
Page 52 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 52)

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:16:32 GMT

Hey there! I used the calculator, and I think I just confused myself further.

I have a 78 in spanish at the moment. I completed an assignment that was worth 5% of my grade and received a 70, but it hasn't been added to my weighted grade yet...I need to know, after having that added to my 78, what I would need to make on the final to at least make a 70 in the class.

Roger: How much is your final worth?

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:29:57 GMT

i have a science exam today . i have a 62% overall and i just want to get a passing mark so what would i need to get on my exam

Roger: What grade do you need to pass? How is your exam counted in your grade?

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 10:30:41 GMT

I have a math exam tomorrow and my current mark is 79%, I need to finish with at least an 83. My final exam is worth 30% of my grade. What do I need On the exam?

Roger: 92.3%

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 03:39:51 GMT

i have a 75 and i want a 70 the exam is worth 30 it says i bearly need to pass is this true

Roger: Yes this is true.

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 02:13:41 GMT

i have a 58% right now, my final is worth 20%, what do I need to get on my exam to at least get a 50 in the class?

Roger: 18%

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 02:11:45 GMT

I have 60.4% going into my provincal exam worth 20% of my final grade what percentage do i need to receive 50% for my final grade?
Also I have 67% on going to a provincal exam worth 20% of my mark, it says I need to get (negative) 16.7% please explain what that means... my understanding is that i can get a 0 on the provincal and still pass....
Thanks in advance

Roger: 8.4%. You are correct. You can get a 0 and still pass. What doesn’t make sense to you?

kinda nervous LOOL:$
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 22:29:36 GMT

I'm getting a 74% in science and my exam is I think worth 15% what do I get if I like get a 40% on the exam and if it's worth actually 30%( I maybe wrong) then what do I have to get on the exam to at least get a 50 in the course?:$

Roger: What is your question? If you get a 40% on the exam, your grade will be 68.9% (if it’s worth 15%) or 63.8% (if it’s worth 30%). To get a 50%, you need a -86% (yes, that’s negative) if it’s worth 15% or a -6% (again, negative six) if it’s worth 30%.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 21:45:51 GMT

hes Asian, so stop asking lol

Roger: Indeed.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:25:52 GMT

I also meant to say that just in the writing category alone, the total amount of points is 470. 1141 is for all the points possible including the final for all assignments in the class.

Roger: It sounds like the Writing Category isn’t worth a specific percentage, so you’ll need a 76.28% on the final.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:22:54 GMT

If your class is point-based, do you mean that all the points including the final for all assignments in the class or just the test category?

Roger: If your class has a Test category, it is not point based. Can you be more specific about what you’re trying to calculate?

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:09:04 GMT

So I have a 90.43 in my history class. My final counts in the writing category. I have an 85.82% writing average. My final is worth 75 points and my class has a point system. My total amount of points including the final is 1,141. What do I need to get on the final to maintain an 89.5?

Roger: I’ll answer your question above.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:35:59 GMT

WHAT is the lowest possible grade you need to hold a B in a class?

Roger: Probably an 80 or a 79.5.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:32:21 GMT

I have 78.3 on assignments (worth 10%), 90.5 % on lab assignments (10%), 80% on lab exam (worth 10%) and 79% on midterm (worth 30%) what is my mark going into my final which is worth 40%?

Roger: Your current mark is 80.97%.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:12:44 GMT

hi, in a multiple choice exam out of 50 how many marks would i need to get for a 30%

Roger: You would need 15 marks out of 50 to get a 30%.

Plz help me
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:59:29 GMT

I have a 88% in math and im trying to get atleast a 91% after my final. My final is worth 60% of my grade. Do i atleast need a 80% on my final or higher (pls tell me what percent)

Roger: You need a 93% on the final.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:55:58 GMT

I have a 72 in my Spanish class. I want to pass for the year with at least a 70%. My final is worth 10% of my grade. What do I have to get in order to pass with a 70?

Roger: 52%

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 06:27:01 GMT

Yes, what I meant is
Our final grade is the average between our 3 terms but, the provincial is worth 20 percent of our final grade as well.

I was asking if the calculator still shows the right answer for the final grade, or just for one term.

So if my provincial is worth 20% of my final grade, what do i need to pass, if my term average is 47%?

I'm really bad at explaining things, sorry.

Roger: The calculator will show you the correct grade you need to get on the final. However, the answer depends on what percentage you need to pass, which you didn’t specify.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:36:16 GMT

Roger i am sitting at a 74 in math and my final is worth 30. What do i need to increase 5% for my overall mark?

Roger: I answered your question already. 90.67%.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:17:46 GMT

Hello I was just making sure this is correct. I currently have a 70% and my final is worth 8% of my grade. My teacher said that if we got a zero it would mean that we get 8 points off but on the calculator says that it would be a -10% to get 8 points off could u explain?

Roger: Your teacher is mistaken. Your grade would drop to a 64.4% (decrease of 5.6%) if you got a zero on an assignment worth 8%. If this doesn’t seem to make sense, imagine that your current grade was 5%. By your teacher’s logic, that grade would drop to a -3% if you got a 0% on the assignment. However, that makes no sense, since the resulting grade is lower than both the assignment grade and the original grade.

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:15:08 GMT

I am sitting at 74%, my final is worth 30%, what mark do i need 2 improve 5%

Roger: 90.67%

Jade 1
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:13:19 GMT

Roger , what do i need to improve 5% on my overal mark if i am sitting at a 74?

Roger: I’ll answer your question above.

Jade 1
Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:10:51 GMT

I am so not worried annymore.... I am an honors student I can get 30% on any final and pass. My final is worth 30% of my final mark. Thanks anyway though! :)

Roger: I’m just curious. Do honors students need more or less than non-honors students to pass a course at your school?

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 03:54:32 GMT

So our provincial is worth 20% of our final grade, which is made up from all 3 terms, if my term final is 47% and my provincial exam is worth 20% of the final grade, would I still need 62% for a pass, or is it less?

Roger: I don’t understand what you are saying. Can you rephrase this?

Wed, 19 Jun 2013 00:08:21 GMT


Roger: What are you trying to get overall?

Bryan Love
Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:51:32 GMT

Thanks Roger, I got an 80% on my Spanish Test, and now I have a 83% in class......... :)

Thanks again!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:04:13 GMT

Hey Roger. This site is amazing. I find myself coming back here every time exams are near by! I disabled Adblock on this page so I hope that helps you! Have a good day, man.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 17:12:18 GMT

HI! I have a 69% in my math class, I only need to improve one final exam is worth 20%. What grade do I need to get for making my 69% to a 70%

Roger: You need a 74% on the final exam.

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:57:35 GMT

Hey i have been asking my teachers what do you need to pass the course grade percentage wise, and all said 64 percent and your all good... well why 64%.....dose it mean if you have the provincial and get 0 you get 50% and will pass?????? HELP

Roger: Can you tell me all the categories that make up your grade and how much they’re each worth?

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:11:25 GMT


Thank you for your calculator! Today I take the hardest two finals of the week. Your calculator helped to destress and make me focus more.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:21:52 GMT

With the point system are you referring to total points in the class or total points from the test category?

Roger: By point system, I am referring to courses that do not have categories. Assignments are each assigned a point value and everything goes into one catch-all category.

Bryan Love
Tue, 18 Jun 2013 03:50:46 GMT

I'm sorry I just don't understand, you said I need to average a 45.33% on the next two exams?

The first exam I got a 51..... my grade now is a 71.

what should I get on the 2nd test to still have a C....


Roger: Sorry, I meant to say that you need a 45.33% on the 2nd exam to maintain a 70.0% overall.

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 03:47:20 GMT

depressing as fuck

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 03:24:43 GMT

are you black or white or asian? you sure are smart!

Roger: Hey, that’s racist.

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 01:15:45 GMT

Hi. I have an 83% in my English class. I want to get at least an 80% in the class. My final is made up of two parts. One is wroth 10% of my final grade and the other is worth 20%. I have completed the part worth 10% already and received a 94% on it. What do I need to get on the second part to reach my 80% goal. The calculator didn't work because when I tried to calculate it, it turned my final into a point-system, not a percent system.

Roger: Hi Nick. You can actually just make up numbers for the points, as long as they are consistent with your actual grades. Let’s say that your first part is worth 10 points, and your second part is worth 20 points. (See that the 10%:20% ratio is the same as 10pts:20pts.) Now, you said you got a 94% on the 1st part. So, pretend you got 9.4 points on the first part, since 9.4/10 is 94%. Put it all in the calculator and you will see that you need a 64.5% on the rest of your final.

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:27:46 GMT

I have an 85 in history right now my final is worth 20% I want at least a 75 in his class what do I have to get on the final

** My final grade of the year consist of the midterm grade and final combined together, what do I have to get to pass for the year?

Roger: Can you explain how your midterm grade ties into this? Is it in the same 20% category? If so, is it already included in the 85% overall grade?

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:16:15 GMT

Hello i have a biology final tomorrow, i have a 93% in the class right now and my final is weighted the same as a test. Which is 20% weighted. I have taken 3 tests so far and my average on those tests is 80%. What is the lowest i can get on my final to keep a 90% overall?

Roger: Hi there. Use the option that says “My final counts as a test” and put in [93, 90, 20, 3, 80, 1] as the inputs. You will see that you need at least a 20% on the final. This may seem a little low to you, but it is correct. (It is because your test average is low already and the final only counts as 1 test.)

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:00:37 GMT

Thanks you so much for this calculator. I have a teacher that likes to make you sweat before you get to see your final grade.

This helped lessen the emotional impact...

Again, Thanks.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:01:23 GMT

I have a 37% in math and I need a 50%, final is worth 30%.....clutch

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 02:32:17 GMT

Hello i have a 65 in math and my exam is worth 20 percent and i was wondering what i need to get a 50. Also i have a 57 in science and i want to know what i need to get to get a 50 and exam is worth 15 percent

Roger: You need a -10% on your math exam, and a 10.33% on your science final. These numbers are indeed correct. The calculator won’t lie to you.

Mon, 17 Jun 2013 01:31:46 GMT

Hi Roger. I am currently doing really bad at Math and Science :(

My math average is only 61, my 2 finals are worth 20 percent and 10 percent. What do I need to get in both finals at the least to pass math (50 percent or over)

Also my science average is 62 percent and if my science final were to be worth 30 percent, what do I need to get on my final to pass science (50 percent or over)

Please and Thank You!

Roger: You need a 24.33% average on the math finals. You need a 22% on the science final.

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:09:41 GMT

Sorry, I was asking what grade would I need to get on the final to get at least a 60% in the class based on the grading rubric on my last post.

Roger: 42.38%.

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:48:21 GMT

Hello i have a 36 in math and my final is worth 30 and i was wonder what i need to get a 45. Also i have a 43 in science and i want to know what i need to get to get a 45 and 46 my exam is worth 24 percent

Roger: 66%. 51.33% and 55.5%.

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:22:11 GMT

Hello, I'm a graduating senior barely holding on to my grade. This site gave me confidence but I have to make sure. I have a 63.11% in economics and my final is worth 15%. Classwork/homework is 45%, quizzes 10% and tests 30%. What grade would I get?

Roger: I don’t understand your question. There appears to be information missing.

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:38:18 GMT

Wow Roger this is amazing!
But is this really right?
I need a 50% to pass and I have a 60% the exam worth is 25%
It says I only need 20% on the final. Is this right? I can fail the exam and still pass?

Roger: That is correct.

Sun, 16 Jun 2013 06:03:07 GMT

If my teacher follows a point system and my final is worth 50 points, how do I figure out what I need to get?

Roger: Use the option that says “My class has a point system. How much is my Final worth?”.

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 23:10:16 GMT

Thank you Mr. Roger this was very helpful. Other sites I went to made it complicated. I did visit one other site that came up with the same calculation that you gave me and they used the same formula (my current % in the class and the % for my final). How do you get that formula?

Roger: You’re welcome! Well, it is not really a formula. It is a definition. Your “grade” that you get from the class is usually weighted by category (for example 35% final and 65% classwork). Multiplying each of these by your final category grade and your classwork category grade respectively will give you the “parts” of your final grade, and then you just add them up.

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:11:24 GMT

Hi, so I have a 78.8 in my history class and the final is 200 points. We have roughly about 1,100 points in the grade book so far. What do I need to get on the final exam to get 80% in the class?

Roger: Roughly, 79%.

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:47:41 GMT

I have a 82 in class now, i need atleast 65 in that class. It said i need to score atleast a -88%? What does that mean?

Roger: It means that you can score any score on the Final, as long as it does not drop below negative 88%.

Bryan Love
Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:47:09 GMT

Hey Roger! Right now I'm taking this 6 week Spanish course and its very hard. Right now I have 71.7% in the class. There are 2 exams in the class that total up to 45% my total grade. I didn't do well on my first exam(51), therefore the 71.7% in the class now....

What would I need to get on the 2nd exam to pass the class with a C ?


Roger: You need to average 45.33% on the next 2 exams to maintain a 70.0%.

Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:36:24 GMT

Hey i have 63 in science and its worth 20 %, and i want 51. your website says i need 33 %. 2 other websites say i need 47. Whats the problem?

Roger: I’m not sure how you got any of those numbers. If you put in [63, 51, 20] into my calculator, it will give you 3%, which is the only correct answer. To verify this, do the following on any 4-function calculator: .03 × .2 + .63 × .8. The answer, as you will see, is exactly 0.51, or 51%.

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