
Page 32 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 32)

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 06:23:34 GMT

great site roger thx its really helpful

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 06:22:26 GMT

roger lets celebrate i passed math 11 woo

Roger: Congrats.

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 05:44:25 GMT


Fri, 25 Jan 2013 05:36:05 GMT

Hi Roger! I usually am a straight A student, but this year I have been struggling in Honors Chemistry. I currently have a 77% in the class and the final is weighted 20%. How do you think I should study to achieve my goal of a B?! Thanks so much.

Roger: Start early, then sleep.

stressed Ib student
Fri, 25 Jan 2013 04:41:31 GMT

Thank you for this. So much easier than doing it myself i am a math studies student.:p helped to reduce the stress of my 50% geography exam and reasure that i could get a 4 and still do well due to my 7 with the rest of my semester.

Roger: Haha, greetings fellow IB candidate.

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:49:12 GMT

Hey Roger,

Yea, its the same class,

Finals = 15% of my grade
Assignment = 25% of my grade, Currently have a 83.77 in that category.

I have a 78.03 in the class, And only 2 things left to go in the grade book, My finals, and 1 assignment which I recieved a 100% on.

After the 100% is inputted into the grade book, what will be my grade? And then from there how much will I need to get a 79.5?

Let me know If I need to clarify more things,
Thanks Much.

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:44:45 GMT

Hi roger! i have a 92.3 in AP Chem and my final goes into the TEST category which is 50% of our grade. It is going to be worth 300 points….what do i need to get to maintain a 89 in the class?? thanks!

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:35:49 GMT


I have a 78.03 in one of my classes,

My final is worth 15% of my grade,what do i need for a 79.5

Roger: You would need an 87.83%.

Also I have 1 assignment (got a 100% on it) that has also yet to be inserted into the grade book, In which i have a 83.77% which is 25% of my grade .

So What do I need to get a 79.5 after the other assignment grade is inserted? Thanks.

Roger: I don’t understand the second part of what you’re asking. Are we still talking about the same class? What is 25% of your grade?

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 01:26:51 GMT

Hi roger! i have a 92.3 in AP Chem and my final goes into the TEST category which is 50% of our grade. It is going to be worth 300 points....what do i need to get to maintain a 89 in the class?? thanks!

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 01:03:10 GMT

Very helpful! Thanks

Michael H.
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 23:43:10 GMT

So for my class we already have something in our final grade category. I got an 83.3% on it (50/60). The category is worth 20% of my grade. I'm wondering what I need to get to keep an 89.5% if the final is worth 75 points in the same category. I currently have a 92.7.

Roger: When you say that you have a 92.7, does that take into account the 83.3%?

If so, then you have a 94.58% overall, so you’ll need a 69.18 in your Final category. So, you’ll need a 57.88% (43.41/75) on the Final.

If not, then you have a 92.7% overall, so you’ll need a 76.7 in your Final category. So, you’ll need a 71.42% (53.57/75) on the Final.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 23:09:05 GMT

I have an 86 in ap enviro on grade book it says each assignment counts once toward the avg grade... What do I need for an A

Roger: I’m sorry. You’ll have to be more specific.

Jimmy Mcjimmy The jimmytastic jimmymaster
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:55:57 GMT

This is jimmysome i love it

Joe Morris
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:50:51 GMT

Roger you saved my life

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:23:20 GMT

My teachers grading system is curved so 85% or higher is an A. I currently have and 85.87 in the class at the moment. What do I have to get to stay at an A?

Roger: Get? Like a Final Exam? I assume that’s what you’re referring to. How much is your Final Exam worth as part of your grade?

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 20:05:54 GMT

Pop quiz if you have a standard deviation and a mean and want to find the are under the curve what would you do?
Pop quiz #2: how do linear velocity and angular velocity relate?

Pop quiz #3: do you even compile from source

Pop quiz #4 what do you think of thehtc one x plus

Roger: ಠ_ಠ you again. The area under the curve between two z-indicies of a standard distribution can be found using cumulative distribution frequency calculators. See here. Really? v = rω. I do not own a smartphone (like I said before), and I don’t have much interest in them.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:25:15 GMT

Thanks for creating this chart Roger. It has made it truly easy for my students to calculate the score they need to earn on their final exams in order to get the grade they want. Referring students to your site has given me peace of mind!! (Not to mention returning my sanity to me during exam week.)

Roger: (Verified, indeed a teacher.) You’re very welcome. Thank you for sharing my website with your students.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 07:24:07 GMT

god, this is so helpful
you are literally my savior when finals rear their ugly heads

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 05:19:56 GMT

Roger, I need help for AP Euro. I don't actually have a separate category for finals, but its a (unit) test going into the test category. My current grade is 88.01% and I want a 90% (at least).

Stats as followed: Weight/Score

Test: 55%/87.79%
Quiz: 10%/94.81%
DBQs, FRQs, and Presentations: 35%/86.42%
For my upcoming test, what would I have to score on it to get a 90% in the class?

Roger: You would need to get that Test average up to a 91.4%. To find out what you need on the upcoming test, you would need to first find out how much of your Test category the upcoming test is worth. Usually this is 1/(# tests you’ve had + 1). Then you could use the calculator with [87.79, 91.4, how much your last test is worth] and find out.

Say the test is 65 points, how do I input the numbers in the calculator like you mentioned above. Or could you do it for me?

Roger: You still need to know how many points you have in the Test category. Basically, it’s the difference between having only 1 test in that category, where the Final is worth MOST of that category, and having 10 tests in that category, where the Final is worth much less. You can either determine this by comparing how many points you have in Tests and how many points the Final is worth, or you could extrapolate and say that, for example, you have taken 6 tests and your Final counts as a 7th. But still, this isn’t enough information to decide.

For a rough estimate, the best case is if your final were worth a LOT of your test grade (say 50% or more maybe), where you’d need only about a 95~96 on the Final to get your grade to a 90. Otherwise, you would need a 100%+. Sorry, and good luck.

Fuck exams
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 04:02:04 GMT

Oh boy I put myself in this situation roger I'm getting a 51 and I need a 46 I'm confident in my Abilities but boy am I living on the edge here.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 03:42:44 GMT

This website always helps me during my finals! Thanks Roger

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 02:44:18 GMT

Hey Roger,

For my math class the final is being counted as a regular test. We have taken 5 tests and i have a 93% average in that portion, worth 10% of my grade. I have a 92% in the class, what would I have to get in final in order to keep my grade above a 91%?


Roger: Wait your Test category is only worth 10% of your entire grade?! Make sure that that’s right, and if so, you would need a 32.94% on the Final to maintain over a 91% overall.

Very Stressed Student
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 02:38:26 GMT

Hey Roger your calculator helped me a ton so thank you!! But, I have a question for you. So I took my AP US History final today and I got a 73% but I needed a 76% on it and now I'm stuck with a 79.5% as my overall semester grade. I was just wondering if you knew whether or not its difficult to round up to an 80% in an AP class. If its based on the amount of points in the class, then there are about 1,750 points and the final was put in as 300 points and ~21.5% of the grade (included in the total amount of points). Thank you in advance :)

Roger: It’s ultimately up to your teacher. My AP/IB teachers have been pretty forgiving with the X9.5 and above rounding, but it depends case to case. Good luck!

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 02:25:31 GMT

our tests are worth 75% and our homework 25% right now i have a 92% what do i need to get on the final to have at least a 90. our final if worth about 20% of our test grade.

Roger: It depends on what your current Test average is.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 02:25:06 GMT

ROGER !!!!! I need a 75% which is a B in Physics and I currently have a 67% which is actually a C. And it says that I need to score at least 147% on my finals !!!!!!!!!! ahhh whattt?

Roger: Sorry. It’s rather hard to raise your grade a whole 8 percent though.. especially if your final isn’t worth too much.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 01:38:59 GMT

Let's GO Only need a 66.5 to get a B

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 01:06:55 GMT

Roger, I need help for AP Euro. I don't actually have a separate category for finals, but its a (unit) test going into the test category. My current grade is 88.01% and I want a 90% (at least).
Stats as followed: Weight/Score

Test: 55%/87.79%
Quiz: 10%/94.81%
DBQs, FRQs, and Presentations: 35%/86.42%
For my upcoming test, what would I have to score on it to get a 90% in the class?

Roger: You would need to get that Test average up to a 91.4%. To find out what you need on the upcoming test, you would need to first find out how much of your Test category the upcoming test is worth. Usually this is 1/(# tests you’ve had + 1). Then you could use the calculator with [87.79, 91.4, how much your last test is worth] and find out.

Thu, 24 Jan 2013 00:47:55 GMT

I have a 40% in college math, I want a 50% to pass. I NEED TO GET 90% WTF...


Wed, 23 Jan 2013 23:23:30 GMT

i have an 81.54 in precalc

final is 20%

tests are 90% - I have a 79,86

hw is 10% - i have a 96.69
what do i need on my final?

Roger: Your categories add up to 120%. Do you mean that your Final is worth 20% of your Test grade or is that just some number you extracted rectally?

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 22:45:42 GMT

Hey roger, i need some help

right now i have a 82.9 for term work which is worth 70% of my mark. On my isu i got 88% and my isu is worth 15%. What do i need to get on my exam to get 82% overall and 84%.

Roger: Assuming your exam is worth 15%, you need a -11% for a 82 or a 2.23% for a 84%.

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 22:16:24 GMT

steve's score on exams #1, #2, and #4 are 89,93, and 87 (out of 100). Unfortunately, he chose to skip Exam # 3 to go see a movie with his friends. This resulted in a score of 0 for him on exam # 3. If he has to get a passing grade of a least 70% to move on to the next math course, and he only has exam # 5 left in the class, what is the minimum score he needs to get on exam #5? Assume his grade is calculated using only the 5 exam scores. Show how you figured this out and DO NOT guess and check.

Roger: I get the idea that most of these are just arithmetic problems for me, but what do you want me to do with this? Solve it for you? You see that the minimum requirement is 350 points, so he needs 350 - 89 - 93 - 87 = 81%...

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:38:46 GMT

Hey roger! So I have a 86.38 in honors physics he's taking off a test grade it will go back up to an 88 I believe but at the current 86.38 the final is worth 15% and participation is 5 if I get an 100% on participation what do I have to get on my final to get an 89.5thanks

Roger: Well, a 5% participation category will boost your grade either from a 86.38 to an 87.18 or from an 88 to a 88.71, depending on what you decide is your current grade. From there, you can use the calculator. (You need a 93.98% on the Final if you take your current grade to be an 88%.)

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 16:45:25 GMT

I hate diplomas!

Eric J
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 10:29:43 GMT

I have a complicated situation. We've had four tests throughout the year, worth 20% altogether. My last test I got a 63%, leaving me with a final overall grade of 68. My test average of the four tests is 69. However, for our final exam, our teacher said the mark we get on our exam would REPLACE our final test mark. The final is worth 30% by itself. What would I need to get around a 78%-80% on my overall grade?

Roger: So, from what you’re saying, your non-Test average is even lower than a 68? I mean, your Test average is a 69 and your overall grade is a 68, which means that something ELSE is bringing it down. That’s the only part that doesn’t make sense to me, but I went ahead and did your calculation anyway. After a complete disregard of significant figures, I placed your current non-Final non-Test average at a 67.71% and came up with this.

So, it seems like you need a 95.9% on the Final to get to a 78%. You can adjust the RHS of the equation as you’d like.

Hey roger ;)
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:23:15 GMT

my name is not roger your name is roger
Coincidence I think not!!!
Are u single?

Hey roger ;)
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:20:58 GMT

by chance do you have an e harmony account or something.
not roger

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:20:00 GMT


I love you for this. Thanks so much

still not roger :(
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:19:22 GMT

If i had 10$ and you had 10$ i would beat you up and steal your 10$ just so i could give you 20$. That is the kind of connection i feel with you

Roger: Eh? I don’t know how I feel about this.

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:18:24 GMT

Calculus = death.
Teach me how to get into Berkeley, Roger. ):

Roger lol jk im not that awsome
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:17:16 GMT

because i dont have to sign up im going to countinuosly praise you instead of doing my essay

Sadly not Roger Chen
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 07:13:45 GMT

Today we honor a man named roger because without out him i would be studying right now. instead i can not study HERES TO YOU MR. CHEN YOU ARE THE REAL HERO

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 04:41:32 GMT

Hey Roger, if i don't get a 84% on my final tomorrow, you better be prepared to die

Mr. Underhill
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 04:29:49 GMT

Lol I was stressed out about exams all week,
Then I came here
and realized I can still pass with a C- while getting only 30% on all exams
Thanks roger! I can now play more minecraft ^^

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 04:29:29 GMT

In my test category i have a 67.02%.......248/370.. I know..low

Roger: I assume that this is for your Math class. If you have a 67.02 in your Test category, it means that you must have a 74.4% in homework. What do you want to raise your grade to? If you want a 70%, that means you need a 77.35% on your Final.

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 03:41:30 GMT

I only need a low C in every final to keep an A! YES.

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 03:38:12 GMT

57 in math, fuck this shit

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 02:24:23 GMT

Only need a 65.7% on my spanish final to get a 90.0 and you say don't even bother studying?? Too bad the tests are so hard the class average is like a 70.0 percent... Looks like I will be studying tonight...

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 02:10:34 GMT

You control how much i study

@Finals...YAY -_-
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 01:26:11 GMT

@Finals...YAY -_-

With a 89.4% and only 30 points left, it is impossible to get a 90%. If you add 20 points to your current 89.4% or 894/1000 points, then you will have a 91.4% or 914/1000 points. Hope that helped :)

Wed, 23 Jan 2013 01:20:37 GMT

I had a 99% in math and now I have a 66%. I don't know that happened.
P.S: I cheated on the final and got caught

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