
Page 28 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 28)

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 07:49:05 GMT

Only needing to get 4% tomorrow on my exam to pass the class with a 52% hahaha . Let's hope I do better than 4% though !!

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 03:56:12 GMT

So this formula doesn't work for other categories? Like the tests or homework category? And if not is there a formula for that?

Roger: It’s not really a formula. It’s a definition. What are you trying to calculate?

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 03:44:24 GMT

I need a 13% to keep a C in my only class that isn't a guaranteed A. I love being a senior.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 03:20:03 GMT

I need a 68% on bio to keep my C but I'm afraid i won't even get that haha fml

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 02:51:30 GMT

Human Geo Grade is bad enough that a 46% on the final won't change it. Lol. And my math i need a 61%. The only one i need to study is bio. Borderlining sux.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 02:47:38 GMT

I hate all these dumb ass kids who are crying about crying about get a b.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 02:33:38 GMT

Well, it looks like I have to get a 109% on the final to get an A in my math class....I guess I'm happy with the B.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 02:03:28 GMT

I think the name says it all. I was totally stressing about finals but my friend found this site so I put my grades in and the highest grade I need on any final to get A's in all of my classes is an 84%. Talk about a sigh of relief! No more studying for five hours every night! You are amazing!!

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 01:58:43 GMT

I have a 81 in gym and I got a 100 on my midterm which is 20% of my grade! What is my grade now?

Roger: It would be 20% + 80% of 81% = 84.8%.

Tue, 15 Jan 2013 01:45:43 GMT

omg! this website rocks!! better tweet this!!

I want an A
Tue, 15 Jan 2013 01:43:16 GMT

So my eoc is worth 10% of my grade. but there are three parts to it. The first one I got a 93% on, the second one I got an 83% on, and I have an 88.9% in the class. How would I figure out what I need to get an 89.5% in the class?

Roger: Are the three parts equal in weight? You would need to use the calculator twice: first to find out what you need on the EOC overall, and second to find out what you need on the 3rd part to get that EOC grade. So, put in [88.9, 89.5, 10] and get 94.9. Then put in [88, 94.9, 33.33] and get 108.91. Also, are the 93% and the 83% already counted in the 88.9%? That would change the result. (By the way, I got 88 by averaging 93% and 83%, which may or may not be correct depending on your situation.)

Matt Perkins
Tue, 15 Jan 2013 00:21:32 GMT

Aha I dont even need to study. Spanish grade?... need a 250% to pull that up to an A+. why even bother studying?

Random Asian
Tue, 15 Jan 2013 00:11:41 GMT

Need above 90 to get an A?
I'm fucked.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 23:59:09 GMT

Great calculator. I found out I can only get 14 wrong on my bio final to get an A in the class so I'm studying like crazy, I have a 89.8 something. All thanks to 1 C- on a quiz from August. Again great calculator!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 23:05:55 GMT

need .0002% to get an A in Plane Geometry

Ottawa Hills High School Junior
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:34:50 GMT

69.5% to keep my A in Digital Photo, 78% to keep my A in American Government, 29% to keep my A in band, 80% to keep my B in Chemistry, 72% to keep my B in Honors Spanish 4, 50% to keep my C in English 3, and 39.8% to keep my C in Algebra 2. To get these percentages in these classes will be easy peasy!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 20:32:40 GMT

Only need to get a 69% on my health final to get an A! Yes!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 18:43:22 GMT

Only need to get an 80 on the AP calculus final to get an A.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 18:32:23 GMT

This is my favorite grade calculator. Love the simplicity.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:19:50 GMT

I only need to get a 94% to get an A in Biology. Cake!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 15:26:31 GMT

im so glad i found this it literally i ciouldnt do math for my life!!!!!!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 15:26:12 GMT

Wow. This is literally the best.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 12:58:45 GMT

Yes so can u determine it for me than to?

Roger: This looks like a question, but I’m not sure what you’re saying.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 07:22:31 GMT

I am so glad I found this. Thank you, Roger!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 04:42:00 GMT

thank you so much!!

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 04:35:06 GMT

No like what's the lowest percent I can get on my final to pass like with a D or D-??

Roger: You didn’t say what grade you needed to pass. What percentage does a D or D- correspond to? A 60%?

Bitch Tits
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 04:02:24 GMT

YES! I only need a 162% to get an A in chemistry!!!

Blah blah
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 03:56:55 GMT

I'm in highschool I have a 70% in honors engineering and my exam is on Tuesday I want at least a 85% but I have a midterm because its all year so would it be like not a lot affect on my grade?

Roger: Well, if this test is only a midterm, it depends on how much of your grade has already been determined. To give you an idea, let’s say your course grade was two equally weighted midterms and a final. If you get 100% on this next midterm, you will have an 85% average (seeing how each has equal weight).

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 02:56:09 GMT

I have a question. So my semester grade in chemistry is A 69 and say the final is worth 20% what percent do I need on my final to pass?

Roger: Well, what do you need to pass? A 70? If so, you’d need a 74% on the final.

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 02:28:29 GMT

Best website ever

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 01:52:07 GMT

Thanks for your help!

help me please
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 01:48:14 GMT

thank you so much that made my life :)))

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 01:35:58 GMT

I love you

hingle mccringleberry
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 01:34:48 GMT

yo roger wuz gud?

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 22:25:49 GMT

hey roger, haha i think i got what i wanted. My test is graded on the ap scale so that kinda screws up ur calculator. i have a 77% and i want anything higher :/ i think a 70% is an A for ap physics.

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 21:45:35 GMT

Hey, Roger! I have a 73.424% on my class and I at least want an 80 for the semester. This exam I'm gonna have is 20% worth of my final grade this sem. What do I need to get an 80?

Roger: I don’t think you can raise it to an 80. Sorry, man.

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 20:44:32 GMT

Dude thank you! I'm a 10th grader an i was freaking out about my AP exam, i have a high B+ and the class is so freaking hard, but to go under a B- i need a 44% i think i can beat that haha

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:36:12 GMT

hello y grade is 50.89 and i have done my work for class and i have to thing that are wroth 45% each what would my grade be

Roger: I don’t understand what you’re saying.

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:39:09 GMT

Wow. I have to get a 9% on my Latin final to keep my A in the class! Yay.

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:20:27 GMT

So glad I found this.
But at the same time it's kind of freaking me out.
Essentially, there is no way I can get more than 87 in my class.

help me please
Sun, 13 Jan 2013 16:39:40 GMT

hello roger :)
ok, so i got an 86% on my first semester and 87%on my second semester ,((and my final exam is 25% of my final grade)) But we took a midterm which i got 50% on it and it counts 25% of the final exam …. how do i calculate it so i could know what should i get on my final to get a B in the class ( i hope )
thank you

Roger: First do [86.5, 80, 25] to get 60.5, then use that number and do [50, 60.5, 75] since you got a 50% on the midterm and the rest of the Final grade is 75%, the complement of 25%. You see that you need a 64%.


so to get it straight i have to make at least a 64% on my final to get a B in the class?

Roger: Yep!

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 04:51:33 GMT

So glad I found this!

help me please
Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:52:06 GMT

hello roger :)
ok, so i got an 86% on my first semester and 87%on my second semester ,((and my final exam is 25% of my final grade)) But we took a midterm which i got 50% on it and it counts 25% of the final exam .... how do i calculate it so i could know what should i get on my final to get a B in the class ( i hope )
thank you

Roger: First do [86.5, 80, 25] to get 60.5, then use that number and do [50, 60.5, 75] since you got a 50% on the midterm and the rest of the Final grade is 75%, the complement of 25%. You see that you need a 64%.

Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:33:23 GMT

i have 86% in my class and my final is worth 25% of my grade , but in half of the semester we took a midterm which i got 50% and its 25% of the the exam , how do i calculate that? i want atleast an B in the class , tank you

Roger: So first you find out what grade you need on the midterm + final by using [86, 80, 25] in the calculator. You get 62%. Then you find out what you need on the final given that you go a 50% on the midterm by using [50, 62, 75] since that 50% on the midterm counts for 25% (100% - 75%) of your final grade. You see that you need a 66%.

Sat, 12 Jan 2013 04:10:31 GMT

This was so helpful thanks Roger

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 18:28:56 GMT

It is good to know that I need a 144% on my final to get an A, thanks Mr. Chen good luck to you

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 16:43:11 GMT

Hey so I'm just curious... I have an 81.58 in my Chem Honors class and I want to get an 80 at least overall in the class. My problem is that I won't have an accurate idea of what I need until I'm in the class taking my final because my teacher has yet to enter our 171 point review because its online and half my class hasn't started it yet. We have roughly between 1700-1750 points so I'm wondering how much my 171 point review will bring me up. (I got 171/171) Thanks!!

Roger: If you have a 81.58 out of around 1700-1750 points and you get a 171/171 added on, you will get about a 1.6% to 1.7% increase in your grade. Does that answer your question?

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 05:42:41 GMT

like your calc. said " hey it could be worse ". Well I'm still not sure I can score that high on all my classes final exam!

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 04:14:06 GMT


I'm not sure why so many people are having such a difficult time using your calculator, but finding out that I only need a 53% to maintain a B in my god-awful Spanish class is absolutely amazing!
You Sir,
Could Not Possibly Rock Any Harder

Fri, 11 Jan 2013 02:57:12 GMT

I have a 75.68% i want an 83, the final is worth 20% of my grade. The calculator told me 122% so i decided not to go with that... Thx!

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