
Page 41 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 41)

Fri, 17 May 2013 02:01:23 GMT

Been using this for years, so easy. Thanks for the help!

Fri, 17 May 2013 01:16:22 GMT

man I gotta get some good grades iA

In trouble
Fri, 17 May 2013 00:33:32 GMT

If I don't get an A or at least a high b in algebra my parents will be so pissed I have an 87 in the class right now and the exam weighs for 20%. Am I really screwed?!

Roger: Trust me. Five years from now, you won’t even remember what you got in Algebra.

Fri, 17 May 2013 00:24:04 GMT

Thank you! This helped a lot. Why can't people just do their own plugging in though and stop getting you to plug in the numbers for them? (Looking at you Jack)

Thu, 16 May 2013 23:40:28 GMT

I have 76.82 in class right now, our final is in major assessment category which is 60% and I have 74.23% in that category. So what do I need to get on the final.

Roger: What grade are you aiming for overall?

Thu, 16 May 2013 23:04:19 GMT

Why do you people always ask for you needed grade and not use the incredibly simple system set up? Looking at you Taylor. Anyways thanks for the site Roger. Ive used it twice a year for four years now and its very convenient.

Roger: No problem!

Thu, 16 May 2013 22:00:35 GMT

I have a 91% and my final exam is worth 20% what is the lowest grade i can make and still pass?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

Thu, 16 May 2013 21:44:53 GMT

Thank you!

Thu, 16 May 2013 21:11:56 GMT

If I have a 74 in the class and I make a 63 on my eoct and it’s 15% of my grade, am I going to pass the class?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass the class?

cory im bout to gaduate ware
Thu, 16 May 2013 20:51:39 GMT

I have a 84.5 in a class. I scored a 67 on a final exam that cost 15% of my final grade. could you help?
(tests 55%)
daily work 30%

Roger: Your final grade is 82.03%.

Banana man
Thu, 16 May 2013 16:15:46 GMT

So if I get 50% in 2nd year and it's worth 30%. I need 64.25% in third year (worth 70) to get 60% overall?

Roger: Correct.

extremely worried student
Thu, 16 May 2013 06:38:35 GMT

The calculator says ill need a -18.4%?

Roger: The calculator is accurate. You can read my explanation above and try it yourself.

extremely worried student
Thu, 16 May 2013 06:36:35 GMT

Wait nevermind the final is worth 20%,so I have to get at least 56% on the final to pass?...

extremely worried student
Thu, 16 May 2013 06:07:52 GMT

Hello,im just really worried if ill pass this class but If I have a 79.6 in a class and my final is worth 15% what score would I need on the final to have at least a 60%

Roger: You can get as low as -51.07%. However, if you get a 82.27%, you will be able to get a 80% overall.

Thu, 16 May 2013 05:07:17 GMT

So I have a 62.22% and want to get at least a 64.5%. My final is worth 15%. What do I need to get?

Roger: 77.42%

Thu, 16 May 2013 03:51:46 GMT

I have a 62 for my AP chem class and my final is worth 20%. if i pass with a 60, will i be okay?

Roger: Probably.

Thu, 16 May 2013 03:50:07 GMT

What's with all these people who have 95's and want 80%? I mean shouldn't you go for like 90% if you already have an A?

Roger: Good question. Maybe it’s senior year for them.

Thu, 16 May 2013 03:38:45 GMT

Literally anything? Nothing would drop my grade 22% right?

Roger: Well, if you get a 0% on the final and your final is worth 26% of your grade, you’d make a 60%.

Thu, 16 May 2013 03:07:10 GMT

If I have an 81 and I need a 59.9 at the minimum to pass what would I need to get on the final

Roger: Pretty low. Anything, really.

Thu, 16 May 2013 02:42:12 GMT

My grade is a 82.60 and I want a 74 in the class with my final being 40% of my final grade. If I score a 61.1% I should be good, right?

Roger: Yep.

Thu, 16 May 2013 02:05:29 GMT

Ok, so I have an 88 in math overall, my math teacher hasn't activated the extra credit yet and it's worth 14 points. Once he activates it how much will my grade increase? I have 1287 points in the class now.

Roger: Your grade will increase about ~0.96% to ~89%.

Thu, 16 May 2013 01:03:19 GMT

My current average is 76%. The upcoming final is worth 25%. What should I do if my teacher tells me to use the final for bring my grade up to an 80%; Another final will be given if I don't reach 80% that is worth 35%?
oh and I don't study well...


Roger: You should study really hard and score high. It sounds like your teacher sincerely cares that you master the material, and that is a rare trait to find in today’s education system.

John dragula
Wed, 15 May 2013 23:14:52 GMT

I have a 96 in math right now. Tests are worth 70% and hw and participation are worth 30%. My final is worth 15%. what do I need to get a 90%? thanks

Roger: Your three percentages add up to 115%. Can you clarify how the Final fits in with Tests or something?

Wed, 15 May 2013 22:34:24 GMT

You have a great site! It's amazing for finding out what I need to get on my finals, Thanks!(:

Wed, 15 May 2013 22:00:57 GMT

I have a 95 in my math class before my final and that 95 represents 70% of my grade. The final is worth 30%, what would I need to get at least an 80 in the class?

Roger: You would need 45% to get at least an 80% overall. If you get at least a 78.33%, you would get a 90% overall.

Wed, 15 May 2013 21:08:57 GMT

This is an excellent way to quantify my impending doom, aka finals. Three thumbs up for this website!

Roger: Hi Alan, lol. I recognize our suite’s subnet.

Going crazy
Wed, 15 May 2013 20:39:13 GMT

Ok, so I have an 88 in math overall, my math teacher hasn't activated the extra credit yet and it's worth 14 points. Once he activates it how much will my grade increase?

Roger: How many points do you have in the class right now?

Wed, 15 May 2013 20:36:19 GMT

I have a 87 in the class overall. I have had 4 projects this whole year and they are each worth 15%. I have an 85 in my project grade. I got a 92 on a project. Would that pull my grade up to a 90%?

Roger: No, it would bring your grade to about a 87.4%.

Wed, 15 May 2013 20:34:18 GMT


I thought this was another make it and leave it website, which, if it was, it would still be really cool and helpful.

However, scrolling through the comments I see you take the time to help people and aanswer questions.

You sir are fantastic and have all of my respect.

Thank you for this awesomeness

Roger: Thanks ;)

Wed, 15 May 2013 20:27:37 GMT

Yes it is.

Roger: So the midterm and Final are together worth 15%? Or are they collectively worth 30%? (You said the midterm and the final are in one section of the grade, but you said the Final was worth 15%.) In the former case, you’d need a -19.66% on the Final. In the latter case, you’d need a 13.66% on the Final. Now, if your Final and midterm aren’t actually counted together as one category and your midterm is included in that 75%, you would need a 41.67%.

Wed, 15 May 2013 17:03:13 GMT

Um so Is this website accurete? Sorry I'm just wondering. but anyway I have a 70.57% in math and the final is worth 10% of my grade and I really want a 70% for my final grade (So when my report card gets to my house I have at least a 70% in the class) what would i need to score on the test. I already put it in the generator thing but i dont trust it. Any answer?

Roger: This website is accurate. The answer is (.70 - .7057*.90)/.10 = 64.870000%.

Worried Student
Wed, 15 May 2013 16:59:29 GMT

Hi Roger,

I currently have a 38% grade average for my Math class. I did the calculations on your site and it said i needed 116% to at least get to 70% to pass the class. I haven't taken my final exam yet. My final is worth 25%. Is the 116% telling me I'm going to need an A++( LoL... little funny but very serious) to pass this class? I'm very worried about failing this class. I actually need to pass this class to graduate. Please let me know. Thanks.

Roger: Yes indeed. You will need a very high score to pass.

grace f
Wed, 15 May 2013 16:44:55 GMT

Why is South Beloits grading scale so different from other schools in the area??

Wed, 15 May 2013 16:25:01 GMT

So if I get a -184 I'll fail my course? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Wed, 15 May 2013 11:16:27 GMT

can i just ask erm for a multiple choice question... which i know is 50 marks, how much marks would i need to get if i wanted 40% ? seen as 25 marks would be 50%
is it about 13 marks? :s
thank you

Roger: It’s exactly 20 marks out of 50.

Wed, 15 May 2013 11:13:50 GMT

i just wanted to know if the determined grade takes into account the worth of the assignment
because say i got a 40% in my assignment which is worth 30% and in my exam i get a 40% which is worth 70% how come overall it's just a 40% because wouldn't it be less or something seen as the exam is worth a lot more?
(not a maths kind of person)

Roger: Hi there. Percentages express ratios to 100, so each of those 40% scores is actually 40/100. The actual worth of your 40% in your 30% assignment is therefore 40/100 of 30/100, which if you multiply together, is 12/100, or 12%. The actual worth of your 40% in your 70% assignment is 40/100 of 70/100, which is 28/100, or 28%. Now, it just so happens that there aren’t any more components of the grade since the 30% in the first assignment and the 70% in the second assignment add up to 100/100, or 100%, so you can accurately say that the total score is 12/100 + 28/100, which is 40/100 or 40%. Of course, this is the expected result, since both parts were originally 40%.

Wed, 15 May 2013 07:12:46 GMT

This is the most wonderful website. Thank you!

Wed, 15 May 2013 04:03:37 GMT

Ok, thanks!

Wed, 15 May 2013 02:06:37 GMT

okay, here is my problem. My teacher says the final has 37 questions. She also says that it is worth way more than 37 points (more than one point per question). Is that going to effect they way that this works? I am just super stressed about my final. you say that i only need a 29%. does that still apply in this case?

Roger: How many points is your final worth then? In this case, the 3rd piece of information you give the Final Grade Calculator can be found by computing (How Much your Final is Worth) / (Total Number of Points Possible After the Final).

Wed, 15 May 2013 02:01:11 GMT

I have 100% on assignments (equals 33% of the grade) 63% on quizzes (equals 33% of the grade) final test equals 33% of the grade…how much I need of the Final Test to get at least an 80% on the class?Thanks!

P.D. Teacher is giving us a grade equal to the remaining 1% just for attending class on time.

Roger: You need a 76.39% on the Final to get an 80% in the class.

Wed, 15 May 2013 01:58:49 GMT

If my final is in a category with tests and projects and that category is worth 60% and I have a 87 what do I need to get

Roger: You didn’t say what grade you want overall. Also, it depends on how many points the Final is worth and how many points are in the tests and projects category.

Wed, 15 May 2013 01:53:59 GMT

Hi! I have 100% on assignments (equals 33% of the grade) 68% on quizzes (equals 33% of the grade) final test equals 33% of the much I need of the Final Test to get at least an 80% on the class? Thanks!

P.D. Teacher is giving us a grade equal to the remaining 1% just for attending class on time.

Roger: I’ll answer your revised comment above.

Alex Y.
Wed, 15 May 2013 01:20:31 GMT

Thanks so much! This actually helped me. I mean, by the looks of it I'm fucked but nonetheless I'm glad I found this website. I'm so using this for next year :D

Wed, 15 May 2013 01:07:39 GMT

I've been using this website since Freshman year and I can honestly say Roger Hub has saved my life and my grade!!

Wed, 15 May 2013 00:20:00 GMT

cool site, though it seems you have a lot of free time... how did you think this up?

Roger: It was a long, long time ago, haha.

Wed, 15 May 2013 00:03:43 GMT

I have a 75 in class.. My final is worth 15%. I already had a mid year exam and made a 47%. What do i have to make on my final to still pass with a 70 ( the mid year exam nd final are in one section of the grade)

Roger: Is your midyear exam included in that 75% already?

Tue, 14 May 2013 22:47:15 GMT

I have a 64 in math, but we still have 3 quizzes together worth 20%, and a final, plus a dropped grade. Do you think I can pass if I do well on the final and the quizzes? Please give me a range that I need to get on the final, assuming that all my quiz and drops have good results. Thank you :)

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

joseph ESTEVEZ
Tue, 14 May 2013 22:23:50 GMT

Hey Roger I have a 64.9 my class. I'm taking my final Thursday. The final’s 15 percent of my class. What is the percentage I would get to need to pass with a 60 or higher?

Roger: You would need a 32.23% on the Final.

Tue, 14 May 2013 20:06:39 GMT

If I have a 65 in a class and I need a 75 in that class and I made a 75 on a quiz what would that make my grade!

Roger: Depends on how much the quiz was worth. It will not go up to a 75 though.

Caroline Corley
Tue, 14 May 2013 20:03:37 GMT

Hello! So sorry! I did not understand! This test will be out of 100 points. Right now we have 400 in the catigory and I have 337.. so after the test it will be out of 500.

Roger: If you get a 91% on your next Test and a 91% your Final, you will be able to get an A. See this graph, where your Final Exam’s score is on the x-axis, and your last Test’s score is on the Y-axis. You have to get above/to-the-right of the blue line in order to make an A (90%).

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