
Page 50 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 50)

In Response to alex s
Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:43:03 GMT


Mon, 10 Jun 2013 05:26:39 GMT

hey i love the site! how do i calculate my final grade if i want at least an 80 overall, but i have a 74.87 right now in the class and my final is worth 10 percent if my worst test gets taken off which is a 41.6 percent?

Roger: What is your test average and how many tests have you taken total?

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 03:12:47 GMT

This is an awesome site

Roger: Thanks!

Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:03:34 GMT

Thank you in all honesty for this, I have to get a 98% to get an A, and now I know to study hard ;)

alex s
Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:56:17 GMT

I have a 78%, I want to keep it at least at a 71%. My final is worth 11% of our final grade. What do I need to get?

Roger: 14.36%

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:19:02 GMT

how do i calculate my final grad like if I have an 87.97 and i want to see what could happen if i get a 60 and my final is 10% of the grade

Roger: Use the option that says “I already took my final”.

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:20:14 GMT

so in algebra 2 trig honors i got an 88.33% for third quarter and a 90.59% for fourth quarter. those two grades are worth 40% each (so 88.33% is worth 40% and 90.59% is also worth 40%). and then my final is worth 20% of my grade. how much do i need on the final to get an 89.5% overall? 89.5% is the lowest possible a.

Roger: 89.66%

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:10:46 GMT

Hey Roger sorry for the late reply too busy studying to remember!
I believe I have 106 out of 120 in the Vocab Section, my final is tommorow hope you can get to me before than, but you already gave me a huge service with this website, thanks! And change of grade I have an 89.2 percent in the class, hopefully my inclass essay doesn't change much.

Roger: (I’ll assume an 89.5% is an A-). There’s a new calculator that suits your situation. It is the one labeled “My final counts as a test”. You would put in [89.2, 89.5, 85, 120, 88.3333, 100] into the calculator, and it will tell you that you need a 89.11% on the Final. I got 88.3333 by dividing 106 and 120. The 120 is from the number of points possible in your vocab section, and 100 is from the number of points your final is worth. The actual numbers for these last two values doesn’t matter, only their ratio.

yo finals sucks
Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:03:24 GMT

dude thanks for hooking me up!! is this website accurate though????

Roger: It is indeed.

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:34:52 GMT

*I should add that our final is curved, and so if someone got a 100, they would actually end up getting a 105

Roger: Gotcha. In that case, you would need a 96.13%, since there is a 5% curve.

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:33:36 GMT

Hi Roger,

My computer is being a little weird and the calculator isn't working (I know it's not a problem with the site because my friends are able to use it)

I have a 99.8 in AP Chem right now, but I'd like to get it to 100 for that A+

What would I need? I believe our final is worth 15 percent.

Roger: Hi Michelle. It looks like you’re using Safari 5 on Mac OS X. Can you tell me if the calculator is still not working? If not, can you describe the expected behavior and what actually happens when you try to use it?

As to your question, you would need a 101.13% on the final.

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:45:41 GMT

Hey I just wanted to say this site saves my ass literally every finals week in high school. You dont understand how grateful I am for this site. Your awesome!! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Din Sif
Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:35:19 GMT

So I have an average of 70.2 in my class.

I've gotten 70.7%, 71.6%, 73.9% (midterm, worth 10%), 78.6%,
AND I'm getting a 58.6% (could end up to be 60%, or could go a tad lower, around there is fine).
The quarter grades are 20% of our grade, which ends up as 80%.
And our midterm and final are both worth 10% (20% total), and it all adds up 100%.
As an average, my grade totals out 70.2% (without final).

What grade would I need to get on my final exam. I want at least a 60 (passing), and the final is worth 10% of our grade.

The calculator says I need at least a NEGATIVE 36% to pass (or around there)... I feel like that is wrong (sorry to doubt you, just making sure), can you clarify for me? Please respond :)

Roger: That is indeed correct. Your final is only worth 10% of your grade, so you can get basically anything and still make a 60% overall.

Din Sif
Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:22:59 GMT

Thank you. You really made me relieved to know that to keep my 70.7% average, and my final is worth 10%, that I only need a 40%... or it said negative, but whatever...

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 03:33:58 GMT

So..I have a 92.28 in Advanced Algebra. I need an 83% to keep the A, but a 43% to get a B. Most people get like C's on her tests. I'm fucked

Sun, 09 Jun 2013 03:19:10 GMT

how old were you when you made this page?? and how old are you now??

Roger: I made this three years ago, and I’m a sophomore in College now.

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:09:44 GMT

You should code for android

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:04:38 GMT

Just wondering, why do people type their finals questions here when the app is at the top of the page? Half of the questions here could just be entered into the app.

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:59:11 GMT

I have taken 3 tests out of 4 thats worth 60% each

Roger: What is your test average?

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:48:34 GMT

hHey Roger I currently have 93.52 in a class, and want to get at least a 92.5 as my final grade. My final exam is overall worth 10% of my final grade, and has two parts. The first part is worth 60% and the second part is worth 40% of my final exam grade. I got an 88 on the first part. The teacher will combine the two parts of the final and the 88 will be worth 60% of the final exam where the second part grade will be worth 40% of the final exam grade. Once this two are combined the overall exam grade will be 10% of my final grade. What grade do I need to get on the second part of my exam to get a 92.5% in my class. I don't know how many points each part is worth. Thanks!

Roger: Hi Gaby. Just make up the numbers! Let’s say that part 1 is worth 60 points and part 2 is worth 40 points. As long as the 60:40 ratio is correct, it’s all the same. Does that make sense? Now, you said you got an 88% on the first part, which means that you have to multiply 0.88 × 60 points, which is 52.8, so you put 52.8 as the score you got on the first part. Let me know if you need any more help.

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 04:04:44 GMT

Hey! Just wanted to say your calculator saves my a** every finals week! So yeah, your awesome(: thanks!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 00:55:11 GMT

The reason people keep asking you to calculate for them is because people want to make sure that its right, they don't want to fail their course. This calculator will determine If they study very hard or not.

Sat, 08 Jun 2013 00:14:42 GMT

Roger please help me!
I have a 67.44% (D+) in biology. i need at least a 70% to pass the class.
My teacher didn't tell us the percent the final is worth. But it is out off 100 points.
What do i need to get on my final ??
(My average test scores is 61.98%) just in case you need that.

Roger: How many points do you have in the class total?

Fri, 07 Jun 2013 22:45:20 GMT

I just wanted to say that I was the first person in my school to find this website and now EVERYONE is using it. haha. And like everyone keeps asking all the teachers "what percentage is our final worth?" :) Anyways I also think it's hilarious when it says you're pretty much screwed or don't even bother studying and stuff like that.

Roger: You’re welcome!

poor sweet summer child
Fri, 07 Jun 2013 22:06:35 GMT

I have a 56% in math class and I need to get 50% on my exam thats worth 20% what % do i need to get on my exam.

Roger: 26%

Fri, 07 Jun 2013 20:13:43 GMT

Hey roger so I have a 88.65 in ap French... I need the A since we took our final last month that's out of the way but there is a project going in there...we have a 20 point going into the speaking category (25%)) which I have two other things in there... I have. 17/20 and a 18/20 so my average for that category is 87.5 ... Can I still get the A? Do you need more info?

Roger: (I’m going to assume that an 89.5% is an A) So, you would need to raise your speaking category grade by 3.4%, which means that you need a 19.54/20 on that project to raise your grade to an A.

Raven Lopez
Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:13:37 GMT

Roger do you ever get angry with the people who ask you to calculate their grade for them? I know it drives me insane and I don't even have to deal with them. The calculator is right there! That's why they came here! It's really not that hard to type a few numbers into a calculator.

Roger: Some people are just looking for confirmation, since they don’t think the result looks right. Oh well :/

Juan Garcia
Fri, 07 Jun 2013 04:09:09 GMT

Hi again,
You are my inspiration. Can you tell me how much I'd have to study if my final is worth 90% of my grade and have a 70% in the class?
A couple minutes is usually what works for me. I'm aiming for a 50% in the class. THX.

Roger: However much you feel like studying.

Fri, 07 Jun 2013 03:38:46 GMT

Hey Roger first I'd like to thank you for the calculator and hope you're doing great.

Well I have an 87.84 in English and my final is 100 points. My English grade is divided into 85 percent Assignment and 15 percent vocab. It being in the 15 percent vocab category what would I have to get to earn an A- in that class? Thanks!

Roger: Thanks! How many points do you have in your vocab category already?

Fri, 07 Jun 2013 02:43:04 GMT

I just wanted to say a few words regarding my appreciation for this, I was so worried about my final exam but now that I know I only need a 66.68 to get an A it's given me some much needed breathing room.

Roger: You’re welcome! Enjoy the breathing room.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 23:06:08 GMT

I was told I need a 59 on my final, and I was screwed... pretty sure I got that , js

Roger: Fixed now. Sorry.

Confuzzled... Roger halp me
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 23:04:06 GMT

So my grades in a class are
35% assignment: 95.2%
50% assessment: 87.83
15% final exam: 100%
When calculate it, I ahould only have a 92% yet my grade is a 94.29%

Anyway I'm relieved finals are over...

My teacher put in 3/3 in a hidden extra credit section... How could 3 (compared to the hundreds in the gradebook) points raise my grade sooooo much? How much is this hidden section worth?(doesn't show on schoolloop).
In your answer can you also show me the math behind it? I'd like to understand...

Roger: Extra credit can raise your grade substantially if it’s in a category that has very few points in it. Maybe it was added to your Final Exam. Your grade increases by (weight of the category × number of EC points) / (number of points already in that category).

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:58:02 GMT

Wait some schools give a's and b's out at 2% lower than the standard? (80.90)???? How is this fair to people in other schools when everyone applies to colleges...?

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:41:53 GMT

Hey, I have a 45% in grade 10 math and we have 3 exams each worth 10%, how much do I need to score on each exam to pass the course. (Passing is 50% in Canada)

Roger: 61.67% on each

Rayyan Sayeed
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:14:36 GMT

Using the numbers: 93 in class, 90 wanted, and 11.11 final grade weight: "You will need at least a 66% on your final to get a 90 overall. You're pretty much screwed. Good luck to you"

Surely this is a mistake -- a 66% does not mean I'm "screwed"; just thought I'd let you know about this bug.

Roger: Sorry, it’s fixed now. Thanks.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:12:06 GMT

yo Roger, the message is always "you're screwed", even if you only need like a 40%.

Also, you might want to show the "Already took the final" when the page initially loads..

Roger: Sorry, it’s fixed now. Good idea though. I’ll add some stuff to make it easier to use.

What's going on?
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:08:03 GMT

Ok I need an A- at least in algebra 2 i have a B+ this calculator says I need a 90.82% to pass which is VERY possible for me yet it's telling me I'm screwed... What gives?

Roger: Sorry, it’s fixed now.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 20:39:05 GMT

My test average is 71 and my final is 40% of my grade. I have a 76.97 in the class and you calculater said i need an 85 to get a b-. Does my average test score matter?

Roger: Your average score probably doesn’t matter unless the Final is counted as a Test in your Test category.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 20:11:53 GMT

Hey, i have a 46% in my Math 10-C class, is it really going to be this impossible to get a 50? I havn't passed one test the entire year.

Roger: How high do you think you can score?

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:56:27 GMT

Well history, i cant bring my grade up to a 60 by getting a 132%. I am screwed

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 18:09:46 GMT

Roger you are the coolest man alive

Roger: Thanks!

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:09:43 GMT

I have a 87% in my class, my research paper is part of the final and it's worth 6%, I got 50/100 on the project, so what is my grade after the project. And then i have My final exam is 6%, too. What do I need to get on final to keep my grade in a B (80% and above), this grade is after the project

Roger: You need a 54% on the final exam to keep a B in the class.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:09:43 GMT

i have a 94 in my art class, i took the final and got a 41 on it, its worth 25% of our grade, will i still pass??

Roger: (I added a new calculator for your case, by the way.) Your grade is now a 80.75%.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:44:25 GMT

I have a 96 and I got an 84 on my finals. The finals are worth a regular test grade. What will my average be.

Roger: I added a new calculator for your case. Go try it out.

Juan Garcia
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 06:12:42 GMT

So for my health class our final is to have a baby. If it's impossible to do that how much extra credit work do I need to do if my grade is 70% and I want an 80%? The project is worth 50% of our grade...

Roger: You’ll need a 90% on the project. What do you mean impossible? It can’t be impossible.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 04:35:30 GMT

I have a 81.4 in Spanish and I need at least an 80 and the final is worth 10% of my grade. I put this in to your calculator and it said I needed to get at least an 67.4 on the final. But I asked my teacher what the lowest I could get was and she told me I needed to get a 63. So I don't know what to do.

Roger: You should probably listen to your teacher. My guess is that you misunderstand how your grade is calculated. Also, a 63 and a 67.4 are fairly similar.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 04:31:54 GMT

Thanks so much. I have a 72.42 in my Spanish class and in order to get a c(70%) i need to score like 48% on my final, Such a stress re leaver. THANKS SO MUCH MAN

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:21:46 GMT

I heard you are going to UC Berkeley, is that true?

Roger: I’m starting my second year there in the Fall.

Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:48:38 GMT

I have a 89.45 in chem. I took part of the final which was out of 15 and got 100%. What can percentage should I aim for to get a 90 in the class. The final is worth 15% .

Roger: How many points is the other part of the final worth?

Arturo Abasta
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:08:26 GMT


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