
Page 22 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 22)

Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:31:47 GMT

Have you considered making apps for iPhones or Androids? You could really develop some useful stuff! I promise I would download them :P

Sat, 15 Dec 2012 06:41:52 GMT

So I have a 79% going into the exam and it is worth 30% of my final mark, I need at least a 68% to transfer my course, what do I need to get on the final?

Roger: Try putting those numbers into the calculator. I’d say around a ~50%.

Sat, 15 Dec 2012 04:06:56 GMT

Roger will you marry me?

Sat, 15 Dec 2012 02:53:46 GMT

Ok I have a 96% in my human A&P class now. There are a total of 1000 points possible after the final, I have 860 points now. I'm wondering what I need to make on final to kept an A in the class?

Roger: How many points are possible? Extrapolating 860(1/0.95) = 895, so I’m guessing that your final is around 100 points. You would need like a 40%. (Given a 90% = A.) You can also use the calculator with a 10% final weight.

Sat, 15 Dec 2012 02:48:23 GMT


Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:53:47 GMT

i have a 81 average for my 3 six weeks (semester) and my final exam is worth 15% of my semester average, it says i need a 74 , is that true

Roger: To keep a 80%? Yes, that sounds about right.

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 20:59:55 GMT

This is cool. Thanks!

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 07:15:23 GMT

Yes I need a 70 to pass the whole course

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 07:04:40 GMT

This is awesome. I used it for everything and its true. It said that I needed at least a -23.12% on my math final to have an A in the class, so I stopped freaking out.

P.S. I got 103% on it.

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 06:44:33 GMT

I need your help. I had a 83.57 before my final which was worth 25%. I received a 75 on my final. What was my grade for the course?

Roger: 81.43%.

fizzy faze
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 06:34:04 GMT

hey roger, how do i have a 74 in the class if i got 61 on midterm 1 worth 20% 61 on midterm 2 worth 20% probable 6% of possible 20% for homework assignments and it says i only need a 51% on a final worth 40% to get a 65, this cant be right

Roger: Wait, you only did 6 homework assignments? I misread and thought you did all of them. So, you have a 50.67% and need a 86.5% to get a 65.

fizzy faze
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 05:45:46 GMT

i got a 61 on two midterms that were each worth 20% each , hw assignments worth 20% 20 of them worth 1% each i completed 6, the final is worth the other 40% what would i need to get atleast a 65 in the class

Roger: Well, you have a 74% in the class. Use the calculator for the rest (with a 40% final).

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 05:25:34 GMT

So helpful! thank you so much, now I know which classes to really focus on!!

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 04:46:06 GMT

APUSH makes me want to shoot myself. -___-

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 03:13:06 GMT

I only need to get a 27% on my U.S. History Final to get an A! Maybe I should stop freaking out?

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 03:03:50 GMT

Guess what! I take my math final 12/21/12, DOOMS DAY!!! SCREW STUDYING LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw thanks for letting me know what I need on my history final!!!

That one VERY VERY thankful person
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 02:19:51 GMT

Hello, just wanted to say that this was very helpful. I am certainly NOT a math genius, and I was attempting to figure out what I needed on my math final to simply pass. Thanks a bunch! :)

Andy the Troubled Chemist
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 02:15:03 GMT

I have a 94.54 in Honors Chemistry. The final is worth 20%. It says I need to get a 71% to keep my A(90%). I am wondering though: The minimum for an A is 1025 points and at the moment, I have 890. The final is worth 160 points. HOW DO I FIGURE THIS OUT!?! Please help Roger!

Roger: Well, you need 1025-890 - 135 points, which is 135/160 = 84.38%.

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 01:49:51 GMT

Hey, thanks for this man! :) Good thing I found this since I'm having my final exam tomorrow. I currently have an A on that class but I'm nervous for the finals. I just wanted to know what my final grade would be if ever I get a low mark on my final tomorrow lol

I'm for sure using this site again in the future!! :)

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 00:58:30 GMT

thanks for this man!

unfortunately i was only .3% away from an A- in one of my classes.


professor is cruel.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:49:24 GMT

ahhh thanks so much!! only need a 60% to get an A... won't be worrying about my science final :)

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 22:28:32 GMT

Does anyone know how many points my honors calculus bc final is worth? The teacher wont tell us. the whole class is worth 1860 possible pts and have a 92.12% and i want atleast a 95 so i can get an 5 on my gpa. Please help!

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 22:10:51 GMT

This says I need an 86% on my final to keep my A, and then it says screw studying! I don't think so.... more like cry rivers of tears over life's bitterness that is math class.

Roger: Hey, it could be worse.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:52:48 GMT

these are my grades:
Homework 20 % 100.00 100 100.00
Quiz 20 % 167.50 200 83.75
Test 45 % 242.50 345 70.28
Final 15 % 0.00 0 0.00
Total** 80.44

whatever i get on the final replaces my lowest test grade which is a 49/85. What do i need on the final to get a 79.5% in the class?

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:47:07 GMT

I just wanted to thank you for your site! Now that I know how easy it is to get an A, it's kinda hard to study though...

Chase Amer
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:24:24 GMT

Hey I think your calculator is insanely helpful so thanks a lot. Also I think it would be insanely cool if you responded to a comment of mine. I might like freak out or something because your'e kinda famous in a weird way. So I have to ask, what is your favorite color, number, and animal? If you don't respond................ I'll find you

Roger: Haha, I’m not famous. Navy Blue. I don’t have a favorite number, but I do like drawing lambdas (λ). I’ve never had a pet, but a dog would have been cool, I suppose.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:56:54 GMT

I currently have a 75.11% in my class. 30% of my grade comes from my midterm and final. On my midterm I scored 127.86/186.6 (68.52%). I do not know how many points my final is worth. Does this mean that my final is worth 15% of that 30%?

Roger: Well, no. The thing is, you don’t really have a 75.11% in the class. To find out your non-Test average, you take G = (F-MW)/(1-W) where G is your non-test average, F is your 75.11% current grade, M is your midterm grade (68.52), and W is your Test weight (30%). You get G = 77.934%. Let’s say you want an 70. Use the calculator with [77.934, 80, 30] and you realize that you need a 51.49 in the “Test” category, which is the average of your Final and Midterm grades. So, depending on how much each item is worth, you need anywhere from a 30-50% on your Final. Adjust the numbers accordingly.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 18:33:05 GMT

I have 370 points out of a possible 400, is that an A?

Roger: That’s a 92.5%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:09:52 GMT

Why hello fellow RogerHubers.

Brandon Parker
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 09:51:56 GMT

Hay I wanted to know if I have a 64.5% in my math 090 and I have a test that is worth 150 points what percent would I need to get in order to bring my grade up to a 70 in order to pass the class. The calculator only goes to a 100 percent my test is 150 I want to know so I know what grade to shoot for.

Roger: Your final isn’t actually 150% of your grade. That would be impossible. To find out how much your final is worth, do this: (# points on the final) / (# points on the final + # points possible in the class so far). Let’s say you have 850 points possible right now. That would be 150 + (150 + 850) = 0.15 = 15%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 07:40:12 GMT

Hi, I don't know percentage wise what the grade is that I have, but I am on an upper year curve where they grade by grade point average. If I have an overall 1.8 on the curve going in and I need a 2.0 at least where my final is 75% of my grade, what would I need to get?

Roger: Is this curve on a certain statistical distribution? If not, you could say that you need ((2.0 * 100%) - (1.8 * 25%))/(1 - 25%) = 2.0667, whatever that means on your grading scale.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 07:01:51 GMT


Roger: That’s interesting.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 06:49:04 GMT

The calculator is pretty great. Helpful, the little comments you have are hilarious (though there are only two) and... well not much else to say. I'm off to go look at your other stuff.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 06:28:49 GMT

how do I figure out what grade I need if my grade is out of a certain amount of points? I have 313.3/350 points and my final is worth 100 points... what grade do I need to keep my B?

Roger: To find out what your final is worth, you do 100/(100 + 350).

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 05:41:22 GMT

My midterm was worth 35% of my grade and I got a 43%, final paper was worth 20% and I got 96%, the other 10% of our grade is 'class work' - I pretty well have that 10%. How much would I need to get on my final exam which is worth 35% to get an overall average of 60%?

Thank you!

Roger: Well, your current grade is (0.35*0.43 + 0.20*0.96 + 0.10)/(0.65) = 68.07%. You can use the calculator to figure out the rest.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 04:30:44 GMT

I have an 81 in my class, the final is worth 15%. what do i need to make to get a 90?

Roger: Did you try using the calculator?

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 04:16:26 GMT

I have a 82.7 and want to get a 70 in my math class overall.My final had 25 questions and was worth 25% of my grade could I still have passed if I didn't take it?

Roger: Do you need a 70 to pass? If you didn’t take the final, you would have a 0.875*0.75 = 62.025%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 03:58:42 GMT

final is worth 20%

Roger: Did you try using the calculator to calculate this?

Jackson Ellis
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 03:07:04 GMT

I have a 92 percent in spanish, but the final goes in our test grade, not a seperate category. In the test grade category, I have an 88%. The final is a total of 150 points. What grade do i need to keep atleast a 90% in the class?

Roger: This depends partially on how many points are in your Test category and also on how much your Test category is worth as part of your total grade. But safe to say, if you get at least an 75-80%, you should be able to keep the 90%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 02:39:44 GMT

What if you have a 66.9 in geometry.And uou need atleast a seventy. But you dont know how you did on you test worth 100 points. But you still have a 95 point assignment and 3, 10 point assignments. What would youbhave to score the test to get it up to a 70???

Ladee Freakin Dah
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 02:09:47 GMT

sooo...i have a 65.85% in my history class. the final has no percentage weight. that make sense? like it doesnt have a percent that it is worth out of the total grade. HEY ROGER...can you figure out what i need to get on the final in order to get at least a 70.00% in the class? i currently have 417.5 points out of 634 total available points. HELP ME ROGER!!! I CANT FAIL THIS CLASS!!!

Roger: How many points is the final?

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 02:09:31 GMT

For 85% of my grade I have a 70% and for 15% of my grade I have 40%, what is my final grade?

Roger: 0.85*0.7 + 0.15*0.4 = 65.5%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 02:04:51 GMT

i have a 64 in the class, i want atleast a 68 in the class. what do i need to get on final exam?

Roger: How much is your final worth?

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 01:37:52 GMT

Just wanted to say thanks this was really really helpful!

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 01:04:34 GMT

What if your grade is at an 82% nd the final is only 185 points and it is not weighd by a percentage

Roger: It depends on how many points you already have. Let’s say you have 1665 points in the class. The final would be 185/(185+1665) = 10%.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 01:03:01 GMT

What if I have a 100 point final worth 20% of my grade. Does the quantity of the points matter?

Roger: Like I said, it does not matter.

Thu, 13 Dec 2012 00:37:59 GMT

Does it matter how many questions/points the final is?

Roger: No. Let’s say you have a 100 question final worth 10% of your grade. Each question is worth 0.1%. Compare that to a 10 question final worth 10% of your grade. Each question is worth 1%. If you need a 90% on your final, you either need 90/100 questions correct or 9/10. It doesn’t matter how many questions/points the final is composed of because the answer you get is a percentage grade, not an absolute number of questions.

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 23:31:02 GMT

This is awesome! No longer do I have to struggle with numbers! Boo math, Yay Roger!

Its On!
Wed, 12 Dec 2012 23:14:08 GMT

Even though I could do this on my calculator I come here...

Wed, 12 Dec 2012 23:11:25 GMT

You should make a GPA calculator. It's a pain to type all of it into the calculator, and then you mess up and have to restart. ugh.

Roger: Sort of like this?

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