
Page 63 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 63)

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 07:34:04 GMT

Dear Roger,
When do you have time to reply to all these comments?? It's kind of amazing. Thanks for doing this!

Roger: There aren’t actually that many. Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 07:16:27 GMT

I have an 81% in my math class I'm dumb and got a 34/100 on my midterm and a 40/100 on my final. Both my midterm and final are worth 20%. Will I still get a C?
81% with out the midterm and final included .

Roger: 20% each? If They’re 20% each, then your overall grade will be 63.4%. If they’re 20% together, then your overall grade will be 72.2%. And you are not dumb!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 07:06:17 GMT

Commenting to the person who posted bout getting a 79 overall. Getting a 9.2/50 will drop the overl grade of the class dramatically no?

Roger: Not in this case. The final is only 50 points and there are already 475 points in the exams category. The final isn’t actually worth very much at all.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 04:35:26 GMT

Thank you so much Roger! Honestly I use your calculator every year when its time for finals. This really helps and allows me to plan out which exam i need to study for the most. Thank you so much :)!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 03:58:04 GMT

Hey i have a 75 and i want an A how much final do i need if it is worth 35%

Roger: Quite a lot.

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 03:26:02 GMT

I exempted all my exams!! YAY!

Sun, 15 Dec 2013 00:55:35 GMT

I currently have 390/390 points which is 15% of my grade, 10/10 for 10% of my grade, 360/475 for 45% of my grade, and 38/51 for 30% of my grade. The finals is 50 points and it's worth 45% of my grade. What should I get to maintain a 79% overall

Roger: Your current grade is 81.5% and you will need to get at least a 9.2/50 (18.4%) on the final to maintain a 79% overall. (I’m assuming that your Final counts as a test in your 45% test category.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 22:47:59 GMT

Hey roger,

In chem I have
100/100 in homework (16% of my grade)
69.5/78 in Labs (24% of my grade)
170/186 in tests and quizes (40% of my grade)

What do I need to get on my midterm to get a 92.5% in the class? I think the midterm is worth 20% of my grade.

Roger: Your current grade is 92.4%. You will need to get at least a 92.8% on the final to get a 92.5% in the class.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 21:50:49 GMT

I have a 65.7% in my AP European History class right now. For the final we have 3 parts that are each worth 100 points and then a research paper that is 100 points as well. The final goes into the test section that is worth 40% of my grade. In the test section I have a 69.31% and I have taken 13 tests. The research paper goes into a research paper category which is worth 20% of my grade. Currently I have a 70% percent in that category with only one other research paper/ What do I need for each part of the final and for my research paper in order to get at least a 70% percent in the class?

Roger: Unfortunately, because your test average and research paper average are already above your overall grade, you will need to average a 94.3% on the final and the research paper to raise your grade to a 70% overall.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 19:49:53 GMT

So my grade in my world history class is a 75 and I am being considered to go up two extra credit points. And I want at least a 79.5 so my teacher can round up my grade what must I do. O and also I have 3 parts of my test. Let's says I get a C on my first part and two A on the others what would happen, and my final is 20 % worth of my grade

Roger: I’m assuming that 2 extra credit points means 2%. You would need to average a 87.5% on the final to get up to a 77.5% overall (the extra credit would take you to a 79.5% afterward). So it depends on how high and low that C and those A’s are.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 19:03:01 GMT

I need a 103% to get an A in Gov. Fuck

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:38:00 GMT

thanks so much man :D
just wondering what school did ya go to?

Roger: Uhh... University? I attend UC Berkeley right now.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:31:02 GMT

I'm not roger, but for the first one its -72 not 72, so the calculator is working just fine. So you could get a 0% on the first one and still get an A.

Roger: Thanks ;)

Kavi is cool
Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:24:41 GMT

ROGER! I have a math exam Monday, i have a 87.5% in the class, and I need NEED a 89.5 AT THE LEAST as an average, what do I need to get?

Roger: Try using the option that says “my final is counted as a test”. You will need to figure out a few more pieces of information before it can give you an answer though.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:06:57 GMT

OMG! Thank you so much Roger! This is a life-saving website, and I don't even have to stress about finals anymore! Thank you so much!! You are the most Amazing person ever! :)

Roger: Thanks! And you’re welcome!

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 17:05:42 GMT

I think the calculator is not working right. when I put in an 88 average, 80 goal and 5% for final, it comes up with a 72% needed, but when I put in 83 average, 80 goal, and 5% for final it comes up with 23%. Am I doing something wrong?

Roger: Hi Michelle. It actually says “-72%”, which is negative 72%. The negative sign may be a little hard to see, but it’s there. Does that make sense?

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 16:20:53 GMT

Well my AP courses have a higher weight than regular classes and so I was unsure if that had any significance in the calculation. Thanks again!!

Roger: You’re welcome! AP courses should also work on this calculator.

Bob Lee
Sat, 14 Dec 2013 07:05:52 GMT

I was wondering what I would need to get on the finals in order to maintain a 90% overall. I have 60/60 points that are 10% of my grade; 308/350 which are 30% of my grade; 1597.5/1826 that counts as 45% of my grade; and 2541.5/2500 that count as 15% of my grade. The finals are a total of 500 points that are worth 45% of my grade.

Roger: You’ll need at least 385/500 (77%) on those finals to maintain a 90% overall.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 06:48:25 GMT

Wow! Awesome site! Yay for being able to draw flowers...but what about unicorns? I am sensing some discrimination ;)

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 06:42:55 GMT

In English class I have a 95%. I just wrote my third essay which is 50% of the semester work, which is only 80% of the grade, because of the final is the other 20%. I have a 96% in the essay category. I also have 3 Extra Credits point that will be added at the end of the semester. What do i need to get to maintain a 90% on the class?

Roger: I will ignore those 3 extra credit points for now because I don’t know where they would go in your grade (do you have any more information about them?). Based on the other information, it looks like you need a 80.4% average on your 3rd essay and your final exam to get a 90% overall. So depending on how well you did on that 3rd essay, you can figure out what you need on your final. (This is a weighted average -- The 3rd essay is slightly less weighty than the final, but they are comparable.) Do you know what you got on that 3rd essay?

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 04:33:04 GMT

So much of a stress reliever. Getting atleast a 60 on my math final without failing. Hopefully I can do that lol.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 04:19:07 GMT

Fortunately I have final exams that count for 90%!

Roger: How is that fortunate?!

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 03:43:46 GMT

I can get a 50% on my Algebra II final and still get an A. Having a 98% helps a little.

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 03:34:11 GMT

Thank you

Roger: You’re welcome!

Straight A Student
Sat, 14 Dec 2013 01:47:29 GMT

Thanks for making this site. It relived my stress. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 01:35:46 GMT

This really helps me lay out goals

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 00:53:24 GMT

I have a 73.63 in chem right now. my teacher's going to add in the rest of the labs and the last exam. I got a 5 on one (full points) and 6.5/12 on another. She didn't grade the exam yet, but assuming I get between a 50-70% on it, and the final is counted for 20% of my final overall grade, what do i need to score on the final to get at least a 70? is it possible to get at least a 70% overall? please help :(

Roger: Hi Mandy. I can’t give you a straight answer because I don’t have enough information about your class. I need to know 1) how much your exams are worth, 2) how many exams you have taken, 3) your current exam average, 4) how many points you have in your lab category, 5) how much your labs are worth. If I just ignore the labs and exam that you mentioned, it looks like you’d need a 55.5% on the final to get a 70% overall. The actual answer will probably be similar to that.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 22:19:23 GMT

My final is worth 1700 points and we have 4684 points this whole year my grade is a 1006 what do i need to get a 42.2234 on the test

Roger: I don’t quite understand your question. Could you rephrase it?

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:03:18 GMT

thank you so much!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:00:32 GMT

Hey. My current grade in math. Is 51...I had two tests I got 65 and 50... they count for 20%

Roger: What is your question? If we assume that you don’t have a final exam, then those two tests worth 20% would bring your grade to a 52.3%.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:48:48 GMT

Quizzes Subtotal Quizzes 48.0 100 48 F 73
Tests Subtotal Tests 60.2 100 60 D 73
Assign Subtotal Assign 94.6 100 94 A 86
Grading Periods #1Subtotal 64.1 100 64 D 75

okay so here is my averages
and this is what is left to turn in

45/50 homework
40+ extra credit homework assignment
15+ extra credit bathroom passes i didnt use
1 final worth 15%

70% ???

Roger: Like I said last time, I need to know how many points you have in Homework. Since it looks like you took your last test, I don’t need to know how many tests you’ve taken anymore.

hung masta
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:27:42 GMT


Roger: ;)

Ophelia Jane Broughs
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:19:43 GMT

Can we please please please thankyou for your extreme smarts?! You are lovely :)

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Georgia R
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:16:19 GMT

Hi Roger! I love you and your site :D
I have an 88 in my class. My final is worth 20% of my grade, is it possible for me to get an 89.5? I also get 2% extra credit!! Thanks

Roger: Sure it is! If you get 2% extra credit, then you only need to make a 87.5% overall. To do that, you will need at least a 85.5% on the final.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 18:32:54 GMT

Esto está bien que voy a dejar mi examen

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 18:09:02 GMT

Awesome sites man!

Roger: Thanks!

Maddie B
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 18:06:19 GMT

Hey Roger! I have an 87.36 in my class. My final is worth 20% of my grade. I also did 3% worth of extra credit that will be added in after I take the final. Is it possible for me to get an 89.5% in the class?

Roger: Yes. That means that you need at least an 86.5% after the final, so you will need to score at least an 83.1% on the final exam.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 17:58:14 GMT

Hey I have an 87.8 in math and I want at least an 89.5. and there are two parts of the final which is worth 20%. First part is a 1/3 of 20% and second part is 2/3 of 20% what do I need to get or the possibilities that I need to get to get an 89.5

Roger: You need to average a 96.3% on the two parts. You could also get 100% on the first part and 94.5% on the second part, or 100% on the second part and 89% on the first part. Does that give you an idea of what you need to get?

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 17:07:57 GMT

I'm in the seventh grade and have a 60 in science I need at least a 75 in the class and my final is worth 20% of my grade can it happen if I make a ninety on the test?

Roger: No, I don’t think so. Sorry :/

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:45:01 GMT

Roger if my current grade is a 45.7% and my exam counts for 20% of my final grade and i want to get it up to a low 60% and the exam goes up to 100% what do you suggest that i do please help.

Roger: Try talking to the teacher about your circumstances. If you think you deserve a 60%, it’s definitely worth a shot.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:39:51 GMT

Hi again, Roger. My test category is worth 70% of my grade. There are no undetermined categories.

Roger: I still need to know how many tests you have taken. Can you tell me that?

Lauren Nicole
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 14:43:46 GMT


Fri, 13 Dec 2013 09:07:36 GMT

needed a 96.6 on my exam for an A. got a 96.4 FML

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 07:53:59 GMT

So my grade in my world history class is a 75 and I am being considered to go up two extra credit points. And I want at least a 79.5 so my teacher can round up my grade what must I do. O and also I have 3 parts of my test. Let's says I get a C on my first part and two A on the others what would happen

Roger: Well, do you know how much your final is worth?

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 05:15:44 GMT

much useful, very thank

Roger: You’re welcome!

I'm dead
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 03:19:20 GMT

Hi I am dead. my mom did it because I did not pass a stupid web page design elective. HEY Roger your awesome. You were my hero for other classes. WERE 'cuz i am dead and all.

Roger: Sounds like an overreaction to me..

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 03:14:56 GMT

Need at least an 18% for French to maintain an A

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 03:08:36 GMT

I'm totally sunk. There goes passing all my classes with an A. Fuck you, Mr. Wanta.

Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:54:02 GMT

So I guess that I get to draw flowers on my test:D

i love roger
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:51:25 GMT

dude roger your a fricking awesome programmer

Roger: Thanks!

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