
Page 37 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 37)

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 15:59:55 GMT

Hello Roger,

I am really freaking out about my college Math final. Can you please help me? If I have a 78% in the class right now and my final is worth 20% of my grade, what is the lowest score I could receive and still pass the class with a 70% C?

Roger: You only need a 38% on the Final to get a 70% C. By the way, if you get an 88% on the Final, you can bring that 78% up to a 80%.

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 04:21:21 GMT

roger, you genius son of a gun.. thank you!

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 03:08:10 GMT

We take 4 tests in my class and that is all our grade. So each test is 25% of our grade. My first 3 test grades were 70, 70, and 35. To pass with a 75% what would I need to get on my final test?

Roger: You would need 125% on the Final test.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 20:24:06 GMT

95.70 1st exam 20% of grade
93.10 2nd exam 20% of grade
95.70 3rd exam 20% of grade
92% on Moodle quizzes 5% and Investigating the Ocean worksheets 15% = 20% of grade

Final is worth 20% of my grade.

What do I need to get on the final to get an A for the class? (Roger: 73.5%)
What do I need to get on the final to get a B for the class? (Roger: 23.5%)

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:43:02 GMT

My current average is an 85.2 and my exam grades (66% of my grade) are as follows:


my final exam replaces my lowest test score, what do I need to make on the final to get an A in the class?

Roger: I am going to assume that your Final exam doesn’t have its own category since you did not specify one (if this is wrong, please provide more information). If so, I see that your current Test average is a 80.75%. Because your tests are 66% of your whole grade, it means that your non-Test average is a 94.1%. Therefore, you need a revised test average of 87.95% to get a 90% (A) overall. This means that you will need to get a 102.8% on the Final.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:06:33 GMT

okay so since my grade is a 78.91% and the final is worth 25%, what do I need to get on it to receive an 80 or above in the class?

sorry for all the confusion.

Roger: You need a 83.27%.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:18:59 GMT

Let me start over cause I think I figured out why its different.

I want to figure out what I have to get on my final exam in order to get an 80% or above in the class.

The class is broken down as follows:

Exam 1 – got a 69% and its worth 25%
Exam 2 – got a 72% and its worth 25%
Participation – got 100% and its worth 10%
Journal 1 – got an 87%
Journal 2 – got a 93%
Journal 3 – got a 93%
Journal 4 – got a 98.5%
Journal 5 – got a 93%

total, all journals added together are worth 15%

I wanna know what my current grade is and what I have to get on the final exam to get an 80% or above. Thanks!

Roger: Gotcha. I was confused because originally, your percentages added up to 135%, whereas they should have added up to less than 100%. In this case, your current grade is 78.91%.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:16:04 GMT

Hi you calculated my current grade a few comments down. and what you came up with is different than what is show in our gradebook. in the gradebook, it says i have a 78.91 and the teacher claims "it is correct." a little confused, but anyways.

my final is worth 25%. What would I need to get on it to receive atleast an 80 or above?

Roger: From my answer to your comment above, you need a 83.27% on the Final.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:07:32 GMT

Midterm worth 25% i scored a 75%
Homework worth 35% i scored a 66.6%
Case study worth 15% i scored a 100%
Final worth 25%—-made a 95.5

Hey Roger you calculated my grade yesterday for what i needed to pass on my final..well I made a 95!

with the 95.5 as 25% of my grade what will be my final grade given all of the above averages?


Roger: Your final grade is 80.935%.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 16:48:17 GMT

I currently have a 66% in algebra.
I have a 0 on a test that i haven't taken yet.
If i take the test and get a 60% or lower, would it make my grade go up since its current grade is a 0?
I only need 60% to graduate and still have the final at the end of the year and our school final only counts for 10% of our grade.

Roger: Yes, it would bring your grade up.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 14:17:12 GMT

If my over all grade is a 85 and my test average is an 83 and I get a 100 on a test, what will my grade be?

Roger: It will be higher.

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 13:43:39 GMT

I want to figure out what I have to get on my final exam in order to get an 80% or above in the class.

The class is broken down as follows:

Exam 1 - got a 69% and its worth 25%
Exam 2 - got a 72% and its worth 25%
Participation - got 100% and its worth 10%
Journal 1 - got an 87% and its worth 15%
Journal 2 - got a 93% and its worth 15%
Journal 3 - got a 93% and its worth 15%
Journal 4 - got a 98.5% and its worth 15%
Journal 5 - got a 93% and its worth 15%

I wanna know what my current grade is and what I have to get on the final exam to get an 80% or above. Thanks!

Roger: Your current grade is 83.12. How much is your Final worth? 50%?

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 12:34:04 GMT

I have the following grades: 90, 74, 80, 89, the average of these is 70%
A paper is worth 5%
The final is worth 20% - what do I need to get on the final to get a 79.5 in the class?

Roger: I’m assuming you mean that your 4 grades are worth 70%. However, this only adds up to 70 + 5 + 20 = 95%, not a hundred. Is there something else that’s part of your grade?

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 00:56:32 GMT

how did you code this? what program did you use? What is your current job?

Roger: It is a Javascript program. I’m a student.

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 22:37:41 GMT

Hi! I have two more tests and final coming up. The two tests are worth 40 of my grade and my other in that section are as follows.
0, 50,73,87,0,79,50,100,100,100,66,79
Then my final is worth 20. I have a 62 in the class
What would I have to get on these to get close to an 80

Roger: Hi. 40% and 20% only add up to 60%. What are your other categories and what grades do you have in them?

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:00:51 GMT

So I have
70% on an exam worth 20%
57% on an exam worth 20%
87% on an assignment worth 15%
83% on a paper worth 20%

My final is worth 25% what do I need to get to get a 60% in the class?

Roger: Your current grade is a 76.08%. You need a 19.80% on the Final to get a 60% overall.

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 18:00:55 GMT

Hi Roger,

My grades are as follows.

73% on a paper worth 10%
74% on a midterm worth 15%
85% on participation worth 10%
84% on participation worth 10%
55% on a paper worth 25%

I want to know my mark going into the exam (worth 30%) Thanks.

Roger: Your current mark is 70.07%

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:53:26 GMT

I need a grade calculated please.

I have a course broke down like this

Midterm worth 25% i scored a 75%
Homework worth 35% i scored a 66.6%
Case study worth 15% i scored a 100%
Final worth 25%----

What do I need to make on my final to have a 70 or higher and what is my current grade?

Thank you

Roger: Your current grade is a 76.08%, and you need a 51.76% on the final to maintain a 70 or higher.

David Downs
Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:06:55 GMT

If i get a better grade on my final than Elliott, does that make me awesome?

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 14:41:01 GMT

I think theres something wrong with this calculator. My grade before the exam was 49 %. I wanted at least 70 % in the course. My final exam was worth 25%. The calculator said I needed 133 % to get a 70 % in the class. I ended up getting a 90 on the exam and my final grade was 72%.

Roger: You probably mean 49% out of 75%, which is actually a 65.33%. Percent means out of a hundred, so make sure you put the correct percentages in the calculator.

Need help
Wed, 24 Apr 2013 12:44:18 GMT

Hey Roger,

I don't have more specifics, thanks for the response though! I really appreciate it.

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 08:05:42 GMT

Love this calculator! I am currently making a 67 in my math class there are 5 tests and a final the final replaces the lowest test grade. Tomorrow is test #4 and i was wondering if i didnt take the test how much that would hurt my grade. I need a 70 to pass and my final is worth 20%. My first 3 tests were 48,52,46.

Roger: Well, if your Final replaces your lowest test grade, you should be able to skip a test with no problem right? Also, I can’t calculate what your grade is without more information about how much your Test category is worth and the rest of your categories.

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 07:28:07 GMT

Hi Roger, just wanted to say i'm really glad you developed this calculator. It's really helpful :)

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 06:15:27 GMT

what would i be getting before the final if tests are worth 20% and my scores for the tests were 56% and 66.65%, and if participation was 5% and i got 70% for that, and if my final presentation was worth 20% and i got 71.25% on that, and i got 100% on three assignments that were worth 15%? and i still have my final left which is worth 20%

Roger: Your current grade is a 71.6%

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 00:35:55 GMT

My grades are as follow:

100/100 worth 5%
85/100 worth 5%
79/100 worth 20%
99/100 worth 20%
91/100 worth 25%

What do I need to make on my final (worth 25%) to make a minimum of 91 in the class for the semester?

Thank you!!

Roger: 93.01%

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:18:19 GMT

Hi! All my test grades are worth 11% (80,92,84,76,84,92). I have one more test Thursday. My final is worth 23%. What do I need to make on the last test as well as the final in order to get a final grade of 80%?

Roger: You would need an average of 70.94% on your last test and your Final.

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 18:35:38 GMT

Hi Roger, I was wondering what my class average would be if we had 5 test and they're all worth 40% of your total grade? My Grades are 76,80,82,84,86 & We also get to add 20 points to our total grade for completing an assignment, what would I need to make on the final to get a B (80-89) & the final is also worth 40%. Thank you! (The class is all test, no homework, etc.)

Roger: I’m assuming that your 20 points means 20%, since everything conveniently adds up to 100% that way. You would then need a 68.4% on your Final to get an 80%, or a 90.9% on the final to get a 89%.

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 14:15:16 GMT

I posted earlier about how many marks would I need to pass in an exam when you know the % you need to pass.
I have other exams so could you plese provide the method for how to work it out so i can do it for my other exams, thank you

Roger: Sure, you just multiply what you need on the test (a percentage), divide it by 100, because it’s a percentage, and multiply it by the total number of marks: (Percent you need / 100) × Total Possible Marks = How many marks you need to get.

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:56:10 GMT

Just a quick thank you for developing a calculator that actually helps. Knowing the percentage I need to pass has massively relaxed me. Thanks for your time and effort in making this.

Roger: no problem!

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:48:04 GMT

Hey Roger, I need to get 28% in an exam to pass the module. The exam is out of 140 marks.
If 28% is what I need to pass, how many marks in the exam do I need to obtain for this to happen?

Roger: You need 0.28 × 140 = 39.2 marks.

Need help
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:43:13 GMT

Hey Roger,

In Honors Algebra II I recieved a 91% last quarter and I now have a 80% for this quarter, I have a 87% for the semester according to the grade book. I have about 4 weeks of school left. What do I need to average on my next assignments/tests to get atleast a 90% for the semester?

Roger: Well, if we consider both semesters equally weighted, you see that you need a ~89% on all of the assignments of this semester, including the ones you averaged an 80% on. Do you have more specific numbers? How many points do you have this semester, and how many points are left to be earned?

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:09:21 GMT

Hi Roger, I was wondering what my class average would be if we had 5 test and they're all worth 40% of your total grade? Grades are 76,80,82,84,86 & what I would need to make on the final to get a B (80-89)

Roger: Hi there. I need to know about the other categories as well, and how much your final is worth. (Unless your Final is the whole 60%, in which case just say so.)

Barbi Yumatova
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 05:03:51 GMT

Hi! I have a 78 in a class and i need a 90 if i have a couple of tests that are worth 40% coming up and a final worth 20% is it possible to get an A?

Roger: Hi there. Are your tests worth 40% altogether, or are the upcoming tests worth 40% by themselves? That would make a big difference.

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 03:30:00 GMT

i was doing this on my own but it is way more fun to see the "haha, good luck"/"don't even bother studying" lmao nice job :)

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 01:26:55 GMT

5 test all worth 15%. Grades are 76 68 86 74 72. Have 2.5 % out of 3% for homework. Final is worth 22%. What do I need to pass with an 77%

Roger: 82.27%

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 00:40:58 GMT

My exams are worth 300. I have three exam grades; 75%, 85%, and 65%. My final is worth 200 points. What grade will I need to get on my final to get an 80%?

Roger: 175/200

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:37:08 GMT

Did you code the calculator in javascript?

Roger: Indeed, I did.

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:18:32 GMT

Hi, I have a 66 F in my english class right now and I just finished a project that is worth 150 points and I made a 69 out of 150, what will this bring my grade down to?

Roger: Hi Jeffery. How many points are there in your grade altogether?

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 21:54:57 GMT

Hello Roger,

I am currently in Collage and my finals have just started I was just wondering if you could tell me what I would have to score to at least get a 60% in one of my classes. I currently have a 70% heading into my exam, my practical part is worth 20% of my final mark and my writin part is worth 20%.

Thanks in advance,

Roger: Hi there. It looks like you need an average of 45% on the two parts to get a 60% in the class, so if you, for example, get 40% on the practical part and 50% on the written part, that will work.

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:57:13 GMT

I have 3 grades in my class.
25% of my grade comes from my lab class. I got a 100% in this class. What will my grade be?

Roger: 69%

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 16:12:15 GMT

hey roger i have a 87.8% in my class and i need a 70% to pass the class and my final is worth 37% of my grade. what would i need to get on my final in order to pass the class with a 70%?

Roger: 39.69%

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 11:41:45 GMT

Hi Roger,

My grade is calculated on a points system. This is what I have earned so far.

Test 1- 90/100 , Test 2- 79/100 , Test 3- 73/100 , Review Sheets- 120/120

I have a total of 362/520 possible points. This does not include any of the points for the 4th test. What grade I would need to get on the 4th test to get a 90%?

Roger: You need a 106/100 on your fourth test to get a 90%.

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 02:59:31 GMT

Sorry I ment to say the final exam is worth 20%

Roger: Hi Alex. I also need to know 1) how much your test category is worth, 2) what your test average is, and 3) how many tests you have taken altogether.

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 02:55:49 GMT


My overall grade is a 72% in calc. My teacher is swiching the lowest exam grade, so what you get on the final exam will also relpace your lowest exam grade if it is higher. My lowest exam grade is a 60.. not good. But what do I need to get on my final to go get at least a 70% in the class, or higher.

Thank you!

Roger: I’ll respond to your more-recent comment.

Sun, 21 Apr 2013 23:12:21 GMT

If my final is worth 35% and my mark is currently at 73% what mark do I need to get on the final in order to finish the class with 80%?

Roger: 93.0%

Sun, 21 Apr 2013 12:15:49 GMT

Hi Roger,
When I followed the equation and did the calculation on a calculator, my result was completely different from your grade calculator. What am I doing wrong?
For my classes, the marks are as follows:
Exam: 25% , grade: 82, prospective grade: 78-80
Exam: 35% , grade: 75.6, prospective grade: 68-78

Roger: Hi Katherine. Can you tell me what you put in each of the parts of the equation? If you’re trying to solve for What Score you need on the Final Exam, you actually need to do some algebra and isolate that variable, like so: Exam Score = (Grade - (1 - Exam Worth) × Current Grade)/Exam Worth. I didn’t put this form in my description above because it’s slightly more complicated and less intuitive than the form I provided.

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 20:35:46 GMT

My overall grade is a 94 (93.9), my grade in tests is a 87, in essays 96, in nb 99, tests are 35 percent of my grade and i want at least a 90, what do i need to get on my next test?

Roger: Hi. How many tests have you taken so far?

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 17:17:24 GMT

I would like to know what i will need on my final exam in order to pass the class.
Assign 1 - 2%
Assign 2 - 8%
Assign 3- 40% (Assign 3 is three diff parts 3A 20% - 3B 10% - 3C 10%)
Mid Term - 15%
Class Participation - 10%
Final Exam 25%

My Grades:
Assign 1 - 2%
Assign 2 - 5.2%
Assign 3A - 46.5%
Assign 3B - 55%
Assign 3C - 66%
Mid Term - 36.67%
Class Participation - 7%

Roger: Hi. You didn’t tell me what you need on your overall grade to pass the class. However, your current grade is a 54.8% (based on some corrections I assumed about the numbers you gave me). You can put [54.8, ??, 25] into the calculator to figure out the rest.

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 22:56:47 GMT

Bellwork - 5% 265.00 270.00 4.91% A
Assignment - 30% 421.00 396.00 31.89% A
Test - 50% 378.00 396.00 47.73% A
Final - 15% 0.00 0.00 0.00%
Totals - 100% 1064.00 1062.00 99.00% A

The first column is the weight of each assignment, the next column is how many points I have, the next is points possible. Then it's the weighted % of each assignment that I have and then my letter grade. Why is it that I have 1064 points out of 1062 points possible, which is over, obviously, but I have a 99%. Shouldn't it be like a 100.1%?? I think it has something to do with how everything is weighted but I don't know?

Roger: Those certainly are some odd category weights. It is indeed because they are different weights. For example, there are 396 points in both your Assignment and Test categories, but your Test category is clearly weighed more. The number of total points you have and the number of total points that are possible are mostly irrelevant in this case because of the weights.

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 02:34:43 GMT

Hi Roger,

Wondering what i need to score on final to make at least 80%

Scored Exam 1 65% worth 15%
Scored Exam 2 82.5% worth 15%
Scored Exam 3 73.5% worth 15%
Paper worth 20%
Participation worth 5%
Final exam worth 30%

Roger: Hi again. I answered your question in your previous comment.

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