:08:15 GMT

Hey Roger,

I have a 571 points out of 644 in AP Euro. I have one more 40 point test, one 25 point debate, and a final that's worth 15% of my grade. What grade do I need on the test, debate, and final to get a 89.5%?


Tue, 04 Dec 2012 03:27:16 GMT

Love this! Thank you!

Tue, 04 Dec 2012 03:15:13 GMT

Thanks so much,I love this site :)

Jahnavi Meka
Tue, 04 Dec 2012 02:59:33 GMT

Thank you soo much for making this "machine"... i used it last year and am using it again this year... it is very useful :D

Tue, 04 Dec 2012 01:27:44 GMT

If i have a sixth test, and tests are worth 70% of the grade and i have currently a 88.17 in the class, and a final worth 15%, what scores will i need to get to raise my grade to a 88.5?

Roger: This depends heavily on what your current test average is right now.

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 21:15:28 GMT

How do I know this is reliable? I mean I trust it I guess, but how do I know that is the right equation? How did you derive that?

Roger: It’s not an equation, it’s more of a tautology or a definition. It’s defined to be true.

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:41:01 GMT

Thank you so much! This has helped me sooo much cuz now I know what subjects I need to focus on and ones that I don't even need to be bothered with so thanks! :D

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 18:03:52 GMT

Thank you! I love that it told me to not even study. haha.

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 06:20:52 GMT

Hey Roger,

My current grade in Hebrew Scriptures is 91.45%. What is the highest grade I can get on my final if it is worth 25%?


Roger: What do you think you can get on the final?

Help Please
Mon, 03 Dec 2012 04:00:28 GMT

Hi Roger so I have a 73.95 in algebra 2 trig and I want to get a 80. We are going to have one more quiz which is worth 3 percent. And the finals are worth 20 percent any way i can get it up to a B? Thanks.

Roger: no.

Olivia F
Mon, 03 Dec 2012 00:39:47 GMT

I love that it told me I was screwed! lol. Maybe if I didn't have 4 kids i would of been able to achieve that 90%!! But according to you I would need a 104% on my final! Oh well. At least I know now not to get my hopes up! Thanks!

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 00:04:19 GMT

i have a 73 in a class and 40% of work left and i want an A is that possible ?

Roger: no.

Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:45:23 GMT

hey man i have a lab that is wroth 25% of my final grade. I'm not doing good in the lab at all, and it's based on a point system. If we get 80% or above on a weekly assessment, we get the full 60 points, but if you get less than that then you get what you earned minus a deduction. Basically, if I recieved a 0 in my lab (which i know i wont) and had a 100 in my lectire, then the highest grade I could make is a 75? So I'm wondering, if I make higher than a zero in my lab, but less than a 100 in lecture do I still have a chance of at least getting a 70% in the class? I think my lecture grade will end up being between 70-80% or higher. And currently I think I have between 40-50% in lab.

i know this sounds very ridiculous..but im graduating in two weeks and I'm terrified this is going to be a deciding factor.

Roger: To get a 75 with your current lab grade, you want approximately an 85% on your lecture grade. Can you make it there?

Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:23:25 GMT

Hey man, just want to say thanks for creating this awesome site, I literally use it about 1,000 times when finals roll around :)

Sun, 02 Dec 2012 16:46:36 GMT

i have an 89 in my biology and i want to pull it up to a 90... i have 1 more 100 point quiz and a 100 point notebook check coming up and then my exam worth 25% of my grade, is it possible? (oh and i recently took a test and i haven't gotten my grade back but i think i did poorly)

Roger: Yes, it is. I would check if your teacher rounds a 89.5 first, although it is possible either way.

Sat, 01 Dec 2012 07:35:49 GMT

I just wanted to say that this Final calculator took a load off my mind. I have to fail in order to fail the class, which won't happen. I want to thank you, and I am curious why you decided to create this magical machine? haha. thanks again!

Roger: You’re welcome. It took no time at all. And congratulations on your class.

Fri, 30 Nov 2012 05:01:09 GMT

I have an 89.6 in math and I need to have a 75 to pass the class, if I have two finals that are worth 30% of the grade in total, than is it a safe bet I"ll pass? How many do I need to get right on my tests to pass the class?

Roger: Treat them as one final, and use the calculator.

Fri, 30 Nov 2012 00:48:36 GMT

I have a 67% and the final is worth 15%

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 19:33:19 GMT

Hey! Thank you so much for this calculator!! I use it every time for finals since I've been in High School!! It really helps relieve post-test anxiety and helps me set my goals!! I study depending on the score I need to get, so this helps a lot! Thanks Roger!!!

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 04:12:49 GMT

i have a 70.2 in my english class

there is about 50% or less still left in the semester.
can i get a B in the class?

Roger: Yes. Average a 90+ on the rest of your assignments to get a B.

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 03:51:23 GMT

hey roger! thanks for the gr8 tool! just had first high school final (aeee!) and they went pretty well. Thanks to your site i was able to set goals for myself and accomplish them!

mz. a
Thu, 29 Nov 2012 01:07:53 GMT

Hello,roger I have a 59% in my math class I need a 76% to pass I have one more test that's worth 20points and a final that's worth 100 what do I need to get on my final to have that 76% my school is crazy they don't add up homework or extra work in your average unless all your test add up. To a 76% or higher. Thanks

Roger: I don’t think you can get a 76% with a current 59%.

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 00:10:51 GMT

Okay I've got a 70 on my test average that is 60% of my grade and a 86.8 on my daily grades that is 10% of my grade. That makes my over all average a 72.4 somehow? I can't figure out how the teacher got that average from that information. What formula did she use? Can you break this down for me and explain it?

Roger: So, right now you only have 2 parts of your grade, one worth 60% and another worth 10%. Notice how it doesn’t add up to 100% yet. To get your average, you multiply each part’s weight by it’s grade. 70% * 60% + 86.8% * 10% = 50.68%. However, that only counts for (60% + 10%) = 70% of your grade, and 50.68% / 70% = 72.4%.

Best Grade Calculator
Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:46:31 GMT

this is the best grade calculator out their

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:44:57 GMT

I just wanted to thank you for this great tool I use it at the end of every trimester. thank you

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 09:22:17 GMT

Hi. My Parents are EXTREMELY STRICT and want me to have a 4.0gpa. I have that now but I have a question for you.
If I have a 94.4 % in a class, & I get a 68% on a test what will be my grade. Oh, & tests are worth 40% of my grade. Please E-mail me the answer!!! Thank Youuuuu!!!!!

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:23:47 GMT

Hey, Roger! I just wanted to thank you for appeasing my horrible neuroticism. I've been freaking out about my oral final in Spanish, when apparently I only need to get a 50%. Thanks!

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 04:23:38 GMT

My AP Comp teacher gave me 0%s for 4 homework assignments I missed because I had to wait a week to transfer to her class. She refused to let me make the assignments up and I started the semester with an F. Now I've been able to average up to an 85% average but I'd really have a 95% now without those 0%s. This will affect my GPA. Anyone else had this kind of problem? My mom complained but no one in the school administration did anything.

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 22:24:10 GMT

Hey, Roger can you tell me what my total GPA is? Honors and AP classes are out of 5 points and regular are out of 4.
Honors Chemistry= A
Health = A
Spanish 3 = A
Honors English II= B
Driver's Ed = A
Honors Algebra II & Trig = B
AP European History = C

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:20:35 GMT

Hi Roger! :) Here are my two questions:
I have a 92% in adv math right now. Here is the grade distribution.
10% HW/CW 100%
25% Quizzes 91.25%
50% Tests 90.8%
15% Final ?
We have one test left, and either one or two quizzes left. What is the minimum I need on the test and quiz(zes) to maintain my A going into the final?

I have a 92% in honors chem right now. Here is the grade distribution.
8% HW 98.125%
15% Labs 76.37%
7% Quizzes 90%
60% Tests 94.5%
10% Final ?
We have two tests, two labs, and two quizzes left before the final. What is the minimum I need on these to maintain my A going into the final?

Thank you!

Thu, 22 Nov 2012 22:06:29 GMT

Hi, this blog is awesome! You helped me relieve some post-test anxiety!

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 22:12:59 GMT

I am taking college algebra. I currenty have a 63. She drops our worst test grade in the class which puts me to 558.94 out of a total of 835 points. Which is a 66% We still have one test left and 2-3 quizzes left. I The final is 20% Homework is 5% Quizzes are 15% and tests are 60%. I need a 70 or higher in this class. What do i need get on the tests, and final to get a 70?

Roger: You actually have a 66.9%, which is significantly better than a plain 66%. Aim for higher than 80% on each.

Angie Girl
Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:25:27 GMT

I need to know what total grade I have right now in my mathclass , and what grade I need on the final exam to get a passing grade of a 60 = d. I will gladly take a 60 just to pass and get on with my life. My quiz grades are 80 (worth 10% of my grade), Homework grade is 94.5 (worth 15% of my grade), and exams are 40.5 (worth 50% of my grade), and the final exam that I haven't taken yet is worth 25% of my grade). Let me know what total grade that I have now, and what grade I need to get on the final exam to get a 60= d on the final. Thanks, Angie Girl.

Roger: To calculate what total grade you have right now, you take the sum of the products of the grades and their weights: (80% * 10%) + (94.5% * 15%) + (40.5% * 50%) = 42.43%, but that only accounts for 75% of all your grade, because 10 + 15 + 50 is 75. So, you currently have a 42.43/75 = 56.57%. Try it yourself.

Brian S
Wed, 21 Nov 2012 05:24:40 GMT

My current grade is 92% I still haven't been given my grades for my forum questions which I should get 100% and that counts for 20% of my total grade. With those assumptions my final is weighted 25% what do I need to score to get a 90% overall?

Roger: You have a 94.13%. You need 77.61% on the final.

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 01:02:25 GMT

Hey Roger,
Right now in my French class I have an 86%. I have 5 tests (worth 20%) and 3 essays (worth 10%). How well must I do on those to a 90% in the class? Thanks!(:

Roger: I think you’re mistaken about your grade breakdown, but from what you literally said, you need a 99.3% weighted between the 8 assignments you mentioned.

Tue, 20 Nov 2012 11:14:07 GMT

To earn a passing grade of 3.0 in a course, I must have a final average of at least 50%. On the four examinations already given, I have scores of 40%; 48%; 52%; & 44%. If the final examination counts as two examinations, what must I get on the final exam to earn a passing grade of 3.0 in the course?

Roger: 58%.

Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:47:15 GMT

Hi I've heard this site is of great help so my question is or what I need help with is to know how much I need for a passing grade of 60% or 65% in my class so far I have gotten a 52% on an assignment worth 15% and a 65% on a test worth 25%. The next is an essay worth 35% and a final exam worth 25% these last two I have not yet earned grades for and I’m not sure what my score is currently just with these two the 52 and 65 can you help me??

Its pretty much that type of class in which everyone is doing bad and I've heard alot of kids complain I have even felt tempted to dropout but I'm still trying to hang in there, do you think there is potential or a chance for me to get these grades up?

Roger: You have a 60.13% currently. How high are you aiming? You can potentially end up with a B-, depending on how well you do next.

Varty Yahjian
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 01:52:43 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a rough 82% in my Alg. 2 class. I have one test coming up, and then the final. What do I need to get on both in order to maintain an average of at least 80%?

Her grades go like this:

Homework/classwork (20%),
Exams: tests/quizzes/projects (70%),
Participation: attendance without tardy/explaining solution in class (10%).

I'm getting 80% for both homework and participation, and my exam average is at a 79%

Thanks so much!

Roger: If you have 2 80’s and a 79, you can’t have an 82% overall in the class. Also, it depends on how many tests you’ve already taken. If you get 70+ on each then you should be fine.

Emna Densne
Mon, 19 Nov 2012 22:18:30 GMT



Mon, 19 Nov 2012 20:31:53 GMT

So far I have taken a review test and gotten a 66/100, which is 3% of my grade. We take weekly quizzes which are 14% of our grade and I received a 66/70. Each test is worth 17% each, and i have scored a 85/100 on the first 2 tests. What do I need on the next test and the final, which is 32% of the grade, to get an A in the class? (A is anything from 93-100)

Roger: That is a fascinating distribution. Right now you have a 86.43% (44.08/51.00), so you will need to average a 99.8% on the next test and the final (weighted) to get a 93. Perhaps you should aim for a 90 instead?

Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:55:04 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have scored 83% for a case analysis worth 15% of my grade and 83% for an essay worth 50% of my grade. I have a final exam worth 35% and would like to score 85% overall for the course. What do I need?

I'm sorry I can't use the calculator, my browser obviously needs an update.

Roger: Hi there. You’re using the latest version of Chrome on WOW64 Windows 7. You can use the calculator. Just put in the numbers!