
Page 412 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 412)

Pepsi man
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:07:49 GMT

Right now I am a little bug under the academic shoe... I have two weeks before finals, which is plenty of time for a B to drop to a C. Especially with all the fifty to hundred point projects due this week. As I sit now, I could be looking at several D grades even if I am at A and B grades currently. My heart cannot take this stress, I hope I die before finals.

Autistic Frog
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:01:21 GMT

Ah gosh darn! I need a 342.41% for an A. Guess I'm just gonna have so suck some dick.

Ricky Stiggerd
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:46:43 GMT

tili tili dom

A concerned citizen
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:33:28 GMT

Well dang. 140%, here I come!

Kimi Raikkonen
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:18:00 GMT

Just leave me alone I know what I'm doing

Moonpie (This is my actual nickname)
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 18:38:26 GMT

Currently rolling with a 63.53% in fitness class, gonna need a 95.88% to make that a C-, wish me luck!

Somebody around the world
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 18:27:50 GMT

Yes! I'm going to pass all of my important classes.

Drop Out
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 16:48:08 GMT

I need a 98.72 on my final to get my grade to a D. Thanks for ruining my day

Stressed Ivy League Hopeful
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 08:02:41 GMT

Dear Mr. Roger,

I have some updates I think you'd like to hear! I hope you remember me. If not, here's a refresher:

I'm only 0.83% from an A and I would be so frustrated to have worked so hard and end up getting a B!I need to get 96% on the final to get this A on my own. Hopefully, my teacher will be convinced and round me up. Any tips, Roger?

You told me about the time you studied 8 hours and ended up getting a 93% on the final.

Today, I found out that I got an A in the class! I ended up getting a 90% on the final (amazing, my test average was 83%!!), but my teacher decided to be super kind and make 88.5%=an A without even telling us!! I just made it with an 88.8% in the class. As of today, 8 is my favorite number! ;)

Anyways, thank you, Roger, for your encouraging words and your help.
Happy New Year and best wishes for an amazing 2017; you deserve it!

~Stressed Ivy League Hopeful

Roger: Congrats, you deserve that A! I’m glad to hear it worked out.

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 06:48:48 GMT


Wed, 04 Jan 2017 05:58:47 GMT

My new mixtape is called GPA and it's gonna drop soon ???

Darth Vader
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 05:18:01 GMT

Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, students.

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 05:14:29 GMT

Hi Roger!

In my math class I had an 88.5% in my overall coursework (weighted 80%) and an 85.2% on my exam (weighted 20%). Overall giving me an 87.8% in the class.

The total coursework points: 516/562
The total exam points: 104/122

My teacher has decided to offer some extra credit. How many extra credit points towards my coursework grade would I need if I wanted an 89.6% overall??

Roger: If you have 516/562 points in coursework, your current coursework grade should be a 91.8%, not a 88.5%. I’ll assume that you made a mistake and that your current coursework grade really is a 88.5%. To get a 89.6% overall, you’ll need to raise your coursework grade by 2.19 percentage points. If you currently have 562 total possible coursework points, then you’ll need to get at least 12.3 points of extra credit to get a 89.6% overall.

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 03:17:07 GMT

rain drop
drop top
my grades about to drop drop

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 03:15:03 GMT


Wed, 04 Jan 2017 02:09:43 GMT

AyeeeI need to get 120% on this next Math Final to get 80% XD

Semester 2
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 01:57:55 GMT

Semester 1. It is done. It is finished.

Now on to Semester 2.

Reportedly harder.

AP tests.

More ECs.

Get ready!

Monta Vista High School
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 01:56:38 GMT

That moment when you think you failed but you get the highest grade in the class.

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 01:41:40 GMT

Bananas are really good for you

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 01:39:33 GMT


Wed, 04 Jan 2017 01:31:50 GMT

Well, I need a 71%... I can do it... I will do it. I hope

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 00:35:29 GMT

man my report card gon be lookin ugly tmw

I don't know Anymore
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 00:30:53 GMT

Well I'm totally pooped for finals..pray for me please I need to pass with all A's-C's

Wed, 04 Jan 2017 00:01:55 GMT

Ha!!! Only need an 85% to get a b in honors spanish!!!!!

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 23:42:53 GMT


Tue, 03 Jan 2017 23:42:16 GMT

Everybody here is worrying making A's and B's and I'm here with a 61 and trying to get a 70 FML!

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 23:33:50 GMT

It's about that time of year where my parents yell at me and punish me for my my grades. I have almost straight B- 's and a 3.13 gpa. FML I'm about to get completely ruined.

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 23:20:57 GMT


I have a 67% in my AP Euro class, and there's a 100 point test left to take before the quarter is over. I need at least an 80% in that class, so what would I need to get on the 100 point test? If I get a 100 out of 100 percent on the test, what will my 67% bump up to?

Please help! THANKS

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:48:33 GMT

This Is Like A Chat Room Doe

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:47:22 GMT

Hello My Fellow subs Im Here To Say The Foling Get Good Marks Leave School Become A Sub (If You Are Not Ready Eat A Big Mac) and play vido games AND IK I SAYED VIDO AND ITS VIDEO Ok?!?!?!??!?!

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:31:15 GMT

Fuck people worrying about getting a 80 when im worrying about getting a 70

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:48:09 GMT

I was stressing about this math elective. I had a 74.42 in the class and made a 100 on the exam... bringing me to a 79.5 and my teacher is refusing to round my grade up to an 80. :(

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:40:14 GMT

ok ill just go sit in a corner and sulk now

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:37:00 GMT

don't all talk at once, guys... I mean SERIOUSLY

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 21:32:01 GMT


Tue, 03 Jan 2017 19:44:53 GMT

This is a really good website

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 19:24:17 GMT

lmao i made finals to screw you all over

Steve Jobs
Tue, 03 Jan 2017 19:00:57 GMT

This is steve and this is a great website for finals

this is really me!!!

Michael jackson
Tue, 03 Jan 2017 06:16:09 GMT

Hey im alive, by the way i was wondering whether it is possible to get a 50 percent from a 48.4 percent just tell me billy

Bill Gates
Tue, 03 Jan 2017 03:14:52 GMT

A message to all those struggling with finals…

Take a break, relax. Hopefully, you have worked hard. If you did not, try hard next semester. Live in the moment, not in the future or the past. Just thank Roger Hub for making such program, it's truly astonishing how such a simple program can be so widely used by so many. Right now, I recommend spending your valuable time with family and friends; enjoy this wonderful holiday season.

-Bill Gates

And yes it is really me.

Bless this site
Tue, 03 Jan 2017 01:56:58 GMT

Although this site not totally accurate, I have used this to see my chances of grade survival and chances of not getting kicked out of home. :)
Thnks Roger hub

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:23:07 GMT

Freshmen Year is going pretty crappy and my life sucks. PRAY I PASS :)

Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:11:26 GMT


I am studying IGCSE biology.

There are 2 exams:

Paper 1 total of 120 marks. 66.6% towards final grade

Paper 2 total of 60 marks. 33.4% towards final mark.

Total grading of both papers 180.

Looking at the grade boundaries to get a C is 80marks.

Whats the minimum would I need to get on each paper to scrape a C?

Thank you

Roger: Did you mean 80 marks out of 100? Or 80 marks out of 180 marks? I’ll assume it’s the former. In that case, you should aim to score at least a 96/120 on Paper 1 and 48/60 on Paper 2. If you actually wanted 80 out of 180, then you should aim to score 53.3/120 on Paper 1 and 26.7/60 on Paper 2.

Mon, 02 Jan 2017 22:01:02 GMT

I have a 67% in my AP Euro class, and there's a 100 point test left to take before the quarter is over. I need at least an 80% in that class, so what would I need to get on the 100 point test?

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Bill Joy
Sun, 01 Jan 2017 20:15:54 GMT

Mr. James from Wheaton North be like: I hate my 4th period class

Sun, 01 Jan 2017 17:42:57 GMT

Hi, so I have a 58.63 % in my biology class. I need a 60% to pass the class. And at the e d if the quarter my teacher will drop our lowest test score, which mine was 30%. Will I pass the class after she drops that test score?

Please help, Thanks!

Roger: It depends on how much your tests are worth, your current test average, and how many tests you’ve taken so far. Also, do you have any more assignments to complete this quarter?

Sun, 01 Jan 2017 03:13:03 GMT

I totally agree. Getting one B will not ruin your college chances. There is still the ACT, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, essays, volunteering. . .

Sun, 01 Jan 2017 02:27:27 GMT

okay so im totally screwed for college! i have like one a, three bs, and one c that i could hopefully raise to a b by the end of the semester. weighted, my gpa is a 3.2 which totally SUCKS and im not going to get into college and im totally freaking out. Last year, my gpa was a 3.7 which is also pretty shitty, to be frank. ugh im like a sophomore and like shit! harvard who?? with these grades i may not even be able to get a job at mcdonalds! but i like making new friends so email me REDACTED because if youre failing too we can cry together!

Roger: Don’t post your email address in a public place!

Warren Buffet
Sun, 01 Jan 2017 00:44:45 GMT

sup bill

Sat, 31 Dec 2016 17:40:46 GMT

I just saw your comment, Roger. Thank you so much, I will be sure to try your methods; they sound awesome! Thanks for all your help :D, and you too, AwesomeLegend27!!

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