
Page 25 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 25)

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 02:05:21 GMT

I am naming my first baby after you.. I owe you so much you reduce the stress i feel w/ exams

The Dark Lord
Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:59:13 GMT

You've just told me I need to get an 108% on my final (I have an 88 and want to get to a 90, on a final worth 10%) and that I'm "pretty much screwed" but Roger, I'd like to tell you: I get an extra 10 points on my finals because of this incentive program my school has. So technically, I need only to make 98 on my final! SO THERE IS HOPE! Ahahaha!

(a very slim hope, but hope nonetheless :D)

Thanks for the awesome calculator; my friends at school recommended this to me :)

Roger: Haha, thanks and good luck.

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:24:00 GMT

I have a 70.5 in math and my exam is worth 30 what can I score to get a 70 ?

Roger: 68.83%.

that quiet girl in the corner
Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:14:09 GMT

Great, thanks for telling me I'm screwed. I'll never get a fucking A. :(

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:13:02 GMT

Can you make an app for this?

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:08:16 GMT

This really helps! And it's also kinda cool too. Haha thanks!

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:01:43 GMT

;kjsfkldsflk;dshfsdkfdl;skfkhldas i hate final exams. i have to get a 207% to pass biology with an a

meco austin
Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:00:47 GMT

this made me very happy to see what i was going to get c:

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 00:56:52 GMT

dude i freaking love you all i need to keep my A in history is a 52 on my final !!! can u believe i was stressing !!!!

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 00:37:29 GMT

Yo, what up doh?

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 00:18:47 GMT

What is the best method for studying?

Roger: First thing to do would be to get off the internet.

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 00:13:48 GMT

God bless you Roger. I was literally in tears about my Chemistry final, then I figured out I only need a 67 on it to pass with a B. Thank you, for saving me from potential suicide. Happy Holidays to you!

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 23:25:50 GMT

is this thing reliably?

Roger: Is this thing reliably what? ;)

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 23:25:27 GMT

My average right now is a 79%. My final is worth 20%. Is there anyway I could get in the 80s in this class?

Roger: Can you get an 84 on the final?

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 22:48:59 GMT

Does this calculator take rounding to whole numbers into account?

Roger: What do you mean? The calculator doesn’t round until the very end, where the answer is rounded to 2 decimal places.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 22:30:58 GMT

wow. i was so worried but i only need a 35.8% to have an A... I can actually go to sleep.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 22:24:11 GMT

I have a 73% in my English class. I got an 80% on my English final so now my semester grade is a 78%. Tomorrow I have to turn in a 200 point paper that will affect my grade this semester. What do I have to get on the paper to keep my grade at a C- or higher?

Roger: It depends how many points it is worth. From the final data, it seems like your final was worth 62.5% (5 eights) of your entire grade so far. Does that sound right?

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:59:07 GMT

have my last final in high school wish me luck in getting an 85 on it

Anne Barrett
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:38:44 GMT

You have just kept me from having a nervous breakdown. Thank god. I was really worried there for a moment.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:37:16 GMT

Hey Roger,

First off I love your website. I even clicked an ad to get you some money. Quick question.
My final is going into my test category which currently has 460 points and i have a 95.87 in that category. My final is worth 150 points. 80% of my grade is test category and 20% is homework (which i have a hundred percent in). What grade do I need on my final?

Thanks a bunch man.

Roger: Thanks. It depends on what grade you want. Calculate (762.5)(F) - (593.5) where F is the grade you want to end up with (from 0.00 to 1.00). Let’s say you want a 90%, so (762.5)(0.9) - (593.5) = 92.75 (mind you, that is a 92.75/150 = 61.83%, not a 92.5%). You can also derive this yourself by solving for X in the formula F = 0.2 + 0.8(440 + X)/610.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:35:56 GMT

(also- sorry) the final is worth like 17 percent of our grade

Roger: Gotcha, thanks.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:35:12 GMT

THIS IS GREAT! I have finals this week and I have been using this everyday to see what I need to get on my finals! We have some of the scores already- and they are all accurate. I have another question though- I have an 85% in english and I want to keep that, but at least not get any lower than an 80%! For the multiple choice section I got like an 82% but we also wrote an essay for the final. What do I need to get on the essay in order to get no less than a 80% in the class? (the final was 206 points- the essay is 70 of the points)

Roger: Well you need about a 55% on the final overall to get the 80. You already got an 82% on the multiple choice, so using [82, 55, (70/206 = 34)] in the calculator, you get a whopping 2.59%. I think you’ll be fine.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:19:25 GMT

I have a 74 in my algebra class what do I need to get on my final to pass with a69.5

Roger: It depends on how much your final is worth.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:56:25 GMT

Thanks big dawg

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:50:21 GMT

I only have to get a 67% on my H. Physics final to keep an A. I'm still going to study, but I'm not panicking nearly as much anymore! Thanks so much, Roger. This calculator is SO HELPFUL!! <3

In Love
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:47:27 GMT


Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:33:07 GMT

great calculator!

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:23:09 GMT

Hey! Tomorrow I have my Spanish exam.. and your tool told me that all I need is a 72% on my exam to get at least a 90% in my class... Don't you have to also average last quarters grade and get the average?? Or does this do the same thing...? Thank you for your help though :)

Roger: It depends on how your grading system works. Does the “Current Grade” cover all your previous quarters’ grades?

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 20:22:28 GMT

Is it bad that I'm worried I can't pull a 42% on my Physics Final? xD

Alexander villanueva
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 19:46:07 GMT

just kickin it with the homie after our finals just shited on them... yeeea buddy enuf stressin and sum more tokinggg.

Not so worried teen anymore
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 18:53:49 GMT

Hey Roger,

Thanks so much for the spanish advice! Today I had my Chemistry exam...i don't think it went very well:/ I have a 90% in the class and the final is worth 20%. Say I bombed the test, how bad would that be for my overall grade?

Roger: Well, you wouldn’t have a 90 anymore. It depends how badly you did.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 18:53:27 GMT

i had a 102 before the final and got a 50 on the final which is worth 15%. What did i end with in the class?

Roger: 94.2%.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:15:59 GMT

I can get a 63% on my history exam... and STILL maintain an A!

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 16:25:33 GMT

Do u assume that teachers are rounding the grade?

Roger: Nope. You can put in 89.5 or 90 (or something equivalently different) and it will give you different answer for each one.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 15:40:09 GMT

wow. First, this calculator makes my day because im stressed so it makes a little humor and i respect that. Second, Why do people keep asking "what would i get if..." THAT'S WHAT THE CALCULATOR IS FOR.Jus t plug in and roger wouldnt need to answer those questions for you. But At the same time, Roger responding would be pretty cool so I guess I semi understand :)

Nate O
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 14:55:06 GMT

So... I have a 90% in New Testament, I said I wanted atleast a 90% , and it told me to screw studying...

Roger: Hey, if you’re averaging a 90% so far, it’s not too hard to score 90% on the final.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 06:20:36 GMT

You, sir, have made my day. I wanted an A in the class, but was told that I was screwed (something like, I needed to get a 100.8% on the test). And then when I calculated the passing grade, I was told I didn't have to study. That's awesome. I think I'm going to bed now. :D Thanks for making life easier and putting the calculator on here.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 06:11:20 GMT

If I have an 85% and my final is worth 45% of my grade, what would I need on my final to get an 81 or 82%, a B in the class?

Roger: Did you try using the calculator?

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 06:05:09 GMT

So I have a 70 in the class and got a 55 on the exam which is 20% of my grade overall,what did I end with in the class?

Roger: 67%.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:59:04 GMT

grade you want - (grade you have as decimal [ex: 90% as .90] * 80) /grade final is worth is how i learned it. this is a lot easier haha

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:38:32 GMT

Holy crap I'm skewed roger I think I'll have to go to community college. I need a 182% to get a c- in algebra p1

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:36:48 GMT

Hi, I have 90.1% in my trigonometry class, and I want an A, which is at least 94 % on my schools grading scale. My final is worth 20% of my final grade. what percentage do I need to score on my final in order to achieve an A? the calculator is telling me 106 percent

Roger: The calculator is correct.

Mohammad Abunie
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:15:44 GMT

Thanks Rogerhub.

Really helped! I usually try not to stress out on studying tests and I generally review a little every day. So I hope I'm ready for this precalculus final.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:09:04 GMT

can someone help me with algebra 2 trig

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 05:03:04 GMT

DAMN BRO, I ONLY NEED A 40% TO KEEP MY B! Thank you rogerhub!

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 04:55:34 GMT

I'm assuming this site gets a ton of hits around this time of year. I NEED AN 80 TO MAINTAIN MY B IN MATH AHHHHHH :(

slippery elephant
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 04:52:02 GMT

Thanks roger, only need a 56.6% on my final to get a B in math.

your mom
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:58:53 GMT

This is soooo helpful! Except I need an 87 in chem... ):

Greek Myth
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:33:25 GMT

Ok mine keeps saying i need a -7400% what does this mean?

Roger: Make sure that your final percentage (the 3rd box) is correct.

John Hancock
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 03:31:33 GMT

I'm so sorry that even though you give easy instructions to use the calculator, certain people don't understand how to use it.

A thankful, not-so-technologically-impaired fan

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