
Page 58 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 58)

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:11:23 GMT

A 95%
B- 81%
B+ 89%
D 62%
C 72%
C 73%
D 64%
that is the presentiges and grades in all my classes what is my "final!" grade!??

Roger: Assuming that they are all worth the same, your average is 76.6%.

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:07:49 GMT

I had a 90% in my class. Then I had an essay where I got a 60%. I have two upcoming assignments that count for 10% and 5% of my mark. And after that, the final exam which counts for 30%. What will I need on the upcoming assignments and final exam to get at least an 85 in this class? Thanks!

Roger: Well, ignoring the essay, you will need a 78.9% average on those remaining assignments to get a 90% overall. So aim for a little higher than that.

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:04:19 GMT

On another subject my grade is separated into Homework (40%) and Assessments(40%). I currently have a 69% in Homework and a 57% in Assessments. My average grade in the class is 63%.

If I have the final left in the semester, what is the score I need on the exam to get to a 90%?

Roger: 198%

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 04:59:38 GMT

Hi there, I'm needing some help, I'm tired and math isn't doing well in my head right now due to studying.......
My class is divided up by
Quizzes- 45%
participation- 15%
And final exam- 40%

Assuming I have a "95" in participation since I've consistently gone to class, and I have a 36 for my quizzes, what will I need to make on my final exam in order to get a 60, 70, & 80???

P.S. don't judge my grades, it's a college class and it's awful....
I'm just trying to make a 50 or higher right now.

Roger: You will need a 73.9% on the final to get a 60% overall. You will need a 98.9% on the final to get a 70% overall. You will need a 123.9% on the final to get a 80% overall.

Fri, 29 Nov 2013 20:25:27 GMT


I currently have an 85.2 in my math class. Tests in my class are worth approximately 40% of our final grades. On my tests I have scored an 82, 81.88, 87.65, and a 90%. I am guaranteed to be tested one more time before our midterm exam (the exam is worth 20%) with the possibility of another test, plus in have the opportunity to receive ten extra credit points, which will be worth 2% of my grade. Assuming I receive ten points of extra credit, what will I need to score on the guaranteed test and midterm exam to achieve a 92.5 in the class? If I do have two tests before the exam (extra credit points included again) what will I need to score on those two tests plus the exam to achieve a 92.5?

Thank you!

Roger: It looks like your current test average is ~85.4%. I’m going to assume that the 40% of your grade (100% - 20% midterm - 40% tests) you did not tell me anything about has not been determined yet, so I will ignore it. To get a 92.5% overall, you’ll need to average 96.3% on your midterm and guaranteed test. If there is an additional test, you will need to average 94.6% on the two tests and the midterm. Good luck.

Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:31:55 GMT

There are a total of 4 tests in my class and No final exam. I have taken 3 of the tests thus far and have a 74 average. What would I need to make on my last test to ensure a 70 final grade?

Roger: Assuming each of the tests is worth the same (and that there are no other categories aside from Tests), you can put [74, 70, 25] into the calculator and it will tell you that you need at least a 58% on the last test to get a 70% overall.

Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:29:44 GMT

On another subject my grade is separated into Classwork (20%) and Assessments(60%). I currently have a 97% in Classwork and an 80% in Assessments. My average grade in the class is 84%.

If I have the final left in the semester, what is the score I need on the exam to get to a 90%

Roger: I’m assuming that your final is worth 20%. In that case, you will need 113% on the final exam to get a 90% overall. On the other hand, you will only need a 63% on the final exam to get a 80% overall. Enjoy your thanksgiving break!

Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:26:06 GMT

I have a class grade of 72. My final exam is worth 30%. What grade do I have to make on exam to end up with a "C"? (70)

Roger: 65.33%

Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:02:54 GMT

Roger when i do all together I get about 88 on each test i need to get an 75 can you tell me how you got 83 please. And every test is weighed the same the 67 is from 5 test i have taken and there are 3 test left so how much will i need.

Roger: In your previous question, you said that the 67% carries the same weight as your 3 tests. Therefore, if you get 67% on one half and 83% on the other half, your average will be a 75%. Do you see why the answer is 83%?

Now, if each test actually carries the same weight, your remaining 3 tests aren’t worth 50%. They are worth 37.5% instead. You did not mention this in your previous question. If this is the case, then yes, you will need a 88.3% average on the remaining tests to score a 75% overall.

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:26:12 GMT

My grade is separated into Tests (70%), Quizzes (20%), Homework (10%). I currently have a 67% in Tests, 60% in Quizzes, 87% in Homework. My average grade in the class is 67.4%.

I have taken 4 tests so far, with scores of 75%, 67%, and 81%, and 44%.

If I have the final left in the semester, what is the score I need on the exam to get to a 80%

Also The final replaces my lowest Test grade and counts for a final and counts as 20% of my grade

Roger: I’ll assume that your category weights are actually (56%, 16% and 8%) to make room for your 20% final category. Let me know if this is not the case. If so, you will need a 94.8% on your final exam to get a 80% overall. To get a 70% overall, you will need at least a 65.4% on the final exam.

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:38:30 GMT

Hello Roger

Tests: 60% each
Homework: 10%
Final Exam: 25%
Attendance: 5%

I scored a 68% and 88% on my two tests. I scored a 100% on my HW. I scored the 5% on attendance. Let's say I scored a 50% on my Final.

What will my final grade be?? And what should I score on my final exam in order to maintain at least a 70% in the class?

Roger: Your final grade would be a 74.3%. You need at least a 33% on the final to maintain at least a 70% in the class.

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 01:27:15 GMT

My grade is separated into Tests (59.5%), Quizzes (17%), Homework (8.5%). I currently have a 67% in Tests, 60% in Quizzes, 87% in Homework. My average grade in the class is 67.4%.

I have taken 4 tests so far, with scores of 75%, 67%, and 81%, and 44%.

If I have the final left in the semester, what is the score I need on the exam to get to a 80%

Also The final replaces my lowest Test grade and counts for a final and counts as 20% of my grade

Roger: Your categories add up to 105%. Are you sure that’s correct?

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 23:24:42 GMT

okay... my exam is worth 30% of my grade and i have 2 tests and approximately 4-6 quizes and yeah thats about it!!!!!!

Roger: Let’s say your exam is worth 30% and your first term’s grade is worth 35%. You may have a chance to get a 90% overall depending on those exact weights, but you will need to drastically improve the grades you have been receiving.

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 23:08:19 GMT

I love this calculator. I check it every semester and email links to people in my classes freaking about their grades. You've kept me sane! :)

Roger: You’re welcome. And thank you for sharing!

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:41:12 GMT

I currently have a 75.7 in my class. There was a total of 5 test. I took 3 test and skipped two of them. Test average counts for 80% of total grade and final exam counts 15% and a final comprehensive test counts 5%. My final exam grade will fill in for the 2 test that I skipped. What do I need to make on the final exam to receive a 79.5 in the class?

Roger: What is your test average? (And does that average include the two 0%?) And what grade are you expecting to get on the Final Comprehensive Test?

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 18:51:13 GMT

This always makes me feel better when it's crunchtime :) I appreciate you creating a tool that eases my mind. (Or cements my failure...depending on the class.) Very helpful.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:56:23 GMT

Hey roger great website... hey listen, i have a 70% midterm mark in math and i got 2 tests left and an exam is there any chance i can make it to 90% if i ace my test and possibly my exam

Roger: If your second half is worth the same as your first half, then no. Do you have any more information than this?

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 14:58:14 GMT

So, I have questions about my grades and how to calculate if I am going to pass my class.
Currently, my discussion board avg. is 91.50. We are finished with those.
My quiz/ Article Reviews avg is 87.4. We still have one more quiz to take.
The Discussion Boards count 25% of my grade. And the quizzes/ article reviews count 30%
So..If I correct my current grade is a 89.2. ?
However, I have 2 papers due at the end of term.
One paper is worth 20%. The final paper is worth 25%. If I don't do well on these papers I will basically fail right? Would I be able to make a C on the papers and still get a B in the class? I'm not sure how drastic my grade would drop if I don't do well...

Roger: Since your current grade is an 89.2%, you can put [89.2, 80, 45] into the calculator and it will tell you that you need at least a 68.76% on the two papers to get an 80% overall, so even if you get C’s on the papers, you should be fine.

Alex Sweeney
Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:16:23 GMT

Hi Roger, I have a 58.2% in my class and I NEED at least a 60 % in that class, and this has me feeling pretty good about test. Thank you.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 26 Nov 2013 00:01:32 GMT

Roger I have a 67 in a class. There are 3 test left weighing the same as the 67%. How much will i need to get on the 3 tests so my average is 75 before the final and the final is worth 10%.

Roger: I assume that your 3 tests are altogether weighted the same as your 67%. In that case, you’ll need to average a 83% on the remaining 3 tests to get a 75% before the final.

Melody Anderson
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 19:50:31 GMT

Hi Roger,

In reference to my last post: I think that the grading is done weirdly because of difference between grading period grades and semester grades. All the numbers are right, though. So, forgetting that final that is 15% (so tests are 65%, quizzes are 25% and homework is 10%) I would still need a 90.3% on my next test to achieve my goal, right?

And thank you so much for answering all of my questions. You are so helpful!

Roger: Yep, that’s correct. You’re welcome!

Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:55:58 GMT

Thanks a lot! You gave me hope that I still have time to get my grade up and improve. This website is great, especially for students. :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:55:15 GMT

My original grade for the rewrite was 60%

My current overall average is 67%. there are 4 unit tests which were already taken (tests 65% of grade). However, I get to do one rewrite on Friday. How much of an impact will I get on my average if I manage a 70% on the rewrite

Roger: Your new overall grade will be 68.6%, assuming that there aren’t any undetermined categories in your grade. For example, if you had a Final Exam category worth 15%, then your new overall grade would be 68.9% instead.

Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:29:57 GMT

Also forgot to mention extra credit is added for attending lectures based on #of lectures attended * 0.20 = points added to FINAL GRADE. I will have attended 17 lectures of the 25 which means 3.4 points added to my final grade. There also may be more than 17 I have attended but 17 is a good rough estimate.

Roger: I am assuming that 3.4 points translates to 3.4 percentage points. I will answer your question below.

Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:22:54 GMT

Hey Roger,
First time here. But I have a question. In my Econ class there are three categories, Quizzes worth 15% (best 10 of 12), Labs worth 20% (best 10 of 12), and Exams worth 65% (best 3 of 4). There is no "final" as the last exam is weighted the same as the other 3 and does not need to be taken if we are happy with our exam average prior to it. As it stands I will get a 100% in the quiz category, and around a 97% in the lab category. On the first two exams I got a 78% and a 100% respectively. What do I need to get on the third exam so that I do not need to take the last one and still get an A for my final grade?

Thanks in advance!

Roger: To get a 90% overall without taking the last exam, you will need to score a 78.6% on the 3rd test. With the 3.4% extra credit, you will only need to score a 62.9% on the 3rd test.

Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:17:59 GMT

85% in the class, exam is worth 15%. What do I need to get a 89.5

Roger: 115%

Melody Anderson
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:29:17 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a 135/155 in the quizzes category.

In the tests/writeups/projects category I have a 329/380.

In the homework category I have a 520/520 in the homework category.

So, right now my grade is a 88.49% and I want to get up to a 90% with my next test that will be worth 100 points. So, what do I need on this test?

Thank you!

Roger: (I am referencing the information you posted in earlier comments and assume that you’re talking about the same class.) The categories you mentioned earlier (25%, 65%, 10%, and 15%) add up to 115%, which seems incorrect to me, but I will give you a best estimate: If you actually have an 88.49% right now, you can bring your overall grade up to a 90% by improving your test average by 0.78%. I’ll assume that your 329/380 (86.58%) test average is correct. If so, you will need a 90.3% on your next test to achieve your goal.

tia pia
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:20:30 GMT

I have this website favorited in my laptop for everytime a test comes around. What a life saver!
I was wondering, if my current grade is 80.8% and I don't do my midterm paper, as in get a zero ...which is 25% of my grade, what would my final grade be going into the exam? Thank you :)

Roger: Thanks! I need to know how much your final exam is worth to give you an accurate answer.

Melody Anderson
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:15:14 GMT

Hi Roger,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. As far as the next two quizzes, I am not so concerned with those as I am about my next test. So, lets say I only have one test left and nothing else (save the final) and I want my grade to be a 90% before I take the final. My last test would also be put into that same 65% category so it won't be worth more or less than any of the other quizzes. Also, the whole average for that category (tests, projects, write-ups) is in total 65% because my teacher calculates them together. Would it be helpful if I told you exactly what grades I got on every single test, project, write-up, and quiz I have taken so far?

Thank you!

Roger: Yes, that would be helpful. If you don’t want to list all of them out, point totals would be fine too. For example, you might say that you have 696/800 points (87%) right now and that your last test is worth 150 points.

Zach R.
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:10:40 GMT

Roger, I have an 83% on quizzes which is 40% of final grade, 96% on assignments which is 40% of grade and 100% on discussions which is 20% of grade. What is my final grade? Thank you!

Roger: 91.6%

Emily Sara
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:00:10 GMT

If I have a 95% in Reading and it counts as 45% of my grade
I have a 94% in writing and it counts as 45% of my grade
And I have a 0% in speaking and it counts as 10% of my grade
What would my grade be

Roger: 85.05%.

Juanma Ugarte
Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:32:54 GMT

Roger every end of semester I end up here so I know exactly the grade I need to get to pass my classes. Thank you so much man. You're the boss

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:59:05 GMT

Roger, I am the same Jeana as above. I will be getting a 100% on those both assignments, I just need to know what I need on the final which counts as 25% of our grade to pass at a 75% but I don't not know what those two assignments would bring my grade to before the final. Then I need to know what I need to get on the final in order to pass.

Roger: Gotcha. In that case, you will need a 94% on the final. Your current grade is a 68.67%.

Melody Anderson
Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:39:15 GMT

Sorry, I forgot to say on my post about my grade calculation: I have an 88.49% in the class currently.

Roger: Gotcha. I will answer your question below.

Melody Anderson
Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:35:17 GMT

Hi Roger,

Here is the way scores are calculated in my class:
Quizzes 25%
Tests, Projects
& Write Ups 65%
Homework/Class work 10%
Final is worth 15%

I have about 100% in the homework category. In the quiz category I have an 89% and I have an 87% in the test/projects category

I have one test left and I will probably have two more quizzes. Can you tell me what I need on my next test to get my grade up to a 90%?

Thank You!

Roger: I can’t give you a straight answer without knowing how much your next 2 quizzes are worth in comparison to the quizzes you have already taken, as well as how much your last test is worth in comparison to all of the test, projects, and write ups that you have already completed. I also need to know your current averages in those categories. Can you provide a more detailed breakdown of your score in each of those categories?

Making a few assumptions here and there, the most important thing to do right now is to bring your test/projects category average up. If you earn a good score on your last test, it will increase your overall grade significantly.

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:11:45 GMT

I have a math class and I have a 86.48 in it.
I have had four tests
I have gotten an 81,84,87, and 81 on the four
I have two more tests
What score do I need to get on those two tests, each worth 65%of my grade? to get it up to an A or at least an 89?
Plus, what do I need to get on the final, which is worth 15% to get an A overall(our teacher counts an 89.5 as an A as well)?
If you could answer quickly, I'd really appreciate it, Thank you.

Roger: If you average a 93% on the next two tests, your grade will go up to a 89%. From there, you need a 92.3% on your final to get a 89.5% overall.

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 21:59:39 GMT

i usually get straight a's but this quarter in one class i got two c's on a quiz and a test. I have a 78% in the class. Quizzes are 30% and tests are 40 and homework is 15%. What do I need to get on my next quiz to bump my grade to a b. I will have more tests and a quarter exam which counts at 15% as well.

Roger: Can you tell me about the remaining 15% in more detail? Does your quarter exam comprise the entire 15%? Also, I need to know how many quizzes you have taken and your current quiz average.

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:20:41 GMT

My current average is 67%. there are 4 unit tests which were already taken (tests 65% of grade). However, I get to do one rewrite on Friday. How much of an impact will I get on my average if I manage a 70% on the rewrite?

Roger: Hi Hussein. What was your original grade on the assignment that your rewrite will replace?

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 03:23:34 GMT

if Quizzes are 70% of my grade and the Final Exam is 15% and the is Midterm Exam 15% of my grade
and I have a 85% average for my quizzes
and the final and midterm I made 0 on both of them what would my grade be?

Roger: Your grade would be a 59.5%.

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 02:54:23 GMT

My test average as best as I can figure, is 55%. I didn't do too well on quizzes and homework. I do not know what my test average is for sure. Teacher did say last test carry more weight.
We have taken 6 test out of 7.

Roger: That still doesn’t tell me much, since you mentioned that your last test carries more weight.

Sun, 24 Nov 2013 02:26:27 GMT

My test average as best as I can figure, is 55%. I didn't do too well on quizzes and homework. I do not know what my test average is for sure. Teacher did say last test carry more weight.

Roger: Okay, let’s say that your last test is 30% of your test grade. You will need a 135.5% on the last test if you want to be able to get a 70% on the final and pass the class with a 70%. On the other hand, if you get 85% on the last test and 85% on the final, you will be able to get a 70% overall.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:52:01 GMT

Hey roger,
I have a 53 in my class without 2 grades in. Which assignments are total worth 25% of our grade, then i have to take my final so that is worthh 25% of my grade as well. What do i need on this final to pass at a 75

Roger: I assume you mean that those 2 grades are in total worth 25% of your grade. You will need a 97% average on the next two assignments and the final to get a 75% overall.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 14:57:40 GMT

I am receiving 57% in class with one more test to take and figure into the formula. My final is worth 35%. What would I need to get on my last test, so I would only need 70% on final.

Roger: I’ll answer your question below.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 13:06:46 GMT

I have a 57% in class, (this includes quizs and homework). One more in class test. Final is worth 35% grade. Finals worth 35%, homework 10%,quizes20% and test 35%. everything is figured into the 57% except last test and final test. What I need to get on my last test so I can get just 70% on final and pass class with total of 70%?

Roger: What is your test average, and how many tests have you already taken?

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 12:46:37 GMT

Hey Roger,

I actually meant that I have 20% on my assignments (not 80%, typo) worth 15% total, 68% on my midterm which was worth 25% and my final is worth the remaining 60%. What grade do I need on my final to get a 60% in the class?

Roger: Oh, sorry to hear that :/ You will need a 66.7% on the final to get a 60% in the class. Your current overall grade is 50%.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:23:03 GMT

Homework worth: 15%
Quizes worth 20%:
Tests worth 65%

If I have an 100% in homework, 90% in quizzes, and I have these test scores: 75% 90% 86% 87%, what do I need to get on my last test to get a 89.5%

Roger: You will need a 96.6% on your last test to get a 89.5% overall.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 05:19:16 GMT

Hey can you let me know what my grade will be? if
Quizzes are 60.0% of my grade and I have a 93%
Final Exam is 15.0% and I have a 0%
Midterm Exam is 15.0% and I have a 0%
Attendance is 10.0% and I have a 100%

Roger: Your grade will be 93% × 60% + 100% × 10% = 65.8%. I assume that by 0%, you mean that you will actually score 0 points in those categories.

Doc Brown
Sat, 23 Nov 2013 04:51:02 GMT

I have an exam worth 13% of total grade left.
And my final worth 20% total.

78.08% current overall.

What would I need to get on the last exam and the final to get an overall 82%?

Roger: You will need a 90.0% average on the last exam and the final to get an 82% overall.

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 03:19:09 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a test coming up and would like to know how many marks on my test I need on it to pass the term. Each test is out of 45 marks and i have taken 2 already(32 out of 45 and 19.5 out of 45)
Current Grade: 60%
Grade Composition: 80% tests
10% Homework (got 85%)
10% Unit Project(got 80%)

Roger: Hi John. What percentage do you need in your course to pass?

Sat, 23 Nov 2013 02:52:55 GMT

Final 20% - None at the moment
Homework Quiz 10% - 72.5%
Homework/Classwork 10% - 100%
Test/Quizzes 60% - 80.75%

My current grade is an 82%. I have a test coming up, a HW quiz, and a final. If I ace them all, will I be able to get my grade up to a 90?

Roger: You will need a significant improvement in your test/quizzes average to get your grade up to a 90%. I need to know how many tests and how many quizzes you have already taken to give you a better answer, but by a rough estimate, it looks impossible to get your grade up to a 90% no matter how well you do on the remaining assignments. If it is in fact possible, getting your grade to a 90% will require extraordinary grades on the remaining assignments. (Make sure it doesn’t drop to a C though.)

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