
Page 20 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 20)

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 17:51:51 GMT

Ok, so I was needing to know if that my final is worth 10% of my grade, what would I need to get. My certifications are worth 20% while my tests are worth 50%, in which I made all 70's. I was needing to know what I would need to get on my final to maintain at least a 70. Thanks for any help

Roger: If you already got a 70% on everything, you need a 70% final to keep that 70%. Does that make sense?

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:36:48 GMT

i hate you all

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:23:05 GMT

im trying to get a good grade and it keeps on saying im screwed so yeah just got to work harder i guess

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 09:39:12 GMT

For those of you that are asking questions about your grades in the comments, the answer/s is right at the top of the page.

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 09:33:45 GMT

I inputted my grades and the grade on my final that I need to get a B is different on your calculator vs the one on

I inputted my current average is an 85%. My final is worth 15% of my grade. I want to at least get an 80% in the course.

On the other website it says I need at least a 54% on my final to get a B.
On your website it says I need 51.67%.

Is there a reason the grades are different? I got the 85% grade average after inputting all my individual scores on the other website.

Thank you

Roger: You should double check that the individual grades you put in actually sum up to a 85%. If you try [85%, 85%] on the other calculator, you get the answer 52%, which is just 51.67% rounded up. Otherwise, the results should be the same.

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 06:39:40 GMT

I currently have a 77% overall in my math class. In order to pass the class i have to have at least a 70%. I have a final exam coming up that is worth 10% of my grade and it is out of 100 points. What is the lowest grade i could get on imy final exam and still get at least a 70% overall in the class?

Roger: You can use the calculator for this. Put in 77 in the first box, 70 in the second, and 10 in the third. There’s a button below the boxes that says Determine. When you press it, you’ll see that you need a 7% (or a 7/100) to get a 70% overall.

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 04:08:09 GMT

To earn an A in a course, you must have a final average score of at least 90 On the first four examinations you have grades of 86, 78, 95, and 89. If the final exam counts as two examinations (that is, is worth 200 points), what must you get on the final to get an A in the course?

and how would i write it in an inequality

Roger: You would write (1/6)(86+78+95+89+2*x) > 90, so you would need a 96.

AP Euro
Mon, 10 Dec 2012 03:41:04 GMT

A 75% to keep my A in AP Euro? I'll take it!

By the way, Roger, you are actually amazing. You will go far in life for this haha

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 03:33:53 GMT

i have to get a C in my prob and stats class at moraine i have a 64.5, but before the last test i had a 71 she will drop my lowest test score which was a 36 percent what do i have to get on my final to bring it back up to a C?

oh and my last test score was a 36 percent and the final is 15 percent of my grade

Roger: If your last test score will be dropped and your grade before that was a 71, putting in {71, 70, 15} for the calculator inputs will get you the answer. (64.33%)

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 02:32:24 GMT

Thank you sooo much! It's very helpful!

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 01:23:11 GMT

92% to get a B... accept my faith or try and beat the freaking impossible odds of an AP Physics Final Exam...

Roger: Good luck!

Sun, 09 Dec 2012 23:41:44 GMT

Thanks for this. It's really helpful!

Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:32:40 GMT

Hey, so I have an 87.87% right not going into my exam, which is worth 30% of my final mark. The problem is that I need at least a 60% to pass the course, not the usual 50%. What do I need to get on my exam to pass with a 60%? My goal is to get an 80%, so what do I need to get on my exam to pass with an 80%? Thanks!

Roger: You can use the calculator for this. Are you saying that your final is worth 70% of your grade?

Sun, 09 Dec 2012 10:47:16 GMT

I need a 206% for my final to get an A? no problem

Sun, 09 Dec 2012 06:23:41 GMT

Hi Roger.

I currently have a 70% in the class. I need a 73% over all. My homeworks are work 30% and exams worth 70% of my final grade. I have two exams left to take. What do I need to get on them to pass with a 73%? THANKS!

Roger: That depends on how many exams you have already taken and what your homework grade is or what your current test grade is.

Sun, 09 Dec 2012 01:00:19 GMT

I am taking a class that has 7-100pt exams, a 100pt final, and 1588pts in quizzes. He drops your lowest exam grade excluding the final. My current exam scores are 63,63 71,66,95,and 76. I have one exam and the final left. My quiz score is currently 909/1478. How many more quiz points do I need and what do I need to get on my next two tests to get a C---and is it possible to get a B at this point? C=1487-1716pts B=1830-1983pts.
Thank You!!

Roger: Well, if you need 1487 points to get a C, you need 1487-371-909 = 207 more points. This covers 200 points from the final and 110 more points in the quiz category. (Note, you said a C is at least 1487 points, which is actually only 62% out of a total 2388 points.) So you need at least 207/330 = 62.72% on those two things. To get a B (1830), you need 1830-371-909 = 550 more points, which is impossible.

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 20:38:11 GMT

I only need a 28% on my Indian Civilization final, good to know. Thanks Roger, you're awesome :D

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 19:50:21 GMT

Hi Roger this really helped me a lot. I am so glad you posted this because it allowed me to find out how much i need to study! YOU ROCK. thanks so much

Collin Robison
Sat, 08 Dec 2012 19:30:34 GMT

Hey Roger,
Thanks for creating this site. I dont know if you can help me with this or not, but my question is as follows:
Right now, I have a 60.3 % in the class with the tests and all labs. I need a 69.5%. The tricky part that I cannot figure out is the fact that the lowest of four test score's is dropped if you do better than your lowest test score on the final. My test scores are 50%,52%58%, and 66.5%. The final is worth 15% of your grade, plus replacing the lowest exam score. Can you help me out?

Roger: Hi there. I need the following information: How much of that 60.3% is test and how much is other stuff (labs)? Let’s say that your grade is 60% tests, 25% labs, and 15% final. That means you have a 69.2 Lab average and a 56.6 Test average, so you would need a 85.75% on the final to get a 69.5% overall. (See this calculation.)

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 15:56:35 GMT

Sorry wrong . Should be:
(X+70+72)/3 *.80 + X *.2 > 70

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 15:53:12 GMT


Here is the formular :
(X+70+72)*.80 + X *.2 > 70

And figure out X , is the score you need at least to get 70 in your overall . Am I right Roger?

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 07:51:47 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a 68% in my SL Math class, and the final exam is worth 20% of our grade. But the exam also replaces our lowest test grade. In my three tests i have had a 62, 70, and 72. What do i need to get to achieve a 70% overall? Can you please help me out

Roger: How much are your tests worth as part of your whole grade? If you assume that they are worth the full 80%, you will need a 68.86 as shown above. If they are worth less than 80%, you will need more than that.

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 04:09:49 GMT

Hello there, so my current grade is a 79.27 in my math class and I need a 70% to keep the class. Our final is worth 1/5 of our grade and my current grade doesn't yet reflect 42/45 homework score or another 90% on another assignment. So what would i need to score on my final in order to just keep my current grade or pass??
Thanks! :)

Roger: Depending on the weight of the 42/45 and the 90% assignment, somewhere between 0% to 30% (pass). To keep your current grade, you simply need to score at or higher than your current grade.

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:46:49 GMT

Hey my mark is a 44% worth 35% of my total mark and I got 80% worth 20% worth of my total mark what is my current mark at?

Roger: (44%*35% + 80%*20%)/(35% + 20%) = 57.09%.

Chris Smith
Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:41:08 GMT

So we can also replace our lowest test score with what our final comes out to be. How would one calculate this?

Roger: You would need more information, including the number of tests you’ve taken, the weight of the test category, the lowest test score, in addition to the information already needed for the calculator.

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 23:37:45 GMT

not sure if this works for me. our marks are put together so i have a 70, and the final exam is worth 30 percent, does the formula still apply?

Roger: You have a 70/70? Or a 49/70 = 70%?

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 22:11:28 GMT

I had two tests during the year, both worth 30% . I got 70% on the first test and I did not write the second test. My final exam is worth 40% . What do I need to get on the final exam to get a 70% in the course?

Roger: Does your second test count for your grade if you didn’t take it? If so, you need a 122.5%. If not, you need a 70% (because you got a 70% on the previous test and want a 70% overall).

Lindsay McCulloch
Fri, 07 Dec 2012 21:05:04 GMT

I have a 75.7% overall grade in one of my classes, and I need 70% overall to pass the course... What is the percentage I will need to get in order to pass the class?

Roger: How much is your final worth?

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 18:13:50 GMT

I have a 52.2 in my Bio lecture class and I have a Bio Lab also that I think I have an 89. The Bio lab grade is worth 25% of my total grade and the Bio lecture is worth 75%. What is my grade?

Roger: 52.2%*0.75 + 89%*0.25 = 61.4%.

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 13:02:43 GMT

I have a 68% in my SL Math class, and the final exam is worth 20% of our grade. But the exam also replaces our lowest test grade. In my three tests i have had a 62, 70, and 72. What do i need to get to achieve a 70% overall?

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 06:26:49 GMT

this is so cool thx

Matt Dean
Fri, 07 Dec 2012 03:14:41 GMT

This calculator is great! Now i know what it takes to get from a 61% to 80% in religion! Even though my teacher is terrible.....

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 02:55:55 GMT

Hey, man! I love the little things you say after you give the grade. Makes me laugh! Thanks for this website, real cool!

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 01:52:09 GMT

Each discussion brief is worth 2.5% of our grade which in total equals 15% after they have all been turned in.

Roger: Oh, well that’s unfortunate. You need a 91% average now.

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 01:38:24 GMT

we have 1 test next week, and the last quiz is tomorrow

Roger: Specifically, how many tests and quiz have you had and/or are going to have in total? (All previous and future.)

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 01:30:54 GMT

I am taking college algebra. I currently have a 61. She drops our worst test grade in the class which is a 39% . We still have one test left and 2-3 quizzes left. I The final is 20% Homework is 5% Quizzes are 15% and tests are 60%. I need a 70 or higher in this class. What do i need get on the tests, and final to get a 70?

Roger: How many tests and quizzes in total?

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 23:41:33 GMT

I have a 61% in my class, I need a 70% to pass. I have two discussion briefs left to do worth 15% each and a final worth 25% is this possible?

Roger: Certainly. You’re saying that you have 55% of the course grade left to turn in. If you a 77% (weighted) average on those next three assignments, you can get a 70% to pass.

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 23:02:59 GMT

I have this site saved in my favorites and send friends the link during finals haha I love it- it relieves a lot of stress at the end of the quarters.

Jeremy Neroes
Thu, 06 Dec 2012 22:27:41 GMT

I currently have a 61.75. The final exam is 30% of my grade and exam is 300 points. NOT EXTRA CREDIT.

Roger: So, you have one more 300 point test and the final exam. I need to know if your grade is based on weighted categories, on a point system, or on some other method. I also need to know what grade(s) you have already gotten in these categories, or in the case of a point system, how many points have been assigned cumulatively so far. Still, I don’t think you can get from a 61.75 to a 80 with just a test and a final.

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 20:45:15 GMT

You are kind of an ass.. "Haha, good luck. I really don't think you have much of a chance though." That's unnecessary.

Roger: Good point. I’ll change that.

Jeremy Neroes
Thu, 06 Dec 2012 06:53:03 GMT

So your telling me that if my final is worth 30% and i have a chance to get 300 points there is no possible way to get a be, if i score 150+ points.

Roger: Do you mean that the extra 200 points are extra credit? The amount of points on your final is irrelevant.

BorderLand Betty
Thu, 06 Dec 2012 05:53:49 GMT

You've given me some hope for passing. Thank you ser!

Savannah Miller
Thu, 06 Dec 2012 03:48:00 GMT

I love you!

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 02:43:58 GMT

Hi Roger, i have a 67.7 in my AP calculus class right now. Tests are worth 65% of my grade and my test average is a 64.4. I only have one more test and then the final, which is worth 20% of my grade. I was wondering how well i need to do on my next test and final to get a 70% in the class.

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 01:31:14 GMT

Okay, I've thought about it. so the way the class works is out of 1000 total points. Each test is worth 100 and the final is worth 300. At present I have a 540.55 out of 700 points. Should I just subtract my lowest test grade from my total points and 100 from the possible points and say that my exam is worth 400 points? It's graded on a 100 point scale and multiplied by 3 to get the total out of 300 for the exam. So that would mean I have a 499.38 out of 600 with 400 points left. That's an 83.23% score with 40% of my grade depending on my final, so according to your calculator I need to make a 75.15% on my final. I am pretty sure this is correct, but I just want to make sure my logic isn't flawed.

BTW I am a Software Engineering major and love programming as well but forgot most of what I learned in high school (C++ in CompSci1 and Java in CompSci2) and don't take my first comp sci class until next semester.

Roger: Yep. See my reply to your comment below. Glad we got the same answer!

Thu, 06 Dec 2012 01:20:45 GMT

"Okay, so currently I have a 77.221 in my Chemistry class. We have a final worth 30% and the grade I make on the final replaces my lowest test score (worth 10%). What is the lowest I could score on this final and still get an 80 in the class?

Roger: This depends a little bit on what your lowest test score was, but overall it looks like you need an 85+."

Oh, whoops I knew that. My lowest test score is a 41.17%(my other tests are all mid 70s to high 80s which is what I expect to make on the exam). So since my lowest is so much lower than my others, it seems like I could make less than an 85 to make an 80.

Roger: You’re right. Your lowest test score is much lower than I expected. Please see this calculation. You would need a 75.16% to maintain an 80%.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 23:40:35 GMT

Hi, so I don't know what grade I'm going to have in math, but it may be a C (70-79.9%). My final is worth 15% of my grade, but I don't know what grade I'm going to have after my teacher puts in my last test (I did bad). So can you tell me between what percentages I would need to score to at least have a B (80-89.9%)?

Roger: Hi. Getting to a B with a paltry 15% final is very difficult. Let’s say you have a pretty high C (like a 78%) after your bad test is put in. You would need a 91.33% to get an 80% overall. If you have anything less than a 78%, it will be virtually impossible.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 20:48:08 GMT

so if test are worth 70 percent of my grade, and we have taken 3 tests, so my average in tests is a 86.88and we have 2 more test grades, my final grade right now is an 87.02. We also have a final worth 15%, what do i need to get on my next two test and finals to get an 89.5 in the class?

Roger: Hi Ioey. Your test average is pretty high already. To give you an example, if you got a 93.43% average on your next 2 test grades, you would have your 89.5% in the class. Thereafter, if you got more than a 89.5% on your final, you would keep that A-. If you got 92.5% on your 2 tests and a 92.5% on your final, you would also reach the 89.5% for an A-. There are multiple variables here, but overall, you will need a solid A on all three exams to get an 89.5%.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 19:42:38 GMT

I have a 73.85 in my math class? What would be the bare minimal final grade I need to at least keep a 70%. It is worth 10 percent of my grade

Roger: Please use the calculator.

Wed, 05 Dec 2012 17:00:50 GMT

Thanks for this site, has massively reduced my panic. I currently have a 63.5 in Italian need a 60 to pass and the final is worth 20% according to this i only need a 46 on my final to pass the class woohoo!

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