
Page 53 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 53)

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:10:24 GMT

In my math class I'm currently getting a 78.2%. I need a 73% to pass. I have two tests left to turn in, one of which is my final. Both tests are 15% of my grade. Let's say I get a 90% on one test, what will I need to get on the second test to pass the class?

Roger: You will need at least 31.74% on the second test to get a 73% overall.

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:06:14 GMT

My final exam is worth 30% and I still have my culminating (100 marks) and a seminar to do (40 marks). My current average is 72.3. We had to do a midterm exam which was worth 40% of our grade (I got a 60.9 on it ). Once the final exam is done, the midterm will only be worth 10%. I just want to it possible to get an 80% ? Also, if my midterm will only be worth 10% after my final exam, could that bring my average up or it won't change anything? And this is for English. :)

Roger: You’re right. Once you take the final, your midterm will not affect your grade as much. You will need about an 86.6% on the Final to get a 80% overall. (I disregarded your 100 point “culminating” and 40 point “seminar”, because you didn’t say how they were factored into your grade.)

dawn bell
Fri, 26 Jul 2013 02:32:35 GMT

Final grade 84.4%
Need a 70% to pass
Final Grade worth 30%
What do I need to pass the class?

Roger: 36.4%

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 20:38:53 GMT

I have a 74 in my English class.... my final is worth 15% however there are two parts on it.
one part is out of 50 and the other part I am not sure..... what would i need in total on my exam in order to finish with a 78?

Roger: You would need a 100.67% to finish with a 78% overall.

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 06:04:33 GMT

No homework whatsoever, only tests, the one quiz, and final.

Roger: Okay. You can calculate your current grade with (8 × 93.94 + 1/3 × 100) / (8 + 1/3) which is 94.18%. To keep your grade above a 94%, you will need a 93.5% average on those next 3 tests (I assume you have 11 tests total). Note that this is before the final, since you didn’t mention it in your question.

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 03:15:43 GMT

My final exam is worth 25% of my grade.
I also had three other exams, 2 of which are worth 17.5% and the other is 10%
I currently have a 63.7 in the class (i hate math!!)
and my teacher said that she will replace the first exam grade, which is worth 17.5%
with the grade that i got on my final.
What would i need to get on the final exam (which would also be counted for exam 1) to get a 70% in the class?

Roger: I need to know what you got on the exam that is going to be replaced (the one that is worth 17.5%).

Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:17:02 GMT

We've had 8 tests so far, and my test average has been 93.94%. We had a quiz which I got perfect on, however the teacher said it was weighted at one-third of the other tests. My overall mark is 94.0%. How could I calculate the average myself, factoring in the weighting? Also, what would I have to get on my other 3 tests to keep my mark above 94?

P.S. We have a final worth 20%.

Roger: Hi there. Can you tell me if there are any other categories in your overall mark besides your Tests and your final? Like homework, for example.

Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:47:11 GMT

My quiz average is 93%
One project was worth 5% and i got 76% on it
Another project is worth 5% and i got 92 on it .
My final is worth 45 %

What is my average before my final and what do i need to get on the final to pass wtih a 85?

Roger: How much is your quiz category worth and what are your other categories?

Ember Remeldil Nakamura
Sun, 21 Jul 2013 17:48:48 GMT

My teacher's method of evaluation of the final grade:
Group Discussions/Presentations: 20%
Attendance/Participation: 15%
Tests/Quizzes: 15%
Midterm/Final Exams: 20%
Assignments: 30%

This is the summer semester and its only 6 weeks

Every time we finish a chapter we have a vocabulary test, and we had covered 8 chapters...I have only taken 3 out of the 8 tests...but got a perfect on the midterm...and only did 1 paper out of the 2 we had to do...what is my grade if I get a 90 on my final...???

Roger: You need to specify what grades you got on the assignments that you completed for all of the categories.

Thu, 18 Jul 2013 15:58:53 GMT

My midterm was worth 40% and I got a C+. My final is worth 60%. If I get a B+ on the final what will my final grade be?

Roger: Your final grade will be a B.

Wed, 17 Jul 2013 21:07:39 GMT

Homework is 45% of my grade and I have a 100 average.
A project I did is worth 30% of my grade and I also have a 100 average
Tests are worth 25% percent of my grade and I have an 89.3 average.
I must complete one more exam, what will I have to get to receive an A?

Roger: Use the option that says “My final counts as a test”.

Tue, 16 Jul 2013 12:43:42 GMT

Hi, so I've pretty much just passed my second year due to my appalling organisational skills so I have 40% for the year. I want to come out with at least a 2:2 for my completed degree so what percentage does my work have to be for the third year? Thanks

Roger: Hi Rebecca. I am not familiar with your grading system. Try talking to your counselor about your degree progress.

Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:47:49 GMT

Oh Roger I love you!

Roger: <3

Thu, 11 Jul 2013 21:17:50 GMT

Hi on my exams so far on my lab I got a 25 100 65 70 70 85 my lecture tests is 70 76 92 82. My lab is worth 40 percent my lecture is 60percent. My final lab test is I think 20 percent and my overall grade is a 74.5. Let's say I didn't do well on my final would I still maintain my 74 since the lecture is worth 60 percent?

Roger: It sounds like your final lab test is counted in your 40% lab category. Therefore, you would need at least a 86.25% on your last lab test to maintain a 74% overall. Also, when I calculate your current overall grade, it comes out to 73.5%, not 74.5%. Are you sure that is correct?

Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:26:43 GMT

Hi Roger

I'm a UK student. I've just completed my second year at uni. I got 54 (so a 2:2).
I'd like to get a 2:1 over all. (So 60).
My second year was worth 40%, third year is 60%.
Do you by any chance know what grade I'd need to achieve in 3rd year, to make me get a 2:1 overall?

Roger: Sounds like you need a 64% in your third year.

John gill
Tue, 09 Jul 2013 06:01:19 GMT

I have 69.8% percent overall in my grade. My provinvial exam is worth 20% pf my grade. The exam had had 60 questions. I wanted to know if i could pass with 60%. And how many marks would i need to get the 60% overall. Reply fast

Roger: You need 10.4% or 7/60 questions.

Mon, 08 Jul 2013 00:44:33 GMT

I have 69.8% in my class. I need 60% overall in the class. The exam is worth 20%. How much will i need on the exam?

Roger: 20.8%

Mon, 08 Jul 2013 00:34:40 GMT

Hi! Can you please help me . I am taking a math class on line.
My homework is 16%
My test are 56% it's a total of 4
My final is 28%
She will drop the lowest score. However I am at 80% in homework
And 40% on my test at the time. And I have 2 more test to take before the final is there any way that I can pass this class by getting low scores on my test .

Roger: If you want to pass the class, you should aim to get high scores on your tests, not low scores. What do you need to pass?

Sun, 07 Jul 2013 03:39:21 GMT

My grade is 57% and my provincial exam is worth 20% what do i need to pass?

Roger: What are the requirements to pass?

Michelle Andrade
Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:34:46 GMT

Ok I have an update:

HMWK 82.6 worth 10%
Quizzes 81.3 worth 30%
Mid-term 78 worth 25%
Extras 90 worth 5%
Final worth 30%

I have one more quiz to take and the final. If I got a 90 on the quiz what will I need to get on the final to make an 80 overall in the class?

Roger: How many quizzes have you taken so far?

Tue, 02 Jul 2013 23:28:30 GMT

Midterm worth 25%, my score: 76%
Assignment worth 50%, my score: 62%

The final exam is worth 25% of my final grade and I need at least a 60% average to pass.

What do I need to score on my final to pass with a 60% or 65%?


Roger: 40% or 60%.

Dun Goofed Hard
Sun, 30 Jun 2013 23:45:10 GMT

I have a 63% right now. If i do all my homework like I'm supposed to, I'd estimate to have a 66-67%. My final is worth 15% of my grade. What do I need for a 70%?

Roger: Around a 90%.

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:10:37 GMT

I have a 96% average currently worth 60 % of my grade. There are two final exams left, each worth 20%. What would I roughly have to score on each to maintain at least a 90% average final grade?
Thank you!

Roger: You would need a 81% average on the two exams.

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:02:11 GMT

if i have a 90 average right now, and my average exam scores are about 65%, exams count as 35% of our grade..what will my final grade be?

Roger: Assuming the exams haven’t been counted in that 90 average, your grade would be 81.25%.

Sat, 29 Jun 2013 06:33:09 GMT

Yeah I'm screwed

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:36:26 GMT

I got 36/70 in my pass the unit (50%)what do I need to get in my exam worth 30%??? Is it just a 14 ??

Roger: It is 14 out of 30, or 46.66%.

Thu, 27 Jun 2013 02:14:27 GMT

I have a 89.6 in a class and i want a 89.5, the final is with 20% what do i have to get to recieve an 89.5?

Roger: 89.1%

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:35:32 GMT

My self tests are worth 20%. I have 14/20
Assignments 30% I have 21.49/30
Final worth 50%

What do I need to get to get 50%
And what do I need to get 65%


Roger: You need a 29% to get a 50% or a 59% to get a 65%.

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:56:58 GMT

So I wrote my English 30-2 diploma exam. It's worth 50 percent of my final grade. I'm assuming I got at least a 70 or better on my part A but I want to know what I would have needed on my part B to recieve a mark of at least 65 percent for my final mark. My current standing mark is 62%

Roger: You would need at least ~66%.

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:51:16 GMT

Hi, I want to know what my final grade will be for math.

Term 1 = 50%

Term 2 = 65%

Term 3 = 56%

Final is worth 15% of our whole mark. By the way I did not get my final back yet.
I want at least a 50% for my class to pass.
Thanks! :)

Roger: You need at least 10.33% on the final.

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:14:06 GMT

If I have a 47.6% in math class do you think my teacher will pass I show up to every class do my assignments and tests etc

Roger: Did you ask your teacher?

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 18:13:54 GMT

Hi, I want to know what my final grade will be for math.
Term 1 = 50%
Term 2 = 65%
Term 3 = 56%
Final is worth 15% of our whole mark. By the way I did not get my final back yet.
I want at least a 50% for my class to pass.
Thanks! :)

Roger: You need at least 10.33% on the final.

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 15:27:00 GMT

Dude. This thing is awsome! Thanks for posting it. Not only is it useful but totaly entertaining....nice comment thing "woop de doo, dont even study". Ahaha I can get a -53 and pass. Thanks man :D

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:27:55 GMT

If I currently have a 100, but then get a 0 on my quarterly which counts as 25 percent, but then i get a 100 on a test which is 20 percent, what is my grade?

Also, if I already had an one hundred but then get a 100 on a test which is 20 percent, then get a 0 on my quarterly, then another 100 on a test.

Roger: Assuming that all the other categories have been counted, your grade would be 75% in the first scenario. In the second, it depends on how much that test is worth.

Tue, 25 Jun 2013 01:25:07 GMT

I have a 59% in math right now and my final is worth 20% on my final grade what mark do I need to get a 50%?

Roger: 14%

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 23:43:03 GMT

Ok so I got 34/40 (combined assessment) and the exam is worth 60% and was out of 100 marks. What do I need? Stressing at the moment cause I just sat it'

Roger: Can you be more detailed about your question?

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 22:46:34 GMT

Hey, so I was wondering if you were getting a 62 in science and your final exam was worth 25 percent and your mark in the end, ended up as a 59, what did you get on the final exam?

Roger: You got a 50% on the final.

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:29:22 GMT

I have a 93% for my overall total grade. Just took a final exam which is worth 60%. What would I get for my overall grade if I got 83% or a 75% on the final exam? T__T -stresses-

Roger: 87% or 82.2% respectively.

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:39:19 GMT

I am wondering what my current grade is and what I must get on my final to receive at least an 80. Here are my current scores:

HMWK 75.4 worth 10%
Quizzes 80.4 worth 30%
Mid-term 78 worth 25%
Extras 90 worth 5%


Roger: Your current grade is 79.51%, and you need a 81.14% to get at least an 80% overall.

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 06:21:14 GMT

Thank you very much for this site! I am absolutely terrible at math (which is the course I need to know if I passed), so this helps a lot!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:48:12 GMT

I have a 74.58% in my class right now I had a assignment worth 250 point what would that make my grade if I did not get it in on time and you can not turn it in late

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:09:07 GMT

I am at 75 in science I got 70 on the test what mark am I now

Roger: Please be more specific.

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:00:39 GMT

I have a 66 and i have a big project that was 20% of my grade and didnt hand it in so i got a 0 what percent do i have now

Roger: Assuming all other categories have been accounted for, your current grade is 66% × (100% - 20%) = 52.8%.

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:35:14 GMT

Im getting a 59 in my math class and need a 50 to pass the exam is worth 30 percent how much do I need on the exam to pass the course

Roger: 29%

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 13:46:26 GMT

Hey I currently have a 56 in my math class how bad do I have to do to fail on an exam worth 15 percent

Roger: Assuming 50% is passing, you need at least 16% on the exam.

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 11:12:36 GMT

I have a final that is worth 30 percent of my grade. My average right now is a 69. I have an assignment worth 10 percent and another worth 5 percent that I believe I got full credit. There is another test that is pass/fail that is worth 5 percent. Assuming I fail the test worth 5 percent, what do I need on the final to get a 75 in the class?

Roger: I’ll assume a fail means 0%. You need an 85% on the final to get a 75% in the class.

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 03:19:15 GMT

Hey, I have 57% in math and I need to pass the exam at least by 50% but I don't what i'll get if I get below 50…Will I still pass the course?My exam is worth 20% of my grade

Roger: You might pass, depending on how far below 50% you get. You need at least a 22%.

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 00:41:36 GMT

Hey, Roger i had a huge project that was 20% and my final is 30% and i didnt get my project so i got a zero and i have a 66% what do i need to get 50% Oh the course?

Roger: Is the project already counted in your 66%? If so, you need a 12.67%. If not, you need a 70.42%.

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:16:02 GMT

So I have a 94.84 in Chinese. I think I did really bad on my final. My final is in the test category. My test average is 88.33. My final is worth 110 points and my class has a point system. My total amount of points in the class including all possible assignments in the class and the final is 944. My total amount of points in the class only in the test category including the final is 170. My test category is not worth a specific percentage. What did I have to get on the final to maintain an 89.5? Thanks!

Roger: You needed a 49% on the final.

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:06:19 GMT

I am getting 60% in my Science class in gr.10.The exam mark is 20%.There are 80 questions in the exam.How many correct answers or percent do I need in the exam to just PASS the class?1:30 min until exam.

Roger: What percentage overall do you need to pass the class?

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