
Page 44 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 44)

Fri, 24 May 2013 14:03:14 GMT

i have four parts of my math final. how do i calculate them all together to know my overall exam grade? also all the parts have a 30% of what you missed curve.
part 1: 76%
part 2: 42.22%
part 3: 71.03%
part 4: 11.67%

Roger: You would take the average by adding them up and dividing by their cardinality, 4. I don’t understand what your curve means.

Fri, 24 May 2013 12:58:13 GMT

Hi. I'm not too bright when it comes to math, so I need some help.
My final, according to my teacher, won't be worth a specific percent of our grade, but it will still retain a high point value (200). What grade would I have to get if I wanted to keep a solid 90, currently having a 93.46? How would you manipulate the formula above for a situation like this?

Thank you.

Roger: How many points do you have in the class? The percent of your grade that your final is worth can be taken as 200 / (how many points possible in the class including the final).

Fri, 24 May 2013 05:25:12 GMT

Very helpful! Your current grade in the class is considered your semester average in the class, right? Thank you, just making sure.

Roger: Yep.

Fri, 24 May 2013 03:15:24 GMT

Hi its me again from a couple comments below.

so my final is worth 100 points.

and i have 597.5/693 points.

what do i have to get on my final?

Roger: You need a 108.27% on the final.

Fri, 24 May 2013 02:59:02 GMT

Guys, just type it into the calculator. no need to comment

Smart Person
Fri, 24 May 2013 02:44:27 GMT

So i read some comments and i must say, WHY COMMENT! use his calculator for the simple questions you are asking him. That is sorta why he made it. I understand asking about some advanced problems but if it is simple (like most are) USE THE PROGRAM. just my take on this matter

Fri, 24 May 2013 00:39:10 GMT

Hi Thank you for helping!

I have an 87% in my precalculus class. I want an A in the class so maybe an 90% lets say.

10% is my homework grade which I have an 99%.

90% is my tests/quizzes/projects which I have 86%.

There are 15 items in the tests/quizzes/projects category.

My final goes into the tests/quizzes/projects sections.

What do I need to get for my final for an A in the class?

Roger: Hi there. You need to raise your test/quizzes/projects average to a 89%. The score you need on the final depends on how many points the final is worth and how many points you have in that category already. For example, if you have 645/750 in tests/quizzes/projects and your final is 150 points, then you would put [86%, 89%, 16.67%] into the calculator (since 150/(750 + 150) = 16.67%) and see that you need a 104% on the final. Adjust accordingly.

Fri, 24 May 2013 00:20:38 GMT

How are these people getting like 90 something % in these classes and yet asking questions that involve simple math calculations??!

Thu, 23 May 2013 23:25:35 GMT

Hello Roger! Next week I take the second part of my math final. My final is 20% of my grade and I currently have a 92.61% in the class. I got a 94% on the first part of the final. What percent do I need to get on the second part of the final in order to maintain at least a 90.0% in the class? Thanks for your help!

Roger: 65.12%

Thu, 23 May 2013 22:07:43 GMT

I have an 87% in Adv. Eng. and i want atleast a 90%, the exam is worth 20% of the grade. What do I need on the exam?

Roger: 102%

Thu, 23 May 2013 21:50:16 GMT

I have a 94.6 in Science, and the final is worth 40.91% of my grade and I want a 90 at the least in that class. What do I need to get in order to obtain a 90

Roger: 83.36%

Thu, 23 May 2013 21:08:20 GMT

okay so the calculation seems low. it says in order to pas (60%) i need a 33.2 on my final, seems to low. also does it mater if the final is 2 parts? (20% of grade)
curent info:
total test points in class(60% of grade):334
my test points:209.75
total homework points(20%):377
homework points received:288
please help, the 33.2% on the final seems low. thank you

Roger: The calculator is correct. You need a 33.2% to pass.

Thu, 23 May 2013 19:43:58 GMT

I have a 91.1 in my math class, my final is 20% of the grade. I got a 94.0 on the open answer half, what do I need to get on the other half of the final? Each part is half of the 20% final.

Roger: What grade are you aiming for?

Thu, 23 May 2013 16:28:55 GMT I just read some comments below. Most of them are pretty was someone showing off....but thats just how some people are I guess. Anyways, great website, helped me relax a ton. Not to worried about my Chinese final anymore. Thanks.

Thu, 23 May 2013 15:17:37 GMT

I have a 65 in the class 10% is the final and they have to give me a 50% on the test what will be my grade if I get a 50% on the test

Roger: 63.5%

Thu, 23 May 2013 07:15:05 GMT

My history class is only 1 semester long. I have a 77% in the class. Failing is 64%. What is the lowest I can get on this final? The final is worth 10%

Roger: You can get pretty much anything.

Thu, 23 May 2013 05:14:13 GMT

Roger, I had a 76 1st quarter which was 20% of my grade, a 67 2nd quarter which was 20%, a 68 exam which was 10% a 77 3rd quarter for 20% and an 80 4th for 20% what is the lowest I can receive on the final which is worth 10% and still pass with a 70?

Roger: You need at least a 32%.

Thu, 23 May 2013 04:51:26 GMT

So I have a 92.4% in my english class and I want atleast a 90%. All of my grades inputted is under 'assignments' so there isnt exactly a % of my grade for the final. All I know is that its 100 points. How much points do i need to maintain atleast a 90%?

Roger: Alright. How many points do you have in the class total?

Eric Sock
Thu, 23 May 2013 02:58:40 GMT

I play at the same club as Jack Sock lol

Thu, 23 May 2013 02:40:31 GMT

Get a -5 to keep a B? Might as well not show up...

Thu, 23 May 2013 01:59:57 GMT

Im a homeschooled freshman and I have a 60% in the class. The final is 30% of my grade. What do I need so I pass? Cheers from TENNIS!

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

Jason Giblin
Thu, 23 May 2013 01:45:53 GMT

Hello roger. I have a 83.6 in math, and I need to get an 85 to get into a desired class. My final is worth 20% of my grade, and I already got a 91 % on the first part that is weighted exactly half of the full final. What grade do I need to get?

Roger: 90.2%

Thu, 23 May 2013 00:39:04 GMT

Thanks Roger, this site needs to be more well known :)

Thu, 23 May 2013 00:37:53 GMT

If I have a two part final that is worth 10% and one part one I got an 85% what do I need to get on part two to maintain my 80.64 year to date if I also have an 83.64 as my fourth quarter grade .

P.S Thank you so much for this site , I foundtit simple to use and will definitely be using it again ! :-)

Roger: You want to maintain an 80.64%? Not an 80% or a 79.5% or anything like that?

Thu, 23 May 2013 00:28:20 GMT

I have an 87.3 right now in Honors Geometry. The class total is 779 points. If I recieve ten points of extra credit, and then 100% on a test that is worth 5% of my grade, what will my grade be? (this is all before the actual final).

Roger: 89.15%

Thu, 23 May 2013 00:15:54 GMT

you guys are weird dont tell the website what u need just type it in it is not hard at all

Danny Yammps McBaller Stud
Thu, 23 May 2013 00:03:49 GMT

I have an 96 in history and want to raise it, to raise it I need to get higher than 96.

tom b
Wed, 22 May 2013 23:38:20 GMT

I have a 95.7 in a class and I need at 93 to keep an A. My final is worth 15% of my grade its 150 points, we did a presentation which was 60 of the 150 points I got a 53 out of 60 on the presentation what do I need to get on the actual 90 point final to get a 93 in the class?

Roger: 70.61% or 63.5/90 points.

Wed, 22 May 2013 23:30:42 GMT

WITH 654 points
I have 1 test and 1 final coming up.
The test is 40 points, which means 394 points of tests total and i have currently 180 right.
And i have a final that's worth 20% with 100 questions.
I have a 65.2% and i want a 71% what should i get on my final?

Roger: Are you saying that you have 100% (394/394 points) in your Tests category or 100 points?

Wed, 22 May 2013 23:23:54 GMT

shits helpful Roger

Wed, 22 May 2013 22:43:09 GMT

Thanks for this website! It helps a lot and reduces the amount of stress:)

Wed, 22 May 2013 22:42:58 GMT

I am taking my final for math tomorrow and my teacher said I do better on the final than I did on the midterm which are equally weighted, then he will replace the midterm grade with my final grade, and he will also replace it with our lowest test grade. Mine was a 60. I have a 79 in the class, is there anyway I can get an A?

Roger: How are your other test scores?

Wed, 22 May 2013 22:34:46 GMT

Is the current grade slot a fourth quarter grade or a total grade for the entire year?

Roger: Depends on what you’re trying to calculate and how your overall grade is computed.

Wed, 22 May 2013 22:28:45 GMT

hey roger hub, i need a A in my class but i have a 90 currently my exam is 15% what do I do???

Roger: Study.

Wed, 22 May 2013 21:36:36 GMT

Needed a -7% to keep my A in health, got a 100%, needed a 60% to keep my B- in math, got a 60% on the final. Thank god for rounding, It brought me down to a 79.54

Wed, 22 May 2013 21:29:02 GMT

Not today Mr. Propst! Haha

Wed, 22 May 2013 21:01:00 GMT

I have an 89.82% in this class the final is worth 15% but 5% of that goes towards our review packet which I got 100% on so I got all 5% what so I need to get on the actual test to get a 90%?

Roger: Well, you would need a 90.45% on the whole 15%, which means that you need a 85.68% on the test.

Krish Dholakiya
Wed, 22 May 2013 20:52:58 GMT


My teacher uses this system where if you get above 75% she drops your lowest assignment. I have a 92.07% in the class and want to keep an A, so how would I calculate the final grade necessary while incorporating the dropping of the lowest grade?

PS: Thanks for the tool, my whole school is using it :)

Roger: Well, you would need to find out what your lowest assignment is and how much it will raise your grade when it is dropped. Thereafter, you can plot the resulting grade on a graph as a pair of disjoint line segments, where the segment for x > 75% assumes the assignment is dropped and the segment for x < 75% assumes it isn’t.

Wed, 22 May 2013 19:20:18 GMT

So I need a 94 on my physics exam and a 95 on my English. And my physics teacher gives hard tests. Great...

On the bright side, I only need a 70 on history and an 82 on math:)

Wed, 22 May 2013 19:19:21 GMT

what up folk

Wed, 22 May 2013 19:14:52 GMT

I have a 100% because i am obviously MUCH smarter than all of you! When i say i have a 100% i mean in every single class!!! I have to get at least a 50% on my tests to maintain an A grade! However, that wont be necessary because I will just get an A+! Because I am a genius!!!!!<3

Roger: Congratulations.

herp derp
Wed, 22 May 2013 18:49:00 GMT

My finals are worth 50%

Wed, 22 May 2013 18:05:22 GMT

I just got an a on my history final, yes

Wed, 22 May 2013 17:49:32 GMT

My semester average in one of my classes is a 77. My final exam is worth 10%. What grade do I have to make on the exam to pass the semester?

Roger: What grade do you need to pass?

Wed, 22 May 2013 16:48:53 GMT

I have a 91.63 in a class. The final is 15% but I've already taken half (7.5%) of it and got a 90%. What do I have to get on the other half of the final to get a 90% flat?

Roger: 71.52%

Wed, 22 May 2013 16:10:32 GMT

I cant thank you enough, now that I know, all I need to pass my class is a 90.18%. This has made my life so easier now. I just need to study a bit and I'll pass!! :)

Wed, 22 May 2013 15:39:46 GMT

Hey Roger,

My final is worth a double test grade. My tests are worth 40% of my grade. I have an 83 on my test average and my overall grade. What is the lowest possible grade I can get to keep a B?
Thank You

Roger: Well, you just need to keep your test average above a 75.5% then. Depending on how many tests you’ve already taken, you will need at most a ~65% on the final.

Wed, 22 May 2013 15:21:04 GMT

If I have a 99 and I got a 100 on my writing final, it's worth 20 % of my grade. What do I have to get on my multiple choice final?

Roger: What is your target grade?

Pretty (comma implied) Susan
Wed, 22 May 2013 14:28:40 GMT

This website is off da chain homie. Whatz do i need for aun A in my hizzy here homy? Fo sizzle

Wed, 22 May 2013 12:00:52 GMT

haha only need a -98.6 to get a 90.... Yay for extra credit

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