
Page 49 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 49)

Arturo Abasta
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:06:57 GMT


Thu, 06 Jun 2013 01:19:02 GMT

So I have a 92% in geology at the moment, which is an A-. I want an A which is 94%, and the final is broken up into two separate pieces. The project is worth 10% of the total grade, and the test which is worth the other ten percent of the grade. However, I get a +7% bonus automatically onto the test. What do I need to score to get an A?

Roger: Well, you need a 102% on both parts put together, which means that you’ll need an average of 98.5% on the two parts.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:11:00 GMT

omg u r right i am screwed!!! i have a 68% average (just btw till this term it was a 96....)!! bye-bye deans list :(

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:10:35 GMT


Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:09:20 GMT

Thanks Roger! You have lifted a huge burden off my shoulders! And that is such a coincidince that pi is involved! Pi is just so amazing! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:51:12 GMT

Hi Roger, I have a 57% in my math class. My final exam is worth 20% what do I need to get to pass?

Roger: What grade do you need to get to pass?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:45:55 GMT

its so great to see what percents strangers have in their classes. i should spent the rest of my life reading about these people's grades that i'll never meet. lol :)

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:16:34 GMT

Haha I need a 20% on the final to drop to a C. I think I'll not study for this one.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:15:07 GMT

You should make another one of these, but in reverse. So like, you put the grade you have in the first box, what you want on the final (instead of overall grade), what you have in the class, and final percent, and it tells you how it would drop your grade. So it will tell you what you will get overall in the class if you get like a 50% on the final.

Roger: Good idea. I’ll consider that.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:08:34 GMT

I have a 94.1 average in AP Chemistry. I need a 66.67 to get an A.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:59:36 GMT

In French I have an 83. To pass, I have to get a -47 (x I'm feeling pretty good about this!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:45:57 GMT

Hey Roger, sorry i didnt respond sooner.

my current test average is a 58%

this is an Ap Course so if my grade goes up to a 69% i'm saved..

Roger: Hi Alex. So, you’ll need to raise your Test average from a 58% to a 61.28%. To do that, you’ll need to score at least 80.96% on your 7th test. Good luck!

Respond AsSoonAsPossible
Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:28:11 GMT

I had a serious injury and I was out the whole year, I have a 40 because i got to do one assignment when I really couldn't focus. I can take the final which she is letting it count 98.6 percent of my grade because the one assignment I did would be probably worth 1.4 percent in total. I'm having a makeup final and the regular final. I got an 84 on the makeup final. The makeup final is weighted 1/4 of the regular final what do I need to get on the regular final to get an 89.5 in the class.

Roger: I’ll assume you got 100% on that 1.4% assignment. You’ll need a 90.69% on the regular final to get a 89.5% overall in the class.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:27:33 GMT

Hi I have a question. Now my schools grading scale is pretty strict and right now I have a class average of 68 and I need an 80 to pass the class. I have one week left and I have one test that's worth 60% of my grade and then my final is 30%. What do I have to get on my next test and on my final in order to get at least an 80%? thanks

Roger: How many tests have you taken so far? And what is your Test average?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:23:47 GMT

Thank you so much! Now I am not stressed anymore.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:00:14 GMT

if i need i have an 37 but i want a 90 the final and midterm count 30 but i want at 90

Roger: What?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 20:59:03 GMT

When I first said I got a 90 i meant a 91.5

Roger: Ok.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 20:56:51 GMT

Our final is a combination of 2 different finals. In our first final (midterms) count as 3 percent of our grade. I got a 91 on that. Our second final is worth 7 percent of our grade. I got a 91.5 on the midterm. My grade now is an 90.02 what do I need to get on the second final to get an 89.5. The midterm has not been counted into our grade, so my 90.02 does not include the 91.5 I got on my midterm.

Roger: 81.96%

Please Respond ASAP
Wed, 05 Jun 2013 19:48:47 GMT

I have a 71%(which is a C-) in Algebra. What would I need to get on that final to get at least a 59% (which is a D-)

Roger: How much is your final worth?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 19:01:45 GMT

So I have a 90.4% in my class right now and I want at least a 90%. We have a test coming up that is worth 65% of our grade and then the final right after that which is worth 10%. What do I need to get on each if these to get a 90%

Roger: What is your Test average and how many Tests have you taken?

Worried student
Wed, 05 Jun 2013 18:29:38 GMT

It says I need a 50% on my final to get a 70% in the class (I have a 75% currently). Is it possible to get below a 50% on a final??

Roger: If you study, you can avoid getting below a 50%.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 17:46:29 GMT

i have a 5 % in math and the final is worth 2% and i need a A to Graduate and a A is 89.5 help me i am stepid

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 14:51:03 GMT

i have 69% in the class and i want to keep it that way what do i do?

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 14:02:38 GMT

Thank you sooooo much this really made me feel more comfertable taking the final

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 13:47:20 GMT

Thank you so much roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 13:25:02 GMT

Hey Rodger,

In my culinary class i have a 74 average and i want at least a 70%. Our final is 2 parts i got 100 on the project part, how much do i need to get on the final exam. Our entire final is worth 20% of our grade.

Roger: Assuming the 2 parts are weighted equally, you need an 8% on your 2nd part.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 13:23:07 GMT

this isn't working for me:( it's not possible for me to need to score over 100% on my final to get a better grade...

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 08:49:09 GMT

Hi Roger!
My current grade right now in Human Anatomy is 77.64%, i need 3% to get a B. i have one more exam which is worth 20% -200pts. I need to know how much points do I need to get a B?

Roger: I’ll assume that a B is an 80%, not a 80.64%. You need an 89.44% (179 points) to get a B overall.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:30:57 GMT

Thanks for this. having a 91% in my class i thought if i missed 1 on my final exam i would go down to a B. luckily i have room for error and room to breathe. thank you roger (:

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 04:53:58 GMT

Roger im worried im getting 50 percent in math right now

Roger: I took a Math course once in which a 50% was considered decent.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 04:37:52 GMT

Very helpful! Thanks a lot Roger your a genius.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 04:33:31 GMT

I think it's funny when people post questions about how to work out what they need to get on the final. The fact that you're asking tells us that you're pretty much screwed anyway

Roger: Heh, but not everybody needs/wants to study math. :/

Nishant Juneja
Wed, 05 Jun 2013 03:54:15 GMT

This website has been really useful to me in planning my finals studying. Thank you.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 03:45:11 GMT

This was so helpful and simple to use, thanks so much Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 03:44:52 GMT

I love this website so much! Thank you!! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 03:18:29 GMT

Wow, I've been reading all of the comment, you are a genius Roger... how do you have time to respond and do everyone's math's calculations?

Roger: On the bright side, I’m getting really good at this!

Dell Conagher
Wed, 05 Jun 2013 03:05:41 GMT

Thanks for this, it really helps me balance my study time.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 01:36:16 GMT

Thanks for the help so -98.92 for a 60?! wow im just going to write my name and leave just kidding going to try to keep it as a 77. Thanks for the help Roger!

Roger: Haha, you’re welcome.

Wed, 05 Jun 2013 00:45:48 GMT

Hey Roger!
Finals are coming up and I need some help with grade calculations. My math final is going into the grade book as any other test. Tests are worth 70% of total grade. I currently have a 270/289 (93.43%) in the tests category. What do I need to get on this final, which is out of 70, for at least a 93% in the class. I currently have a 95.2% in the class.

Roger: So, to get a 93% overall, your Test average can drop by no more than 1/.7 × 2.2 (which, FUN FACT!, is 22/7, a commonly used approximation for the mathematical constant, pi). That means that you will need at least 54.1/70 = 77.29% on the final test.

Olivia Pace
Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:53:57 GMT

could you use this for any assignment in class if you can figure out how much that assignment is worth, or does it only work for the way final exams are conducted?

Roger: Well, it would only be useful if that assignment were the last thing that was going into your grade. Also, to isolate an assignment that is part of a larger category (such as a Test or a Homework), you need to reduce the weight of that category. For example, let’s say your 8 homework assignments are worth a total of 80%, and your 1 test is worth a total of 20%. Let’s also say that you have 100% on 7 of your 8 Homeworks and 75% on your Test. You would, for the moment, think that your current grade is 100% × 80% + 75% × 20% = 95%, but the “current grade” you should use in your calculation should actually be (100% × 70% + 75% × 20%) / (70% + 20%) = 94.44%. I reduced the homework’s weight to 70%, because that final assignment is worth 10% and isn’t actually part of the grade yet. I also had to add the division by (70% + 20%) at the end because only 90% of the grade is so far accounted for. (The assumption is, of course, that if you maintain your 100% streak in homework and score the same on the 8th assignment, you will keep your score of 95% as the original calculation predicted.) If you think you have grasped these concepts, you can use the calculator to successfully and accurately calculate the grade needed in any situation, as I have done to answer several of my visitors’ comments.

(Sorry for the wall of text.)

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:48:06 GMT

Hey I like attention so I'm gonna ask Roger what I need to get on my final exam when I could just type it into the box at the top of the website. I have a 96% in the class. What do I need to get on my final if I want a 69% in the class? The final is worth 69%. Yolo.

J Scarpi
Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:28:49 GMT

So our grade center is now down and you originally said that I needed to get a 70.34 on my bio final to get a 78% (a "b") the final is worth 20% of my grade and I now don't remember what grade I had in the class- this is a problem because after my final today, I found out that I got a 61.9% and I need to know what my final grade is. Thank you Im kind of freaking out...

Roger: It sounds like your original grade was a 79.92%, which puts your current overall grade at a 76.32%.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 23:25:45 GMT

I have an 89.9 in math and I need an A. What do I have to get?

Roger: Probably something pretty high..

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 22:57:10 GMT

Hey! :)

I saw on this page that you got into Berkeley, and even though this isn't site related, will a 3.5 gpa freshman year matter for ucb ?

Roger: Don’t fret too much about your GPA. It is more important to choose a rigorous curriculum in your sophomore and junior years and to make a significant effort to score well in those courses.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 22:36:28 GMT

I wonder if people I know will see this.. but, anyways. I got a 71 in my Math class, what would I need to maintain a 70?

JK. I won't ask you a question that I can easily solve myself...said no one ever.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 22:29:11 GMT

Hi Roger,

My am waiting on a test score in geometry. My grade was at 90.17% before we took our final, which I got 102.5% on. This final is worth 20% of our grade, so I am currently at 92.64%. We just took a test today. What percent will I have needed to score on (normal) this test so that my final grade is at 92% or higher?


Roger: Hi Nichole (Nicole? You spelled your own name two different ways). I think you submitted your question twice. I’ll answer your question below.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:50:40 GMT

Hey Roger,

I love your site, but I have a question. I can probably figure this out with some algebra, but it'd be great if you could just tell me what I need since your some sort of genius...Anyway, for my class the final is worth 20%, and there are two parts to the final. First part is worth 40% of it and second is 60%. Going into the first part, I had a 97.02%, and I got a 90% on the first part of the final, so what do I need to get on the second part of the final to get an 89.5% in the class?

Thanks a lot!

Roger: You need at least a 39.03% on the 2nd part.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:44:50 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a 90.17% in geometry. We did things a little bit switched around and took our final, and then a normal test. I got a 102.5% on the final (worth 20% of grade.) So without that last normal test score, I have a 92.64%. What percent do I need to get on this test (which is not my final) to have a 90% in the class?


Roger: Hi Nichole. It depends on what your Test average is and how much your Tests are worth.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013 20:41:27 GMT

I have a 93.64 in Spanish 2 right now, and have a 3 part final (each part with equal weights) worth 25% of my grade. I already received a 91 on one part of it and a 65 on the other (2/3 basically). What do I need to get on the other part? Thanks in advance. I want a 90 in the class at the end.

Roger: You need at least an 81.24% on the 3rd part.

Lisa Kirk
Tue, 04 Jun 2013 20:24:37 GMT

So I posted a comment before but I just wanted to clarify that I have an 81% currently, part 1 of the final is already entered into my grade, and I got a 52% on it. To keep my grade, what score do I need on the REST of the final?

Roger: Gotcha, that makes a big difference. You need a 45.33% overall on the Final, so that means you need at least a 43.11% on the REST of your final to get that 80% overall.

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