
Page 60 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 60)

That Girl
Mon, 09 Dec 2013 21:57:13 GMT

Hi Roger!
I have a 81% in my math class and to pass the class you need a 70%. If I got a 60% on my finals exam which is 25% of the class grade, would I still pass?

Roger: Your overall grade would be a 75.75% if you got a 60% on the final, so you would still pass.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 21:09:23 GMT

My midterm and final are each worth 25%, and research paper is worth 50% of my grade. I received a 70% on my midterm and 92% on my paper. What do I need to score on the final to receive a 'B' in the course? (I believe the final is out of 50 points.)

Roger: You will need a 66% (33/50) on your final.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:27:11 GMT

Hi Roger my grade is a 78 in the class and I have a test and a final worth 20% What do I need to get on both to finish with at least an 80% in class there are no weighted sections or anything! just normal. Thanks

Roger: Are they worth 20% altogether? If so, you’d need a 88% average on them.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 15:56:04 GMT

sorry the tests are worth 10%
but the final is worth 20%

Roger: Okay. I’ll answer your question below.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 15:51:14 GMT

hey roger, i have a 70 in algebra and i need a 65 to pass.
my final counts 20% of my overall grade and it is also going to count as a test grade for that class(because i missed a previous test) what must i make to pass this class?

Roger: It depends on how many tests you have taken so far and your current test average. Could you provide those?

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 10:21:31 GMT

Hi Roger!
My grade in Physiology is 62%. I need to get 70% to pass this class. My final exam is worth 15%. Is it still possible for me to get a 70%.

Roger: You would need to get 115% on the final exam. Without significant extra credit, that is impossible.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 07:30:53 GMT

I have a final paper. No test they are all worth 100% I've done 3 papers
71, 87,72 I want at least an 80% but is it possible that I could get a grade on my final paper to get me at a B+?

Roger: You will need a 90% on the last paper to get a 80% overall.

Jessica Renee
Mon, 09 Dec 2013 07:07:33 GMT

Hey Roger..

I need some help..

I have an 84% in my class.. The final is worth 25% of my grade.. So I need at least a 68% on the exam to pass the class with an 80% -B.

But.. My Exam has 40 questions.. in order for me to get a 68% on it.. how many questions could I miss out of the 40?

Roger: You can miss at most 12 questions in order to get at least a 68%. (If you missed exactly 12 questions, you would get a 70% on the final.)

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:36:56 GMT

I have a 12.52% in my Bio class and my final is worth 20%. Could I get it up to a 50% or is that imposible?

Roger: That does not seem possible under normal circumstances.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 04:05:44 GMT

Hey roger I have a question . If I got a B on my midterm is 20% of my grade , an F on my paper that is 20% . What would I need to get on the final if it's 35% to pass

Roger: You only told me about 75% of your grade (your midterm, your paper, and your final exam). What is the other 25%? Also, what overall grade/percentage do you need to pass?

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 03:13:34 GMT

From that nursing student...
You are a gem! Thank you for your help!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 03:12:40 GMT

Hey roger I'm really worried about my grade i have a 58 In reading but i made a 70 on my binder check which is 20 percent of my grade and a 70 on my final that's 10 percent what would my grade be

Roger: Your overall grade is 61.6%, assuming that your Reading category is worth the remaining 70%.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 01:27:08 GMT

Your Cute

Roger: Did you mean “you’re”?

Rashad Fattash
Mon, 09 Dec 2013 01:05:16 GMT

Roger!!!!! I'm stressin about these 80% grades. Your calculator helped me determine how much I have study

Roger: Good luck!

cowgurl up
Mon, 09 Dec 2013 00:55:54 GMT

i luhv dis calkul8r 4 muh fInAl$

-cowgurl up

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 00:51:33 GMT

My test average is a 75.8.

Roger: To get a 90%, you need to average a 113% on the lab, final, and test. To get a 80%, you need to average a 81.05% on the lab, final, and test.

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 00:44:23 GMT

Hi Roger!

I asked my professor to help me calculate my final grade and I am a little confused about how to get it. This is what he said:

"Take the equal weighted percentage average of the midterms and the homework which will be 60%. The final is 40%. If your overall average is above 55% you will likely pass"

I have 76% on homework, 79% and 44% on the midterms. How well do I have to do on my final to pass this class? Do I have a 66% right now? Thanks!

Roger: From what your professor said, it sounds like it sounds like your midterms and your homework category are each worth 20% of your grade. If so, then you have a 66.3% right now. To get an overall average above 55%, you need to score a 38% on the final exam.

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 20:07:46 GMT

I like the sassy attitude of this calculator.

Roger: The attitude developed autonomously, I swear.

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 20:05:58 GMT

Sorry to ask but couldn't figure it out myself!!!

I have currently done:

Report worth 30% of the overall grade and I got 60%
Coursework worth 15% of the overall grade and I got 90%
Presentation worth 20% of the overall grade and I got 70%

I have one exam left worth 35% of the final grade....
What do I need to get in this exam to get 70% overall for the module? :)

Roger: Your current grade is a 70% and you need a 70% on the final exam to keep your 70%. That might sound weird at first, but it makes sense if you think about it. If you have a 70% right now, getting a little higher than a 70% on the final will make your grade go a little higher. If you get lower than 70% on the final, your grade will go a little lower.

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 19:44:47 GMT

Hi Roger,
In most of my nursing courses I have to pass both parts of the class, lab and theory with a 60% in each.
So, I cannot pass the course if one is 58% and one is 90%

Right now, marks are as followed:
Theory - Exam 1 - 58.57% worth 20%
- Exam 2 - 47.14% worth 25%
- Final Exam - worth 30% (not written yet)

I am worried about not achieving a 60% total in my theory portion of the class. Can you tell me what I need on my final exam in theory to get a 60%

Lab - Tests - 94% worth 10%
- Final Exam - 86% worth 15%

Can you also tell me my final mark?

Roger: You need to get a 71.67% on your final to get a 60% total in the theory portion. Your current final mark right now is 65.4%. If you get your theory grade up to a 60%, your final mark will be 67.3%.

Mary Griffiths
Sun, 08 Dec 2013 18:02:30 GMT


I currently have a 63% in my science class and I was wondering what would my final grade be. my grades work as: Exams are worth 75% of my grade and my lab is worth 25% of my grade.

1st exam: 54/100
2nd exam: 72/100

and extra credit is: 28 which is being added onto the 1st exam

then my lab percent is 81%

what would my full final grade be with the lab included?

Roger: Your full final grade would be 78.0%.

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 17:14:27 GMT


I have a question. my grade in my Govt class is based off the following.
exam 1 is worth 40% of my grade, and exam 2 is worth 40% of my grade and gerneral participation is 20%. lets assume after both exams my average is a 78.5. after recieving a full 20% from participation what would my final grade be?


Roger: Your grade would be 82.80%.

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 16:07:50 GMT

Hi Roger!

So I have a 79 in this class and I was wondering what are the possible grades I would need to make a 90. I have 1 test, a lab worth 5% and 1 final left. The tests are 45% each and I have taken 3 so far. The lab worth 5% and the final is 15%. What grade do I need to get an A in that class? Thanks so much :D

Roger: Hi Vera. It depends on your test average. Can you provide that for me?

juju bean
Sun, 08 Dec 2013 14:47:26 GMT

thanks yo I've been using this for all through high school and now university! i lovveeess it

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 13:02:56 GMT

Hey Roger! Thank you do much! I was really starting to freak out about all of my finals but your calculator really helped me out! Is there a way for the calculator to factor in AP and Honors courses? Thanks Roger!

Roger: What kinds of differences are you thinking of? I’m not aware of any special treatment in AP and Honors courses. (You’re welcome, by the way!)

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 03:50:40 GMT

I love this calculator! Thanks!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 08 Dec 2013 00:16:45 GMT

Hey Roger! I love this site!
I have exactly an 86.2 in my Honors English 2 class. My final is worth 20% of my grade.
What do I need to get on the Final if I want to get at least an 89.5 in the class?
Also, I did 2 extra credit projects which will be added in after we take the final. Together, they will add 3% to my grade itself. So, what will the final calculations come out to be?

Roger: Thanks! If you get 3% extra credit, that means that you only need to get up to an 86.5%, and afterward, the 3% will take you to an 89.5%. To get an 86.5%, you will need to get an 87.7% on the final exam.

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 23:13:24 GMT

I have a 64.89% which is a D as of now but I wrote an essay which is worth 10%of my grade an it was jus a pass r fail situation I passed so what do I have now the points total in my class is 270 I have my final paper which is 35% of my grade that I jus turned in I just want to know how much 10% will raise up my grade.

Roger: I will assume that “pass” means 100%, but that might not be true. I’ll also assume that after the final paper, there are no more assignments. If so, then your grade will go up to 70.29%.

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 18:43:37 GMT

Hi Roger, my math grade is worth 86%, my final is 15% how much would i need to keep a B?

Roger: To get an 80% (B) overall, you need a 34.5% on the final exam.

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 16:03:56 GMT

Hi Roger,
My grade in my genetics class is an 89.15%. My final is worth 20% and I am trying to get at least a 90.5 in the class. All homework, tests, and projects go in as assessment. There is only one category does that make a difference at all to calculate it?

Roger: The fact that there is only one category does not make a difference, as long as your final is actually worth 20% (make sure this is actually true!).

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 14:20:26 GMT

Hi roger,

In my class

homework is 15% of grade I have 229/229

each midterm exam is 15%. I have


what do I need on my final If it is 25% of my final grade

if i want a 90% in the class
also if I want an 85% in the class

Roger: If you want a 90% in your class, you need a 85.2% on the final. If you want an 85% in your class, you need a 65.2% on the final.

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 04:44:10 GMT

Hi, um, my grade right now is 91.8%. My class has two finals, both 20% of my grade each. I won't have time to do one of them (art finals....pftt) so that'll bring me down to 71.8%. The highest I can get on my other final is a 75% due to me turning it in late(yeah, my situation right here sucks). So if I managed to get a 75%, would I be able to pass the class (at least a 1.0, which is 54-59%)

Roger: Hi Chris. Skipping one of the finals actually wouldn’t bring your grade down to a 71.8%. It would actually bring your grade down to a 68.85%. (If this doesn’t make sense to you, think about what would happen if you had a 10% in the class and skipped a final worth 20%. Your grade obviously couldn’t go down to negative ten percent (-10%). It would only be slightly less than 10%.) If you get a 75% on the second final, it would bring your grade back up to a 70.08%.

Aryba Qazi
Sat, 07 Dec 2013 03:11:17 GMT

Hey roger! My grade is a 79, my final is 19.61 percemt of my grade and I got a 54 on my final. What is my overall grade?

Roger: 74.1%

Sat, 07 Dec 2013 00:19:10 GMT

Hey what would my grade be?

Homework- weight 16%- 99.59%
Participation- weight 16% - 100%
Projects- weight 8% - 90%
Test- weight 23% - 68.82%
Quiz- weight 17% - 62.95%

(Apparently, my grade in the class is an 81.44% considering that everything is the same except the projects which is 83.66%, but I did some math and changed my projects correctly when my teacher puts in some stuff. My final is worth 20%. SO I was wondering what my grade is right now, cause my grade right now is being calculated with only 80% not a full 100%. )

Roger: So is your project grade 90% or is it 83.66%? If your project grade is 90%, then your overall grade is a 82.08%. If your project grade is a 83.66%, then your overall grade is a 81.44%.

Asleep chart
Sat, 07 Dec 2013 00:14:38 GMT

Hi. I do not yet have my final exam mark out of 35% but I have a midterm 91% weighed at 30% another midterm 72.6% weighted at 35%. My question is where am I currently standing with my two midterms? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Roger: Your current overall grade is a 81.1% with those two midterms.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 21:28:07 GMT

Hi Roger, just a quick question. What would my grade be if 3exams are worth 45%, my final 30%, homework 20% and quizzes 5%? My average percentage on all 3 exams is 72%, my final I got 60%, my homework 100%, and my average on all quizzes 70%? Thank you

Roger: Your grade would be 73.9%.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 20:21:38 GMT

I have taken 4 college algebra tests:
If they are worth 45 points, what is my test average?

Roger: Your test average is 56.75%.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 20:12:43 GMT

HI Roger, my math grade is worth 88%, my final is 15% the question is if i didn't take the final what would my grade be?

Roger: Your grade would be 74.8%.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 20:08:09 GMT

Hi Roger, my average is 88%, my final is worth 15% the question is if i don't take the final what would be my score?

Roger: Your grade would be 74.8%.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 11:55:11 GMT

Hi Roger,

Follow-up on my previous question:

Here are my grades:
09/19/2013 CPW EngineeringProgressSoFar 90/100 90
11/03/2013 RME Engineering Reasoning 88/100 88
11/03/2013 CPW Engineering Communication 85/100 85
11/03/2013 RME NLawsQuizBest 93/100 93
12/02/2013 RME Circuits Quiz 87/100 87
12/06/2013 CPW Electronics Projects 98/100 98

The test (quiz here) is called Circuits Quiz. This course has no special weighting on grade categories.


Roger: Okay. You’ll need a 95.9% on your final exam in order to get a 92.5% in the class.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 05:59:54 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have 6 grades in my grade book, they add up to 541/600 (90.167%), including one test 87/100. My final counts as 20% of my total grade, and my teacher said that the final grade would override the test grade. I need 92.5% in the class, so what grade do I need to get in the final in order to get 92.5%.


Roger: Hi Tiggeru. I need to know how much your test category is worth. Can you provide that information?

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 03:51:20 GMT

I am currently getting 73% in my class. I have not done class work that makes up 35% of my grade. My final is worth 30% of my grade. What do I need to get on my final to pass the course or to get 60% .

Roger: I will assume that you have a 73% right now and that there is an assignment worth 35% of your grade that you got a 0 on. Your overall grade would drop to a 36.5%, and you would need to score 114.8% on the final exam to make a 60%. If these assumptions are incorrect, please post another comment and clarify what you were trying to say.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 03:00:35 GMT


Fri, 06 Dec 2013 02:59:33 GMT

Hi Roger,

I want to thank you for this site! I have a question I have a 92 in History and I have a final that is worth 25% of my grade. I need to keep my A so what do I need to make on it?


Roger: You’re welcome! You need an 84% on the final exam to get a 90% overall.

jaden thorpe
Fri, 06 Dec 2013 02:01:49 GMT

if get a 90% on my and my current grade is a 57% as my current grade how much can that bring my grade up

Roger: It depends on how much your final exam is worth. Also, did you miss a word after “on my”?

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 01:54:53 GMT

I have an 51.13

quiz, homework,final – 15%
Test – 55%

end of semester so only have left
1 homework – 105pts
1test – which is out of 100
1final – idk

He also offered extra credit for homework 50pts.

what do i need to do to get at least a [ 70%)
or a (60) if i cant make it to a ( C )

Roger: It sounds like you’re in the same class as “Brieanna”, who posted a comment earlier. I’ll use her information about your class to supplement what you provided. I need to know 1) your current test average, and 2) your current homework average.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 01:21:26 GMT

Hi Roger!

Was wondering whether you could help me...

I got 13.5 out of 20 for first my assignment (which was worth 20%)
42 out of 50 for my second assignment (which was worth 50%)

My exam is worth 30% and has a total of 30 marks that you can get

After I complete the exam I am aiming for an average of 75% (distinction) overall for the course.

What will I need to get on the final exam to achieve this?

Thanks a bunch!

Roger: You will need 19.5/30 marks to get a 75%.

jaden thorpe
Fri, 06 Dec 2013 01:17:51 GMT

i have a 57 percent right and i have three test that is worth 40% of my grade and a final exam that is worth 20% of my grade can i still and i want a seventy can i still pass the semester

Roger: Yes, you can. However, what you need to do in order to pass depends on 1) your current test average, and 2) how many tests you’ve taken so far. Could you provide those?

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 00:29:31 GMT

Hey! I love this website ! It's amazing.
I have a question tho since I have a 82% in science. And the final is worth 10%. What would my grade be if I scored a 60% on the test?

Roger: Hi Jessy. There’s an option underneath the calculator titled “Already took the final. What is my overall grade?”. If you click that one and put in:

  • 82% in the first box
  • 60% in the second box
  • 10% in the third box

It should tell you that your overall grade would be 79.8%.

Fri, 06 Dec 2013 00:20:19 GMT

Hi Roger,
I've only taken 2 tests and the final is worth 20% of my grade

Roger: Okay. Using the information in your last comment, I see that you need a 90.6% on your last test to ensure that you have a 90% before taking the final exam.

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