
Page 40 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 40)

Caroline Corley
Tue, 14 May 2013 18:30:22 GMT

Hi! The test is going in my Reading and Literature and it is 30 percent of my grade! see my question before for the other percents

Roger: Hi again. That wasn’t what I meant. There are other assignments in your “Reading and Literature” category, right? I need to know how much the test is worth in comparison to those assignments.

Tue, 14 May 2013 14:25:46 GMT

So 74% is 90% of my grade and 92% is 10% of my grade how would I get my full grade?

Roger: 74% × 90% + 92% × 10% = 75.8%

Tue, 14 May 2013 13:28:46 GMT

Hey Roger,
I need to obtain at least 70% to pass the class. The final grade is weighed as per following: projects 60% and class participation 40%. Currently, I have 61% (22/36) for projects and 99.6% (510/512) for class participation. Will I pass this class? Thanks!

Roger: Your overall grade is 76.44%.

The Guy That Will Ruin This Website
Tue, 14 May 2013 10:12:19 GMT

You can't factor in the grading curve that the prof has either put on 1. midterm(s) and final 2. final grade or 3. percentage cutoffs for grades therefore this calculation is only an estimate and can have an error from 1%-15%

Roger: If your professor applies a curve to a midterm or to your percentage grade, you would obviously have to adjust those scores before using the calculator. Is that not obvious?

Miguel Ortega
Tue, 14 May 2013 04:28:34 GMT

I call bullshit. I have an 87%, and need 102% to get a 90% in the class?

Roger: Lemme guess, your final is worth 20%? Then 0.8 × 87 + 0.2 × 102 = 90. Try it on a calculator.

May Fahrenthold
Tue, 14 May 2013 03:42:36 GMT

final: 10%
hw: 20%
test: 50%
quiz: 20%
I have an 88% in the class. There is one homework assignment plus the final left. What do I need to get on the final and the homework assignment to get a 90% (at least) in the class?

Roger: Depending on how many points your homework is worth, anywhere between 103% and 106%

Tue, 14 May 2013 01:35:28 GMT

Overall i need at least 80% on my final God Be with me..I Pray <3

Caroline Corley
Tue, 14 May 2013 00:50:27 GMT

I want to get a 90 in my Honors Lit Class
I need to know what i need to get on my last test to bring it to a 90. The test is in Reading and Literature which is 30 percent.

Weight Points / Max pts. Percent Letter
Final 20.000 0 /
Formative 5.000 354 / 370 96%
LSV 5.000 20 / 20 100%
Reading & Literature 30.000 337 / 400 84%
Vocab 10.000 528 / 600 88%
Writing & composition 30.000 183 / 200 92%

Roger: Hi there. How much is your test worth? And are you planning to use your Final to boost your grade as well?

Tue, 14 May 2013 00:43:04 GMT

You're a bro Roger. Thanks for having this website!

Mon, 13 May 2013 20:22:00 GMT

i have a 89 in lit.

Daily 10%- 91
Paper 15%- 88
Quiz 20%-90
Research Paper 20%- 86
Test 30%- 91

What is my exact point grade

Roger: About an 89%

Mon, 13 May 2013 20:18:08 GMT


Mon, 13 May 2013 13:11:57 GMT

Hi! I am getting ready for finals, because finals week really isn't that hard in my opinion. With one exception though; my Language Arts final! It is an annottated bibliography for the novel that we just read. I currently have like an 85, and that assignment is worth probably 35% of my overall grade. How can I stop worrying about it so much?

Roger: That sounds like a pretty whimpy final..

Mon, 13 May 2013 07:47:09 GMT

My first assignment was worth 60%
And my exam is worth 40%
To pass overall your calculator says I need 8.75% in the exam, this doesn't seem enough at all? Can you help me understand

Roger: Can you give me more information?

Mon, 13 May 2013 02:03:53 GMT

I have an 85 in the course my final is 20% of my grade, what do I need to make a 70? 80?

Roger: 10% for a 70% overall. 60% for a 80% overall.

Mon, 13 May 2013 00:52:19 GMT

Unfortunately my student found a web site like this and was misled by the website.

Roger: Must be a long commute every day from Tuscon to the UofA, Mr. Professor sir. -_-

Sun, 12 May 2013 23:04:04 GMT

I have an 86.61% in my Music Appreciation online class.
Hypothetically speaking, if I took a 0 for an assignment that is worth 5% and a 0% for an assignment that is wort 3% of my grade, what would my final grade turn out to be?

Roger: 79.87%

Sun, 12 May 2013 05:06:39 GMT

Thank you so much. YOu are appreciated, and you are providing a real service. Do you have an app for this grade calculator? You should! -- Plus, this was very hard to find while surfing the web... mabey it could be liked to key words like home work, or get better grades, or keep track of grades... I don't know... something

Roger: Thanks for the advice. There are already plenty of apps that do this on both the iOS and Android stores.

Momoko Hinamori
Sun, 12 May 2013 03:48:02 GMT

Hey! I have a 50% for first term.
65% for second term.
And 50% for third term. Final exam worth 15% of grade.
I need a 50% to pass
Will I pass math 8??
Also I didn't do my final exam yet.
Thank you! :)

Roger: You need 21.6% on the Final to pass the class.

Sun, 12 May 2013 00:37:44 GMT

i have 90% in the class, and the final is worth 20%, what do i need to get to have at least 80%.

Roger: 40%

Cmon Cmon
Sat, 11 May 2013 20:09:58 GMT

Hello all. I hope you do realise that you can type in your own numbers in the blanks provided instead of making Roger calculate for you. I hope youre not doing that out of pure laziness.

Thank you to Roger for providing this and having more patience than I will ever have

Roger: ;) No problem.

Sat, 11 May 2013 19:59:57 GMT

I have a 30.5% in my math class, tests and quizzes are worth 75% of my grade, I need at-least a 60% to pass, what do I need to get on my test to pass?

Roger: Hi Michael. Do you only have 1 test left to take? Are there any other grades that haven’t been determined yet? How many tests have you taken? How many quizzes have you taken? How much is each test worth? How much is each quiz worth? And what is your current Test/Quiz average?

Sat, 11 May 2013 18:14:40 GMT

I can get below a 40% on the final and still keep an A :D

Sat, 11 May 2013 17:39:58 GMT

600 points total for the class

Roger: You need a 51% on the Final.

Sat, 11 May 2013 14:35:18 GMT

wow I love school

Sat, 11 May 2013 07:40:36 GMT

I have a 75% as my lecture which is 85% of the class and a 75% in lab which is 15% of class what would my final grade be

Roger: 75%

Sat, 11 May 2013 05:32:46 GMT

If I have a 76.10% in my lecture grade and a 85.40% in my lab.
My lab is worth 25% of my lecture grade.
What would my lecture grade end up being?
Thank you!

Roger: 78.43%

Sat, 11 May 2013 01:51:34 GMT

I am at an 87% in my math class, I need at least a 75% to pass. The final is worth 200 points. What is the lowest score I can get on the final to still pass the class with a 75%?

Roger: I need to know how many points you have in class total.

Fri, 10 May 2013 20:34:25 GMT

This thing really works!!!

Sean Bollinger
Fri, 10 May 2013 17:22:14 GMT

I have an 88.68 in cardiology, my final is worth 30%, what do i need to get the minimum passing grade of 85%

Roger: 76.41%

Fri, 10 May 2013 16:18:35 GMT

I have a 86 in my class i need a 80 in the class the test is 100 questions 1 point each but its worth 26 percent of my grade how many questions can i miss?

Roger: You can miss 37 questions.

Fri, 10 May 2013 15:14:09 GMT

I currently have a 55% in Biology. My final is coming up and it is worth 26% of my grade. What do I need to score on my final to pull it up to a 65% to pass?

Roger: 93.46%

Fri, 10 May 2013 04:33:53 GMT

I meant *in the class.

Fri, 10 May 2013 04:26:23 GMT

Hi Roger,

What would I need to get on the final exam in order to get a 90% in the class?

Here's what I have:

2 Essays together are worth 30% of the grade (15% each), so I got an 89% for Essay 1 and an 89% for essay 2.

Class participation is worth 20% of the grade, so I got 18% for class participation.

Midterm exam is worth 25% of the grade, so I got an 87% on the Midterm.

Final Exam is worth 25% of grade, what percentage on the final do I need to get in order to receive AT LEAST a 90% on the exam? Thanks!

Roger: You would need a 94.2% to get a 90% in the class.

Captain America
Thu, 09 May 2013 21:43:59 GMT

Thanks Roger!

Thu, 09 May 2013 21:41:04 GMT

I have a 68.8 in my math class but i just got a 61 on a test am i fuck or can i still pass my final is next week its worth 15% of my grade am i fucked????

Roger: What do you need to pass the class?

Thu, 09 May 2013 21:23:13 GMT

I have a 99% what do I need to get on my final to keep my A? The final is 25% of our grade

Roger: 63%

Thu, 09 May 2013 21:14:31 GMT

if my tests are worth 40% of my grade and my current test average is 89.3
my quizzes are worth 25% of my grade and my current quiz average is 84.4%
my labs are worth 25% of my grade and my current lab average is 101%
my homework is worth 10% of my grade and my current homework average is 100%
then what would my overall grade be if I did extremely poorly on a test and got approximately a 30%?

Roger: It depends on how many tests you have taken so far. To keep above a 90%, you would need to have taken at least 10 tests before the one you received a 30% on, making that the 11th test.

Thu, 09 May 2013 20:57:17 GMT

Hi, I have a 91.54% in my English class. If one of the assignments is worth 100 points in my grade, and I happen to not do it, will it bring my grade down a lot? I still have a grammar quiz (30 points), and my final exam (140 points) left to do afterwards; will that make up for not doing the essay/assignment?

Roger: Hi Jasmine. It depends on how many points you have in the class right now. You told me that you have a 91.54%, but do you know how many points that corresponds to?

Thu, 09 May 2013 20:13:50 GMT

Im applying for taco bell as we speak

Roger: Haha, I love taco bell. Many of my friends do not.

Thu, 09 May 2013 19:25:14 GMT

I just wanted to thank you for this website. It got some giggles when we all calculated what we needed on our finals in class the other day. I also appreciate your witty responses in the comments section. <3

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 09 May 2013 19:01:15 GMT

I am so fucked. :(

Thu, 09 May 2013 08:49:19 GMT

loving this! officially bookmarking.
thanks so much!


Thu, 09 May 2013 03:30:31 GMT

I have an 87% in my class and I need a 90%
Test grades are worth 65%
Homework is 10%
And quizzes are 5%
And I still have one more test and an EOC worth 10% and a final worth 10% what do I need to end the semester with a 90%

Roger: Well, depending on your Test average and how many tests you’ve taken, you should aim for at least a 95%+ on each of those assignments. (Or beg with your teacher.)

Thu, 09 May 2013 00:20:50 GMT

If you ever plan to take any online courses do not fully trust the schools computer system since it is paperless. I have always made grades of B+ to A+ and had trusted the system and had not been wrong. Since Mrach 18th, the school comuter system crashed and was out for almost 20 hours before they could fix the problem. Ever since March the18th, there has been problems when I would submit to participatation questions and enter assignments it would show that the the system took the information.

Later it was showing that is did not and my grade suffered seriously down to a grade of 68.2 and I entered the last assignment and it is showing in the system and tech support can see it and the instructor cannot see the assginment and would auto grade to 68.2. I am so frustrated with this schools' computer system that now it shows I am 1.8 points to even make a C. The last assignment is worth up to 120 points and did not take as a final and I hate when technology fails like in my case. About ever26.66 is a grade level, if I get the whole 120 points it could be up to A-. At this point I am so frustrated over technology that I all I want is the 1.8 points to make a C.

I even have the correct email to the teacher and all ten emails came back undeliverable makes it frustrating. In the past I coud not get ahold of this teacher and had to have some else contact him to call me and it has happen again. Before when I did email him, it was not giving a message of undeliverable, he was just not replying and they have 24 hours to reply and it nhad been three days.

The suggestion to my story, do not be so trusting with todays computer tecnology, after you answer questions aqnd enter assginments, call tech support or the school office and write down the date, time, name of the person, telephone number, get a case number or ticket number like I did. By getting all this information is the only proof you can have in this paperless computer school society. Like I said the stress and issues I have to go through, I am just looking to past and make up my GPA in the next class. I know I will pass, know that I have used Roger Hub's website. Caution! caution with this paperless technology. Thank you Roger Hub for your help!!!

Thu, 09 May 2013 00:12:33 GMT

hey Roger in my class we go by 2 nine week periods in my 1st nine weeks i made a 70 and in my 2nd nine weeks i made a 65 my final is worth 20% of my overall grade what do i have to make on my final to get a 60 as my overall grade

Roger: 30%

Wed, 08 May 2013 23:57:58 GMT

My over all grade in my class is 65% and I have a final coming up and final is worth 10% of my grade so how many do I have to get right on the final test to aleast get my over all grade in my class to pass with 60%

Roger: 15%

big daddy
Wed, 08 May 2013 23:55:42 GMT

YO roger i have a 1% in a class and the teacher made a bet with me that if i can get my grade to a 20% by the end of the the year she will pass me. The thing is the final is worth 50% of our grade and the other 50 is split into 25 and 25 between test and homeowork. My homework average is 10% and my test is 96%.

Roger: What?

Wed, 08 May 2013 23:54:12 GMT

So I got this final coming up and my over all grade in class is 65% and my final is worth 10% of my grade what do I have to get on the final to pass with aleast 60%?

Roger: 15%

Wed, 08 May 2013 23:28:01 GMT

I can not tell you how excited I was to find out that I only needed a 27% on my final to keep credit in my class! I am so relieved! Thank you, thank you so much! I look forward to keeping this course credit and, in doing so, keep the ability to walk across the stage at my graduation in about 10 days. Thank you very, very much!

Wed, 08 May 2013 22:22:10 GMT

I have to get at least a 60% on my final in one class and I don't even have to TAKE the final in another to pass it.
THANK YOU for the stress relief! :D

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