
Page 39 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 39)

Wed, 08 May 2013 15:28:26 GMT

Roger, good calculator but I have a slight user interface bone to pick: I think that it would be better to have the result displayed NOT as an alert i.e print it on the page somewhere so when I come back to look at this I don't have to click 'determine' again... it's annoying ;)

Also in response to the people saying 'Why don't you calculate this yourself?' because it is quicker to have something like this do it - or even better put the formula in excel and do it myself. I also used it to make sure I wasn't going mad and using the wrong formula. Clearly some people can't even use this so.. lol they need all the help they can get.

Roger: I tried that once. No matter where it displays, it’s hard to locate. I could use a modal window, but that is tricky to fit to mobile devices. Oh well :/ (On Firefox, alerts are modal by default.)

Wed, 08 May 2013 14:13:31 GMT

Ha ha ha!!! Thanks for this. I am taking a class pass/fail and my final is worth 40% of my grade. I can "fail" the final (ie. get at least a 40%) and I pass!

Wed, 08 May 2013 14:12:58 GMT

Hey Roger,

My uni module is split 70% and 30%. I got 52% for the module worth 70%, what do I need to get in the 30% module to get 60% overall.


Roger: 78.67%

phat mike
Wed, 08 May 2013 01:39:32 GMT

this fucking sucks

Roger: Indeed

Wed, 08 May 2013 00:06:57 GMT

Great calculator! What I don't understand is why people cannot input the information for themselves?? Thank you for sharing this wonderful tool!

Tue, 07 May 2013 23:20:03 GMT

You. You're pretty good.

Tue, 07 May 2013 22:30:34 GMT

Thanks. One of the students asked me this yesterday. Since I haven't encountered weighted grades prior to this semester, I was unable to come up with a formula on the spot. Seeing it now, it seems incredibly obvious.

Going through it, I was wondering why your formula had the "extra step" of (1 - Exam Worth).

And then I remembered that not everyone realizes that if your final is worth 30% of your grade, then what you have now is obviously 70% of it.

As a math tutor at the local community college, which has levels from pre-algebra to calc 3, you'd think I'd be used to people not realizing obvious things like that. I'm not, and it makes me sad.

Roger: Haha, that’s a funny story.

Denise M.
Tue, 07 May 2013 20:31:43 GMT

The responses when we select "determine" is hilarious! Love this tool.

Tue, 07 May 2013 18:14:02 GMT

This calculator is awesome. Where was this my freshman year?

Tue, 07 May 2013 16:39:40 GMT

I have a 71% average now and made a 76% on my final. What is my final grade? Please

Roger: It depends on how much your Final is worth, but needless to say, it’s between 71 and 76..

Tue, 07 May 2013 04:19:00 GMT



I have a 68% in the class.
I need an 83% in the class.

My overall test grade is 61%. The test category is 60% of the grade.
My overall quiz grade is 69%. The quiz category is 25% of the grade.
My overall homework grade is 97%. The homework category is 15% of the grade.

What do I need to score on the next two tests and final to get the grade I want (83%) ?

Roger: To get a 83% overall, you need a 85.33% Test average. You have 175 points in the Test category that hasn’t been decided yet, equivalent to (175/275) = 63.64%. That means that you need a 99.23% average on the next 2 tests and the Final to get an 83% overall.

Tue, 07 May 2013 03:33:09 GMT

I currently have a 94.09 in my math class and all grades except the final have been calculated. The final test is worth 20% of my grade and I'd like to maintain at least a 90. What do I need to make on the final in order to keep an A?

Roger: 73.64%

Tue, 07 May 2013 02:54:15 GMT

Hey I have a math final on math and its worth 20% of my grade I have a 81% in my class and if I get a 70 on the final will I pass or no and what if I get a 60 will I still pass I need atleast a 70 though

Roger: If you get a 70% on the Final, your total grade will be a 78.8%.

Ignorant Young Adolescent
Tue, 07 May 2013 02:14:57 GMT

Fuck Da Police. I have a solid 85, My final is worth 10%. I need like 133% for an A, and like a 33% for a B. I might not be an "Honor Role Student," but at least I haven't produced any children yet at the age of 23. Either way I have surpassed both my parents, and that is all that matters..

Johann Hubbard
Tue, 07 May 2013 02:01:58 GMT

Roger, you're fantastic. The calculator works great and I've been using it to successfully achieve the absolute minimum acceptable grade for years now.

The thing I just don't understand is why a person would come onto the automatic final grade calculator website and ask you to calculate the grade he needs for him. I admire your patience, my friend. Thank you

Roger: I ask that question myself. You’re welcome.

Tim (wow - again)
Tue, 07 May 2013 01:14:55 GMT

Hey Roger -

The final 15% of the grade is homework. I have a 97% overall. The final is worth 75 points and the tests are worth 50. All I want in above an 83% in the whole class - it surely cannot be that crazy of a percentage on the final.


Roger: Hi there. You said “There are 100 points in the test category - and I have 61 of them”. Can you start over and explain again? Most of your sentences made no sense to me.

Tue, 07 May 2013 01:12:58 GMT

I forgot to add something! If my final test grade is higher than my lowest test grade, then the final will replace the lowest test grade as well as count as my final

Roger: Okay, in that case, you would need a 60.44%.

Tue, 07 May 2013 00:59:52 GMT

My grade is composed of 4 tests that consist of 64% of my grade (16% each) and quizzes at 16% and then the final at 20%. On my tests I got a 91, 86, 52, 68 and my overall quiz grade is a 94. What is my current grade now? And what do I need to get on the final in order to have a 76 in the class?

Roger: Your current grade is a 78.2%, and you need 67.2% on the final.

Tue, 07 May 2013 00:08:20 GMT

Hey Roger,

Hello again - here are the answers to you questions:

Both the Final and last test are worth 60% of the grade.
There are 100 points in the test category - and I have 61 of them.
My quiz is gone - a 10.5 out of 20 due to no partial credit.
There are 75 points in the quiz category - and I have 52 of them.

I currently now have a 68% in the class. I need at least an 83%. What do I need to get on the next test and final to achieve that percentage?


Roger: Hi Tim. This still isn’t enough information, but I’ll assume a few things to give you an answer. It looks like there is another 15% of your grade currently scored at a 93.77%. That brings your Quiz/Other average up to a 78.5. To get an 83% overall, you need an 86% test average. Depending on how many points your Final is worth, you need somewhere between 111% and 125% on the Final exam.

Sonia Montiel
Mon, 06 May 2013 22:16:39 GMT

Hello Roger,

I have a 68% in my class, I want at least get a 72%. Outstanding points are from final exam, the the lowest exan score will be dropped.. What do I have to score on my final to at least get 72%.

Thanks Sonia

Roger: It depends on how much your Final is worth, how much your Tests are worth, what your lowest test score is, how many tests you’ve taken, and your test average. Can you provide those?

Mon, 06 May 2013 20:59:43 GMT

Hi, could you tell me what I would need to make on my final exam (25%) to get a b? Quiz:80.5(20%) Test:70.5(40%) Current Event:90(15%) Thanks

Roger: You need an 88.9% on the Final to get a B.

Mon, 06 May 2013 20:03:23 GMT

Okay I have a grade of 72... I made an 48 on my test what will be my grade now ? I suck at math -.-

Roger: I’d imagine that it’d be lower.

Mon, 06 May 2013 19:47:44 GMT

50%- In class examinations
25%- Final Examination
25%- Homework

Currently I have recieved 100% on every homework assignmnet. My Test Average is an 86%. What do I need on the final to recieve an "A" in the course?

Roger: You need a 88% on the Final.

Mon, 06 May 2013 14:45:44 GMT

Hello Roger!

My average for my major grades is 78 which is 75% of my grade.
My average for my quizzes is 90% which is 12.5% of my grade.
The final is also worth 12.5%
If I make 100 on my final what would my final grade be?
I appreciate your help! Thank you :)

Roger: 82.25%

Mon, 06 May 2013 02:27:08 GMT

I have an 81.65% in my Astronomy class right now. All I have left is my final exam, which contains 60 questions and is worth 36% of the final grade. What would I need to get on the final in order to get a B or C in the class? Thanks!!

Roger: To get a B, you need 77.23%. To get a C, you need 49.45%.

Mon, 06 May 2013 02:17:51 GMT

roger! you sound like a smart guy, are you in college? Which college?
and would you say that freshman year counts to get into an ivy? just wondering

Roger: I study at UC Berkeley. Your choice of coursework probably affects college applications more than the grades you receive.

Sun, 05 May 2013 23:50:28 GMT

Is that 11.72 out of 20% or 11.72 out of 100%?

Roger: 11.72%. Just put [84.57, 70, 20] into the calculator at the top of this page, and you’ll get the same thing.

Sun, 05 May 2013 23:21:07 GMT

I have a 84.57% and the final paper is worth 20% of the overall course grade. What do I need to score at least a final grade of 70% in the course?

Roger: 11.72

Sun, 05 May 2013 18:57:00 GMT

@Deb, considering you get 100% on all the remaining points left for the semester, your final grade would be 77.4%, almost a C+

Sun, 05 May 2013 18:38:58 GMT

@Sophie, You would have to find the total possible number of points in your class and add up the number of points you currently have. Add 25 to the number of points you currently have and divide it by the total possible number of points in your class to determine your new grade.

Sun, 05 May 2013 16:16:58 GMT


Roger: Welcome back, Andrew.

Sun, 05 May 2013 15:49:08 GMT

I have a 85 and she hasn't put in the 25 ec points . What would my final score be after she put in the ec points?

Roger: Alec, above, answered your question.

Sun, 05 May 2013 04:25:58 GMT

My current grade in class is 52%, I still have 1100 pts worth of work that needs to be done before the term ends, will these points possibly raise the grade by one letter grade?...512/982 pts is what I have.

Roger: If you get 100% on the 1100 points of work, you will have a 77.4 in the class. “math”, above, also answered your question.

Sun, 05 May 2013 03:01:06 GMT

I have a 79 in the class, my final is worth 20% of my grade , how many answers can I miss to pass the class with an 80

Roger: You need an 84% on the final.

Sun, 05 May 2013 01:05:45 GMT

thank you for this calculator!!

Sat, 04 May 2013 21:30:44 GMT

my class average is 92 in math, i have a test that is worth 20% of my overall grade, if i make below an 84 on this test how much will my grade drop?

Roger: Well, it depends on how much below an 84 you score. If you, for example, score a 84% exactly, you will have a 90.4% in the class.

Sat, 04 May 2013 19:53:40 GMT

Hi, I have an 87% in a class and need to make at least a 90% in the class. What do I need to make on the final to receive a 90%?

Roger: How much is your Final worth?

Sat, 04 May 2013 19:45:41 GMT

I have an 85 in my class which is 50% of the grade. i have a 95 in homworks which are 10% of the grade. What do i need to make on the final to maintain the B, and to get an A?

Roger: You need a 70% on the Final to maintain a B, and 95% to get an A.

Sat, 04 May 2013 19:37:33 GMT

Hello I would like to know what I need to get on my final if I have a 71 percent in the class and need a 70 to pass. My final is worth 10 percent out of 45 pts. Thanks

Roger: You need at least a 61% on the Final.

Sat, 04 May 2013 12:18:17 GMT

hello Roger:
My question is if I have a 66% overall in the class which is 70% of the grade and my final is worth 30% what do I have to get in the final to get 75% in the class?

Roger: You need a 96% on the final.

Sat, 04 May 2013 08:27:40 GMT

Hi Roger,

My uni module is split 30% for coursework an 70% exam

I currently have 58 in my coursework

What do I need in the exam to get 60 overall so in otherwords a 2.1 grade?


Roger: 60.86%

Fri, 03 May 2013 23:53:32 GMT

Hello Roger:
I have a 66% in the class which equals 70% of the grade. My final is worth 30%. What do I have to get in it to get a 75%?

Roger: You need a 96% on the final.

Fri, 03 May 2013 22:51:58 GMT

Okay so my overall grade is 59, my last test is worth two test grades and test grades are worth 75% What do I need to get, to get at least a 71 for my overall grade?

Test Average=57% (Worth 75% of my overall Grade)
Class/Homework=98% (Worth 5% of my overall Grade)
Final=?? (Worth 20% of my overall Grade)

Overall Grade=59%

Roger: You said it’s worth 2 test grades, but then you said it’s worth 20%. Which is it? Is it worth a total of 2 test grades and 20%?

Fri, 03 May 2013 16:12:50 GMT

This page is very helpful, thanks a million

Fri, 03 May 2013 03:27:54 GMT

Hey Roger, I gotta ?,

There are 150 ?'s on my final
I have an 84.48 in the class
The final count 30% of my entire grade
How many questions can I miss in order to make an 86 on the final?

Roger: You can miss 15 at most.

Fri, 03 May 2013 02:40:27 GMT

Freaking out about finals. This site has helped me not stress out and i realize I really only need to study for 3 out of my 6 finals. thanks RogerHub.

Fri, 03 May 2013 02:29:11 GMT

If I get a 50/50 on my final (which replaces my lowest) what would my final score be?

Roger: If you get a 50/50, you will have a 64.8%.

Fri, 03 May 2013 02:21:38 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a current GPA (NZ 9 point system) of 76.06 or an A-.

We have 1 paper left worth 30% of the total course. It is divided into two assignments, one worth 70% and the other 30%. How much do I need to get on average for each these papers to lift to a GPA of at least 80% for the entire course? - need an A average for distinction. Sorry if the answer is obvious - no good with numbers ;-(

Roger: You need a 89.19% average on those two assignments.

Fri, 03 May 2013 00:15:12 GMT

I have a 90.95 and want a 89.1 and I got a 79 on the first part of the final and that was worth 10%
Coursework: 93.92=80% of total grade
First Quarter Final: 79.07= 10%
Second Quarter Final= ? 10% of grade


Roger: You need a 60.57% on the 2nd part of your Final.

Thu, 02 May 2013 23:39:07 GMT

I like your motivational comments. Very helpful.