
Page 46 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 46)

Thu, 30 May 2013 21:43:21 GMT

I got 10000000% in my class

Thu, 30 May 2013 21:28:04 GMT

Ok so I have 84.56 in the class. I need at least an 80, my final is worth 200 points. What's the least that I can get out of 200 to keep the B???? Please let me know as soon as possible. :)

Roger: How many points do you have total?

Thu, 30 May 2013 20:29:39 GMT

I took 1/3 of my mandarin final and got an 88%. My current grade in the class without the 1/3 entered is 92.4%. What do I need to get on the other 2/3 in order to keep my A?

Roger: How much is your Final worth?

swag man
Thu, 30 May 2013 16:30:26 GMT

my swag will get me a 100 percent on my finals even though i have a 10 percent in clss

Thu, 30 May 2013 13:13:33 GMT

Thanks Roger, I just needed to know what I needed to get it up to 92.5 which will round it up to a 93% which gets me an A. Good to know, thank you!

Thu, 30 May 2013 06:05:43 GMT

Okay so I have an 85.24 in the class. An 89.6 will get me an A. The teacher grades on a point scale. I have 1005 out of the 1179 points available. Our final is worth 200 Points and is it's own blank category in the gradebook. I'm almost sure I got above a 180. What will my final grade be?

Roger: Let’s say you got 100. Your grade would be a 87.38%. Now, if you get a 115.31%, you will have your 89.6%.

Thu, 30 May 2013 05:32:30 GMT

i have a 47 % and the final is 30 & of my grade i need 60% to pas what do i need

Roger: Carlos, you will need a 90.33% on the final.

Thu, 30 May 2013 05:27:59 GMT

Thanks for the sweet calculator Roger!

Lizzy Garcia
Thu, 30 May 2013 04:06:36 GMT

If I got a 71% in driveres Ed and the final is worth 20% of my grade what would I have to get in the final to pass

Roger: How much is passing?

Thu, 30 May 2013 03:04:40 GMT

This is a great website but some of the people in the comments are not even trying to figure it out themselves. It is kind of ridiculous.

Shiri Radhanaj
Thu, 30 May 2013 02:42:29 GMT

I'm tempted to make my own finals calculator and host it on my blog.

Seriously, everyone knows Rogerhub.

Thu, 30 May 2013 02:36:36 GMT

I have a 91% overall for the semester but I want an A and the semester exam is 10%. It says I need an 81% to pass with an A. That seems oddly high? Help!! Please.

Roger: That is correct. What do you need help with?

Thu, 30 May 2013 02:09:26 GMT

Sorry, but the comments here are just ridiculous. If you just took 5 seconds to read the simple equation that he is running then you could either answer your own question or know that it cannot be answered with the details given.

william conron
Thu, 30 May 2013 01:39:12 GMT

thank you so much ive been looking for hours for this kinda website but they were all to confusing

Thu, 30 May 2013 00:41:39 GMT

my grade is a 76.48 my final is worth 200 points with 100 questions what do i need to get to stay at a 70 or higher?

Roger: How many points do you have total?

Wed, 29 May 2013 20:44:45 GMT

Hi Roger,

My grade says i have a 92% in a class. I have a 90.8% in tests (40% of grade), 84.8% in quizzes (20% of grade), 101% in homework (20% of grade), and 100% in participation (5% of grade). If the final is worth 15% of my grade what do I need to get to receive a 92.5% or something to get it up to a 93% which is an A?

Roger: Do you want a 92.5% or a 93%? From your subcategories, it looks like your average grade is a 92.33%, which means that you’ll need a 93.47% on the final to get it to a 92.5% or a 96.8% on the final to get it to a 93%.

Wed, 29 May 2013 18:38:10 GMT

Hey Roger, I had a question for you:

I currently have a 77.51% in my class. I need a 60% to pass.

Here are my grades:

Formative (20% of term grade):
There were 5 assignments here.
I have 66 out of 92 points in this category.

Summative (80% of term grade):
There are 6 tests here so far, which excludes the final.
I have 120 out of 152 points in this category.

Our final test is 25 or 30 points and is in the 80% category. What do I need to get to end with 60%?

Roger: To end up with a 60%, you will need at least a 57.07% in your Summative category. To get that, you will need -76% if it’s 25 points, or a -53% if it’s 30 points.

Wed, 29 May 2013 18:21:10 GMT

Hey Roger, My final is worth 15% of my grade and i have an 82.94% in the class. I have already taken a midterm that counts towards the final. I got an 84.5 on the midterm. They are both in the same category which is worth 15% of my overall grade. If I want to get an 80% in the class what will I need to get on the final?

Roger: Has the midterm been counted into your overall grade already?

Wed, 29 May 2013 17:44:03 GMT

There are two parts to the final

Part one is worth 14 points. I got 14/14 (100%)

Part two is worth 216 points. I haven't taken it yet.

(So, all together, there are 230 points on the final)

I have a 96 in the class overall, prior to taking part one.

The final is weighted 18%.

What do I have to get on part two in order to maintain at least 90% ?

Roger: 60.25%

Wed, 29 May 2013 17:31:03 GMT

i have an 67% overall percent grade for 2nd semester. how much do i need to score on the final exam to pass the class wit a 70%percent overall grade, if the exam is 20% of my grade?

Roger: 82%

Wed, 29 May 2013 16:28:22 GMT

I have an 79 percent in Spanish and i took some of the final and got 4/30 the total of the full final is 130 points so how many points in total do i need to get to get a B for the semester and a B is 80 percent and above.

Roger: How much is your final worth?

Wed, 29 May 2013 13:58:12 GMT

I have a 91% on 3/4 of the final I have a 92.66 in the class and the final is worth 10%. How much do I need to get in the final part?

Roger: What grade are you aiming for?

Wed, 29 May 2013 13:22:45 GMT

I have a 79 in a class and my final is worth 18%. The final is broken into 3 parts though 6% each. What do I have to get to get 80% in that class?

Roger: 84.56% on each.

Wed, 29 May 2013 06:08:34 GMT

Oh and the final is 40 questions.

Wed, 29 May 2013 06:07:26 GMT

So i have an 88.0% in a class. The final is not weighted and i was wondering if it was even possible to get an A?

Roger: How many points is it worth, and how many points do you have total?

Wed, 29 May 2013 03:56:58 GMT

Sorry, I am trying to get at least a 90%

"I currently have a 82.94%. My final is divided into three parts, two 100 point tests and a 50 point. My teacher adds the final grades to the test category which accounts for 55% of my grade.
The test category currently has a max of 538 points and I have 431. WHat would I need on the finals? Thanks

Roger: What grade are you trying to get?"

Roger: You need to raise your test average to a 92.95%, which means that you need a 120.58% on each of the 2 100 point tests and the 50 point test to get a 90% overall.

Wed, 29 May 2013 03:03:15 GMT

Worried about Finals...

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:49:20 GMT

Hey Roger its the same person as before, I forgpt it was 50 questions!

Roger: I’ll answer your comment below.

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:43:57 GMT

Hey Roger so I have a 94% in my class! The lowest grade I want in my class is a 90%. There is a 40 point test each 1 point. So the test is 40 questions. How many questions will I need to miss to keep my A in the class?

Roger: How many points do you have total?

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:39:19 GMT

I have an 90% in my physics class and my teacher doesn't weigh the grades meaning the final will not be weighed to a particular scale. What do I need to keep my 90? these are my scores for each category.
Assignment 94.4%
Lab 100%
Project 100%
Test 83.41%

Roger: Do you have information about how many points are in each category?

Future Robert Downey Jr.
Wed, 29 May 2013 02:18:23 GMT

i have a 99.2 in drama and our final is giving a Huge play in front of the class. i have a 99.2 in the class and only need a B.
so me loving drama was not gonna show up but thanks to roger hub i know that i need a
Freaking 0.7% to keep a B so i have to do the play

Roger: Haha, you could definitely have some fun with the freedom though.

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:09:36 GMT

One more thing, I just checked again and I actually have an 89.43 in the class currently, not an 89.2... thanks!

Roger: So you’ll need a 89.78% on the Final, which means that if you get 76/84 on the multiple choice and 9/10 on each essay, you will have your 89.5% overall.

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:08:22 GMT

Sorry I forgot the mention, the final is worth 20% of my final grade in the class. Thanks!

Roger: I’ll answer your more recent question.

Wed, 29 May 2013 02:07:38 GMT

Hi Roger, I have a quick question...
In biology I have an 89.2 and I need to raise it to an 89.5 (Basically I need a 90 on the test)
The final consists of 84 multiple choice questions and 2 essay questions. The multiple choice makes up 80% of the final, and the essays are 20%. What is the minimum possible score I need on each section to score a 90 overall? Thanks!

Roger: I’ll answer your more recent question.

perks of a terrible edumacation system
Wed, 29 May 2013 01:52:02 GMT

u da best roger

Wed, 29 May 2013 00:46:25 GMT

91.73 is my grade. The final is 10% our total grade. 89.5 is an A. The final is around 50 qs. How many questions can i miss and still have an A.

Roger: You can miss 15.

Tue, 28 May 2013 23:34:26 GMT


Tue, 28 May 2013 23:30:18 GMT

Hey I have a borderline chem and was wondering what I had to get to recieve a 90% in chem. I have already taken 15 points out of 95 points of the final and got 15/15. So when she put in the final test grade it's at 100% already, leaving me at a 92.7 where the final counts as 10%, What percent do I have to get on the other 80 points on the final?

Roger: So, you had a 91.90% before the final was put in, which means you need a 72.9% on the Final overall. To get that grade, you will need 54.26/80 (67.8%) on the rest of the final to get an A overall.

Tue, 28 May 2013 22:59:33 GMT

what if i have a 86% in spanish, and the final is 10% and we will have 3 bonus points in the class, a quiz that is 15% of your grade (most likely 100% on it) what should i get on my finals?

Roger: What grade are you aiming for?

they call me ju
Tue, 28 May 2013 22:41:46 GMT

Herro roger! Hows it going!!!!?? I like your little math machine you have here and i have a feeling the chinese government is trying to take it over. Just please watch out. I don't like cap'n crunch for the last time! And four o'clock please!

Roger: What?

Tue, 28 May 2013 22:17:04 GMT

I have an 89% and need a 90%, but if dont have enought money to get an A. What do I do ?

Tue, 28 May 2013 22:07:43 GMT


Tue, 28 May 2013 22:01:17 GMT

Sorry I forgot to say that the final is 15% total

Roger: You need a 95.12% (205.5/216) on the second part to get an 89.5% in the class total. Your grade went up to a 90.3% after the first part because the 14/14 you scored earlier is carrying the entire weight of the final. Likewise, if you get 100% on the second part, your grade will remain at a 90.3%.

Tue, 28 May 2013 21:58:58 GMT

My math final is 2 parts . The first part is 14 points and I got 100% and the second part is 216 points and I haven't taken it yet . I had an 88.2% in class before the first part, and after the first part I now have a 90.3% in the class. How do I need to score on the second part to get an 89.5% in the class?

The final is worth 18% of my grade (total)

Roger: I’ll answer your more recent comment.

Tue, 28 May 2013 20:53:21 GMT

I have a 62% and passing is a 68%. The 62% is the average of two categories: tests and quizzes worth a total of 85%. The final is 15%. What do I need to get to pass?

Roger: You need 102% on the final.

Tue, 28 May 2013 19:26:37 GMT

Right now there are 90 points in the "final" category for my spanish class (2 tests- one for 30 and the other for 60) . I have 84 points. There is another 70 point portion tomorrow; how would I need to score on that to get a 90 overall in the class?

Im at a 93.3% right now.

Roger: So, how much is your final category worth altogether?

Poops twice a day
Tue, 28 May 2013 18:22:45 GMT

I have a 93.47 right now in a class where the final is worth 15% I got 15/15 on on the first part of the final, what do I have to get on the second part (x/80) to maintain a 90%? 93?

Roger: I’ll assume that your second part is worth 80 points and your first is worth 15. You would need 70.34%/90.34% on the Final overall to get a 90%/93% respectively. That means, you would need a 64.78%/88.53% on the 2nd part to maintain a 90%/93%.

Tue, 28 May 2013 15:01:01 GMT

If I have a 89% in a class and the final is worth 20% and we already took one part of the final which is worth 63 points and I got 60/63 what do I need to get out of 100 questions on the second part?

Roger: I’ll assume that your second part is worth 100 points and that you are aiming for a 90% and that your current grade is exactly an 89.00% (this is probably wrong). You would then need a 94% overall on the final, so you would have to get a 93.22% on the second part.

Tue, 28 May 2013 12:55:08 GMT

I need to get straight A's and I'm probably going to get around a 91 in the class. Does a 91 count as an A or does an A have to be a 93?

Roger: Depends on your professor’s grading policy.

Tue, 28 May 2013 12:04:15 GMT

I have a 95.04% in the class. I got a 98% on the first part of the final which is 50 points of the 125 point final. The whole final is worth 15% of my grade. What do I need to get on the second part of the final to get at least a 90%?

Roger: To figure this out, you would use the calculator twice. First, you would put in [95.04, 90, 15] to get 61.44. Second, you would put in [98, 61.44, 75/125 = 60%] and see that you need 37.07% on the 75 point part of your final that is left.

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