
Page 30 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 30)

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:15:21 GMT

Hey Roger, ima Freshman and wonderin at what grade most teachers would stop rounding up ur B from an A. Would it be at like a 89%?

Roger: In high schools, it’s usually a 89.5% if they round at all.

Stressing Right now!
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:33:21 GMT

oh and im aiming for a 90%

Roger: Well let’s say that you get a 72% on the test. To get a 90% overall, you would need an 82% on your final. To get that 82% with a 72% on the test, you would need to get 84.5% on the Essay (or 169/200).

Stressing Right now!
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:32:48 GMT

ok well my current grade is a 92% and I mean if I get like a 72%

Stressing Right now!
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:27:36 GMT

Hey Roger,

My teacher makes his finals 20% of the overall grade in the class. But 80% of that 20% is an essay that we had to write. It's out of 200 points. Then the final is out of 42 points and only counts for 20% of that 20%. What do I need to get on my essay if I completely fail the test?

Roger: Completely fail? Haha, why would you do that? It depends on what your current grade is and what you’re aiming for too.

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:10:49 GMT

This calculator saved my life (GPA)
I needed a 67 on my AP psychology final to keep my B in the class & I got an 82! :D
Now for AP english lit, I need a 65 to keep my A.
I hate finals

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:45:32 GMT




Roger: Good luck!

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:39:13 GMT

Roger, what's your favorite song?

Roger: It changes every few days.

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:33:57 GMT

Had to get a 97% on my final for an A. Got a 96.49%. I'd be upset if it weren't so funny.

James hubert the sophisticated
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:31:04 GMT

I need an 92 percent t get an A in math:D

James hubert the sophisticated
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:27:42 GMT

How do you know your weighted percent on the amount the final is worth?

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:11:16 GMT

i have a 68 in chemistry and i need a 70 to pass the class so i need a 96????? ugh so hard

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:05:15 GMT

Btw nice site Roger! I love to see that you are helping out everyone that has questions and made this to help everyone I know it helps me :D

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:00:35 GMT

Jealous because I am number 1500?

Roger: Congrats.

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 01:26:49 GMT

Hey roger. Thanks I have an 81.06 iAp class iI want at least a 79.5 the final is worth 10% and either out of 100 points or 140... Nd there is another category going in there at the end particpation which is 5% which he's giving everyone a 10/10

Roger: So, you’d need a 56.49. Your current grade is a 81.06*(90/95) + 100*(5/95) = 82.0568% by the way.

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 01:07:00 GMT

I needed a 90 or so to keep my A in APUSH. I got 101!
now here goes German. I need 93%.

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 00:42:51 GMT

Before every final i come to this site (it's bookmarked) & I'm always satisfied to see you saying "you need to score at least 30%" just about every time. So i guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks for letting me know how hard to try, then kick back & relax ;)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 18 Jan 2013 00:26:21 GMT

Hopefully I kept A's in my classes! Thank god I only have one final left

Really Hopeful and Jealous!!!
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 23:12:33 GMT

Hi! I have a 87.8% in my math IM Math Class. My Midterm is 30% of my grade. I have all A's in my other 6 classes. I am a straight A student!! FAIL!! So, anyway me and my friend Piper have almost the same grade except she has an 89.something% I need an 93.43 on my midterm to get an 89.5 overall and get an A-(better than B) I think I did well on the Midterm so I am assuming a 94% Wish me good luck pleaseseeeessses!!!!! Considering I kind of peeped on Piper's exam (teehee!) Anyways I don't like to see what I should have gotten or answers before I get anything back before I don't want to be discouraged but this time I did and Roger, you gave me hope. I made you my homepage on my MacBook and I think it's time to say THANK-YOU ROGER!!!!!!!

Roger: Haha, good luck to you, and Piper is a kick-ass name.

Real Tigger What's Up
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 23:06:37 GMT

Thanks roger. The name of the website threw me off when someone told me about it.

Roger: I get this a lot. Stay safe.

Cal Weber
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 21:00:38 GMT

Thanks Roger!!!! Luv U :)

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:12:29 GMT

I'm screwed, looks like the 3.0 scholarships i wanted are gone. #sw@g

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:10:39 GMT

Hey Roger!
So I have a 78 in my APUSH class. The final is worth 30% of my grade. However, the final is given in two parts. I used to have a 83 in the class but I got a D on the essay so it dropped me a lot. What grade do I have to get on the second part of the test to get up to an 80? My teacher said a high B but your calculator said something different.


Roger: Well it seems like you got a 66% on the essay, which dropped you quite a bit. To get an 80, you need (believe it or not) an 80% on the next part of the final. See, your actual grade right now is still an 83% as your final isn’t “over” yet. To get at least an 80 overall, you put in [83, 80, 30] into the calculator and see that you need a 73% on the total Final. Now, you already took part of the Final and got a 66%, so let’s pretend that is your current Final grade and that you are aiming for a 73%. Put [66, 73, 50] into the calculator (assuming each part of the final is worth 50%) and you see that you need an 80% on the final. A 66% and an 80% would get you a 73% total final score, which would put you at 0.73*0.3 + 0.83*0.7 = 80% exactly. Good luck!

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:02:31 GMT

I'm not even studying for any finals because all I need to get on my finals are 62, 67, and 62 to keep my As, and I'm a natural test-taker.

*KaA!ttlLyYYNnnn.!* nd MOorgGuuuzZzZz.!.!!** :*
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:51:56 GMT

Dis site is da best it help meh do betta on mi finals. i needed a 99.99999% on mi finals to git a 17% in da class nd gess wat..............I DINT DO IT.......but dats k cuz i still ended da clas wif a 10% WHATEVS YOLO MOTHA TRUCKAS FISH

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:46:38 GMT

Awesome thing

A+ student
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:33:44 GMT

I am failing math for the first time ever and so I went to my teacher and asked if there is anything I can do to get an A and keep my 4.8 GPA. She told me I can go over to her housetonight for some late night tutoring. I am considering going becuase she promised me an A if I went. But, she has a moustache. I am slightly concerened. Should I go?? Please help!

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:46:01 GMT

Thanks for putting this up! LOVE IT!

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 16:32:14 GMT

Every semester final I come to this website and always end up disappointed...

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 15:56:19 GMT

Loving this calculator. It has helped me so much last year and this year. Go roger!

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 13:57:00 GMT


Thu, 17 Jan 2013 12:21:19 GMT

thanz great machine you will get far in programing if you keep making apps like this

Ringo Starr
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 06:39:08 GMT

hey commentasaur i bet he likes rocky road. don't ask why. just cuz

Roger: I feel like I have a moral obligation to reveal that you are “Commentasaur”. I like strawberry cheesecake and sometimes mint chocolate chip and coffee and actually, most flavors.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 06:34:01 GMT

I LIKE COMMENTING ON THINGS WITHOUT SIGNING UP. IT IS VERY REFRESHING. Also Roger, what's your favorite type of ice cream?

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 05:35:41 GMT

Have an 87% in chem and need a 100% or higher to get an A??! Fuck that. I think I will spend my studying time doing nothing and just stick to a B..Sheesh

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 05:01:55 GMT

Wooooh. Asian Math FTW!

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 04:20:18 GMT

I only needed a 51 to keep my b in calculus. And... 49.9% -_-

Billy Joe Sunshine
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 03:48:27 GMT

Wow. It seems like a buncha people can't figure out how to plug in numbers, even though it tells you how. BTW, great site. I showed it to all my friends.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 03:36:02 GMT

Hi again! I think my message got drowned out by other people's... Could you help me?

I have an 87.43%
Classwork is worth 25%, and I have a 78.57% in that category
Test/Quizzes/Projects are worth 75%, and I have a 90.38% in that category.

I'm guessing my teacher is counting the final as part of the Test category… so what do I need to get on it to have a 90? (or 89.7%) assuming the test is going to be out of at least 100 pts :\?

Tests/Projects/Quizzes: 681 pts
Hwk: 70 pts


Roger: Whoops, sorry! So, you first need to find out what you need on the Test/Quizzes/Projects category total to get a 90. To do that, put in [78.57, 90, 75] into the calculator and get 93.81%. Now, to get a 93.81% (801/853), you need 120% on the final. If you repeat the calculation with a 89.7% goal instead, you get 116%. Unless your final is worth significantly more than 100 points, you are going to have a very difficult time getting it up to an A. I’m sorry.

Pakistan all the way niggas
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 03:28:45 GMT

Thanks roger i bet people all over the world use this program it is very helpful. I was really sad i was going to fail my highschool in pakistan lahore but this made me realise less party more studying thanks again rogers :)

Roger: It seems like you’re in Canada..

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 03:26:52 GMT

130% on my final to pass. Fuck.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:54:59 GMT


Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:49:55 GMT


Roger: Let it out. That’s good.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:47:49 GMT

thank you for your comments mr. computer: "you're pretty much screwed" or "don't even bother studying"

i like your thinking.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:41:11 GMT

120% for Algebra 2... i got this

Finals suck
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:24:15 GMT

I only need 126% to get an A in calculus, no big deal.

ah crap.
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:17:06 GMT

i need like a 118% in Geometry 2 Honors to get a B... fuck.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:14:53 GMT

This website is so discouragin.

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:07:58 GMT

Well. Seems like i wont be in the 90's anytime soon :'(

fuck pheluger1
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:57:12 GMT

FUCK Pre-calc!! who needs that shit either way

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:47:27 GMT


i need 190% to pass the shit ass english class

I M fcked


Feel like slapping the fcking teacher's butt!!

Roger: Well, that escalated quickly.

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