
Page 38 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 38)

Thu, 02 May 2013 18:29:46 GMT

Yes 15% is all of my homework in which I scored 98%. My average is 42% right now but still need to add the homework percent. Would it be 57.7 if so how much do I need to score in my final which is worth 30% to get at least a 70%?

Roger: Gotcha, I see where the “5% extra credit” is coming from. So, you need a 44.3% on the Final to get a 70% overall.

Thu, 02 May 2013 17:31:04 GMT

Hey Roger,

I have a question, I have an 84.48 in the class and I want an 85 in the class, how many questions can I miss to make an 86 on the final? There are 150?'s on the final. The final counts 30% of our entire grade.

Roger: 129/150 is an 86%. You can miss 21 questions.

Thu, 02 May 2013 14:18:22 GMT

Please help!

I have an 80.32 in the class all exams including final are worth 45% total (3 exams), quizzes are worth (20%), in classes are worth 20% and homework is worth 10% . I just want to know what I need to get at least an 70% to pass the class

Roger: Hi Tina. The actual number depends on how many points your Final is worth, how many points your tests are worth, and your test average. However, from my estimates, you’ll need about a 30% on the Final.

Thu, 02 May 2013 07:05:30 GMT

Hey Roger!

Love the website, but I have a quick question.

What my teacher does is replace the lowest test score we've had with the final's test grade.
We have had 5 tests, my scores have been 94, 86.46, 79.35, 75.51, and 92. Tests are worth 50% of our grades and the final exam is worth 20 percent. I have an 86.98 right now in the class, and what would I need to get an 89.5?


Roger: It looks like you have a 89.5 in the last remaining 30% category you left out, so I’ll assume that’s true. You need a 91.56% on the Final, given that it replaces the worst test score.

Thu, 02 May 2013 04:16:25 GMT

Hello Roger!
I was wondering if you can tell me what I need to make on my final to make a B.
This is how it is split up:
6 major grades is 75%
Quizzes is 12.5%
Final is 12.5%
I have a 78% average in major grades and a 90% in quizzes

Thank you :)

Roger: You need an 82% on the Final to get an 80 overall.

Thu, 02 May 2013 03:39:45 GMT

hi I want to know what I should make on my final to get a b in my anatomy 2 class. We have 4 exams that are weighted at 12.5% each and a final worth 25%. Lab quizzes make up 15% and mid lab practical 5% with final practical 5%.

my quiz grade is 92
my mid practical is 70
my final practical is 83

my test grades are:

Ex 2-87
Ex 3-71
Ex 4-76
he is dropping the lowest test grade so what do I need to make to get a 90 or at least an 80 in this class?

Roger: You need a 120.7% for a 90 overall or a 80.7% for a 80 overall.

Jon G
Thu, 02 May 2013 02:47:03 GMT

I have had 3 tests which account for 30% of my grade so my average is 97.4%
I have completed all my labs which account for another 30%and earned 100%
I have perfect attendance which is out of 10% and I have 100%
I have yet to take the final(which accounts for the last 30% overall)

What do I need on the final to get at least 90% overall which is an A?

Roger: 69.27%

Thu, 02 May 2013 02:34:39 GMT

I like the little commentary you give after the results :) It encourages me to do better on a test I have to make a 568.33% on

Wed, 01 May 2013 20:20:43 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a 94.52% in my class and my final is 25% of my grade. I took it and it doesn't show up on the grade book yet, but I got a 38% on the final. I got to see the percentage because it is an online computer class final. What would be my final grade? I need a high C to pass the class.

Roger: 80.39% is your grade.

Wed, 01 May 2013 17:19:02 GMT

mHey Roger! here it goes:
I have a 78 average...I would really like an A but not sure if it is possible. I have the final left which is 25%. What would my average be if I were to get 100 on that final.

Roger: If you got 100% on the final, you would have a 83.5% overall.

Wed, 01 May 2013 15:41:45 GMT

I want to know what I need to get a 70% on my math class
The teacher said my percent right now is 42% out of 60% with 5% extra credit
We have the final left which is worth 30%
also our Math lab homework which is 15% in which I have a 98% so how much do I need to get on my final to get a 70%

Roger: Can you explain your “Math lab homework” in greater detail? Is that one homework worth 15% or are all of your homeworks work 15% in total?

Wed, 01 May 2013 05:37:16 GMT

I am just wondering what is my final grade. The tests are worth 90% and the final replaces the lowest grade. I am guessing the final is also 90% since it is not specficially mentioned as being any other %. The other 10% is hw which I don't remember what it was and mymathlab expired.
Test 1: 85
Test 2: 87
Test 3: 33
Test 4: 36
Test 5 : 65

I don't know my final grade yet but let's just I get a 70. Do I replace the lowest test score with a 70 or a 140 since the final counts as its own grade?

Roger: You would still replace it with a 70. The final would count as another Test grade (or possibly 2 or more tests), and would derive its value by devaluing the previous tests.

Wed, 01 May 2013 04:58:34 GMT

Hey Roger,
Your website is awesome. Thank you!

Look, I screwed up this trimester. I have a 70% in the class. I have a test, a quiz, and a final left. Both the test and quiz are worth 60% of the grade. The quiz is worth 25%. What do I have to do to get my grade above 85%? Thank you and it woud mean a lot to me if you could get back to me.

Thank you for your time and website.


Roger: Hi Tim. How many points are your Final and last Test worth? How many points are in your Test category? What is your Test average? How many points is your quiz worth? How many points are in your Quiz category? What is your quiz average?

Wed, 01 May 2013 03:44:21 GMT

this is uwesome! if i get struight u's I'm going to hurvurd

Wed, 01 May 2013 01:59:13 GMT

hello roger,
my class grade is 81%
i have had 2 tests: my first was out of 30, and i got an 80%. my second was out of 45 and i got a 71%.
one essay: out of 30 got a 80%
homework: 5/5 for two assignments and 16/19 for one
1 quiz: 9/10

i think i got at least a 6/10 on this last quiz i took, how much would my grade go down if i got that grade on the quiz?

Roger: Depending on how much your quizzes are worth, (I’ll assume 15% to be safe), approximately 2%.

Wed, 01 May 2013 01:37:40 GMT

Wow now I'm panicking

Jared h
Wed, 01 May 2013 01:16:44 GMT

I have a 86.4 in the class to date. Need a 70 % to pass the class. My final is only thing left and it accounts for 25% of my grade. Can you help? I'm freaking out.

Roger: You need a 20.8% on the Final to pass. You can get a B with a 60.8%.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 23:20:47 GMT

Quizzes - 87.3 (10%)
Tests - 85.3 (60%)
Final - 30%

I have a 85.6 right now and want to make sure my final grade is an 80 the least. what do i need to get on my final?

Roger: 66.93%

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 23:03:09 GMT

You're awesome.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 21:00:26 GMT

Quizzes scores is the category that is missing. (max 5 points) can be added to each test score. The tests scores were 94, 79, and 41 (they are already reflecting the quizzes' points. Pretty sure I have a 10.5/15 with the homework.

Roger: Hi again. If Quiz scores are added to your Test scores, then they don’t count as their own category. There is still a category missing, but I can tell you right now that your current grade is a ~70.25% and that you need about a 70% to maintain that.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 18:23:36 GMT

Hey Roger,

My class average is an 84.48
Unit exams are worth 40% and I have an 82%.
Mid-term exam was worth 30% and I made an 88%
Final exam is worth 30%
What will I need to make on the final in order to come out with an 85%?

Roger: Just put [84.48, 85, 30] into the calculator and get 86.21%.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 18:04:35 GMT

Dear Roger,

My unit exams were worth 30% and I have an 82%
My midterm was worth 30% and I made an 88%
Our final is worth 30%
What will I need to make on the final in order to pass with an 80% or an 85%?


Roger: Hi Sandy. Your numbers add up to 90%. Is there a missing category some where?

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 10:01:14 GMT

Homework is worth 15%- i have all points
Mid-term is worth 20%- i got a 70% on that
Paper was worth 30%- i got a 70% on that
Debate was worth 5%- i got a 90% on that
Participation is 5%- i have all points
Final is worth 25%
What is my overall grade in the class so far and what do I need to get on the final to get a 77% overall?

Roger: Your current grade is a 79.33% and you need a 70.01% on the final.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 09:21:23 GMT

sorry if I was not clear; What do I need to make on my final to have a 70 and what is my current grade?

Roger: Your percentages only add up to 90%. Is there a missing category?

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:23:21 GMT

Im trying to determine my grade.
the class average is a 52% and i have a 60% in the class.
the class is curved to the average at the end of the semester. what is my grade currently. and how could i do this calculation on my own.

Roger: Hi. Do you know the standard deviation as well?

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 03:51:07 GMT

HW 15%. I have at least 10% of that.
3 tests = 45% . I got a 94 on the first one, a 79 on the second one, and a 38 on the last one.
The final is worth 30%.
Thank you

Roger: What’s your question?

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 01:32:19 GMT

First of all, I love this calculator. thanks a ton.

I have a 93.14 in a class, and I want to get at least a 90. say that the exam is split up into 3 parts, one worth 5% of my grade, one worth 10%, and one worth 15%. on the one worth 5%, i got a 83.2% on the one worth 5%, so how would i figure out what i need to get on the other ones combined?

Roger: No problem! The 5% part of your exam brings your grade down to a 92.48, which is still very good. Now, you add 10+15 = 25 and put [92.48, 90, 25] into the calculator and see that you need 82.56% on the last 2 parts combined.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 01:13:01 GMT

Hi, my teacher is offering 25 points of extra credit to us to go into the homework category. If I have a 94% in the class, the final is worth 20%, homework is worth 20%, and tests and quizzes make up the rest, and I have 100% in homework already, will these 25 points help my grade at all?

Roger: It certainly will help you, since your homework category can go over 100% (unless your Teacher explicitly forbids this).

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 00:44:51 GMT

Hi Roger!
I was wondering if you can tell me how to calculate what I would need to get on my final to get an A. First off let me tell you the percentages: lecture is worth 55%, lab is worth 25%, and the final is worth 20%.
I have an 81 average in lecture, an a 101 average in lab

Roger: Hi there. So, you would do (90 - 0.55 × 81 - 0.25 × 101) / 0.2 and get 101%, so you need 101% on the Final to earn a 90% overall.

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 00:13:39 GMT

Hey Roger! I currently have 88% in Biology. The final counts as 25%. I need to make an A... But can you tell me the best and worst case scenarios? Thanks!

Roger: Hi there Lacy. If you get higher than a 96%, you’ll get an A. If you get higher than a 56%, you’ll get a B. So, either study really hard, or don’t study at all. (I totally recommend the former. Even if you only end up with a B+, you may end up pursuing more years of Biology courses and thoroughly enjoying the subject. I was in your position five years ago.)

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 23:53:58 GMT

I currently have a 78%. I just took my final exam which is worth 20% of my grade, and turned in a paper that is worth 15%. I'm looking to get at least an 83% in this class. On the syllabus it says the class is based on an 1000 point scale. On blackboard it shows I have 442/566. With the 200 point exam and 150 point paper that only adds up to 916...based on this information if it even makes sense, what do I need on my exam and paper to get at least an 83, ideally 85%?

Roger: Hi there. It may be that those missing 84 points are from assignments that you turned in but haven’t been graded yet. Anyway, you’ll need at least ~92% on the exam and the paper to get a 83% overall.

Hana H
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:07:18 GMT

Sorry, this seems like a lot but I'm really freaking out about my grade so if you could help me, you would be a life saver!!

Class participation (including attendance, oral performance, skits) 15%
Homework (Companion Website and MyItalian Lab online learning system) 15%
Compositions (8) 15%
Quizzes («esami » : 6) 20%
Midterm and final dialogues 10%
(5% each)
Midterm 10%
Final exam 15%

-I got 15%'s for participation and homework.
-I'm going to assume I got about 80% average on compositions
-My quiz grades are: 81, 69.7, 71, 90.5, 95.5, 97.5
-Gonna assume I got 90% on midterm dialogues
-And I got an 88% on my midterm

Sorry this is really you know what I need to get on the final exam and final dialogue?

Roger: So, your current grade is a 90.175% and you have 20% (15% Exam + 5% Final Dialogue) left to be decided. Depending on what grade you are aiming for, you can use the calculator to find out what you need on those 2 things (Exam and Dialogue) to get whatever grade you want.

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:15:59 GMT

Hi there! I have an 87% in a world history class, but none of the assignments are weighted. All of it together just makes the grade, and I was wondering what I will have to get on my final to score at least a 90% in my class. Thank you!

Roger: Hi Michael. Can you tell me how many points you have in the class so far and how many points the Final is worth?

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:07:10 GMT

I have a 93% in my Philosophy class - with 70% of my grade accounted for. We have a final paper due (worth 15%) the same night as our final (which is also worth 15%). Can you please give me the worst and best case scenarios, as well as what I would have to get one if I completely bomb the other?

Thank you!

Roger: Sure. I’m assuming you want at least a 90%. If you get a C- (70%) on the paper, you will need a 96% on the final, or vice versa. If you get a B- (80%) on the paper, you will need 86% on the final. If you get an A- (90%) on the paper, you will need a 76% on the Final. Does that give you an idea of what you need to get?

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:20:13 GMT

i have a 76 how to get to a 79.5 by end of term final is 15% of grade

Roger: I’m afraid at this point, you’ll have to resort to blackmail. Otherwise, you could study really hard and try for the 99.33% you need on that Final.

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:16:01 GMT


You seem to have all our answers, thank you. Any tips on taking standardized tests. They are kicking my butt!!

Roger: Sure. Just keep this picture in mind for perspective.

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:07:12 GMT

Clinicals, 100%
Quizzes, 96.5%
Homework/LRC, 98.1%
Tests, 74.1%
Tests are worth 80% of my grade. Quizzes, homework, and clinicals are 10% of my grade. Can you tell me what my grade is?

Roger: Well, your numbers don’t add up to 100%, but by my estimates, your overall grade is a 78%.

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:02:51 GMT

Currently have a 39.74% in Gchem 1 the finals worth 200 points but I need to make aleast a 60% in the class.

Roger: Interesting..

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:08:19 GMT

I need at least a D to pass the class
(At the university of Ottawa I think a D is worth either between 49-52)

(in regards to the 15/30, 17/35, and the final worth 35%)
A passing grade is a D

Roger: Well, if you need a 49% to pass, you need a 17/35 on the Final.

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 06:38:31 GMT

Hi there (: so i have a 92.7% in biology. there's a big test coming up tomorrow and i want to keep at least a 90% for progress reports. i'm not sure how much the test is worth but if i totally bomb it do you think i'll be alright ?

Roger: Haha, if you’ve gotten a 92.7% average so far, you will definitely be prepared enough to get an A.

Sun, 28 Apr 2013 18:34:00 GMT

hi roger, i have a 55% in my math class and my eoct is worth 20% of my grade is there any chance that i can pass the class and besides that staying afterschool for extra credit and all types of stuff like that. Please let me know because i am concerned thank you.

Roger: What percentage do you need to pass the class? Is it a 60%? A 75?

Sun, 28 Apr 2013 16:19:31 GMT

In regards to my previous comment, (below)
The first midterm was worth 30%
the second was 35%
and the final was 35%

I received a 15/30 for the first
a 17/35 for the second
and the final I have no yet received my grade
I was just wondering what I would need on my Final to pass the class
I don't have any other information haha my apologies

Hi roger!
My first midterm I got 15/30
my second i got 17/35
my final is worth 35%
how much did I need on my final in order to pass?

Roger: You will need to give me more information than that..

Roger: Hi there. It depends on what you need to pass the class.

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 21:47:13 GMT

Hi Roger, I'm pretty sure I failed this Pre-Algebra class but I'm going to ask anyway.

I already took the final exam and don't feel too confident. It's worth 25% and I need a 65% final grade to pass the class.

I took four test worth 15% each. The first two test I completely bombed (9%) and (6%). The other two test I did good (85%) and (90%).

Homework/Quizzes together are worth 15% of final grade and did good on those.

How much would I have to get on the final in order to pass?

Roger: Hi there. I’ll assume you got a 95% on your Homework/Quizzes. If so, you would need an 89% on the Final to get a 65% overall. :/

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:34:37 GMT

Hi Roger,

I currently have a 78 in my nursing class, my last chapter test is on monday. I would at least need to have a overall final grade of 80 going into my nursing final which is worth 25% of my total grade. can you please tell me what i need to make for my final test and FINAL in order to end up with a c=77.
we are on a 7 point grading scale.

7chapter test=75%


Roger: Hi there. This depends on how many tests you have already taken. Also, are there any components of your grade that are not tests?

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 15:59:13 GMT

Hi Roger!
I need an A in my Latin Class (90%) and for the overall year I have a 90.65
for the first semester I have an 89.8 and the second semester I have a 92
Homework is worth 5% and I have a 100
Tests and Projects (including Final) are worth 30% and there are 4 of them and I have an 86
In Class translation is worth 25% and I have an 86
Quizzes are worth 40% and I have a 96
What is the lowest grade that I can get on my final and still get an A in the class?

Roger: Hi there. You need at least a 83.67 in your “Test and Projects” category to make at least a 90% overall. You say that there are 4 Tests, and that your average for the category is an 86%. I’m going to assume that your Final is 30% of your “Tests and Projects” category, in which case you would need about a 76% on that Final. If you would like a more precise answer, please provide more information about how many points you have in the Tests and Projects category and how many points your Final is worth.

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 15:41:27 GMT

Quizzes are worth 10%, I have a 100 in quizzes
Homework is worth 10%, I have a 100 in homework
Tests are worth 14% each (4 tests), :60, 65, 49, 85
Final is worth 24%.

What do I have to make on the final to have a 70% in the class and what is my current grade for the class?


Roger: Hi there. You need to get 57.24 on the Final. Your current grade is 74.03.

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 15:38:40 GMT

Hi roger!
My first midterm I got 15/30
my second i got 17/35
my final is worth 35%
how much did I need on my final in order to pass?

Roger: You will need to give me more information than that..

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 02:24:49 GMT

My overall in math 32 i just wrote a test worth 7% and i got a 66 percent so i was wondering what would my new mark end up being?

Roger: 34.38%

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 22:24:42 GMT

My current mark is a 54.04% and I have a test coming up that is worth 10% of my mark. I need at have at least a 50% in the class in order to pass it. What percentage do I need to get on the upcoming test to pass the class?

Thanks :)

Roger: You need a 13.64%.

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 20:21:16 GMT

my grade percentages (points) work out to equal 100 so...
homework =15
quiz =15
test(of 3) =45
final =25

i have ..
15 for quizes
14.5 for homework
for my test grades first one= 69; second one= 0; third one = 76
(my second test grade since i missed it will equal to whatever i get on my final)
i havent taken the final yet
my question is what do i need to get on the final (and second test) in order to get a 70% in the class

Roger: You need a 46.87% on the Final.