
Page 42 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 42)

Mon, 20 May 2013 22:31:47 GMT

so if i get a 82.5 on my final which is 40% of my grade and i had a 89 what will my grade drop to?

Roger: 86.4%

Mon, 20 May 2013 21:50:33 GMT

MATH SUCKS and Park your final average would be approximately 79.4% with a 70 on a 15% final exam scale.

Mon, 20 May 2013 17:41:03 GMT

i have an 81 in the class and i got a 70 on my final what would my final grade be.
my Exam is worth 15% i got a 70

Roger: 79.35%

Mon, 20 May 2013 16:39:32 GMT

I've always wondered.. Are you in college or have you graduated, or did you never go?

Roger: College Undergrad at UC Berkeley.

Mon, 20 May 2013 16:24:11 GMT

Hey Roger, i have a 81 in my math class and i got a 70 on my final. My final is 15% what would my grade be

Roger: 79.35%

Mon, 20 May 2013 16:12:14 GMT

Thank you! I have an 89% in my Calc class and have to get a 99% to get up to a 90. If anybody needs me, I'll be studying.

Mon, 20 May 2013 16:02:18 GMT

We meet again, Roger’s calculator...

Mon, 20 May 2013 15:53:16 GMT

I need to get a 95 on the exam in my digital logic class in order pass. MIGHT AS WELL RIP MY EXAM INTO STRIPS AND TURN IT IN!

Mon, 20 May 2013 15:24:41 GMT

So how are you doing roger?

Roger: I’m good.

Mon, 20 May 2013 13:21:08 GMT

Well, I'm so screwed and if i fail my Jonior year.. My girlfriend (May) Will KILL me! and yes i'm a girl ;)

Mon, 20 May 2013 10:53:12 GMT

I need to make a 4 to keep my 80 in math? Score!

Mon, 20 May 2013 09:06:18 GMT

Hey Roger, I'm having trouble mang. I have a 91 % in statistics, and I got my final graded already, just not in the grade book (out of 200). I received a 171/200. my teacher allowed the extra credit which will compensate for 10% of my final. can you help me out with my grade ? apologies for asking. /:

Roger: So your Final will receive a 10% bonus? That would put it at 191/200 or 95.5%. Now how many points do you have in the class overall?

Joseph DeBenedictis
Mon, 20 May 2013 05:09:48 GMT

Im fat AND GAY

Roger: That’s fantastic.

Mon, 20 May 2013 04:21:19 GMT

59.5% to maintain an A in Calculus? Yeah i'm gonna watch The Office instead...

Roger: Good plan!

Im So Screwed
Mon, 20 May 2013 02:44:32 GMT

Its over

Mon, 20 May 2013 01:29:15 GMT

It's that time of year again!

Roger is the best!!!
Sun, 19 May 2013 23:28:08 GMT

Thanks for this! I am so happy you made this site. Sorry for all the stupid people that can't type in 3 boxes for their life or their grade... Haha.

Sun, 19 May 2013 22:54:52 GMT

hey roger i have a 67 in biology do you think i could pull out a C?

Roger: Depends. How much are you going to study?

Sun, 19 May 2013 22:36:12 GMT

121.96% for A in Latin Year 3, I smell victory!!!!

Sun, 19 May 2013 22:16:04 GMT

Well im screwed...i have a 70% in Algebra and the final is tomorrow.

Sun, 19 May 2013 22:07:06 GMT

I'm really worried about my GPA. So Roger...I had a 4.0 GPA the first semester, and obviously want the same thing second semester. But my grades went from all "A"'s to mostly 86-88%'s. How do I get a 4.0 GPA? Do both semesters average into one GPA, and that's what people look at, or is the semester GPA? I'm a freshman so I'm confused. HELP! Finals are in two weeks.

Roger: A 4.0 GPA corresponds to a transcript with all A grades. You can’t get anything else.

Sun, 19 May 2013 20:06:00 GMT

My final is worth 10% of my grade. The final is out of 200 points. The essay is worth 100 and the multiple choice is worth 100. I have a 1300/1407 in the class which is the other 90%. If I get a 125/100 on the essay (there is extra credit possible), what do I need to get on the multiple choice to get a 91% in the class, and what do I need to get to get a 94%? The multiple choice is 50 questions so each question is worth 2 points. Thanks Roger you're the man.

Roger: To get a 91%, you’d need a 45.84% on the multiple choice. To get a 94%, you’d need a 75.84% on the multiple choice.

A hopeful English student
Sun, 19 May 2013 19:50:40 GMT

There are two parts of my final, one is an essay worth 10% of the grade (100 points) and the other is 20 question test worth 10% of the grade (100 points). I have a 95.5 currently; what is the lowest grade I could get on both of these and still have a 90%?

Roger: You could average a 68% on both of those and maintain a 90%.

Sun, 19 May 2013 19:47:25 GMT

Hi, I need help with life in general. Theres this girl. And she's kinda cool. But no. Its all about the yoga mom physique.

Sun, 19 May 2013 05:20:06 GMT

Hey Roger,

Currently i have a 81.7 in Spanish and my finals are separated into 3 groups. 5% for speaking final which i got a 67.6% on which is already accounted for into the 81.7 and it was 50 points. Writing final which again is 5% of the total grade and it is 50 points which is not accounted for, 10% grammar and listening final which is 100 pints for grammar and 30 points for listening. So my question is what do i have to get on each section to keep a 79.5

Roger: You need a 67.03% average on your 2 remaining finals.

james brown
Sun, 19 May 2013 02:23:59 GMT

in the 4th semester I got an C in math in the 5th semester I got an A and now where in the final semester and I think im going to get a C but my final EOC Is worth 30% of my entire grade through out the whole second semester how do I calculate to see what I need to get on the EOC to pass the class?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass the class?

Sat, 18 May 2013 23:06:17 GMT

Hi, I was wondering how much do I need to get in the exam to pass the course?
Exam is worth 40% from overall grade which is 100%. I already have 70% for test which is worth 30% from overall grade and 50% for coursework wich is also worth 30% from overall grade.
The exam pass mark is 40%, but do I need to get 40% to pass the course?

Roger: What grade is required to pass the course? I think you misunderstand what these percentages mean.

mister J
Sat, 18 May 2013 20:46:51 GMT

Hey I kinda need help,
So I have a 94% in History as my TERM grade and my SEMESTER is a 91%. And my final is coming up. I have to do this study guide which is 40 points which will bring my grade up to 95% if I do the study guide plus the extra credit. So does this mean my semester will change too?

Roger: I have no idea.

Sat, 18 May 2013 19:44:22 GMT

You end up with about an 89.5

Sat, 18 May 2013 18:01:24 GMT

Hi. So i have a 92.76 in the gradebook. I got a 76% on my final but it hasn't entered the gradebook yet. If its 20% of my grade what would my exact final score be?

Roger: 89.408%.

Sat, 18 May 2013 16:29:48 GMT

I have a 59.39 % overall in my precal class. I just took a test and i got 69% .My test grades are worth 65% of my grade and right now my overall test grade is 49.69 %. My teacher might curve the test which would mean i got a 74% on the test. What would my overall grade be with the 69% score and what would it be with the 74% score.

Thanks :)

Roger: It depends on how many tests you’ve already taken. Let’s say you’ve had 5. Then, your Test score would rise to 52.45%/53.16% (for a 69% and a 74% respectively). That would correspond to a new overall grade of 61.18%/61.65%.

Sat, 18 May 2013 13:51:06 GMT

Great website, easy to use and easily navigable. I will come back to this website every time!

Sat, 18 May 2013 05:19:03 GMT

I have a 102% in my junior AP Calc BC class (there was 6 points of extra credit on 15 tests). I really want to fail this class, but this handy calculator has informed me that this is not possible. According to the calculator, I need a -337% on the final. Do you have any experience with bribing teachers to get a lower grade? I'm completely serious about this, I need to get an F in this class. The reason is a personal matter, but I have to lower my grade somehow. I wasn't notified until last week that I need a maximum of 59% in this class. Can you help me ASAP? I am exceedingly exigent right now. Thank you for your time and efforts.

Roger: Probably not :/

Sat, 18 May 2013 02:17:57 GMT

Just wanted to thank you for such a great tool to help with calculating necessary final grades. I come back to it every time!

Fri, 17 May 2013 23:43:02 GMT

I have already had 2/3 finals in my Spanish class which were writing and and the oral one. The writing was worth 30 points and the oral is worth 20 points. I got a 19/30 and a 19/20. I have an 83.9 in the class and the finals are worth 20% of my grade. In final category it says that the first 2 final have been weighted 15.20% of out 20%. But the last final is worth 135 points so what do I have to get on that to keep a B (80%) in the class? And what is the weigh of the last final?

Roger: If your first 2 finals were indeed weighted 15.20% out of 20%, then the last part is insignificant. You need at least a -228%.

Fri, 17 May 2013 23:31:50 GMT

what i really about my previous post, was if i had a test that had 44/100 and its worth 20% of the total score, would it be, 8.7% and if i had 63/100 and its worth 30% of the total score, then it would be 18.8% and both add up to 27.5% out of 50, which would make it approximately 54%. the 50% total is only half the grade.

Roger: What are you talking about?

Fri, 17 May 2013 21:56:37 GMT

I have an 86.4 in a class right now. We have a total of 744 points in class. If I get 25/25 on an assignment, and then 10 extra credit points, what would my updated grade be going into the final?

Roger: It would be 88.1425%.

Fri, 17 May 2013 21:49:51 GMT

Roger, how long does it take you to answer all these questions? Is it just you or are there like multiple people doing this?

Roger: Not very long. I’m bored out of my mind (moving out today). It’s just me answering stuff.

Naveen Cool-Guy-Naveen
Fri, 17 May 2013 21:46:05 GMT

So why is everyone here, who all seem to be in a relatively high level of education, incapable of doing basic math for themselves?

Roger: Good question. Perhaps people prefer using tools, even if they’re capable of doing things themselves. For example, I’d rather use a calculator than divide and multiply on paper.

Fri, 17 May 2013 20:53:59 GMT

I Am pretty much screwed i cant pass my class for crap teacher hates me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fri, 17 May 2013 19:53:44 GMT

hi my do you mind checking this for me
Homework 74.5% C 15.0% of grade

Classwork/ Warm up/Exit pass 63.2% D 0 0 15.0% of grade

Tests 49.2% F 0 0 30.0% of grade

Projects/ Special Assignments/Quest 71.1% C 0 0 20.0% of grade

Quizzes 64.3% D 0 0 20.0% of grade

what precentage should this turn out to be overall?

Roger: 62.5%

Fri, 17 May 2013 19:17:07 GMT

I have a 60% on my class and if I do 12 points extra credit, how will my grade change?

Roger: How many points do you have already?

Fri, 17 May 2013 18:42:23 GMT

I have a 59% but I'm still waiting for extra credit points.. How much would my grade go up?

Roger: I have no idea.

Fri, 17 May 2013 17:24:42 GMT

Hi Roger. I need 16% in an exam to pass. The exam is out of 130 marks. How many marks do I need? And how do you actually work that out? Thanks

Roger: Hi Susie. You just multiply 16 / 100 * 130 = 20.8 marks. Percents are out of 100, so you have to divide it by 100 before you multiply.

Fri, 17 May 2013 16:43:14 GMT

if i have a final grade of 76% in the class and my final is worth 20% but i dont take my final what does the grade average out to?

Roger: 60.8%

Fri, 17 May 2013 06:12:15 GMT

Hi roger, im confused about my teachers way of grading.
He has 2 test that are worth 100pts each, 1 test is 25% of the total grade, totaling to 50% for both exams.
He is going to take the test with the higher score as 30% of the total grade, and the lower test score for 20%. Say if i have 75/100 on one test, and 50/100 on the other test, how would these scores be adjusted to fit 30% and 20%, that are equal to 50% of the total grade?

Roger: I don’t see what’s so confusing. The scores wouldn’t be adjusted, only their weight.

Chris Taylor
Fri, 17 May 2013 06:00:06 GMT

Okay so Roger i have a test tomorrow and iw as wondering how much it would drop me?
I have a 89% in this class and this test is worth like 7% of my overall grade how much doyou think it would drop me if i failed?

Roger: Well, what does “failed” mean? If you get a 60%, you would have a 87% overall. If you get a 0%, you would have a 82.77% overall.

Fri, 17 May 2013 04:42:55 GMT

Hi Roger. I need some help.
This isnt about finals, but I have 74% in English right now. If reading is 45% of my grade and I get an 8/20 on an assignment, what will that drop me to?
I appreciate any help you can provide me

Roger: It depends on how many points you have altogether in “reading”.

Fri, 17 May 2013 02:54:30 GMT

If I have a final worth 20% of my grade, but I have a two part final (an oral AND a written one) does that mean to find what I need on my written I put that my final is worth 10% of my grade?

Roger: You would use the calculator twice. Once to find out what you need on your Final altogether, and again to find out what you need on the written portion using the score you got on your oral section. Make sense?

Fri, 17 May 2013 02:52:18 GMT

Sooo I had a 95% in a class got a 93% on the final that was worth 20% of my total grade and.........stayed at a 95%.........according to your calculator this grade should have given me a 94% overall. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about how it worked out, but confused on the differing results.

Roger: Haha, it sounds like you didn’t really have a 95% overall, but more like a ~95.4%, and your grade dropped to a ~94.8%, both of which are rounded to 95%. The 93% score on your final may actually be a 93.2% or something else as well.

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