
Page 36 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 36)

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:58:07 GMT

This doesn't make sense. Who calculates grades in percentage? you can't have 92% in the class if you haven't completed the final 10% worth of grading.

A more effective way is to calculate this way

10 % is my one writing assignment. I got an 86
10 % is my second writing assignment. i got a 78
40 % is my midtermm which i got a 74.
40 % is my final which i haven't taken yet.

now my question is: what is the minimal grade i need to get on the final when the overall grade to pass is a 65?

10%(86) + 10%(78) + 40%(74) + 40%x ≥ 65

8.6 + 7.8 + 29.6 + 0.4x ≥ 65

46 + 0.4x ≥ 65

0.4x ≥ 19

x ≥ 47.5

You need to get 47.5 or better on your final exam to make a passing grade of 65.

Roger: You’re correct. However, most students understand percentages better than points. Additionally, public education in the United States is in the habit of discarding empty categories when calculating intermediate grades.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:06:15 GMT

If i currently have a 72% in my class, and my final exam is 25% of my grade what is the minimum I can receive to maintain a 72% or better in the class over all? I am aiming for no lower than a 70%

Roger: Hi Rosemary. You need a 64% on the final exam. You can also get this answer by putting in {72, 70, 25} into the calculator at the top of this web page and pressing “Determine!”.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 13:12:53 GMT

Thanks Roger!
You are correct there is 6% missing.The exams are worth 23% not 21%. Would I still have to get a 79% on my final to receive a 74% in the overall class?

Roger: Hi again. If your exams are worth 23%, you need to get a 91.81% on the final to get a 74% overall.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:47:30 GMT

thank you a lot but i also have one more question why does it HAVE to be 60%?

Roger: Good question! Percentages are ratios of a hundred. The word comes from centi which means hundredth. If your Health Game is worth 40 percent, then it only makes sense that everything else is worth 100 - 40 = 60 percent.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 06:58:52 GMT

Hi Roger
I am wondering what I would need to score on the final exam 80% in my class?

I scored
Midterm 1 65% and its worth 15% of final grade
Midterm 2 82.5% and its worth 15% of final grade
Midterm 3 73.5% and its worth 15% of final grade

Final project worth 20% achieved
Participation achieved 5% of final grade achieved
Final exam worth 30% of final grade

Roger: Hi Derrick. It depends on what you get on your Final Project and participation. I’ll assume that you get 100% on participation. That means you would need to score an average of 83.67% on your Final exam and Final project.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 04:10:19 GMT

for the formula it says exam score but you haven't did the exam yet so how would you know the exam score?
and i have a math question that i can't figure it out can you plx help
a Health Game is worth 40% of your final health mark. if you currently have 92% in health, what mark/% (for the game) will you need to earn a final mark of 94%?
i am really stuck on this question so can you plz explain it to me

Roger: Hi there. So, everything that isn’t the “Health Game” is worth a total of 60%, so if you do 0.60 × 0.92 + 0.40 × x = 0.94, you see that x is the answer. Now, you need to do some algebra.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 03:15:52 GMT

Hey Roger
Exams (3 total) are worth 21% each and my Final is worth 31%. Exam 1=65% Exam 2=61% Exam 3= 72%

The Final will replace my lowest exam score.

What grade do I need to achieve on my final to pass the class with at least a 74%?

Roger: Hi. It looks like there is 6% missing from your grade breakdown. Anyway, if you get a ~79% on the Final, you should be able to get a 74% overall.

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 01:56:30 GMT


Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:22:21 GMT

Hey Roger,
Sorry for the delay in the response. My grades are 100,95,98,95,100,95 and they are worth a total of 40% of my grade and my exams are worth a total of 60% (30+30) and on my midterm I got a 17/80 as stated before. I was wondering if you could help my figure out my current grade in the class and what I will need to make a D or minimum of 60% in the class. My teacher tells me that I have a 70 in the class. Thank you

Roger: Hi Matt. If your numbers are correct, you actually have a 64.6% in the class. You will need a 49.19% to get a 60% overall. However, the fact your teacher says you have a 70 in the class suggests that some of these numbers are wrong. I think it would be a good idea to double check.

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:18:11 GMT

This is an excellent blog! keep it up!

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 06:55:15 GMT

This did not work...Roger you are not good at this. Get a job!

Roger: I’ve got a job, sort of.

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 01:40:10 GMT

You're amazing. K bye.

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 01:22:29 GMT

this did not work for me! it is dumm

Carla Kadi
Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:48:07 GMT

Hey Roger,
So far in Biology 113 class
I've gotten 75 on a final worth 30% of my mark.
Each quiz worth 5% i got 80, 60, 60 and the lab worth 30% of our mark i got 65.
(All of the marks i got are the percentages i recieved)
I was wondering how much i neded on a final worth 25% of mark to end up with 68% in the class?

Roger: 64%

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 02:41:28 GMT

I love you for making this!

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 18:18:56 GMT

Thanks for this Roger, Really helps put the old mind at ease

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 02:31:46 GMT

I have 50/50, 48/50 and 50/50 on 3 assignments and they count for 30% of final mark, I have 60% on an exam and have another exam to do. The exams count for 70%. I need a 75% for a final mark with the assignments and exams. What do I need on the final exam

Roger: 69.7143%

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 14:09:57 GMT

i think its fun to play on whenever ime bord, it maks me happy becus i can put relly big numbers

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 05:07:04 GMT

My class has 6 test and one final...each test is worth 80% of our grade and the final is worth 20%. I currently have a 67% in the class....I have two tests left and one final. Can you tell me what I need to make on the next two test and final in order to pass the class? Each test is worth 50 points and the final is worth 100.

Roger: Your situation is more straightforward than you think. Just put in [67, what you need to pass, 46.67] into the calculator, and you’ll find out.

katie reed
Fri, 12 Apr 2013 02:21:17 GMT

Hi, i'm confused about what i will need on my final to land 50%.

On the midterm i scored 53% (mid-term is worth 45% overall), i scored 7.1% on assignments (worth 10%), the final is worth 45%, what mark do i need to get 50% in the class. HELP!

Roger: 73.9%.

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:52:10 GMT

Hey Roger,
I was using your grade calculator and was wondering if you could help with determining my current grade. My teacher reassures me I am going to pass but once I tell you my midterm grade you'll see my concern. Labs are worth 40% and exams are worth 60%. My lab grades are as follows 100,98,95,95 and my midterm was 17/80 (it's a programming class, so it is a burden). Thanks for the help.

Roger: Hi Matt. This depends on how your 60% exam category is split between a midterm (I’m assuming you only have one) and the Final. Do you know how it’s split?

Your current grade is a 51.55% by the way.

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 02:02:54 GMT

sounds like Chris should study and not look at grade calculator!!

Mon, 08 Apr 2013 21:08:07 GMT

I have an 68 in the class and I need a 70 to pass. I still have one essay left for this semester that is worth 10% and one exam worth 25%. What would I need to get on these to receive a 70 overall? Thanks in advance.

Roger: 73.71%.

help me
Sun, 07 Apr 2013 21:07:20 GMT

im so stressed out and this year is the most important year ever and so much is counting on my performance. help me. i'm so lost

Sat, 06 Apr 2013 05:25:26 GMT

I have a 52% in class and I have a test in three weeks and it is worth 100% and I was hoping if you can calculate what percentage I can achieve to get to an overall 90% in this class

Fri, 05 Apr 2013 04:54:04 GMT

OK. So last semester my grade was an 86 percent and my final was worth 20 percent. Your website told me that I was pretty much screwed because I needed to get 106% on my final. However I ended up getting a 104 percent and convinced my teacher to give me an A.

Roger: Good job on the 104!

Fri, 05 Apr 2013 04:00:25 GMT

Hi I have a 12% by first quarter ouch but I wanna know how much I need second quarter to pass the semester my final is worth 15% of overall grade please calculate.

Thu, 04 Apr 2013 05:53:31 GMT

Hi Roger, these are my grades so far. Can you tell me based on this info, what my final grade would be thus far, and can you tell me how you figured it out?
Quizzes 20% of grade I have a 92
Homework 15% 86
Writing assignments 15% 88
Tests 50% 94

Roger: Sure. I just check that your percents (20%, 15%, 15%, 50%) add up to 100%, and then I multiply them all together and add them up: 0.20 * 0.92 + 0.15 * 0.86 + 0.15 * 0.88 + 0.50 * 0.94 = 0.915 = 91.5%. (Don’t forget to divide by 100 because they are percents.)

Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:20:44 GMT

Okay, thanks Roger. Just didn't know if their was some type of formula for that. Well you have a great website here and I'm Gonna put in a good word with friends. Its trully a blessing the gift you have and more of a blessing that you are willing to share it with others. ;-) may the Lord Bless you.

Wed, 03 Apr 2013 00:36:02 GMT

Hi Roger, I am no longer in school, I graduated but it is a state exam that I have to take. I did more research and found out it is based on a scaled score, it is from 300 to 900. I still have a week to study and intend on passing but I'm nervous and wanted to know how many I could get away with missing or how many is needed to achieve a passing score. Thank you. Hope you can help. :)

Roger: Hi again. Sorry I didn’t understand what you meant before. Standardized tests are usually scaled according to how well all the exams score in general. If you look online, you can find historical data on how many questions are required to get a certain score. I don’t know much more than that. Good luck.

Tue, 02 Apr 2013 05:11:24 GMT

Roger, you are awesome! I am not strong at math at all and I hate it. Anyhow, I have an exam of 125 questions. I took a practice test before review and missed 54 and got 71 correct. So I know that each question is worth 1.25 point but the problem is... this test says I need a 630 to pass. I don't know how to calculate that and find out how I did. How many questions would need to be right, to achieve a passing score. The test is broken down into categories and %s but I think its irrelavent as together they total 100. Help... :/

Roger: Hi there. How many points do you have in the class altogether right now?

Sat, 30 Mar 2013 16:15:54 GMT

If a bonus assignment is worth 2 percent, how do I calculate how much it would bring my mark up?
Exams and quiz's are worth 65 percent
The final project is worth 5 percent
And the final is worth 30 percent


Roger: Well.. it would bring up your grade by 2%. Haha.

Fri, 29 Mar 2013 13:23:25 GMT

Hi can you help me with my final grade?

Assignment 1 achieved 83.33% and its worth 15% of final grade
Assignment 2 achieved 100% and its worth 15% of final grade
Assignment 3 achieved 97.5% and its worth 10% of final grade
Final Assignment achieved 96% and its worth 25% of final grade
Final exam achieved 70% and its worth 25% of final grade
Participation achieved 70% and its worth 10% of final grade

Thanks so much. If its not much trouble can you tell me how you calculated it? (I feel bad not knowing how ..... )

Roger: Hi there. I just multiply each pair of numbers and then add them all up, so 0.8333 × 0.15 + 1.00 × 0.15 + 0.975 × 0.10 + 0.96 × 0.25 + 0.70 × 0.25 + 0.70 × 0.10 = 0.857495. So, your final grade is 85.7495%. I also double check that the percentages all add up to 100%, in case the person forgets something.

Thu, 28 Mar 2013 23:06:28 GMT

hi Roger i need to know what i have to get on my final to get a b- (80)
exam 1-61% worth 16%
exam2- 66% worth 16%
exam 3 - 67% worth 16%
exam 4 - 74% worth 16%
exam 5- 92% worth 16%
lab - 88% worth 20% of total grade
final is worth 20%

so total are exams are worth 80% of total grade and lab is 20% of total grade

Roger: Hi, you need 102% on the final to get an 80% overall.

Thu, 28 Mar 2013 19:17:08 GMT

I need a 64.5% to pass the course Roger

Roger: Well, if you assume that each of the quarters is weighted equally, you would need a ~84%. Do you have any more information about how your grade is calculated?

Thu, 28 Mar 2013 12:43:02 GMT

72.7% is the total test grade. It doesn't matter what I do on assignments, quizzes, or labs. I have to have 78% or higher on my test grade.

Roger: Well, if you assume your final is equal to 1 test, then you would need an 88.6% on both your next test and your final. This number goes down if your final is worth more.

Carly k
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:41:52 GMT

So I have a 98 in class and I didn't turn in a 15 point homework much would it affect me cause I really need a 93!

Roger: If it’s just one homework assignment, I don’t think your grade will drop that much..

Carly k
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:37:14 GMT

I have a 98 in class and I didn't turn in a 10 point homework Assignment and I need a 93 at least to please my parents Would it affect my grade if I get a zero on it????? Please reply fast!

Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:07:09 GMT

Need 78% final grade on tests to pass the class. Still have 1 test and 1 final. I have already taken 4 test and have 72.7%. What do I need to get on my last two tests?

Roger: What are the other categories in your grade? Is the 72.7% your test average or your overall grade? How much are your tests worth as part of your whole grade?

Tue, 26 Mar 2013 21:52:23 GMT

Hi, Roger I have an 85 in Health class, I currently have 1 test which is a 0 in the grade book, the thing is I know its a 100 because it's a take home. So when I pass it in it'll boost my grade up a lot, but we have a notebook check in which is 15% and I sure as heck don't have any papers. Would I still be able to get a 90 in the class!?

Roger: I’ve no idea. How much are your tests worth? How many tests have you taken? What is your test average? You need to provide more information.

Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:09:58 GMT

I have the following scores:
98% on quizzes which are 35% of my grade
96% on midterm which is 20% of my grade
100% on special assignment which is 10% of my grade
100% on paper which is 10% of my grade
I have not taken the final yet, which is 25% of my grade.
What is my current grade and what do I need on final to get 93% in the class?

Roger: Your grade is 98% and you need a 78% on the final.

Tue, 26 Mar 2013 13:48:51 GMT

Hei. I'm a nursing student. I have three exams worth 70% of my grade, the final is 30% . I have an 88, and 86, and a 92 on the three exams. I want an A. What do I need on the final?

Roger: Hi, you need a 93.11%.

Tue, 26 Mar 2013 03:29:05 GMT

Hi Roger,

In my online class all the test assessments are worth 492 points. I have obtain 395 points. The final is 50% of my grade and I scored 63.5%. All the test assessments are the other 50% of my grade so I think that makes my test average about 80%. I need a 70% and over to pass the class.

Roger: Hi. What is your question?

Mon, 25 Mar 2013 21:58:29 GMT

Hi i have a 58% as an average grade in geometry class atm. The 4th quarter has just started, and im curious of what i need by the end of the quarter to pass this class. Im very worried please help! Thank you!

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

Sun, 24 Mar 2013 18:13:58 GMT

i have taken 1 test. there are 3 total plus one final exam.

Roger: It’s a good thing that your test average is so low, because if you get at least a ~73% on the next two tests, it will help your grade a lot. If you also get a ~73% on your final, your overall grade will be up to a 70%.

Sun, 24 Mar 2013 06:35:17 GMT

Hello roger I had a question. I am taking a online math class and I wanted to know what I will need to score on my final to get at least 70 percent. All our online homework and tests and quizzes are worth 60 percent and I have got 100 percent on all of them. The final is worth 40 percent.

Roger: You will need a 25% on the final then.

Sun, 24 Mar 2013 05:36:55 GMT

I am trying to figure out if i can pass this class or if i should drop it.

currently my labs are at 93%, homework 80% and tests 48% :( I know i can keep my lab and homework grade close to what it is. I need a 70% or better to pass the class and have 2 tests left. What is the lowest score i can get on the last 2 tests and the final to pass?
Thank you for your help :)

Roger: Hi Ashlee. It depends on how many tests you have already taken. Can you reply with the number?

Sun, 24 Mar 2013 00:28:21 GMT

Roger, you are amazing! Around this time, I log into this website LOL. Hopefully, I do the best I can on the finals, and I hope everyone else out there does so too!

Sat, 23 Mar 2013 01:32:00 GMT

Hey Roger,

I don't know my current grade in my class.
1st midterm: 81.00% (30% of my grade)
2nd midterm: 60.00% (30% of my grade)

Final is worth the remaining 40%

What is my current grade??

Roger: Your current grade is a 70.5%.

CSP - Update
Fri, 22 Mar 2013 21:16:58 GMT

Well R.

I took my final. Everything is due in tonight by 11:55pm. I found out last minute is was worth 20% of my grade. I needed to get 100% on this final. I aced it and got 96% on my final!! Scored the highest in the class. Matter fact, my scores are higher than the majority of my entire class on everything. Literally my final grade is 59.73% and all I needed was to get to 60% to pass. Here's the kicker.....I passed all of my tests/quizzes etc but missed ONE midterm. Just one! I know it's a huge test but theres no way it drops me to an "F" and stays there. The midterm was 6 weeks ago. Anyway.............................My instructor does nothing to help me bump it up. I don't even need a full percentage to get that passing grade. This is the second time I'm taking and paying for this class. I figured he would be decent enough to do something but I guess not. Must take too much energy from his fingers.

Sucks for me, huh! = )
Good luck to everyone else! Hope you never end up in a situation like mines.

Roger: Hi CSP. That certainly does suck. (If I were you, I would try talking to my professor until he changed his mind.) I hope you have better luck next time!

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