
Page 21 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 21)

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 22:45:31 GMT

I have a 72.88% in my class in college :(.
The final is 25% of my grade.
It says I can get a 37.55% to still get a 64% in the class.

Is this accurate? If so explain...


Roger: It is accurate. Going to a 64% means dropping almost a whole letter grade. To do that, you would need to get a pretty crappy score on the Final (like a 37.55%). For a quantitative explanation, type 0.75*0.7288 + 0.25*0.3755 into a calculator. You will get 0.64.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 22:37:12 GMT

Ok so I have a 567.00 out of 805 I have a 70 over all weighted score Im trying to figure out what my grade would be if he drops the lowest test score can you help me.. we took 5 test droppimg lowest grade which is 400 points my 2 labs were 200 points together and the final was worth 200 points

Roger: Can you provide your 5 test grades and 2 lab grades?

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 22:26:39 GMT

I'll even help you make an app for this. This site has been my friend since high school!

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 22:14:43 GMT

Does this formula take into account weighted grades?

Roger: What do you mean?

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:36:19 GMT

i'm screwed for history

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:34:28 GMT

Great website! I agree with one of the other commenters, you should make this into an app. I only have to make low C's, D's, and a F on my exams to get a good semester average, whoop-whoop!

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:15:30 GMT

i have an 83.89% in my spanish class, and my final is worth 14% of my grade. I just want to get a B (80) in the class. do i really only need about a 55% on the final to get a B in the class?

Roger: Yep, that’s right.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:03:42 GMT

"You're pretty much screwed. Good luck to you." This website made me laugh while receiving very shitty news. I'm definitely coming back here lol.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:47:13 GMT

I got a 74 in my IBA class and are finals are 20% i at lest got to get 64 to make a 70 or something to pass ugh i hate bad grades im so screwed on IBA

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:43:28 GMT

You should put ads on this thing. you'd make lots of money.

Roger: I do have ads on this page. They help cover the server costs to keep the site running.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:36:35 GMT

Is this accurate

Roger: Yes, as long as you use it correctly.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:13:38 GMT

I missed my exam today worht 20% of my grade. I currently have an 83 in the class. Is there any way i can still pass?

Roger: What do you need to pass? Right now you have a 0.80*0.83 = 66.4%.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 18:29:53 GMT

This was VERY helpful :) I made the grade I wanted :)

Roger: That’s good to hear. Congrats.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 18:15:10 GMT

I am trying to make a 90 in my class. The final grade is averaged with our previous tests (78 and 96) and constitutes as 35% of the overall grade. I currently am averaging 88.93%. What do I need to make on my final exam?

Roger: Does it count as 1 test or 2 tests? Your current non-Test average is a (0.8893-(0.35*(0.78+0.96)/2))/0.65 = 89.9692%. If it counts as 1 test, you need a 96.17% to get the A. If it counts as 2 tests, you need a 93.11% to get the A (which is pretty much the same thing). That might seem illogical until you realize that your current test average is an 87% and that you need a test average of (Using the calculator [89.9692, 90, 35) 90.06% to get the A, which means bringing it up a whole 3 percent with just one Final. Good luck.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 18:01:19 GMT

soooo i need a 80.9% on my math 098 final, EASY! i hope or i'm fuuuuuuucked majorly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need this class passed so i can get my credits. i have a 79.5 and my finals 20% of my grade, i got lazy on my homework i admit it, but that's cause i just got a job so i don't get much time to do it. my finals in like...3 hours so lets hope my last minute cram is going to help. but i love this thing so much. oh well, im the one taking like........ 12 hours of classes next semester and one of them is psychology, FUN.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 17:01:17 GMT

This thing is a bastard!!!!! helpful but still a bastard ass asshole.. a rude motherfucker. lol

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 15:06:30 GMT

Oh dear god to keep my 90 in freaking honors chemistry, I need I have at least a 90 or higher which would bring it up like .2 points. I am completely and utterly fucked. I'll probably make like a ten on it because if we complete our one hundred questions for the study guide we get ten extra points. I know slim to nothing when it comes to freaking chemistry. Fuck me. :(

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 04:54:19 GMT

need a 95% on matrice algebra final to keep perfect GPA ...completely fucked. goodbye scholarships

Roger: I feel you man. I have my Linear Algebra final tomorrow.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 04:45:28 GMT

By exam category, I meant test category...sorry for the slip-up!

Roger: No worries. I still need to know how many points are in your test category already, and what your current Test average is.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 04:44:09 GMT

Hi Roger,

Thanks so much for creating this website, you're awesome.

Anyways, I have a 78.7 in my Alg. II class and would like to make an 80% at the end of the semester. My final exam is worth 40 points(roughly 2 tests), and goes into the test category. Exams make 70% of our grade, along with 20% of homework and 10% of participation.

What should I get on the final in order to make at least an 80% in the class?


Roger: I also need to know how many tests you’ve taken already (or alternatively, how many points are in the test category already), and your current Test average.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:39:20 GMT

How accurate is this? Feedback anyone.

None the less, great website!

Roger: Answers round to 2 decimal places. Thanks for asking!

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:38:55 GMT

i hate ap calc fml so hard

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:38:19 GMT

So I'm so screwed for my physics final. But it's kinda helpful at the same time, I know I need to score well on the test

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:32:15 GMT

97 to keep an b- in my honors physics class? ermagerd shoot me. gotta go hard in that studying.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:07:37 GMT

I am so fucked it's unbelievable. Thanks for fucking me in the ass, Roger.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 02:46:55 GMT

I am currently making a 88 in my psychology class. My final is worth 20%. What do I need to make on final to at least make a 75?

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 02:20:57 GMT

this website is literally my life.. I think you should make an app hehe :)

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 01:41:22 GMT

This is so great. Thank you, Roger! I only need D's and C's for my finals this year! Whoot!

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 01:11:35 GMT

WOW thank you so much

My name
Wed, 12 Dec 2012 00:32:16 GMT

Ok. Yea idk my bio teacher just emailed us with that after the exam so I guess I'll email him, maybe he made a mistake. Thank you. :)

My name
Wed, 12 Dec 2012 00:19:58 GMT

Well if the average score on an exam is 43.7 and the standard deviation is 14.6 with a range of 13-93, what woul I need to get an A?

Roger: It depends on the curve. Let’s say that the top 25% make an A. That would correspond to a z-score of +0.674, or in this case, an exam score of 53.55%. Or, if the top 15% make an A, that would correspond to a z-score of +1.036 or an exam score of 58.83%. That is a rather small standard deviation for such a large range, by the way.

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 23:16:14 GMT

I am trying to model this site in an android app I am developing. I have just started learning android development and thought this would be a cool and useful tool to build. I'm have trouble getting the correct answers to come out and I'm not sure if my equation is quite right.
Is this correct?
Score needed on exam = (minGradeYouWant - ((1 - FinalIsWorth) * CurrentGradeInClass )) / FinalIsWorth
Thanks for the help!

Roger: Yes, that is correct. Good luck!

My name
Tue, 11 Dec 2012 23:13:48 GMT

,Do you know how to calculate a grade if given the average score and standard deviation?

Roger: Yes. What do you want to know?

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 22:55:08 GMT

I need a 97.37 to pull my 88.7 to a 90%. Fantastic.

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 22:37:33 GMT

Haha "screw studying, you'll do just fine". That's what I'm talking about! I've always wanted someone to validate my current study habits.

Danny Eide
Tue, 11 Dec 2012 22:34:40 GMT

I love this site. Almost as much as my sister Gina!!!! Shes hot <3

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 21:56:25 GMT

Yay! I only need a 56% to get an A in Spanish! No studying for me! Well...maybe a little...

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 20:26:31 GMT

LOVE THIS WEBSITE! I BOOKMARKED for future use! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH :) you made my day!

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 17:20:34 GMT

I need at least a 98% on final to pass biochemistry... FML

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 17:19:52 GMT

93.36 on the Honor's Chem final...

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 11:17:53 GMT

Doesn't it take up a lot of your time to answer everybody's comment? It seems like it would get annoying haha btw i laughed so hard at the mulan thing on your tumblr

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 03:13:42 GMT

duuuuuuueeeeeeeee this is dope, thanxxxxxxxxx XOXOX

<3 music is lyfe

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 02:38:33 GMT

94% to pass College Algebra... Please kill me.

Kylie.. Again
Tue, 11 Dec 2012 00:33:02 GMT

Hey Roger,

So I will not be able to keep over a 100% in the class, and my final is 20% of my grade.
What is my grade right now without the over 100%?

Chapter Tests______442 _____500______88.4% B+
Homework________740______714_____103.6% A+
In class quizzes⁄work__534 _____529_____100.9% A+
Final Exam 0 0 --
Term 93.8% A

If you tell my what my actual grade is with the 103% and the 100.9% just being a 100% then i can figure out what i need on my final. Thank you!!!

This class obviously isnt math :/

Roger: Well, if you assume that your homework will be a 100% and your quizzes/work will be 100% (since they are lower than 103.6 and 100.9), your current grade would be 442+714+529 / 500+714+529 = 96.67%.

Tue, 11 Dec 2012 00:22:25 GMT

A 92.4 to pass. My life is pretty much over now. Algebra 2 is not my strong suit.

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:51:30 GMT

I really like this and the helpful advice it gives. I can fail all but 2 of my finals YAY! :) hahaha

P.s. meow

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:31:07 GMT

My current average is a 77.2 finals are worth 20% of our final grade what would be my final grade for the course?

Roger: Well, what did you get (or what are you going to get) on the Final? The answer could be anywhere from a 61.76 (if you got a 0) to a 81.76 (if you got a full score).

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:20:57 GMT

Ok, I have a 87.5 in in high school Adv. Chemistry. I want at least a 91.2% percent in the class after the final. My final is worth 15% of my grade, can I somehow get an A?

Roger: You need a 91.2% to get an A? Wow, tough luck. Your final would need to be worth 70.4% of your grade, given that you got a 100% score, to get you up there.

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:01:54 GMT

Will this let me pass Chemistry?

Mon, 10 Dec 2012 19:02:36 GMT

Its worthy of note that the first box is your current grade out of 100%. If you professor/teacher doesn't currently have it scaled like this as mine did. Simply take your current grade/current weight = x/100. cross multiply and divide.
71 x
------- = --------
75 100

Roger: Thanks. That’s a good thing to know.

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