
Page 70 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 70)

Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:14:23 GMT

Hey Roger,
I made an Android App out of your website. It has the same function but with no internet access. If you're curious, you can get it here

Ryan Pex
Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:05:19 GMT

Hey so I have a 97% in my Marketing Class. We are taking a 50 point Final and was wondering many I can miss to keep my A. Thanks!

Roger: How many points do you have in the class total?

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 20:16:32 GMT

I have 71% as a grade and i recently just took a test and i got a 67% how low will my grade go

Roger: Could you provide 1) how much your test category is worth, 2) your test average before the 67%, and 3) how many tests you have taken?

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 20:08:01 GMT

Uh i have a 90% in my civics class i just got a 0 on a quiz that I never took my teachers don't care He wouldn't let me take it so Will i maintain a B atleast?

Roger: That depends on how much the quiz was worth.

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:50:29 GMT

My average is a 75 then recently i took a test and got a 60% it counts 40% and another one that i failed with a 35% nd it counts 40% what do i need to get on my final to pass with a 75% it counts at 40% ??

Roger: It sounds like your Test Category counts as 40%. I need to know 1) your current test average, and 2) how many tests you have taken total. Also, please indicate whether your 60% and 35% test grades were counted in your answer for #1.

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:25:43 GMT

Hey! I have a current grade of 92.82% in honors english. My finals have two parts and is worth 15% of my total grade. 35% of the final is an essay and 65% is multiple choice. I want a 90% in the class. Scenario 1: Let's say I get a 75% on the multiple choice. What do I need on the essay to keep an A? Scenario 2: If I get a 75% on the essay, what do I need on the multiple choice? Thanks so much!

Roger: Well, you need to average a 74.02% overall on the final exam. If you get a 75% on the multiple choice, then you would need at least a 72.2% on the essay. If you get a 75% on the essay, then you would need at least a 73.5% on the multiple choice.

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:14:47 GMT

thanks for this calculator! im such a lazy bum that i would never be able to do this math by myself... actually im so lazy that i pulled an all-nighter to study for finals but i ended up doing nothing

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:06:02 GMT

If I have a 92.68 in one quarter and a 91.64 in the other quarter and they both count as 42.5 of my final grade so the final counts as 15 percent, what do I need to get to get a 90% ?

Roger: Your current grade is a 92.16%, and you need at least a 77.76% on the final exam to get a 90% overall.

thankful student
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 03:23:40 GMT

Wow. I won't have a heat attack now

Roger: Did you mean “heart attack”?

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 02:18:53 GMT

Hey Roger. So I have a question about my 2 part final exam. If I have a 90.9% in the class overall, and both these final exams make up 10% of my grade, then what do I need to score on each of these to end up with an overall 90% grade if one of the finals is worth 1% and the other 9%. I can tell you that the 9% part of the final is a multiple choice questionnaire which has 120 questions. The 1% final is an essay out of what I believe to be 10 points. So, based on what each of these are worth, what will I need to score on the essay and questionnaire in terms of each being separate before being calculated and added together to end with a 90% in this class? Also, how many points would I be allowed to miss on the 9% final if I got a 0 on the 1% final? Please answer as soon as you can. Thanks!

Roger: You need to average a 81.9% on the two parts to get a 90% overall. If you get a 0% on the Essay portion, then you would need at least a 91% (110/120) on the multiple choice portion in order to get a 90% overall.

SwagDaddy Jr.
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 00:53:09 GMT

Yo dude thanks for this awesome site. Helped me a ton!!

-SwagDaddy Jr.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Your Name
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 00:41:33 GMT

You should make an app for this!!

There are some similar apps out there, but to you they cannot compare...

Roger: Maybe, one day.

Wed, 15 Jan 2014 00:11:32 GMT

lol how do I pull off a 100% on the honors pre calc final LOL i really need this grade like severly and i will be the happiest girl on earth if this actually happens

Roger: Good luck!

Andrew Meyer
Tue, 14 Jan 2014 22:57:09 GMT

Roger, I have a suggestion to make on your already awesome site. You could possibly add in an extra credit question. I have a possible 15 pts extra credit for physics class so I would like to take that into effect with my exam grade that I calculated on here which is a predicted 92.18%. Thanks for taking the time and creating a very useful site.

Roger: Hi Andrew. Thanks for the suggestion. There actually isn’t enough information in your question to give you an answer. In order to calculate how much extra credit will boost your grade, I need to know how many points total are counted in the extra credit category.

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 22:34:16 GMT

Handy tool man, thanks

Roger: You’re welcome!

lenisa farmer
Tue, 14 Jan 2014 22:16:56 GMT

if i get a 74 on my final exam and its worth 19 points.. how many points will i get towards my final grade?

Roger: Your final exam is worth 19 points? How many points do you have in total?

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:32:57 GMT

hey roger i took some time to stalk your tumblr and you're a pretty cool asian. also this website is handy. stay strong. xoxo. love 4ever.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 15:36:33 GMT

Hey Roger, I haven't been doing so good in my class. I got a 60 1st 9 weeks and a 76 2nd 9 weeks. I just took the final and got a 71.i think the final exam is 20 or 25% of the overall grade. What is my overall grade?

Roger: Your overall grade is either 68.6% or 68.7%, depending on how much your final exam was worth.

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 04:56:37 GMT

hi there! im just wondering, what could be the possible formula of getting my total average grade per quarter. i got 10 subjects to be exact and each of them has the corresponding grade. ex. 90, 92, 92 , 93, 91, 90, 91, 91, 89, 90 .. the first four are my major subjects now im just wondering how did i get up a 92.5 as a total average. can you atleast help me? thanks!

Roger: You’ll have to ask your instructor. As far as I can tell, 92.5% is extraordinarily high for the individual grades that you posted.

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:58:56 GMT

How would I calculate what I need on my midterm? In example, if I had a 92 last quarter(40% of final grade) and a 93 this quarter (40% of final grade) and I want at least a 85 and up. Midterms are worth 20%. What is the formula to find what I need. Sorry if this made no sense, but could you get back to this asap!

Roger: It sounds like you have more than 1 midterm, since you mentioned “Midterms”, but I’ll assume that you only have one. Your current overall grade would be 92.5%, the average of 92% and 93%. You could use the calculator with 92.5% as your overall grade.

Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:38:00 GMT

Dear Roger, my grades are just awful. My cumulative GPA is about a 3.0, I have a 26 on the ACT, and I've gotten into most colleges I want to go to. However this semester (senior year now) I am most likely about to pull out around a 2.3. My question to you is how much will this shit really matter now that I've gotten in where I want to go? Should I even bother studying for these finals?

Roger: If you do too poorly in your senior year, your admission offer may be revoked. Be careful!

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 23:18:08 GMT

ok so, in 1st quarter, it's worth 40% of your grade then 2nd quarter it's 40% of your grade then the final is 20% of your grade.
say i got like a 90% for 1st quarter then an 83% on second quarter, and then i happened to fail my finals with a 50%, what would be my final score for that one class?

Roger: Your overall grade would be a 79.2%.

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 23:03:02 GMT


Roger: Gotcha.

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 23:01:47 GMT

I have a change to the info. The grammar test is actually 10%

Roger: Okay. I assumed so. The calculation should be correct. ;)

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 22:00:23 GMT

Dear Roger,
I take my math final tomorrow, and thanks to your calculator, I need a 75.18% on the final to at least get a 79.5% (a borderline B); however, my main concern is that I'm completely clueless on a lot of the subjects that we've covered. I'm talking Algebra II right now, so I was wondering if you knew any sites that could help me with Logs/e/Growth/Decay/Interest/etc? You'd be helping me a ton if you could link me to some sites!

Sincerely, a girl who is trying to cram last minute!

Roger: It sounds like you’re looking for some material about logarithms and applications of logarithms. Check out these videos about logarithms on Khan Academy. They really nail the most important concepts about logarithms, exponential growth/decay, etc. Compound interest is just a specific application of exponential growth.

Malak Aldasouqi
Mon, 13 Jan 2014 21:35:42 GMT

You are so amazing! Such a smart idea now I don't have to use my brain :)

Roger: Thanks!

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:28:05 GMT

I have a 93% in Spanish and I want to end the class with a 93%. My final has 3 parts and I haven't taken any of them yet. They are all separate grades and all worth 25% of my grade. What would I need to get on them to get a 93% in the class?

Roger: You would need to average a 93% on the three separate parts of your final to get a 93% overall. For example, you could get a little lower than 93% on one part, and a little higher than 93% on another part, and they would average out to a 93% overall. Does that make sense?

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:27:44 GMT

u r da best roger. thanks 4 ur help

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:18:56 GMT

Does this work for nine week grades or just semester? Because I want an A for this nine weeks. It told me that I need an 84%... So is this true or no? My midterm is added into my second nine weeks grade. I have a 92% currently in my Spanish class, had a 94% last nine weeks, and want a 90%.

Roger: Could you tell me exactly how much your midterm is worth? If it is added into the second nine weeks grade, rather than your entire overall grade, then you would need even less than an 84% to get a 90% overall. (I’m assuming that your two nine-week grades are worth the same amount.)

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:23:19 GMT

Well, looks like im getting a B in Physics.....oh well. Neat tool, glad I found out about it! (Time to stop playing & study though.....)

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:59:48 GMT

Great site thanks!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:51:25 GMT

Also, my final is 20% of my semester grade

Roger: I’ll take that into consideration below.

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:47:25 GMT

So, I have got an 80.69% in my first quarter history class and unless something magic happens and it goes up, I have a 79.52% as my second quarter grade. What does that make for an overall grade for the semester? What do I need to get on the final so that I can get an 80%

Roger: You need at least a 79.58% on the final exam to get a 80% overall.

Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:14:57 GMT

what if our 2 quarters are averaged into our grade along with our exam grade, for our final grade?

Roger: If you post more information about your grade, I can try to help you out.

Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:02:07 GMT

Hey Roger! thanks a lot for all the help. Except I have one final question. What should I do if I have crabs that are in my butthole hair?

Roger: Seek medical attention.

Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:21:09 GMT

Thanks a lot Roger, I love this website. Easily in my top 2 for Hubs

Roger: Haha, me too ;)

Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:19:06 GMT

Hey Roger. I have a question about my English class. I have taken a grammar test that was worth 10% of my grade and I got a 96 on it out of 100. I have a 88.14729574 without that in. I have 5 points of extra credit coming in. Without the final and grammar test, I have 766/869 points in my class. My final is worth 20% of my grade. What is my current grade before and after the extra credit? And what do I need to get on my final after the extra credit goes in to get a 90? My teacher rounds 89.5 and up so what about to get an 89.5 also? Thanks Roger.

Roger: You said that your grammar test was worth 10% of your grade, but that sounds a little strange since you mentioned that your current grade is 766/869 (88.15%). I will assume that what you said is correct, nonetheless.

Your overall grade with the grammar test is a 89.13%. With 5 points of extra credit in your 869 point category, your overall grade goes up to a 89.63%. To get a 90% overall, you will need at least a 91.47% on the final exam. To get a 89.5% overall, you will need at least a 88.97% on the final exam.

Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:11:26 GMT

Yes, there are two tests in that category. I also have a final exam the day after this test that is work 10% of my grade.

Roger: To get a 90% overall, you need to average at least a 84.1% on the final exam and the last test.

Sat, 11 Jan 2014 21:51:37 GMT

this doesn't really work for quarter grades for example in my semester 1 class quarter 1's grade is worth 40% and quarter 2 is 40% and the final is 20%

Roger: Do you need help calculating something? I can try to help if you post more information.

Sat, 11 Jan 2014 21:29:55 GMT

Before i had a 92.5 and i wanted at least a 94. In order to get that i had to get a 100 on my final exam. The final is worth 20 percent but when i received my final grade it was only a 93.2!

Sat, 11 Jan 2014 10:44:57 GMT

Great calculator, helped relieve a lot of stress at crunch time, thanks roger :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 10 Jan 2014 21:25:33 GMT

I have a 90.9% in a class and we have a test that is weighted 35%. I have an 86% in that category. What would I need to get to keep my A?

Roger: How many tests have you taken so far? Also, do you have any other assignments left? (Like a final exam?)

Fri, 10 Jan 2014 20:59:53 GMT

Hi Roger,

What would I have to get if I want to keep my grade a 90% if the final is worth 20%?

Roger: Well, that depends on what your current grade is.

No name
Fri, 10 Jan 2014 19:08:53 GMT

This was really helpful and relieves a whole bunch of stress! In most of my classes I don't even have to study! :)

not excited
Fri, 10 Jan 2014 05:54:26 GMT

I need to get 87% on the final to get an B- in chem... which is insane considering my highest test grade all semester has been a C+

Fri, 10 Jan 2014 05:11:52 GMT

lol Rachel you would need to have at least a 110 in the class and the final would have to be only worth around 10% which doesn't make sense for an AP class. Try doing it again I'm pretty sure you made an error somewhere. gl

Fri, 10 Jan 2014 00:57:57 GMT

So I've been freaking out about my Calculus final. I guess if I figured it correctly, I only need to score a -92.2% on it to keep an A. :):):) Thanks for helping relieve the stress!

P.S. I am starting to get into programming and I am just curious. What language did you use to program these calculators?

Roger: You’re welcome! The calculators were made with JavaScript, but I recommend you start with Python instead.

Fri, 10 Jan 2014 00:07:36 GMT

Thanks for making this tool.

Roger: You’re welcome!

lil Ferfer
Thu, 09 Jan 2014 06:07:02 GMT

Im failing Algebra trig with a 59.75% I'm going crazy and i am scared of the final

Nervous Wreck
Thu, 09 Jan 2014 05:26:25 GMT

I need 377% to get a good enough grade. I feel like crying right now.

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