
Page 73 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 73)

Tue, 11 Feb 2014 02:02:53 GMT

I have a 93% my final is worth 20 % what do i need to keep a 93?

Roger: You need a 93% on the final to get a 93% overall.

Rachel Lynn Voigt
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 22:27:53 GMT

to clarify my question below,quizzes and homework are both in the same 15% catagory

Roger: Gotcha.

Rachel Lynn Voigt
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 22:26:29 GMT

Hi, im not wondering about an exam grade here but rather a quiz grade. Quizzes and homework both count for 15% of my grade. Ive gotten a 100 on 7 homework assignments and have a 96% in the class. I was wondering whats the minimum grade i can get on the quiz without my grade changing? thanks n advance

(i know you have a 2+ parts calculator but im confused when it asks "the first part is worth..." because im not sure if i should put 100 pts there -because it was out of 100, or 12.5 -because 100 devided by the 8 total parts would be 12.5 pts a piece)

Roger: It sounds like you have taken 0 quizzes so far. If so, you need a 100% on the quiz in order to prevent your grade from changing at all. In other words, you need to maintain your 100% streak in your Quizzes and Homework category in order to maintain your current overall grade.

Mon, 10 Feb 2014 02:16:53 GMT

So do I need to take subject tests in order to get into Cal Berkeley? I'm in 5 AP classes now and I can take the subject tests, but would rather not if they aren't needed.


Roger: SAT II Subject Tests are fun! In my experience, they are a lot easier than the AP tests as well. They aren’t required anymore, but I suggest you at least try them out.

Sun, 09 Feb 2014 03:38:30 GMT

hi, so two of my courses last semester was a 71% and 75%. I added them together and divided them by 2 and i got 73%. This semester i have 4 courses and i want my overall average to be 82% after adding the 6 courses together and dividing them by 6. What do I have to get in each class this semester ????

Roger: You need to average at least a 86.5% in your four classes this semester.

Sat, 08 Feb 2014 00:39:10 GMT

Hi Roger, so I think I'm failing science right now, but I'd like to at least get a 60% for my term one mark. For my quizzes I got 70%, 75%, 25%, 40%, 50%, 71%, 70%, and 36%. And I got one test so far and I got 48% on it, is there anyway of getting a 60% in this class if there is going to an assignment that is worth 50% of our term 2 grade? Also I think there is one more test coming up.
( sorry it's not a final grade calculation thing) This would help so much :) Thanks!

homework, labs, and assignments = 20%
daily and weekly quizzes = 15%
tests = 65%

Roger: I’ll assume that you have 100% in homework/labs/assignments. If so, you have a 59.4% overall right now. Your next upcoming test will be worth a large percentage of your grade, and if you do well on it, you will be able to raise your overall grade significantly. What do you want to know specifically?

Fri, 07 Feb 2014 02:10:20 GMT

If your wondering how to calculate your final grade on your own...


Multiply your current grade times how much it is worth. So if your final was worth 10% your current grade would be worth 90%. Make sure you do .90 and not 90. So if I had a 92% in the class before by final it would be 92 x .9 = 82.8% This would be my grade if I didn't do the final at all. So to find out what you need to get on the final subtract your grade you want to get from the grade you would get if you got a 0 on the final. So, if I wanted at least a 90% I would need 90-82.8=7.2, so at least a 72% on the final.

Roger: Nice explanation!

Thu, 06 Feb 2014 22:46:35 GMT

Our test and quizzes are 60%of our grade

Roger: Well, you need to raise your Test/Quiz average to a 82.1%. Since you have only taken 12 quizzes/tests so far, I would say you could definitely bring your Test/Quiz average to a 82.1% if you got 100% on your next two quizzes.

Thu, 06 Feb 2014 15:27:25 GMT

I have sat 20% of my course so far and my average is 45%. How much would I require for 60% in my next class test which is worth a further 10% of the course. Thanks Roger

Roger: You need at least a 90% on the next test in order to raise your overall grade to a 60%.

Wed, 05 Feb 2014 23:39:11 GMT

So I am not a terrible student, but I moved from Ohio and the math class here in Cali is quite difficult. I am a sophomore in Algebra 2 ACCELERATED. I got a 69% in it this semester. This grade will remain on my transcript, but I can make it up for a better grade over the summer. Will this ONE D ruin my chances of getting into UCLA OR UC Berkeley? This is my only grade below a B, also I have never gotten a B in an honors/AP/accelerated class.

Roger: I don’t know anything about college admissions. Try asking your counselor instead.

Wed, 05 Feb 2014 20:11:35 GMT

In english I had an average of 79.2%
but i did 2 final exams which were 15% of my final mark
I got 82% in the first exam
I got 83% in the 2nd exam

What is my Final Grade?

Roger: Your final grade is 79.7%.

Northwood High School
Wed, 05 Feb 2014 07:59:12 GMT

On behalf my school I'd like to thank you! everyone has been using this for finals week! thanks roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 05 Feb 2014 02:41:24 GMT

Tests and quizzes: 45% of my grade I have a 65
Projects: 30% of my grade I have 1 101
10% is participation I have a 100
15 % is Homework I have a 100

What is my total grade?

Roger: Your total grade is a 84.55%.

Christian Bryan
Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:46:13 GMT

My teacher said that my final doesn't go into a separate category. It is weighted the same as every category in my class. How do I figure out how much the final is worth and how much I need to get to get the grade I want in the class?

Roger: Do you have a point system? If so, there’s an option on the calculator labeled “My class has a point system” that can help you with that.

Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:04:26 GMT

if my final counts as a test and goes in the test category but the category is tests/quizzes , do I count how many tests and quizzes I had or just tests ?

Roger: The calculation is a bit more complicated if you have both quizzes and tests in the same category, since they’re usually worth different amounts. If you can post more information about your grade here, I’ll try to help out.

Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:47:00 GMT

Thanks for this mate

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:32:56 GMT

I have had 12 quizzes and tests so far, and my test average is 81.8%, I have a 88.1% in the class.
My next quiz is worth 25 pts and the quiz after is worth 20 pts. If I get a 100 % in both quizzes can I bring my grade to an 89%?

Roger: Well, 1) how much are quizzes and tests worth as part of your entire grade, and 2) do you have any undetermined categories like a Final Category?

Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:25:22 GMT

I just thought you should know that you are amazing Roger. (: I love this site and I have actually learned how to do it all on my own calculator. Thanks for everything!

Roger: Haha, congrats. And you’re welcome!

Sun, 02 Feb 2014 21:31:07 GMT

Hey Roger! I'm a freshman in high school and I got two c's my first semester, one for a college class and one for an honor's class. Will that keep me out of the Ivy League's even if I get A's the remaining 7 semesters?

Roger: I would suggest that you ask your counselor instead. I don’t know anything about college admissions.

Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:18:34 GMT

Hey Roger,
I have an 86.68, and my final is worth 150 pts out of 750 pts on the test category that is worth 60%. How much do I need to get on the final to get an 89?

Roger: It depends on your current test average. Can you provide that?

Sun, 02 Feb 2014 06:15:09 GMT

My grade before the exam was 76%. After the exam my grade dropped to 74.4%. The exam is worth 20%. Could you tell me what i got on my final?

Roger: You got a 68.0% on the final.

Sun, 02 Feb 2014 00:58:07 GMT

Look @ my previous comment, the project was worth 30%

Roger: Your overall grade is a 75.8%.

Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:57:50 GMT

Hey Roger, I got a 101 on that project. Before, I had a 65, what do i have now?

Roger: That depends on how much your project was worth.

Random DooD
Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:21:38 GMT

I need a -50% to pass the course.

Great tool roger. Helped a lot. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get a -50 on the exam....

Roger: Thanks, and you’re welcome!

Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:09:04 GMT

Like your work. Oh, and I'm Asian, too. :p
By the way, do you have any tutorials on WebGL? Tried to find some, but couldn't find any...

Roger: I don’t know WebGL, haha.

Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:18:40 GMT

thanks roger I found out ill need an A- to get an A in the class. It must be tough doin what you do so for that, I applaud you my friend, keep it up!

Roger: Thanks!

I love asians
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 20:53:28 GMT

I am Asian

Roger: Nice to know.

Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:59:04 GMT

hi i am really worried for my math exam. i currently have 58% in math but why do i only need 18 percent to pass with 50% it doesnt make sense!

Roger: That sounds about right to me.

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:57:51 GMT

hey roger quick question if you don't mind, I have a 78.82 in science and want an 80 in the class final goes under test category which is 60% and I have a 72.15 in the test category, what do I need on my final to get a B.

Roger: Try using the calculator that is labeled “my final counts as a test”. You will also need to find out how many tests you have taken so far. If you need further assistance, post how many tests you have taken so far, and I’ll try to figure it out.

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 21:20:51 GMT

I earned a 91.5% in Quarter 1 and a 92.7% in Quarter 2. 40 percent of my average is my quarter 1 grade, 40 percent is my quarter 2 grade, and 20 percent is my midyear assessment, on which I earned an 85%. What is my average?

Roger: Your overall grade is a 90.68%.

Sue Perwur Eed
Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:56:12 GMT

Hi! ok so my school has 80% weight on tests and I hav a 65.99 in that. Homework is 10% and i hav a 53% in that. The final is 10%. My overall grade is 64.55%. What do I need in order to remain passing???? Thanks.

Roger: What percent do you need in the class to pass? Your current grade is a 64.55%.

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 19:42:05 GMT

You're all thirsty. Especially Jennifer. But nice website Rog.

Roger: Thanks!

A+ Student
Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:30:13 GMT

YAY thanks...but if you are using this to calculate what you will get on your math final I can only wish you good luck...

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:24:25 GMT

Roger, you are my idol! Thanks so much for this :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 03:08:40 GMT

My entire school uses this site, this is what keeps us sane thanks roger.

Roger: Haha, you’re welcome!

Wed, 29 Jan 2014 02:30:32 GMT

yay i got a B+ this quarter
i got a C- last quarter
:D #miracle

Tue, 28 Jan 2014 20:42:20 GMT

Does this apply to Toronto Catholic District School Board?

Roger: No, the calculator works for every single school district except that one. We singled you guys out, because your name sounds too much like “tornado”, and we don’t want to support the destruction of the homes of hardworking ‘Merican people. Sorry!

Carl Lejarzo
Tue, 28 Jan 2014 20:22:52 GMT

Hi Roger Man i gotta question, so if you get 5% over 20% on your final exam so I still gonna get my score 5 % on my report card because Now I get 55% and will be 60% 55% + 5%=60% that's on my Math?

Roger: If you get 5/20 (25%) on your final exam and your current grade is 55%, then your final grade would go up to a 49%. However, if your current grade were 55/80 (68.75%), then your final grade would be a 60%. Does that clarify things?

Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:08:54 GMT

what does the "your final is worth _____ tests" part mean?

Roger: In some courses, the final test is worth more. For example, if your tests are usually 100 points and your final test is 200 points, then you would put “2” in that spot.

Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:40:14 GMT

i have to get a -6 to pass hell yea no studying for me =) thanks for the site roger =)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:31:05 GMT

I just had my final. My course grade is 72.3% right now, and the final is worth 20%. I'm not quite sure what I got on the whole test but I think part 1 I got 65/100 and part two I got maybe 60/90. What would be my overall course grade now? Would would I have needed to get to pass with a 73%?

One more thing, in another class, I'm getting 76% and my finals just happened. What do I need to get on my final which is worth 20% to ensure that I don't go lower than a 73%?

What do you think of those grades? They are just my sophomore year grades, and I want to become a lawyer, but I will for sure get them higher.

Roger: You would have needed a 75.8% on the final to get a 73% overall. You got a 65.8%, which would make your overall course grade a 71.0%. For your other class, you would have needed at least a 61% on the final to get a 73% overall.

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:23:33 GMT

hey roger discount double check

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:24:32 GMT

I need 40% more 2 pass. I really love this site thanks 4 ur help i appreciate it. haha i have no worries now im completely sure ive passed.

thanks :) :) :) :)

Roger: Congrats!

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 18:29:52 GMT

I'm interested in UCLA or UC Irvine. I want to be mostly in the LA region.

Roger: I’m not an expert on college admissions, but most colleges consider applicants holistically. How do your other qualities match up against typical UCLA and UCI admits?

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:31:38 GMT

@Zehra 102% on your final

@Alex 83% on your final

Roger: Thanks!

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:09:13 GMT

Hey Roger
Um My current Average is 86% and I really need a 90% for math 10 IB my final is worth 25% and itgrade shouldYus tomorrow what grade should I get to pass with a 90%, Please tell me its possible

Roger: You need at least a 102% on your final to get a 90% overall.

Alex M.
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 02:16:20 GMT

Roger, I have an 83 in my English class, and I want to hold my mark. My exam is worth 15% what is the lowest I can get on my exam to keep my average?

Roger: To get at least a 83% overall, you need an 83% on the exam. To get at least a 80% overall, you need a 63% on the exam.

Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:19:12 GMT

what does the weight factor mean ?
for example if the weight factor is 3.8
and i get 100% on the assignment does my mark go up by 3.8 % ?

Roger: A weight factor can tell you how many points an assignment is worth. However, you also need to know how many total points you have in the class. For example, if you have a 80/90 in the class and you have a 5 point assignment with a weight factor of 2, then it would be worth 10% of your grade.

Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:46:19 GMT

Hey Roger!
How hard is it to get into Cal Berkeley? I have a weighted 4.23 and unweighted 4.0. I'm a junior and Cal is my dream school.

Roger: Glad to hear that you want to come to Cal! Have you tried my UC Freshmen Admissions Calculator?

Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:21:06 GMT

Hey Roger, currently I have a 54 in history, and I want to at least pass this class. The final is worth 20% of our final mark, and the passing mark is 50. What do I need to get to pass this class?

Roger: You need at least a 34% on your final to pass the class.

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