
Page 43 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 43)

Wed, 22 May 2013 07:50:30 GMT

thanks, just realized I only need a 85 to maintain an A. phew

Wed, 22 May 2013 06:12:41 GMT

There's a total of 645 points.
My tests are 180/354 - 40% worth
Hw- 221/242-10% worth
Lab-52/60- 20%
I have a 65.2% in the class. What do i need to get it to a C-? 69.5% and above

Roger: You should focus on raising your test grade. Do you have any tests or finals left to take?

Wed, 22 May 2013 06:04:46 GMT

Hi I am stressing about my history final right now. I have a 92%in the class and the final is worth 15%. I also still have to turn in my study guide which is 70 points. Right now I have a total of 543.5/585 points in the class. What grade do I need to get on my final to keep an a if the 70 point study guide is added to my total points?

Roger: Let’s say you get 100% on the study guide. Your overall grade would be raised to a 93.66%, so you need to get 69.26% on the Final.

Wed, 22 May 2013 06:00:23 GMT

Hi Roger, I have a spanish test that is worth 140 points. What do I need to get to keep a 72?

Roger: How many points do you have in the class total?

Wed, 22 May 2013 05:13:04 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a 88.4% and I am trying to get an A in my class, overall there is 1,700 points in the class with the final being 20% and 135 points I have already took two additional parts of the final and got 20/20 and 26/30 what do I need to get to have an A

Roger: So, to get a 90% overall, you need a 96.4% on the Final. To get a 96.4% on the Final, you need a total of 130.14/135 points, which means that you need to get at least a 84.14/85 on the last part of the Final.

Jake Bean
Wed, 22 May 2013 05:12:23 GMT

Another Question Roger,I have a 89.07 in Pe and I got a A- on the final run and its was worth 10% of my grade,which should my current grade be?

Roger: What score does an A- count as? Let’s say it’s a 92%. If so, your current grade should be a 89.36%.

Roger Hub
Wed, 22 May 2013 04:28:34 GMT

I am so glad that my website is able to help all of you. :)

Roger: Haha, indeed.

Wed, 22 May 2013 04:23:19 GMT

I need 123% to get a b in the class. My final grade in the class was a B. :)

Wed, 22 May 2013 04:01:38 GMT

just put me from a 80% stess value to like 10%. thank you.

Wed, 22 May 2013 02:38:38 GMT

so basically i have to get a 285 percent if i want a b in my math class when i have a low c now. cooooool

Jake Bean
Wed, 22 May 2013 02:13:47 GMT

Hey Roger, am trying to get a 70% for my grade overall and my grade is around 66-68 and my final is worth 10% what do I have to get on the final? (my teacher said she met round up for the grade overall)

Roger: Depending on your actual current grade, you need anywhere from 88% to 106%.

Wed, 22 May 2013 02:09:03 GMT

In my Spanish class we have a 150 point final, and 978 points total, what percent of my grade is the final worth?

Roger: It is worth 150/(978 + 150) = 13.30%.

Brandon Bennett
Wed, 22 May 2013 02:05:03 GMT

Need at least a 70% to pass chemistry. Have a 74% so I need to get at least a 34% on my exam (10% of grade) I am golden :)

Wed, 22 May 2013 01:31:51 GMT

Everything will be fine :)

Wed, 22 May 2013 00:55:44 GMT

So i have an 81.56 in my chemistry course and the final i believe is worth 10 percent of my grade. I need to get at least a 68.5% in the class, the calculator says i need to get atleast a -49% is this true?

Roger: This is true.

Wed, 22 May 2013 00:53:54 GMT

Ha.. I need a 104.8% on my final to get from an 81.48% to a 86% and my mom doesn't accept anything lower than an 85% D:

Wed, 22 May 2013 00:12:10 GMT

I really need to keep a C in my chemistry class. It's super difficult and I currently have a 73. The final is worth 15% of my grade. Your calculator told me I need to get like a 47 or something along those lines. Does this calculator truly work? Not trying to criticize, I just really need to keep the grade I have even though it isn't great. Thanks!

Roger: Yes, that’s correct.

Wed, 22 May 2013 00:04:54 GMT

I have a 54 in calculus, meaning I have to get an 84 or higher on the final to pass. For my quizzes, I've only ever gotten above a B on the take home quiz, so I'm having my doubts about whether or not I'll be able to graduate... Time to cram as much as I can before tomorrow and hope for the best :/

Ps. Thanks for the helpful program Roger.

Tue, 21 May 2013 23:28:09 GMT

This is very helpful, thank you

Tue, 21 May 2013 23:17:28 GMT

my Spanish grade is a 82, the final is worth 15% what do I have to get to keep a 80?

Tue, 21 May 2013 22:46:51 GMT

Each final was 100 points each.
My lowest test score that will be replaced is 52%

Roger: So, you need 581/830 points total to get a 70% overall. So, you need an 84.4% on the 2nd part of the final.

Tue, 21 May 2013 21:47:27 GMT

If i have an 88.31 in a class, and my final is worth 20%, but the grade i make on the final is averaged with an 83, what would i have to get on the final to get an A?

Roger: Well, you would need a 96.76% averaged grade to get an A, which means that you need a 110.52% on the Final.

Random Person
Tue, 21 May 2013 21:43:51 GMT

Does it matter if parts of your grade, such as hw or quizzes, are worth different amounts of your grade or is the percent of your grade that your final is worth, the same with any grade?

Roger: The result only depends on how much your Final is worth as part of your whole grade.

Tue, 21 May 2013 21:34:04 GMT

Hey friend Roger, what's happening? Sweet, nothing much with me either. Anyway, I have a 96.1% in biology and a 97.5% in human geography. According to your stupendous calculator, I pretty much have to spill hot chocolate on my finals or shred them in a paper shredder to keep my As. Do you recommend studying? Thanks.

Roger: Congrats. You don’t need to study—you’ve earned that right. However, you could always spend that saved time learning something that you personally want to learn.

Tue, 21 May 2013 21:14:27 GMT

THANK YOU SO MUCH ROGERHUB!!!! I love being able to know when I walk in my biology room that I have a chance of still having a B in the class. I don't need to stay up until 2 a.m. studying my butt off because its not worth it!!

Tue, 21 May 2013 21:07:41 GMT

I have an 87 and NEED an A. My final is 25% of my grade. The final is out of 2160 points and is 40 questions. How many can I get wrong to have an A as a final grade? Thank you!


Roger: You need a 99% on the final, which is 2138.4/2160, or 40/40 questions correct.

Tue, 21 May 2013 21:05:00 GMT

If I have an 80 in the class and my exam was worth 25% and I got a 98% on my exam what would my grade be?

Roger: 84.5%

Tue, 21 May 2013 20:49:03 GMT

This is literally the most convenient thing I've ever come across. You just made my finals week a whole lot less stressful. Props.

Tue, 21 May 2013 20:43:40 GMT

My worst grade was a 52

Roger: You already said that. How many points was that assignment worth? 100?

Tue, 21 May 2013 20:06:05 GMT

Roger, I applaud your diligence in answering questions and for creating this tool. My real question is why all of these people ask you about percentages instead of just using the calculator themselves?

Roger: Sometimes they’re just looking for confirmation.

Tue, 21 May 2013 18:33:25 GMT

Hey! So I'm so stressed and I need to know what I should get on the final to keep the A. I have about 93.33 in the class, my final is worth 200 points, so 20%. How much should I get out of 200 to keep the A??!!!

Roger: 154/200.

Tue, 21 May 2013 17:07:31 GMT

If I have a 86 in the class, and my teacher gave us a study guide that gives us a bonus ten points on the final, What would my grade be if i got a 38 on the original final?

Roger: Your grade on the Final would be raised to a 48%. Your total overall grade depends on how much the final was worth.

Tue, 21 May 2013 15:47:22 GMT

Hi Roger,
I got 46% in a piece of coursework which was weighted 40% of the module. The final exam is worth 60% what % do I need in order to pass the whole module? (the pass mark is 40%)

Roger: You need at least a 36%.

Tue, 21 May 2013 15:13:13 GMT

On the last note, after the final the points add up to 830.

Roger: Gotcha. I still need to know how many points your “worst grade” assignment was worth.

Tue, 21 May 2013 15:12:20 GMT

Hi. I have a 464.20 out of 730 points. We have two final tests and I got a 75% on my first half and now I have to take the last final. One half of the final replaces my worst grade which was a 52%. How much do I have to get on the last final to at least bump my grade up to a 70%?

Roger: How many points is each part of your Final worth? How many was your “worst grade” worth?

Lucca Paletta
Tue, 21 May 2013 12:33:26 GMT

haha i love this website. It's really nice t0 know I have to get 33% on my Bio exam to get an A in the class. I use this every time exams come around. thanks a lot!

Tue, 21 May 2013 05:31:21 GMT

Hi Roger! I just wanted to thank you for this website! You must be quite the clever clover and it's just really cool that you made this website. Thanks for making my life so much easier for finals! I should probably go study if I'm going to get a 97% on my religion final! :)
Thanks a thousand,

Tue, 21 May 2013 04:37:12 GMT

My teacher wanted to make this hard on me, homework is 30% of the grade and I have a 109-114(95.6), projects 20% I have 80-80, participation 10% 40-40, and finally tests 40% I have a 562-707(79.49) and the final is 180 points. I have a 90.48 in the class what do I need to get for a 90 flat?

Roger: Thanks to your low test average, you only need a 73.63% on the Final to get a 90% overall.

Mikayla Marshall
Tue, 21 May 2013 04:30:52 GMT

So my Spanish final is being put in with all of my other test. My total gr Dr is decided up into their sections practice worth 15% with a total of 713 points out of 706 (extra credit) formative formitive which is 35% with a total of 243.5 out of 235 and then summative which is 50% with a total of 263.5 out of 273. The final is going into summtive and is worth 170 points I was wondering if I even need to show up to get an A if my grade is 99.8%…

Roger: Unfortunately, you’ll end up with a 81.16% if you don’t show up at all. You’ll need at least a 46.1% on the Final.

Tue, 21 May 2013 03:46:13 GMT

Hey Roger, I have a 67% in the class. I need a 70% to pass the class and my final will have 100 points. What do i need to get in order to pass the class? and is it possible for me to get a 73.50?

Roger: How many points do you have in your class altogether?

Tue, 21 May 2013 03:06:54 GMT

Hey Roger I am in spanish 2 and my teacher decided to give us a 300 point final overall split into three parts. I have a 97.75 percent in the class. What do I need to average to keep an A?

Roger: How many points do you have overall?

Tue, 21 May 2013 02:53:23 GMT

Okay so I have a 75% in my math class and my final is worth 20% of my grade. I have to get at least a 60% to pass so what do I need to get on the final?

Roger: I’m sure you were confused by the “0%” result you got from the calculator and are asking for confirmation. That result is, surprisingly, correct. If you get a 0% on your Final, your overall grade will be eight-tenths of your current grade, 75%. This value is equal to 0.8*75 = 60%, exactly what you need to pass the final.

Thankful Junior
Tue, 21 May 2013 02:53:22 GMT

First of all, let me say that this is a great website and I've been coming to it for many semesters now. Thanks Roger.

Sorry, there's so many people who can't figure out how to type some information into a few boxes and hit enter to find what they need, and instead post completely unessecary comments which require your attention. It's admirable how you can put up with those people on a daily basis.

Roger: Haha, you’re welcome.

Tue, 21 May 2013 02:53:20 GMT

So apparently I need something in the negatives to pass my class with a 60. However, he hasn't put the grade in yet for another test. I currently have a 71.1 (marvelous, I know) what would I possibly have on that mysterious test to pass with a 60? Tests are 45%, all other shenanigainry is 40% and the final is 15%.

Roger: Hi there. The answer depends on your current Test average, but you should be able to get a 60% overall no matter what you score on that test.

Tue, 21 May 2013 02:30:57 GMT

I have an 83.13% in class now. We have a total of 665 points in class. The final is 100 points, what do I need to get to get at least an 80%?

Roger: 59.19%

Tue, 21 May 2013 01:38:40 GMT

Hi my final is worth 25% of my grade and my teacher scales 82+ an A, 81-72 a B, 71-60 a C, 59-55 a D, and below 55 an F. I currently have a 67% in the class which would classify a C, what would I need to get on my final in order to maintain a passing grade?

Roger: Is a C passing? You would need a 39% on the final.

Tue, 21 May 2013 01:07:51 GMT

I have a 88.5 in chemistry honors and my final is worth 12%. Should I go for a 97% to get an A- or go for 75% for a B+? WHAT DO I DO?!
also is it still possible to get into uc berkely with a couple 'b's?

Roger: You should just focus on mastering the material, and even if your grade isn’t as high as you’d like it, you will have learned a lot more. Also, check here.

Tue, 21 May 2013 01:05:47 GMT

Hi Roger! Alright, so my Spanish teacher decided to make the whole final grade calculations part of finals week difficult for me. I'd like your help!
Ok, so she has 2 sections of grades. Homework grades make up 30% of my grade, and tests and quizzes make up 70% of my grade. I have 100% in homework (200 out of 200 points). I have a 96.36% in test totals (251.5 out of 261 points). She is putting our final exam in the Test category as 130 points. What do I need on the exam to keep at a 90% or above in the class?


Roger: You need at least a 83.6/130 on the second test to keep at least a 90% in the class.

Gustov (no seriously)
Tue, 21 May 2013 00:53:23 GMT

Hey Roger,
I have a 88.7 in my advanced biology class. I have two finals a district one ,and one made by my teacher.I need to take both. Their are 150 multiple choice questions and 3 essay questions. On the district one i recieved a 92.3%. Wichever one i get the better grade on i keep. the finals worth 20%. What do i need on the teacher made one to get an 90%? Do you have any suggestions for this frightened freshman!!

Roger: You would need a 95.2% on your second Final.

Mon, 20 May 2013 23:46:17 GMT

Thanks a ton Roger :)

thanks to this i can not study for classes i have to get 20%s on exams and focus on the one i have to get an 85% on to get an A.

Thanks a ton!!

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