
Page 27 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 27)

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 02:04:50 GMT

I have a 64% and my final is worth 20%. I suck at Spanish do u think i could pass?

Roger: Well if you say yourself that you suck, I don’t know what to tell you.

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 01:52:24 GMT

i have a 94.19% in my class and my final is worth 15% of my grade, but it is going to be averaged with our midterm which i got a 74% on. what do i need to get to keep an A in the class?

Roger: So you need a 66.29% after the averaging, and if you put in [74, 66.29, 50] you see that you need a 58.58%.

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 00:36:59 GMT

In my class you need a 95% to not take the final, I have a 95.8% but we still have one more test left and test are worth 50% of our grade, how high to I have to score on the test so that I dont have to take the final by maintaining my grade?

Roger: Well, it depends on how many tests you’ve already taken in that 50% Test category.

Fu roger!!!
Thu, 10 Jan 2013 23:46:31 GMT

Fu roger!! I took your advice to not study if I'm aiming for a 70 when I had a 72. I failed the test with a 48% and now my football scholarship for usf has been revoked bc I didn't have good enough grades. Again fu roger!!!!!

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 23:05:15 GMT

I'm skrewed

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 22:05:21 GMT

Ok so i have a 51% and we are taking 2 test both worth 35 and 1 quiz worth 25 what can be the most i can get if i get 100% on everything

Roger: 35/25 points or percent? If you mean points (which I think you do), then it depends on how many points you already have with the 51%.

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 18:22:21 GMT

I can't believe you reply to all if these comments

Roger: I can’t believe it either.

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:50:08 GMT

Thank you sooooooo much! You are truly amazing for posting this! It's my first time taking a final and my stress has been relieved :D only need an 82.65 to have an A+ in math!!!!!!! THANK YOU!

History kills me
Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:54:45 GMT

I have an 84%. What do I need to get an A on my final?

Roger: Your final would need to be worth at least 62.5% for you to even have a chance of bringing your grade up to an A (90%). Consult your course syllabus first for grade category distribution, and more importantly, letter grade brackets.

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:05:02 GMT

Oh and I forgot to mention the final is 15% of my grade.

Roger: If you use the calculator, you see that you need a 74.82%. Put 69.15 in the first box, 70 in the second, and 15 in the third. Then there’s a button below the boxes that says Determine. You need to press that button after you put the numbers in.

Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:02:51 GMT

I have a 69.15 % in my chemistry class, I need to at least get a 70% in the class, because I really don't want a D. Haha but I'm super nervous to take the final because it could make or break my grade. So what will I need to get on the final to get a C in the course?

Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:08:14 GMT

I need help! Okay, so my school does semester grades as 40% in quarter 1 and 2 and 20% for the final. I got a 90 quarter 1 and a 73 quarter 2. (trig is really hard.) What do I need to get an 80% in the class for the semester? Assuming colleges only care about semesters that is.

Roger: So you have an 81.5% in the class and your final is worth 20%. Just put [81.5, 80, 20] in the calculator.

Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:34:48 GMT

Thank you bunches, Roger! It'll be great not feeling stressed out come exam week! I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. However, I need your advice. Next year, I have the option of taking Calc AB and then BC during senior year, or I could do ABC and then go to the local university in senior year. Provided the option, which would you choose?

Roger: Taking Calc AB and BC in one year will not be very difficult as long as you are persistent in studying solo. If you’ve still got time left before you have to make your decision, try the AB material and see how you feel about it.

Wed, 09 Jan 2013 06:22:08 GMT

Woop-de-doo I only need a 180.67% to get an A in science (I have a godd feeling about this one) well wish me luck XD

Tue, 08 Jan 2013 22:27:38 GMT

So im at 83% but my final wasnt submitted on time so I got a 0/25%. To barely pass I entered in the info & it came up with a -9% so I assume I will @least get a 60? Thanks 4 ur help!

Roger: You will pass with a 62.25%.

Tue, 08 Jan 2013 07:57:12 GMT

So i was a dumb ass and took AP Economics. I'm a senior. I've already been accepted into college and i'm just done trying in this horrible class. To pass for the semester, i only need a 38% on my exam?! I love you right just got weird... haha


Tue, 08 Jan 2013 04:09:33 GMT

This Website has been a great help. I appreciate that this kind of tool is out there for students to use. It may not be 100% accurate but predicts our goal.

Roger: Good luck! I’m not sure what you mean though.

Tue, 08 Jan 2013 01:09:58 GMT

The people commenting on here must be brain dead. There is a very easy to use calculator above, save yourself and Roger the time. Pro Tip: type into the boxes what he asked you to type into the boxes, and it gives you the grade you need on your final.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 23:28:02 GMT

* forgot to add that the 50 point test has not been put into the grades yet

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 23:27:01 GMT

Hi Roger,
I have an 87.84 in one of my AP classes. We had a 50 point test that i got a 100% on, and a project worth 100 points (I expect to get at least a 95% on it) that goes in the test category, and then one last test. What percent do i need on that test to get my grade to a 90%? The test is not a final.

Class Work/Participation is worth 10% of grade, i have a 91.25%

Essay Scores

35% worth of grade

85% I have


20% of grade

98.93% I have

Multiple Choice Exams

35% worth

83.38% i have

Thank you!!

Roger: Hi Caroline. The numbers you gave me were very thorough, but the answer depends on one more thing: How many test points are in the Multiple Choice Exams category presently? Basically, you need 31.339/35 = 89.54% in the MC Exams category, whereas you have a 83.38% in there right now. Let’s say you have 385 points in that category right now, which means you have 321/385, or 466/535 with a 50/50 and a 95/100 in. To get a 83.38%, you would solve (466 + x) / (535 + 100) = 0.8954 assuming that your final test is worth 100 points. In this case, you would need an 89.5% on the last test. You need to tweak the numbers per your situation though.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 21:25:37 GMT

If i have a 70 and i want an 80, how good should i do on the test?

Roger: Your final needs to be worth more than 1/3 of your grade for you to even have a chance.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 20:35:49 GMT

First of all, thank you for creating a wonderful calculator.
Secondly, I feel sorry for you that you create such a great online tool and people are flooding this thread with questions like "what grade do I need if my......" I wonder why they do not just use the calculator you created! You must be a very patient and generous person for answering their inquiries.

I will definitely refer my students to this site! Finals are next week.


Roger: Thank you!

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 19:05:16 GMT

Quizzes are worth 20% of my grade. I got a 3.5 out of 4 on one, and 100% on the other three=96.875
I got 100% on the midterm which is worth 40% of my grade.
The final is also worth 40% of my grade. Am I correct that I have to score a 90 to get a 95 overall?

Roger: 89.06%, actually. But a 90 will work too.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 06:14:51 GMT

No I'm aiming for a 70 I have a 76 I have a 70 in my test category they are worth 80% of our grade and homework is 20% of our grade and my teacher said that the final is worth 15% of our grade and she said it does matter of our test average which idk what that means so I'm guessing it goes into our test category as well but what do I need to get at least a 70% in the class?

Roger: Well, if you put [76, 70, 15] into the calculator, you see that you need a 36%. Unless you know how much the final is worth in comparison to the rest of the Test category, that’s the best approximation from my interpretation of what you’re saying.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 05:38:38 GMT

So if I have an 88% in French and the final is worth 10% ( said to be 200 points ) to get a passing 70% I could totally bomb the test?

Roger: Correct.

Mon, 07 Jan 2013 03:15:45 GMT

So if I get at least a 91.5%, that will boost up my grade to an 80 (boost up approx. 4%)?

Roger: correct.

Sun, 06 Jan 2013 20:44:27 GMT

I have a 105 in math and the final is worth 20%. How much do I need to have a 90% in the class?

Roger: (.9 - .8 * 1.05) / .2 = 30%.

Sun, 06 Jan 2013 05:00:54 GMT

Wait so I have a 76% overall and I want at least a 70% percent in my class I would need a 90% on my final???

Roger: Oh, you never specified what grade you were aiming for (check below), so I assumed you were going for an 80%, not 70%.

Sat, 05 Jan 2013 07:41:19 GMT

I need a 62% on science. Stressing out a little less now. Thanks for the convenience of this, Roger :)

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 17:26:47 GMT

I'm curious, well you see I have a different grading system, unlike yours which is all in one go, or that person above who has a nine week grading system, I have a three six weeks of grading, so how does that work?

Roger: Can you explain more?

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 08:59:05 GMT

I'm not sure if it is but if it was what would I need to get?

Roger: Well if the final is also counted as a test grade, you would need a slightly lower score (since your final is worth more and your test average is lower than your current overall grade). However, it would still be above a 90% (just approximating).

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 07:16:16 GMT

In reply to:
I have a 76.73%. My finals are worth 50%. But in the finals category, I have 2 finals test already, 59.38% and 84.38% (so my average/score in the finals category is 71.88%). What score will I need on my last final to score at least an 80% in that class? Thanks.

Roger: Hi, it depends on how much your final is worth in comparison to those 2 tests. Also, are the 59.38 and 84.38 included in the 76.73? As in, did you take them into account? Either way, you are looking at around a 90% plus or minus at most 7% or 8% depending on what the answers to those questions are.

The 59.38 and 84.38 are already included in the 76.73. So basically there are 3 parts to the finals. Whereas those two scores have been added into my overall grade. I'm wondering the lowest score that I can get on my third finals to score at least an 80% overall in my geo class.

Roger: Well, if your two tests are already included in the 76.73, then your actual current grade for the 50% that is non-Final is actually a 76.73 + (76.73 - 71.88) = 81.58, make sense? Use the calculator once with [81.58, 80, 50] and you see that you need a 78.42 in your three finals. Then use it again with [71.88, 78.42, 33.33] (assuming again that the 3 parts of your final have equal weights) and you get 91.5%, which is the grade you need on that last part of your final.

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 03:01:40 GMT

Oh and the first part got calculated into my grade already

Roger: Oh, whoops. I didn’t see this comment. If the first part is already in your grade, you will need even lower than 18%. Either way, you needn’t worry.

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 03:00:21 GMT

What do I need on my calc final to keep an A? My final is worth 20% and I took the first half and got a 96.32% but still need to take the second half. Oh and I have a 98.12 in the class.

Roger: Well, if you use the calculator with [98.12, 90, 20] assuming an A is 90+, you see that you need a 57.52%. Now use the calculator again to see what you need on the 2nd half to get that grade with [96.32, 57.52, 50] assuming both halves have equal weight. You see you need ~18%.

Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:54:57 GMT

Will you marry me roger? You saved my life!

Roger: I hope you didn’t bet your life on a grade or something. Good luck.

Thu, 03 Jan 2013 21:27:33 GMT

If I have a 76 in my math class and my final is worth 15% of my final grade but tests are worth 80% and in that category I have 70% and in homework it's worth 20% of our grade and I have a 97% , what do I need on my final?:/

Roger: Well, if you use the calculator, you see that you need a 102.67%. It doesn’t really matter what your test and homework averages are, unless the final is being counted as a test too or something. Or is it?

Thu, 03 Jan 2013 18:12:31 GMT

I have a 76.73%. My finals are worth 50%. But in the finals category, I have 2 finals test already, 59.38% and 84.38% (so my average/score in the finals category is 71.88%). What score will I need on my last final to score at least an 80% in that class? Thanks.

Roger: Hi, it depends on how much your final is worth in comparison to those 2 tests. Also, are the 59.38 and 84.38 included in the 76.73? As in, did you take them into account? Either way, you are looking at around a 90% plus or minus at most 7% or 8% depending on what the answers to those questions are.

Thu, 03 Jan 2013 13:28:34 GMT

How do you deal with these comments? It's like I'm losing brain cells from reading them.

Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:25:57 GMT

If I have a 79.7 in my class and my final is worth 10%, and I got an 80.3, what will my grade be in the class

Roger: 79.7*.9+80.3*.1 = 79.76.

Wed, 02 Jan 2013 04:24:46 GMT

im taking a chemistry class and i have 71.4 % in class now and my final worth 15% i dont really understand what i really need to get to pass i need like 70% so i just need to know is 15% means like 15 points or is it like lase like 2 or 1 point

Roger: Actually, if you have a 71.4% and you get a 0% on the final, you really would only have a 60.69% (just multiply 0.85 and 71.4). If you use the calculator with the numbers [71.4, 70, 15], you will see that you need 62.07%.

Tue, 01 Jan 2013 19:27:38 GMT

thanks so much. it actually worked. i only need like a 40% on all my exams to get a 90 in the class and its still an A. also nice comments. :)

Thu, 27 Dec 2012 04:34:13 GMT

I have high C's and B's in all my classes. Is there any way that I can bump my grade up to an A or a high B ?

Sat, 22 Dec 2012 16:53:13 GMT

I'd just like to thank you for this calculator. It helped me reduce my stress about finals a lot. I found I could score under 60% in all my classes and maintain a 4.0. I'm no longer scared of when test grades come in. Thanks bunches.

(I also sent the link for this site to all my friends. They loved it. So, many thanks from them also.)

Sat, 22 Dec 2012 03:31:52 GMT

Thank you. :) I'm not sure that's right, but even still, it's so nice of you to answer!
I received a 100 and now have a 93.

Sat, 22 Dec 2012 03:02:35 GMT

I have an 89 as my average for the 1st semester. i need a 70 to pass. and the final is WORTH 15% of my grade. what will i need to get on the final to pass the semester.

Roger: You need below zero. You can’t fail.

Sat, 22 Dec 2012 02:48:41 GMT

I have an 89 in chemistry.
If my final exam is worth 20% of my grade, what would I need to make to end the semester with at least a 93?

Roger: 109%.

Sat, 22 Dec 2012 01:58:50 GMT

Its pretty awesome that you answer peoples questions, anyways thanks now i need to know I have to get an 83 to get a B.

Fri, 21 Dec 2012 21:01:39 GMT

Thanks for the site. Looking at streight A's this semester if I can bust of this English final with above an 83%. Final is worth 15% of my grade...

Gordon Deazil
Fri, 21 Dec 2012 16:48:29 GMT

Had a 97% in AP Human A+P so I thought I didn't need to study.... Final whooped me in the tooshie and brought me down to an 88%... Luckily the teacher bumped me back up to a 90 =)

Fri, 21 Dec 2012 05:32:10 GMT

Is it even possible to raise my grade from a C to an A with my exam being worth 15% of my final grade????????

Roger: No, I don’t think so.

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