
Page 33 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 33)

Fri, 01 Feb 2013 19:34:57 GMT

I hope You are right I really need to pass this class!

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 06:23:55 GMT

Hi. "G" . That is not polite to ask same question again and again . Why do you want to know anyway?

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 06:17:14 GMT

hey can you be honest and say how much you make off your websites? I am just wondering.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 05:10:06 GMT

lol this better be correct cuz I'm planning on not doing so well on my final tomorrow

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 04:49:51 GMT

Never mind! I clicked your name and found that you are indeed Asian. As am I.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 04:48:05 GMT

Are you Asian? Because you seem to know a lot about math.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 02:50:16 GMT

That's a relief haha thanx so much!!! (: your a life saver!!!

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 02:48:48 GMT

I love you, Christine.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 02:48:11 GMT

I have an 87.88 in math and my final is worth 15% of my test grades (my test grades are worth 60% of my grade) currently i have 87% in this category. I want an 89.45 what would i need to get on the final?

Roger: So, you need a 90.5% in your Test category, which means that you need 110.33% on your Final.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 02:43:38 GMT

this is great man. im sharing this with my AP World students.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 01:34:46 GMT

Hi roger! First off this helped a lot thanks! And second off I am not sure what I need to score on my french final to get an a. I have a 92 and I would like at least a 90. My grading scale is split up into 3 sections 1. worth 25%, I have a 100% in this(: 2. Worth 25%, also a 100%. The thirds is worth 50 and I have an 87%- this I also what the final will be added to the final is out of 100 and there Is probably 500 points in this section(: so how bad can I fail? Haha cause I expect to.. :p

Roger: So, you have an 87% in section 3 right now, and you would need to lower that to a 80% to go below a 90% overall. Seeing how your final is worth about 16.67% (1/6th), you need a 45% on the final exam.

Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:21:53 GMT

If I got 73% and I score a 55% on my final how much would my mark be in total

Wed, 30 Jan 2013 03:51:36 GMT

Damn it Roger. I can't get a fucking 300% . fuck-

By the way, how much money do you make off your websites? Just answer with an estimate.

Wed, 30 Jan 2013 00:02:53 GMT

Are you sure this is correct?

Roger: Yep. But don’t take my word for it. 800,000 unique visitors have been to this website to use this calculator.

Reed Young
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 23:44:56 GMT

How come this doesn't work so I used it and it said that to get a 77 I need a 81% and I got a 84 and I got a overall grade is 72. Aiyah lied to me D:<

Roger: Please use some more punctuation. I don’t understand what you’re saying nor what you have been saying.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 23:29:09 GMT

I have a 73% and need to have a 70% at the end of my final and my final is worth 30% what do I need to get on the final to keep it above 70%

Roger: A 63%.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:14:42 GMT


Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:09:39 GMT

my mark is a 85%, and my exam is 15% of my grade, i want a 70% over all, it says i need to score a -15%, how does that work? how do i score a negative?????

Roger: You need to score at least a -15%.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 19:41:51 GMT

i have a 77 in english, i want to get at least an 80. my final is 10% of my grade.

Roger: I’m sorry, but you can’t get an 80%.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 09:32:28 GMT

What do I need to get if I am getting a 97% in S.S 11 honours. Is it possible to achieve a 98% if my final is worth 20% of my total grade? If so what do I need to get?

Roger: You’d need 102% on the final to get a 98%.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 08:02:51 GMT

my friend got a 0 on his final cause he cheated and our finals are about 13%. he got a zero; so does that mean his grade of 83% would drop exactly about 12-13%?
so he would at least get a C?
hes super depressed so i want to kind of reassure him that he will at least get a C (..?)

Roger: It will not drop a whole 12-13%, but 83% of 12-13%, which would put him at a 72.21% to 73.04% depending on the actual weight of the exam.

Joy Han
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 06:18:33 GMT

I can't use the determine button. It just won't work. Why?!

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 05:04:15 GMT

how much money do you make off your websites?

Roger: Enough.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 04:15:15 GMT

this is great, i remember last semester i went to school waiting to get my results, i figured this equation out then and it was very reasuring. very helpful

Tue, 29 Jan 2013 01:45:27 GMT

I have a 73.69 in the class and I just need a 70%, if the final is 20% whats the minimal percent i can get to keep a C

Roger: 55.24%.

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 21:02:15 GMT

I have a 89% in my class right now i just took a final and got a 57% and its worth 5% of my grade what will my final grade be

Roger: .89*.95 + .57*.05 = 87.4%.

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 18:13:49 GMT

I have a 64.2% in my class. I want at least a 55 % in my class. My exam is 20% of my grade and the exam is on 120 points. How many points do I need to get to have 55%?

Roger: Well, if you put in [64.2, 55, 20] into the calculator, you get 18.2%. To find out what 18.2% of 120 points is, you have to first divide the percentage by 100 (per cent, where cent signifies 100) and then multiply that by the number of points. So, use your calculator to do 0.182 times 120. You get 21.84 points, which means you need 21.84/120 points.

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 17:48:19 GMT

I posted earlier.
First quarter: 82.6%
Second quarter: 77.04%
Final exam is worth: 20%
Final exam grade: 62.8%
What's my overall grade? Thanks roger

Roger: .826*.4 + .7704*.4 + .628*.2 = 76.412%.

a box of kittens
Mon, 28 Jan 2013 17:20:20 GMT

So it seems as your website is slowing down let the popquizzes begin!
Pop quiz 1: what does the central limit theorem state?

Popquiz 2: describe to me newtons second law

Popquiz 3: say I'm doing two a physics problem where three rapters pulled a trucked 50 raptor was pulling with a force of 50N and a direction of 30 degrees above the horizon another raptor with 60N and 20 degrees above the horizon another raoter with 55N with 60 degrees above the horizon...find me the total work done and how does that connect to kinetic energy? Than find me the power if it took thrity seconds

Roger: Stop this..

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 11:57:54 GMT

The first semester I got a 82.6% and for the second semester I got a 74.55%, on my final exam I got a 59% what is my overall grade?

Roger: How much is each portion weighted?

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 06:43:48 GMT

Well crap, 100%, WHY!!!!!!!!!

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 06:17:18 GMT

Posted Jan 27th at 9:24PM
If I only need a 12.67% on my final to pass the class, and the exam is only 80 marks, how many marks do I need to get a 12.67?

You'd need to get around 9.5/80 to get away with 12.67% (actually comes to be 11.875%)

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 05:24:14 GMT

If I only need a 12.67% on my final to pass the class, and the exam is only 80 marks, how many marks do I need to get a 12.67?

Pre-cal isn't my best subject
Mon, 28 Jan 2013 04:38:58 GMT

Thx Roger! My final exam is tmrw and I'm freaking out. But it's always reassuring to know that I can get 15% and still pass my class.

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 04:06:13 GMT

The comments are so rude, i dont think they help whatsoever nice try

Mon, 28 Jan 2013 01:53:49 GMT

Those comments are really annoying roger

Ahh!!!!! wtf
Mon, 28 Jan 2013 01:52:28 GMT

I need a 94% to get an A in geometry from a B. i really want a a i
m stressing out!!!

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 23:57:40 GMT

I need at least 77. \/ \/ \/ \/

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 23:54:34 GMT

I have this assignment that is 60% of my grade. I had a 90. Right now I got a 70. What is going to be my final grade Roger?

Roger: .6*.9 + .4*.7 = 82%.

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 23:51:32 GMT

Can I calculated a assignment with this?

Roger: To the extent that I can interpret this question, yes.

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 23:09:47 GMT

I need a %94 on the provincial to get an A in my Math class..

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 22:26:41 GMT

Yay! Thanks so much for making this! I need at least a 75.3% to pass chem with an A boo-ya!

Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:58:37 GMT

According to this, its actually impossible for me to fail any of my classes, so thank god!

IB (Mostly) Satisified
Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:02:01 GMT

hahahahahaha the comments on this website amuse me to no end. and this calculator reassured me that i can fail most of my finals, which is good since im spending my time commenting here rather than actually studying...the only class i need a decent grade on the final for is the hardest one to study for...stupid hl english. got any solutions to that one?

Roger: I got a 5 at the end. I don’t know what to tell you, haha.

Sat, 26 Jan 2013 23:27:09 GMT

this calculator is pretty good, but maybe you need to skip on the little comments...

Sat, 26 Jan 2013 23:04:40 GMT

You're a life saver. Thanks for creating this!

duck warrior
Sat, 26 Jan 2013 17:08:18 GMT

Lets test your physics and statistics knowledge...
Pop quiz1:if we have an unnormaldistribution but n is large what can we assume?
Pop quiz 2: a 82.7kg raptor is skiing down a hill that is 20 m high..he reaches the bottom and goes up another hill that is 15m high...what is his velocity at that hill? Show yourwork and draw an fbd and motion diagram

Pop quiz 3: if we have a z score...wwhat can we do with it?

Pop quiz 4: is this website dead during non final season?

Roger: 1) Nothing. What the heck is “unnormal”? 2) Depends on initial velocity, but v=sqrt(2gh). 3) Cumulative frequency. 4) Mostly.

Sat, 26 Jan 2013 05:22:15 GMT

Hey Roger! Your final grade calculator has helped me so much! But I have a question for you. I currently have a 82.90% overall in IB Spanish. The final is going into the "major assesments" category, (not as a separate percentage), and is worth 50% of my grade. I currently have a 87.67% in this category. What grade would I need to get on my final to get a B in the class (83%)? Thanks!

Roger: This depends on how many points your final is worth and how many points are currently in your “Major Assessments” category.

Sat, 26 Jan 2013 01:18:06 GMT

I needed a 98% on my bio final. Got a 96%. Will not pass the class. F***

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:50:53 GMT

thankes roger I need -45 to fail

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