
Page 47 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 47)

Mon, 03 Jun 2013 02:51:01 GMT

hey i have a 73 in my class and my final is worth 20% of my grade. i want to keep it at a C so what do i have to get on my final to keep that C?

Roger: 58%

Mon, 03 Jun 2013 01:26:43 GMT

I was looking at your site and another site to see what my grade would be for a class if I got a zero on my final. I have a 94.14% in the class right now and my final is worth 16.5% of my grade. I believe that your calculator says I would get about a 78.5 in the class but the other one says I would get an 87. How do I know which one is correct?

Roger: You would end up with a (100% - 16.5%) × 94.14% = 78.6%.

Mon, 03 Jun 2013 00:58:11 GMT

Can this also be used to calculate what you need in order pass a course in High School or is just for college?

Roger: As long as the course contains a Final category that constitutes a predetermined percentage of your grade, this works.

Mon, 03 Jun 2013 00:38:54 GMT

I have 428 out of the 501 points and the final is worth 20%. How much do I need to get at least an 83%?

Roger: 73.28%

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:56:51 GMT

If the final is 20% and is broken down into 3 parts, and if I got an 85% on two of the parts, what do I need to get on the third part in order to keep a 90% if I have a 96% ?

Roger: Assuming the parts are weighted equally, you need a 28% on the 3rd part.

Hello Roger...
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:50:14 GMT

Hey, just wanted to say that I love you website. It's helped me through some rough times this year. I love your sense of humor and honesty, its something I've always admired in a man. Just wondering, is your name really Roger? And does Hub stand for husband cause that's what I want to make you! xoxo

p.s. I love your websites decor!

Roger: ...You’re welcome!

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:44:30 GMT

Thanks for the quick reply Roger!

Roger: No problem.

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:59:43 GMT

My semester grades are
Class 1: 79.37%
Class 2: 74.15 %
Class 3: 73.47 %
Class 4: 85.00%
and class 5: 89.20%

My finals are 10% of my grades, what will be my grades if I get 0% on all of my finals?

Roger: 71.43%, 66.74%, 66.12%, 76.5%, 80.28%

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:58:37 GMT

Hello, I have a 86.16 in the class and the final is worth 20% of the grade. It is 2 parts and on the first part I got a 38.5/48 and I have yet to take the second part which is out of 150. What do I need to get on the second part to get a 82.5 in the class.

Roger: 63.90%

Comment tu vas
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 21:47:41 GMT

Why do people insist upon asking what grades they need to make in the comments on a site that provides a calculator and instructions?

Roger: Some people are just looking for confirmation.

The Geek
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:54:37 GMT

Hey Roger,
just wondering what did u do to get into Berkeley?
(SAT score, GPA, any extracurriculars or involvement in clubs)

Roger: I attended and completed high school. You can find out more here.

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:13:12 GMT

okay I have like a 67for the semester in Spanish but my overall grade for the year is a 73, overall I actually need a 70 to pass Spanish what do I need to make on the final to pass for the year
hurry!! and tell me

Roger: No idea.

In Response to Bob
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 14:53:16 GMT

You need a 46%

Roger: Indeed.

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:39:41 GMT

I have a 66 in French. My final is worth 30% of my grade. I have to get 60% or above to pass. What's the lowest grade I can get on my final to pass my class?

Roger: 46%

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 07:34:54 GMT

Dear Roger,

Is there any reason in particular that I should not reject math as the absolute bowels of high school?

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 07:33:24 GMT

Dear Roger,

Why are you so good at math? How am I supposed to study for an all-multiple choice precalculus final?

Roger: Focus on learning rather than studying.

Sun, 02 Jun 2013 07:25:59 GMT

Dear Roger,

I'm really bad at math. You should tutor me.

So Screwed 50 times over.
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 04:23:05 GMT

Ok so in class I have a C- which you already know I need a D to pass which is 67 - 69 = D+
63 - 67 = D 60 - 62 = D-. I don't know what I got on my finals but I know I failed since I left most of my answers blank...... I know stupid of me but I didn't learn anything, this teacher hates me even the kids in my class noticed and asked what I did, the other math teachers aren't much help if you are not in their class so what will I get in my overall grade?

Roger: Let’s say your final is worth 30% of your grade, and that you got a 40% on it. Your overall grade would be a 61.56%.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 23:13:50 GMT

WITH 654 points
I have 1 test and 1 final coming up.
The test is 30 points, which means 384 points of tests total and i have currently 180 right.
And i have a final that's worth 20% with 100 questions.
I have a 65.2% and i want a 71% what should i get on my final?

I'm saying that i have 180/354 but with the test i just took (that i thinked i Aced) it has 30 questions

Roger: I have no idea what you’re saying. Please proofread your sentences before submitting.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 23:02:08 GMT

I need 34% to pass my subject. the final is worth 60%. my current % is 16.2.. I need atleast 50% to pass.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 22:05:00 GMT

I have a 90% on all my classes and I want to get at least a 92 my final its worth 10%

Roger: Good luck.

Liam (see below)
Sat, 01 Jun 2013 18:11:14 GMT

The 93 in the course was before I did the listening portion!

Roger: To get a 90, you need 86.67%. To get a 93, you need a 100%.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 18:06:31 GMT

I have a 93 in French going in to the final, and I want at least a 90 final grade in the course. The final is worth 30% and I've already completed the hardest part, the listening portion which is worth 25% of the final, and I got a 72. What do I need to get on the other 75% of the final to keep a 90? What about a 93?

Roger: I’ll respond to your more recent comment.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 17:50:01 GMT

I have a 78% in science, and I still have a 30 point assignment to do. what's my chance of getting a 83%?

Roger: How many points do you have total?

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 16:56:22 GMT

you need a 92.4%

Roger: Indeed.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 15:50:58 GMT

I have an 89.4% in my algebra class...what do I need to get on the final (worth 20% of my grade) to get a 90% in the class?

Roger: 92.4%

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 11:43:18 GMT

I have a 100 in choir and we need to go to this concert thing as part of our grade.
It is worth 30% but not of the final grade, just 30%.
It is 25 points and I want at least a 90 in that class.
Do I have to attend it?

Roger: What do you mean “not of the final grade, just 30%”? Are there other items in that 30% category?

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 10:11:24 GMT

Yes, 3rd quarter is 45 and 4th is 45

Roger: If you are aiming for a 90% and all your numbers are correct, then the calculator is correct.

Sat, 01 Jun 2013 03:55:53 GMT

I had a 96.6% third quarter. Then, I had a 93.2% fourth quarter. This averages out to a 94.9%

My teacher told me that I need a 64% to keep my A, but your site says I need a 45.9%

My final is worth 10% of my overall grade

Who is more accurate?

Roger: Hi Blake. How much is your third quarter and your fourth quarter worth as part of your entire grade? Is it 45% and 45%, or something else?

Harry Styles
Sat, 01 Jun 2013 03:13:33 GMT

Hey mate! Thanks so much for this great tool, I really needed it for my science exam. School can be tough when you're on tour! Just wanted to say thank you!

So Screwed 50 times over.
Fri, 31 May 2013 23:59:40 GMT

Hi! I have a 70.80 which is a c- and I'm freaking out. My math teacher hates me so she wasn't much help for the finals. The finals are worth I think 30 or 25 of my grade I'm not sure but I know I failed the finals at least what would I get as a grade? I NEED a D to pass but I feel like a F............ T~T

Roger: What grade constitutes a D? 60?

Fri, 31 May 2013 22:46:52 GMT

PLS help me! okay... i have an exam next week and my current grade for this certain class is a 68.5 and it says that it is worth 300 points.... but i don't know what % of my grade it is worth for.. PLS HELP!

Roger: How many points do you have total?

Responding to the comment titled wrong
Fri, 31 May 2013 20:10:49 GMT

In response to the person who wrote the comment:
Posted May 31st at 9:26AM
This isn't accurate. I had a 94.58 as my grade and I needed to end with a 94.5, and it said I need to get a 94.05 and I got an 89% on my final today and I still have higher than 94.5.

I have one thing to say...YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Why are you complaining about finishing the class with a higher grade than before the final? Why did you need a final grade calculator to check what you would need to get to keep a freaking 94.5 from a 94.58? Seriously, yo have nothing to complain about. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???

Fri, 31 May 2013 20:09:39 GMT

how can i score 253 percent on my exam???

Fri, 31 May 2013 19:43:12 GMT

This pretty much saves my life!!!! Because of you I have straight A's. <3

Fri, 31 May 2013 16:26:05 GMT

This isn't accurate. I had a 94.58 as my grade and I needed to end with a 94.5, and it said I need to get a 94.05 and I got an 89% on my final today and I still have higher than 94.5.

Roger: You realize that 1.3 million people have used this calculator, right? Try reasoning through it on a calculator. You probably got some amount of extra credit after you last checked your grade.

Fri, 31 May 2013 15:08:09 GMT

Hello. I have. A 86.8321 in mechanics at the university of Illinios. I want to get a 90% in the class. My final is worth 61.58% of my grade. In total it is worth 1549 points. I already got an 86.1% on the. 205 point car fixing part, a 96.3% on 421 point project part, 69.4% on the 241 point car parts practical, what do I need to get my desired grade? Thanks, Roger.

Roger: I’ll assume those parts of the final haven’t been put into your grade yet. You need a 95.65% on the remaining part of your final to get a 90% overall.

Fri, 31 May 2013 14:19:24 GMT

My grades are
74.15 %
73.47 %
and 89.20%

final is 10% of my grade, what will be my grade if I don't take my finals tests at all?

Roger: 72.21%

Fri, 31 May 2013 11:33:27 GMT

I can't believe you respond to all of these comments ;)

Roger: Heh.

Fri, 31 May 2013 06:48:44 GMT

what do I need to get on my finals to have a 90% in the class?

participation (50%) - 890/900
quizzes (25%) - 125/135
tests(25%) - 137/150

the final goes into the test category for 200 points

Roger: 53.35%

Fri, 31 May 2013 05:42:50 GMT

Roger, I currently have an 83 in Spanish. The final is worth 20%, and I want at least an 80% percent. What do I need on the test? It is out of 130 questions.

Roger: 68% or 88.4/130

Fri, 31 May 2013 03:41:24 GMT

Darn it, I need a 99.36% to get an A in Bio. Guess I'd better start studying!

Fri, 31 May 2013 03:06:37 GMT

I have 89.22% in the class.
Participation is worth 20%
Homework 25%
And quizzes/tests are 30%
The other category has nothing in it.
Participation grade is 86.75%
Homework is 93.196% (508/545)
Quizzes and Tests grade is 87.562%
I want to bring up my 89.22 to an 89.5, and there is one final HOMEWORK PACKET left, which is 70 points. To raise my grade .28%, what would I have to get?

Roger: So, you need to get your homework average to a 94.32% to get an 89.5% overall. If your homework packet is 70 points, you need 103.07% on the packet to raise your grade there.

Fri, 31 May 2013 02:58:23 GMT

I have a 78.41 in the class. the lowest percentage for a B is 70 so I want my grade to be above 70% so I can pass the class with a B. The test is 10% of our grade. What do I need to get on the final so I can keep my B and have a grade about 70??

Roger: -5.69%

That one person
Fri, 31 May 2013 01:06:55 GMT

I probably should be studying, not running all possible contingencies. Oh, well. This tool has given me the confidence that I need. Now, about the knowledge necessary...

Fri, 31 May 2013 00:58:12 GMT

Hey in spanish i got a 100 on my first part of my 10% final. Before that, i had a 99.28. What do i need to get a 99.15?

Roger: 95.96%

Thu, 30 May 2013 23:49:07 GMT

Hey roger! I have a 90.70 in my class and I want to maintain a 90. The final is 20% of grade The calculator says I need an 87 but that seems rather low will this really keep my A-??

Roger: Yes, that is correct.

Thu, 30 May 2013 23:33:57 GMT

My final is worth 20 percent

Roger: You need a 105.2% on the second part of the final.

Thu, 30 May 2013 21:49:41 GMT

I have a 95.20 in my class, and the final is 200 points. I have 680 out of the possible 699 points, what do i need to get to maintain a 93 average?

Roger: You need a 78% on the final.

Thu, 30 May 2013 21:45:45 GMT

My grade is based on the average of my semester grade which is a 95%, my final is worth 15% of my semester grade. What do I need to get to keep adleast a 89.5% in the class

Roger: 58.33%

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