
Page 24 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 24)

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:23:32 GMT

I am frightened by my geometry final.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:04:21 GMT

98%? Sheeeeeeeeet.

scumbag Matty
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 02:56:09 GMT

i hav a 21% in Bio. (no joke) if i get a 40% on the finel can i get a D in tha clas

Rose Dawson
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 02:51:35 GMT

I was wondering if I have an 95.48 in a class and my final is worth 15% of my grade. what would my grade be if I got a 10% on the test?

Roger: 82.7%.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 02:34:41 GMT

Hi my grade is this, my final is worth this, and I want this grade. Roger help me!!
Omg people just plug it into the calculator, it's not that hard.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 02:28:38 GMT

Hey roger what are some ways I can convince my history teacher to give me an A if I have an 88% now and ace the final which would somehow not give me 90%?

Roger: If it’s an advanced level course, convince him that your history grade is the linchpin holding together the rest of your career. It worked for a guy I know. It’s only a few percent, after all.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 01:47:41 GMT

already got it but thanks for helping me out

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 01:46:05 GMT

my averages for the past three six weeks are 97, 98, and 96 and i got a 99 on my final for algebra what is my semester grade?

Roger: It depends on the weight of each of those, but probably around a 97-98.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:48:42 GMT

My teacher has not put grades in the online gradebook for over a month and the final is tomorrow. I currently have an 88% in the online gradebook. What grade do I need to get on the final--which he has not told us the percent value--to keep an A?

Roger: I can’t say for sure, but unless your grade has gone up since the last time the gradebook was updated, it will be very difficult to get an A.

i love cookies
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:23:58 GMT

i have to make a 98.77 to get a b in french

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:16:03 GMT

also do you think this works for high school like what i am in

Roger: Yes, it will work for you.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:06:46 GMT

I have a feeling that my teacher hates me. Will this affect my grade?

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 00:03:53 GMT

I need a 100.01% to get an A!!!!

Hating Finals
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:41:32 GMT

My two qtr grades are a 91 and 82 and are each worth 35% of my grade. Particitpation which i got a 100% for is 10% of my grade. My final is the other 20% What do i need on my final to recieve a 90 for the Semester?

Roger: Well your current grade is (0.91*0.35 + 0.82*0.35 + 0.1) / (0.35 + 0.35 + 0.1) = 88.19%. Now use the calculator with [88.19, 90, 20].

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:59:58 GMT

U make me depressed

Roger: Sorry.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:03:53 GMT

If your final is worth 20% then the formula 5 x the grade you want - 4 x the grade you have = the grade you need to get on your final in order to get the grade you want. Just a little simpler math if your final is worth 20%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:10:10 GMT

I only have to get an 18% on my chemistry midterm to have an A in the class ,YAY :)

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 20:55:21 GMT

i got a 67% on a math test which is 30 percent of my grade. I had a 90% in the class. What will I Have now.

Roger: 83.1%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 20:20:26 GMT

Ahhh, I love reading Rogers comments! You go Rog!

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 20:01:48 GMT

I had an 87 % average on my class I got a 92 on my final and the final is worth 22% what is my final grade?

Roger: 88.1%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 20:01:02 GMT

Hey for math I have a 93 in the class and want to get at least a 90. The final is worth 2o% of the grade. Which means i have to get a 78% on the final. The way my teacher is scaling it is he is taking the average test score and making it 92 and scaling everyone else's scores out. If the average is around an 80 % what do I need to get on the final.

Roger: So, he is increasing everybody’s score by about 12% right? That means that a 66% will get scaled to a 78%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:45:37 GMT

For Chem, I currently have a 91.2%. I had a written portion of the chem final last week and got a 96%. What do I need to get for the practical in order to have atleast an 89.5% in the class? The final is worth 20%.

Roger: It depends how much each part is worth, but since you did so well on the written potion, it’s likely that you can do much worse on the practical and still get an A.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:22:57 GMT

This is great!! now i can have some hope in my passing my classes

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:09:26 GMT

I have an 83 percent in class and need at Least an 80. My final is worth 15 percent of my grade. What do I need to get to get at least and 80 in that class.

Roger: Did you try using the calculator?

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 17:49:56 GMT

Shoot! I have to get a 120.64% to get an A in Math... My parents are going to kill me!

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 17:10:09 GMT

This is great! Thanks!

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 13:52:53 GMT

Whoat!! This is awsome, thank u.

Help me out?
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 06:32:20 GMT

My teacher hasn't updated my grade in ages. But I know how I've done on her tests and quizzes.
I currently have an 89.09% in the class so far (not including two tests/quizzes I describe below)
Quizzes are 20% of my grade, I have 68.5 / 90 points which is 76.11%. I just took another quiz (worth 15 points) and got 100, so now my score is 83/5 / 105 points so 79.5% in my quiz category right? [Roger: right!] And
Tests are 30%, I have 166.5 / 180 points which is a 92.5%.
I just took another test (worth 30 points), and got 28 points on it. That means I now have 194.5 / 210 points which is 92.6%
Final is worth 10%.
What is my current grade and what do I need to get a 90% in the class?

Roger: So, you improved from 76.11 to 79.5 in the quiz category, which gives you a (79.5 - 76.11) * 0.2 = 0.678% overall grade boost. You also improved by 0.1, which gives you a 0.1*0.3 = 0.03% overall grade boost. Therefore, your current grade is approximately a 89.09% + 0.678% + 0.03% = 89.798%. (I say approximately because of the significant figure disaster involved with these calculations.) Use the calculator with [89.798, 90, 10] and you see that you need a 91.82% on the final. Good luck.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 06:17:46 GMT

This is so much easier than what I was doing.
I was doing (.8*current grade) + (.2*final) = total grade
and guesstimating.
Except I still don't understand the formula you put up there...

Roger: Well, it is not really a formula. It is a definition. Your “grade” that you get from the class is usually weighted by category (for example 35% final and 65% classwork). Multiplying each of these by your final category grade and your classwork category grade respectively will give you the “parts” of your final grade, and then you just add them up.

Worried teen
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 03:52:11 GMT

Hi Roger,
I have a 68% in my Spanish 2 class and I have my final tomorrow. I need at least a 70% to pass and it is worth 20%. I need to get at least a 78% on the final but I am freaking out because I don't know if I know any of it...even when I am studying. Any advice? Do you think a 78% will be very difficult to get?

Roger: My Spanish 2 teacher would keep our grades low for the whole semester and dump a bunch of extra credit points on us at the end. She did this (in my opinion) so that we would be encouraged to study, and it sure worked for me. I learned more that year than I did in any of my four years of high school Spanish. My advice to you: you’ve already spent a semester on the exam material, so the hard part is over. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is get some rest and chill out. A 78% is totally possible (I ended up with a 94% final grade that year after having a C for the majority of the semester.).

Kat Guitarez
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 03:29:54 GMT

Shiz im srewed for biology!!! there goes my private school career.

Kevin Bartram
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 03:17:01 GMT

You are the fucking man Mr. Chen.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:58:27 GMT

Theodore you steady rook, use the calculator and find out that its 53%

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:52:16 GMT

If i have an 81% in my class and my final is 40% of my grade whats the lowest grade i can get on it and still pass the class. Passing is a 70%

Roger: 53.5%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:38:22 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a 90.2% and my finals is worth 20%. I already got 100% on an essay that was worth 10% of the final. What do I need to get on the rest of the final to finish with a 91.5%?

Roger: Well, if you put in [90.2, 91.5, 20] you get 96.7. Now put in [100, 96.7, 90] and you get 96.33%, which is what you need on the rest of the final. If you think about it, the 2 calculations are essentially the same.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:22:00 GMT

So, i am pretty much screwed...thanks?

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:11:05 GMT

You are a boss roger.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 01:44:39 GMT

im trying to program this on my calculator and if
A=Current grade %
B= coursework is 85%
C= ?
D= final exam is 15%
E= what you want as final grade %

C would be what you would have to get on the final exam

what would C be equal to in terms of writing a formula

C= ...

Roger: So, E = AB + CD so C = (E - AB)/D.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 01:42:42 GMT

Thanks roger. I have this site bookmarked now haha

englsih student
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 01:07:09 GMT

Hi, i want to figure out if it is possible to get an A or a 90 overall. I took my final and got a 90.5 which is 20 percent of my grade, they other 80 percent is my semester grade. I finished with 932 out of 1080 point. We turned in a paper worth 100 points that my teacher still has yet to grade, is it possible to finish with an a?

Roger: Right now you are at a 87%, which is very far from a 90. I don’t think the 100 point paper will bring you up 3%.

Just wondering
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 01:00:56 GMT

How do you figure out the GPA? Lets just say I have two honor classes and five regular ones. In the regular classes I have 4 a's and one b. In the honors classes i have both one A and one B. What's the GPA?

Roger: So, you have 7 classes (5 A’s and 2 B’s). That means you have 5*4 + 2*3 + 5 = 31 grade points or a 4.43 GPA.

A very annoyed English Student.
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:48:17 GMT

Grade has been hovering betwen 89%-90% ALL FREAKING SEMESTER. If I don't get this 94% on my final tomorrow... GAH.

*scurries off to study*

Mr. Gansta
Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:35:41 GMT

Hey roger, what if you already have points under the final category but you want to keep a grade?

Roger: You need to provide more exact numbers for that case.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:29:05 GMT

Hey its me with the 66 point final i have 266.7 points right now

Roger: So that means you have 293 total points right now. A 90% overall would be 90% of 293+66 = 359 or 0.9*359 = 323.1. So, you need an additional 30.1 points to get to that level. Does that make sense? In other words, you need a 30.1/66 on the 66 point final.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:16:51 GMT

@A: you do [70 - ( 81 x .7 )]/ .3

Roger: This is also acceptable.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:12:58 GMT

I don't understand the formula. Like if my exam is worth 30%, I want at least a 70 and I have a current grade of 81. According to your formula it would be:
But that gives me 56 and your calculator gave me a 44.33 as an answer. What am I doing wrong?

Roger: You got everything right except for one small part. You can’t use the integer 81 in the formula, because that means 8100%. If you have a current grade of 81, it should actually be 0.81, not simply 81. Also, you are confusing Exam Score and Grade. Your Exam Score is not 70, your grade is 70. To solve for the Exam Score variable, you need to perform additional operations. You should get Exam Score = (Grade - (1 - Exam Worth) * Current Grade) / Exam Worth as an acceptable expression for the exam score you need.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:09:43 GMT


So I have a 60% right now and I want atleast a 70%. My exam is worth 20% of my grade. What do i need to get on the exam?

Roger: Did you try using the calculator? It won’t lie to you, I promise.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:09:02 GMT

okay so i have 389 out of 603 points does that help at all with the calculation?

Roger: Sure does. Now you see that your project is worth 380/(380+603) = 38.7% of your grade. Use the calculator with [65, 70, 38.7] and you see that you need a 77.92%.

Tue, 18 Dec 2012 00:04:22 GMT

unfortunately this inaccurate depending upon other variables and the grade you had your 1st quarter

Roger: Who said anything about a quarter system? Please back up your claims.

Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:59:29 GMT

Hey Roger I have a 66 point final and I have a 91% in that class can you tell me what ill need for at least a 90% in the class?

Roger: It depends on how much your final is worth. How many points total do you have in the class?

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