
Page 62 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 62)

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:49:37 GMT

I'm ready for my B and I have to make at least a 62. Precal sucks. Cool site.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:25:56 GMT

Posted Dec 11th at 7:30PM
Hey Roger! Im taking my Spanish midterm next monday but currently I have a 88.4 in the class, I have a test tomorrow which is worth 100 points, there is 558 points in the test category. My test category is worth 35% of my grade. If I do well on my test tomorrow is it possible to bring my grade up to 90-93% range. My midterm is worth 15%.

Roger: There is definitely a way to bring it up to at least a 90%. What you need to get depends on your current test average though.

In response to your question I have a 82.9 in my test average.

Roger: Okay. Your test average is pretty low, which is actually very fortunate. That means you only need to average a 94.8% on the next test and final exam to get your grade up to a 90%. Alternatively, you could get a 93% on the next test and a 95.5% on the final, or a 97% on the next test and a 94% on the final. Does that give you a rough idea of where you are?

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:18:22 GMT

so my teacher put in my final grade today
got a 72% on my test probably the highest i gotten this whole semester :(((
i hate for taking this as an elective wtfffffff

lesson learned

i got 115/105

i got from a 52.10 ---> 64.12

i got a homework assignment which got me
which is out of 50 pts and im pretty sure im gooing to get

she also is giving us 40pts for going to saturday school towards our homework.

and last our final worth 15% ....

1) 40/50 homework
2) 50 extra credit for homework
3) 10 extra credit point for not going to the bathroom
4) Final worth 15%


Roger: So, your current homework average is around an 80%, so a 40/50 will not change your grade at all. 50 points of extra credit will boost your grade a little bit, but it depends on how many homework points you have total. Let’s say you have 1000 points in homework now. 50 extra credit points would raise your grade to a 65.0%. Then, you would need around a 98% on the final to get a 70% overall. So, depending on how many points you have in homework right now, it may or may not be possible to get a 70% overall. Good luck though!

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 00:53:47 GMT

I need 119% in order to not fail the first ever course I would've ever failed! I'm praying for those bonus marks!

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 00:11:05 GMT

I need to score at least a -19% to get an 80!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 23:52:32 GMT

Well I need a 91 on my Pre Cal exam tomorrow in order to keep my lifetime streak of straight A's alive. Let's do this.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 23:48:36 GMT

Haha I find this to be hilarious because so many people commenting are like "I want at least a B..." ect. and mean while I'm like "I have a 59.... In order to pass this class I need 60.... Hell Ya."

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 23:02:01 GMT

Growl... I don't know how I am going to do it but I will get at least a B on my AP World History exam. I need some prayer... Let me go study.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 22:45:05 GMT

I'm in an AP class that doesn't have a mid-year final. However, we have an end of unit test next week, and I want to get a 90% in the class overall because I have an 87% currently. My grade is calculated in averages as:
Homework-88% (20% of my grade)
Participation-100% (10% of my grade)
Projects-82% (30%)
And finally tests-86% (40%).
We have taken five tests so far, and this upcoming one will be the 6th.
SO, what will I have to get on my test test to get an A in the class?

Roger: You’ll need to 137% on the next test to raise your grade up to a 90% overall. Sorry :/

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 22:32:15 GMT

I have a 90 in my class and thats from 80% of my work. I have an assignment that's 20% ,that I most likely will not complete in time. How much damage will it do?

Roger: If you get a 0% on the assignment, your grade will drop to a 72%.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 22:29:07 GMT

Are you seriously one guy named Roger? Are there multiple "Rogers" answering questions? Is there an army of sassy Rogers who tell me I can draw flowers on my tests?

Roger: Just one guy. I try my best ;)

jungle boii
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 22:10:36 GMT

Just found out that my grade dropped in my bio class. Im screwed. My parents are gunna kill me dartmouth is my best choice now. Bob Saget!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 21:02:57 GMT

I've taken 4 tests, and they are 50% of my total grade. Each one is worth 12.5%

Roger: You will need to get a 75.5% on your final to get a 70% in the class.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 20:39:14 GMT

Quizzes Subtotal Quizzes 48.0 100 48 F 73
Tests Subtotal Tests 45.8 100 45 F 72
Assign Subtotal Assign 79.3 100 79 C 84
Grading Periods #1Subtotal 52.1 100 52 F 74

current grade 52.10 went up from a 51.13 cause i took a quiz (B)
she entered my hw grade as a 0 and my curent test but i have turned it in but she just hasnt post it up so i dont know what it is
hw is 15%
test 55%
final 15%
quiz 15%

the 0 she has on my homework i got 115/105
my test i dont know yet

we have a final and a homework assignment
she is offering 50 extra credit points towards our homework if we go to saturday school

i want a (D) is that possible>>??

or a C??

Roger: I need to know how many points you have in Homework and how many tests you’ve taken. Can you provide those?

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 20:29:53 GMT

This says I need to get at least 0% in my Algebra finals in order to keep an A, and that I should draw a flower on the test... I can't draw though... I hope that doesn't count against me!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 19:24:23 GMT

Are you sure?? Lol. My final counts as a test but it's worth 150 points rather than the usual 60... We've taken 21 tests though and my test average is 88%. My grade in the class is 95% and it says I need a -315% on my final to have a 90%??!!

If so, that's awesome. Thanks Roger.

Roger: Yep. That sounds about right.

no one special
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 19:02:49 GMT

i have a 87 in geometry and i was wondering that if my final was 20% of my grade what can i get? please email me i need a 80 and your site says i can get a 52

Roger: That’s correct.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 18:38:51 GMT

I have a 72.3 in the class and I need a 63 on the final. Knowing my class its not easy at all. I praying at this point.

Roger: Good luck!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 18:28:05 GMT

These are my following grades
95, 92, 90, 92, 66, 95, 58
These are all 10% of my grade. I have a paper that is due which is worth 30% of my grade. What is my grade in the class as of right now and if it is not an A what do I need to make on the paper to make it one. If I cannot achieve an A what is the highest grade I can make?

Roger: Your current grade is 84%. Even if you get 100% on the paper, you would only get an 88% overall. (Is there any extra credit?)

I'm screwed
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 17:59:48 GMT

As I posted my name above…. I'm screwed

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 17:48:52 GMT

Im dead...

Roger: How are you posting a comment?!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:53:47 GMT

I have a 64.16% as my average. The final will replace my lowest test grade (47%). What would i need to get a 70% in the class if my final is worth 20% of the class?

Roger: Can you provide 1) how many tests you have taken, and 2) how much your test category is worth?

Passing Student AKA Struggler
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:40:00 GMT

Thank You!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Anna in Israel
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:25:21 GMT

YOU ARE AMAZING! Such an easy site to use. You my friend are My new hero!

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:03:18 GMT

Hi. I currently have an 88.08 in my chemistry class. The next test I'm taking is very important. If I get a good grade on it, my worst test will be brought up to match that grade. My worst test grade is an 82. What do I have to get on this test grade to bring my grade to 90 for the semster?

Roger: Hi Austin. Can you provide 1) how much your test category is worth, and 2) how many tests you have taken. I will also need to know if there are any undetermined categories (e.g. they are currently 0 out of 0) like maybe a Final Exam, and how much those are worth. If your grade isn’t determined with categories, I need to know how many points each test is worth and how many points you’ve gotten in total.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:13:50 GMT

yo rodg da dodge blocke is back bittch....

Lewis Vaughn
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:11:58 GMT

I am screwed

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 14:52:07 GMT

Could this apply for a summative test (worth 23.3%) I have a 70 in my class.

Roger: Yep! Sounds like it would.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 06:54:38 GMT

Can I email you ? Instead cause I wanna show you the picture (screenshot) of my grades so you can understand it a little better...?
Or you email me

Roger: Please try to describe it as well as you can here!

Morgan Smith
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 06:08:36 GMT

This is awesome. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I love the messages on the results pop-up. Apparently I'll be drawing my stats prof a nice flower tomorrow.

Roger: Thanks!

Shaun Sheikh
Thu, 12 Dec 2013 05:14:29 GMT

You sir, have saved my life. I now know what i exactly need to get on my finals (which are next week) to make sure i get an A.


Were you always super scared of finals too?

Roger: My finals are next week too! I am worried about them, but mostly because I have a ton of other things to do this week besides studying.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 05:09:01 GMT

If I have an Average of 32% on the exam part of my exam grade (non-cumulitive) and an average of 68% of assignment part (cumulative) and my final is worth 50%, what do I need to get for a 60% final grade

Roger: How much are exams worth in comparison to assignments?

In reply to this: My exams are worth 28% of my mark and my assignments are worth 16% of my mark

Roger: There seems to be 6% of your total grade missing, but I will ignore it for now. You will need at least a 73.1% on your final exam to get a 60% overall.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 05:00:27 GMT

Thanks bro! Im going for the A!!

Roger: Good luck!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:57:07 GMT

in the "your test average is ____ %" section do only put the average of the exams that I have already taken?

Roger: Yep!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:30:00 GMT

Hey Roger! Im taking my Spanish midterm next monday but currently I have a 88.4 in the class, I have a test tomorrow which is worth 100 points, there is 558 points in the test category. My test category is worth 35% of my grade. If I do well on my test tomorrow is it possible to bring my grade up to 90-93% range. My midterm is worth 15%.

Roger: There is definitely a way to bring it up to at least a 90%. What you need to get depends on your current test average though.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:23:33 GMT

Great site Roger, I'll be sharing it with my class mates for sure.
Thank you for your time!

Roger: Thanks! And you’re welcome!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 02:54:30 GMT

Thank you for posting this calculator. I've been studying for my algebra final all day, and with the grade I have right now, even if I bomb the test, I'll still pass the course. I'm going to try and do the best I can, maybe I can pull a B in the class, that would be nice. Anyway, this gives me a realistic goal.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 01:21:08 GMT

Thank you so much for creating this site! Helped me focus on what classes i need to study more in.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 01:15:24 GMT

so i have a 78.1% in chem, and 79.5 is a B. My teacher puts the final with our other exams that is worth 40%. and my average on exams so far is 72.55% out of 505 total exam points. my final is 140 points, what do i need to get on the final to get a B? Thanks!

Roger: You will need a 88.68% on the final to get a B.

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 00:30:39 GMT

my test category is worth, I believe 30%

Roger: Okay. The 5 extra credit test points will boost your grade by 0.3% after everything is done. In order to get an 80% overall, you’d need a 79.7% after the final, so you would need an 118.5% on your final exam to get a B in the class. (You only mentioned your final exam, so I ignored your last test.)

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 00:04:58 GMT

If my final is worth 17.35% of my grade and I plan on getting a 40% on that final and I want to end the course with an 80% what does my current grade need to be at before the final?

Roger: Your grade needs to be at least a 88.4%.

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:59:16 GMT

If I have an Average of 32% on the exam part of my exam grade (non-cumulitive) and an average of 68% of assignment part (cumulative) and my final is worth 50%, what do I need to get for a 60% final grade

Roger: How much are exams worth in comparison to assignments?

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:58:59 GMT

you are the best ever for making this site. thanks

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Leroy Vicks
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:55:32 GMT

Hi Roger could you tell me what i shoul get on my final if I have a 374/444 on my tests ( 45%)
and if I have a 497/422 (40%) on my homework. Thanks!

Roger: I’ll assume that your final is 15%. Your current grade is 100.02%. To get a 90%, you’ll need a 33.3% on the final exam.

jungle boii
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 21:23:04 GMT

hey yo wudup wit it dogg. dis helpin me out so much yo

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:54:25 GMT

Hey Roger
I just wanted to say thank you for making this website i have used it for all of my classes! so helpful! but more over i wanted to say thank you for your comments that you give when you go to give us what we need to get on our exams to get our desired mark. they are so creative and funny! thanks again!!!

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

St. Cats students
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:02:17 GMT

Roger, your note are hilarious. Please keep them.

Roger: Thanks!

Moni Luv
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 18:42:36 GMT

Hello, My writing assignments I got a 90 and it's worth 60% of my grade. Quizzes I got 95 and they are worth 25% of my grade and the final is worth 15% of my final grade. Just say I got a 85 on the final. How does that look on a spreadsheet? What formula should I use?

Roger: Check out this guide to calculating your grades on a spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet should end up like this. And here are the spreadsheet formulas used. Let me know if you don’t understand any part of that.

Grateful Student
Wed, 11 Dec 2013 18:18:45 GMT

You're amazing! Thank you soooo much for this website. If this wasn't here I would have pulled out all my hair by now. You're a hair saver!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 14:23:11 GMT

and this cite is very helpful!

Roger: Thanks!

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