
Page 75 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 75)

Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:49:02 GMT

My current grade in world history is an 88. Ive taken two tests in my world history class that are worth 20% of my grade. On the first I got a 77, and on the second I got an 81. If i got a 60 on the next test what would my grade be? What would my grade be if i got an 80? I hate to add to this list of questions but i cant figure out how to calculate this myself :(

Roger: No problem! It sounds like you have a homework or a classwork category that you forgot to mention. I’ll assume that you have 100% in a homework/classwork category that is worth 30%, since in that case, you would have a 88% overall grade like you said. Let me know if that’s wrong.

If you got a 60% on the next test, your overall grade would be 81.7%. If you got a 80%, your overall grade would be 86.22%.

Tue, 08 Apr 2014 19:49:42 GMT

Hi roger
I got an 93.33 % on test 1, a 97.5 % on test 2, and an 80 % on test 3, I still need to take test 4. All four Test are worth 55% of the grade together. separately they are worth about 13%. Hw is worth 10% and I have a 95% in that. I wanted to know whats the lowest grades I can get on the final (worth 35% of the grade) and on test 4 to be able to get at least a 90% in the class. I currently have a 90.23% in the class.

Roger: You need to average at least a 88.7% on the remaining test and the final in order to get a 90% overall.

Princess Diana
Tue, 08 Apr 2014 15:44:00 GMT

Hello! :)

So my course has 4 tests, each worth 25%. I got 49.81% on one, and 73.17% on another. What do I need to get on the other two tests in order to obtain at least a 70% as my final grade? How do you calculate this? I have done it so many times and can never remember.

Thank you!! I hope you can answer asap!

Roger: Hi there. You can calculate this by doing (70% - 25% × 49.81% - 25% × 73.17%) / 50%. You use 50% at the end because 100% - 25% - 25% = 50%. You will get 78.51% as your answer, which means that you need to average a 78.51% on the remaining tests to get a 70% average.

Mon, 07 Apr 2014 19:44:05 GMT

Hi I was wondering I have a A in my college algebra course on a scale of homework worth 25% test worth 30% and final is worth 45% so if I have all 100s on test and homework and final is worth 45% what grade do I need on the final in order to pass the class....thank you

Roger: What percent do you need overall to pass the class?

Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:25:26 GMT

I have a 98.9 in Calc BC and I want to know how bad I can do on the final, worth 20%, to pass with a 92.5.

Roger: You need at least a 66.9% on the final to get a 92.5% overall.

Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:23:28 GMT

I had a 95% in my class but after scoring a 67% on my test what is my current grade?
Test are 50% of my grade

Roger: That depends on 1) how many tests you’ve taken so far, and 2) your current test average.

Mon, 07 Apr 2014 08:50:10 GMT

Your grade for this course will consist of:

Assignment #1: Book Review 20%
Assignment #2: Comparison 10%
Assignment #3: Review of Critical Scholarship 10%
Assignment #4: Evaluation 40%
Reading 10%
Reflection Assignments 10%
TOTAL 100%

100% for Readings
97.2% for Reflections
95% for Assignment #1
89% for Assignment #2&3
__% for Assignment #4
What do I need to get on Assignment #4 to get at least a 80% in this class?

Roger: You’ll need at least a 58.7% on assignment 4 to get a 80% overall.

Sun, 06 Apr 2014 04:30:54 GMT

Next we put the 4 acids( that we identified in step 5) into those wells. Put in the acids vertically. Write down which number the acids are when putting in the acids. Put about 3-4 drops of the acids into each individual column.
Row that makes no reaction with the columned acids will be Potassium Nitrate, this won’t react with anything.
The reaction with silver nitrate(that we’ve already identified), will be ammonium chloride. That leaves one row left, which is barium nitrate.
The 1 reaction that reacts with barium nitrate will be sulfuric acid; only Sulfuric acid will react with Barium nitrate. Just to confirm this, react barium nitrate and the already identified sodium hydroxide. This will create a moderately insoluble precipitate. Use about 5 drops of each solution, (it is moderately soluble), and drop them into 1 hole.
So in this test, found reactants are: barium+potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, sulfuric acids.
not identified is Acetic acid and Nitric acid.
6’s Well dish is rinsed out to reset it for next test.

Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:15:46 GMT

Hi Roger!
Sorry for the late reponse. I'm interested in pursuing Business /Communications. I'm interested in Uof Minnesota (Carlson School of Management), U of Wisconsin Madison, U of C Berkeley, and Drake University. Any idea of what I can do to help my gpa or other tips for gettig into a good school for business?
Thanks so much! :)

Roger: Hi Alisha. I’m not a college admissions expert, so I’m not sure what to tell you. Good luck though!

akhila thota
Fri, 04 Apr 2014 06:47:29 GMT

Hi i would like know my grade

assignments - 25% i have -80,100,75,86,80,75

Exams-2-50% but as of now i have done one exam and i got 60

Project -2 - 25 one project done so far - i got 80

Can also tel me how did u calculate ?

Roger: Your grade is a 70.7%. You can calculate it yourself by computing (0.8 + 1 + 0.75 + 0.86 + 0.8 + 0.75) / 6 × 0.25 + 0.6 × 0.5 + 0.8 × 0.25.

Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:13:55 GMT

Thank you so much for everything you helped achieve my school goals I love this website ❤️

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:35:46 GMT

Hi there,
So far in math I have two tests in,
12/24 and 10/25
The remaining quiz, three part final, and final project are worth about 60% of the grade, with homework not factored in. I am allowed to drop one quiz, so what would I need to average on the remaining tests/projects to obtain a 75 in the class?
Homework is not part of the grade. Thanks!

Roger: Well, your current grade is a 44.9%. Can you figure out the rest?

Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:52:26 GMT

My first grade was a 101% so that was my average because we only had one test and then on the next test j got a 70% and I need to know if I got a good grade or I am in big trouble

Roger: Well, let’s assume that your two tests are worth the same. Then, your average would be a 85.5%.

Wed, 02 Apr 2014 10:23:07 GMT


I got 4.5 out of 10 today - and the test worth 20%
My next test worth 30% - i need have a total raw score of 50% from both tests to much do i need for my next test to pass?
can you please scared im going to fail this subject

Roger: Hi there. You will need to score at least 53% on your next test in order to get a 50% average over both tests.

Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:52:53 GMT

Posted Mar 30th at 5:37PM
Ok so, here

Quiz 1: 100%
2: 84.38%
3: 90%
4: 76.19%
5: 56.25%
6: 73.33%
7: 80.12%
8: 58.33%
9: 83.33%
10: 72.92%
Midterm : 42.71%
Each quiz is worth 20 points. There are 15 quizzes. The two quizzes with the lowest scores will be dropped. There are 260 points from quizzes. There are two tests midterm and final. Each is worth 100 points. An email assignment is 5 points. Total of 465 points by the end of the semester.

My current grade is a 67.8%. How can i get my grade up to a 70%? And how can i get my grade to an 80% at the end of the semester in May?

Roger: If you average a 73.5% on the remaining quizzes, the final, and the email assignment, you can get a 70% overall. If you average a 96.2% on the remaining quizzes, the final, and the email assignment, you can get a 80% overall. Does that give you a good idea of where you’re at?

Ok so, i took quiz 10 again and got a 95%. I took quiz 11 and got a 92.59%.
My grade is now a 70.3%. I got the 5 points on the email assaingment. What do i need to score on remaining quizzes for a 80% and final?

Roger: So your quiz 10 grade went up from a 72.92% to a 95%? Okay, so you will need to average a 94.1% on the remaining 2 quizzes and final to get a 80% overall. To get a 70% overall, you will need to average a 68.2% on the remaining 2 quizzes and final.

Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:55:53 GMT

Hello, these are my current grades.
# Code Description Type Grade % Weight
3 QUIZ Quiz 2 QUIZ 76.000000 2%
5 QUIZ Quiz 3 QUIZ 95.000000 2%
7 QUIZ Quiz 4 QUIZ 99.000000 2%
8 FINAL Final FINAL not posted 35%
1 QUIZ Quiz 1 QUIZ 84.000000 2%
2 EXAM Test 1 EXAM 75.000000 18%
4 EXAM Test 2 EXAM 62.000000 18%
6 EXAM Test 3 EXAM 72.500000 18%

What do I need to make on the final in order to pass the class with a 75 %? Thanks

Roger: Your weights don’t add up to 100%, so I will scale them up a little in order to make the numbers fit. You will need at least a 80.14% on the final exam to get a 75% overall. Your current grade is a 72.09%.

Paul Rudd
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:44:59 GMT

My calculus class consists of a 15% exam, a 30% midterm, a 15% exam, and a final exam worth 40%.

I got a 65% on one 15% exam. I got a 36% on the 30% midterm. I have yet to do the 15% weighted and 45% weighted exams.

I need to get a at least a 60% in the course, so what are the grades needed for the upcoming 2 exams?

Roger: You need to average a 71.7% on the remaining exams to get a 60% overall.

Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:14:52 GMT

I have a 71.4% I still have some grades/tests not taken or included yet but wanted to see what I would need on them to get a passing grade of 75%. I still have an exam worth 14% of my grade and a final exam worth 28% of my grade- also not included are two paper assignments 5% and 10%. A min passing grade is a C which is a 75%.

Roger: So, it looks like you have 57% of your grade that you haven’t taken yet. If so, you will need at least a 77.7% average on the remaining assignments to get a 75% overall.

Mad Hubby
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 03:12:18 GMT

My wife has a 62.2% in her class. she has 2 more quizzes that are 20% of her grade and a final that is 30% of her grade. what does she need on her quizzes and final to get a 75%

Roger: She needs to average a 87.8% on her 2 quizzes and her final to get a 75% overall.

Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:22:50 GMT

Hi Roger. My grade in my AP Human Geo class is a 75%. The tests are weighted 40%, quizzes are weighted 30% and map exams are weighted 10%. My percentage in the test category is 55.67%. If I get 100% on the next test, what would my grade be after. Oh and my quiz category is a 93.32% and my map exams category is a 96.21%. What would my grade be if I get a 100% on a test. What would my grade be? Thanks Roger!

Roger: It looks like your final category is worth 20% right? I also need to know how many tests you’ve taken so far. Could you provide that?

Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:37:38 GMT

Ok so, here

Quiz 1: 100%
2: 84.38%
3: 90%
4: 76.19%
5: 56.25%
6: 73.33%
7: 80.12%
8: 58.33%
9: 83.33%
10: 72.92%
Midterm : 42.71%
Each quiz is worth 20 points. There are 15 quizzes. The two quizzes with the lowest scores will be dropped. There are 260 points from quizzes. There are two tests midterm and final. Each is worth 100 points. An email assignment is 5 points. Total of 465 points by the end of the semester.

My current grade is a 67.8%. How can i get my grade up to a 70%? And how can i get my grade to an 80% at the end of the semester in May?

Roger: If you average a 73.5% on the remaining quizzes, the final, and the email assignment, you can get a 70% overall. If you average a 96.2% on the remaining quizzes, the final, and the email assignment, you can get a 80% overall. Does that give you a good idea of where you’re at?

Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:38:28 GMT

Wow, love this site, thanks SO much!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:18:40 GMT

Hi Roger!

First of all amazing website! I can't get enough of it! Currently I am very stressed about my math grade. I have a 59 thus far. I have 2 tests left, 1 quiz a final and a performance final. The tests are 45% percent and I taken 4 already.



Classroom(5% of grade)


Performance final(5%)

My question is what do i need to get on the remaining 2 tests, 1 quiz final and perfomace final to get a 80 at least in the class?? Thanks so much! Please please please help me!

Roger: Hi Selena. You need to get at least a 96.8% average on the remaining 2 tests, quiz, final, and performance final to get a 80% overall. You can average a 86% and get a 75% overall, or you can average a 75% and get a 70% overall. Does that clarify things?

Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:40:26 GMT

This website is my life-savor. Can't thank you enough!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:02:45 GMT


Roger: I’ll assume that you meant your midterm was part of your Lecture category, not Lab. If so, your current grade is a 69.0%.

Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:18:10 GMT

Hi! This question has nothing to do with finals, but I had a question and didn't know how else to contact you.
I am a sophomore in high school, and right now my gpa is 3.866. My school has an unweighted system. I have taken two trimesters of apush and got b+ both times. Is there any way I can raise my gpa? I would love to get it up to a 3.9 at least. Ever higher would be amazing!! What grades do I need to get in the remainder of time in high school? What is the highest possible gpa I can get? I want to get into a selective college. Do I still have a chance?

Roger: I’m not an expert on college admissions, but of course you have a chance! You still have many semesters to go before you need to start college applications. Where do you want to go?

Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:10:30 GMT

Hello Roger

So far I've had 3 tests and 8 assignments....

- On the tests, I've scored: 88%, 92%, 88%
- On all 8 assignments: 10/10

Each test is worth 20%. Assignments are worth 20% altogether.
What is my final grade as of now???

Roger: Your current grade is a 92%.

Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:47:04 GMT

This site has gotten me through the three years of my Nursing program. Thank you for it's existence!

Roger: You’re welcome!

sam joyner
Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:22:29 GMT

i am so glad. i need this for my mp3 i love this site

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:41:10 GMT

Wow! thanks so much for providing this. It really takes the stress off when you realize you can get an F on the final and still have and A in the class. It also helps so much to know what class to focus on studying for when you know what you need on each final. Thanks!

Roger: You’re welcome! Good luck!

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:54:12 GMT

I have 4 terms each worth 20% and a final exam worth 20% I have 58 % for term 1 and 2 what do I need for term 3 and 4 and on exam to get 73% overall

Roger: You need to average a 83% on term 3 and 4 and on the exam to get a 73% overall.

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:48:01 GMT

Okay so I cant provide any of that information because the student grade book doesnt provide that but now I know that we have one more test and you can either get a 100,92,83,76 if I were to get a 92 or 100 will I have an 85 in the class my current grade is 83.46

Roger: I can’t give you a definite answer, but it sounds like you might be able to bring your grade up to a 83.46% if you get high enough on your last test, assuming you have a fairly low current test average and low enough number of existing test grades.

Wed, 26 Mar 2014 00:39:19 GMT

Hi, I need your help. I have a 78.7% in my class, and there is a test coming up that is 30 pts. And worth 70% of my grade. Lets say i got at least a A on the test, what would my grade be then. Thank you, and by the way I love this website. You always give people advice and suggestions. Ok thanks.!

Roger: How many points do you have in your Test category already? And what is your Test average?

Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:06:40 GMT

You are such a life saver! This completely relieves me to see that I dont have to ace my final to get what I need!

Thanks :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:23:52 GMT

Hey, first off - this site is a life saver! Thanks Roger! Except I have a (hopefully) quick question that my math skills are not quite up to. Say I currently have a 77.9% average in my class and I need an average of at least 84% I have two tests left, one worth 10% of my grade and the other worth 25%. What grades would I need to get on each to reach a 84% average?

Thanks a bunch!

Roger: You’re welcome! You will need to average a 95.3% on the remaining two tests to get a 84% overall.

Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:11:31 GMT

Roger, I got a 64% on my first test worth 15% of my final grade and a 56% on my second test worth 20% of my final grade if my lab component is worth 30% of my final grade and my final exam is worth 35% of my final grade then what do you think I need on both of these in order to receive a 70 plus mark in the class, or is it even possible?

Roger: You need to average a 75.7% on the lab component and the final exam to get a 70% overall.

Tue, 25 Mar 2014 04:27:17 GMT

Roger, you are amazing this calculator really helps out, just wanted to thank you for doing this and to ask you if when the tests are worth 50% of the grade and we only take 2 tests in the term then each one counts as 25%?

Roger: You’re welcome! And to your question, yes.

Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:58:20 GMT


My chem class is based off of points

Final Grade: Based on 750 points:
Hour exams 3 @ 100 points each
Final exam 200 points
Homework 100 points
Lab 100 points
Clicker quizzes 50 points

Exam 1 - 38%
Exam 2- 79%


could you help me calculate my grade/ is it possible to make a B?

Thank you

Roger: Your current grade is 72.3%. You need to average a 85.1% on the remaining assignments to get a 80% overall.

Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:15:06 GMT

Okay, me again. So, i got a 43% on my midterm and then after taking quiz 9 my grade is a 68.7%. Each quiz is worth 20 points. What do i need to get on quiz 10 to have a 70%. And theres 15 quizzes in total i've taken 9. What grade do i need to get on these quizzes to reach an 80%?. I had an 80 b4 but one quiz brought me down to a 77 and the midterm brought me to where i am now.
Thanks Again.

Roger: Okay, let’s assume that your quizzes are worth 20% of your current grade and your average in quizzes is a 70%. To get a 70% by the next quiz, you would need a 135% on quiz 10. To get a 80% after all of the quizzes, you would need a 211.25% on the remaining 6 quizzes. Does that help?

Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:34:48 GMT

I have 87.3 percent and there is a quiz that is 6 points, if i get 6/6 on my quiz and it is 65% of my grade can u tell me what is my total grade

Roger: How many quizzes have you taken so far? How much are they worth in total? And what is your current quiz average? Also, do you have any undetermined categories such as a final exam category?

Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:12:48 GMT

Yes! Thank you so much!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:57:21 GMT

I have 91.7 in my history class. I have 2 projects and 1 unit test is coming up. 1 project is 40 points and 2nd project is 50 points. They both are worth 25% of my grade, the test is also 50 points and worth 25% of my grade. Can u please tell me if i get 40/40 on my first project and 50/50 on second project and 35/50 on the test, can u please tell what is my overall grade is going to be?

Roger: There’s not enough information for me to give you a useful answer. I would suggest asking your teacher directly.

Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:58:08 GMT

Okay I currently have an 83.06 and I need at least an 85 to get a b I current have one exit ticket that I got a 100 on but its not in the grade book (exit tickets are 25% of the overall grade) what will I have when she adds that grade? what will I have if I get 100 on every exit ticket following? (the quarter ends in a week)

Roger: Can you tell me 1) how many exit tickets you have taken so far, and 2) what your current exit ticket average is, and 3) how many exit tickets you have left?

Alejandro Dominguez
Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:08:43 GMT

Thanks Roger you have been great

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 20 Mar 2014 02:49:08 GMT

Hey! Thank you so Much for providing this! Mid-Terms were this week and I needed to see how bad I could do on the test to still pass the class! haha! but you were there! Thanks!!!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:11:18 GMT

Hi again! My current test average is a 49.50%

Roger: To bring your grade up to a 70% with just 1 test, you need a 111% on that next test. To do it using 2 tests, you need to average a 90.5% on the two tests. Does that help?

Wed, 19 Mar 2014 01:44:14 GMT

Hello, so I have been stressed out lately, so if you could get back to me soon the would be good. So I had a quiz that was 36 points and I'm not sure how well I did. My current grade is a 68% and failing is 59 or lower. I'm scared I'm going to fail the class, what do you think? Should I be fine?

Roger: I don’t think that a single quiz will bring your grade down that much.

Nicholas V
Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:55:21 GMT

Hey Roger. I have an 81.14 in Math and my final will be going under the Tests section. I currently have a 77% test average. What is the lowest grade i can get to keep an 80.

Roger: How much is your final worth? And how much is your test category worth? And how many tests have you taken already?

Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:05:31 GMT

I have 86.5 in my Statistics class, i have 1 quiz and 1 test. The project is formative and test is summative, formative is 40% of my grade and summative is 50% of my grade. In order to get 89.5 percent what grade should i get on both to get an A?

Roger: It depends on how much the quiz/project/test/etc is worth.

Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:55:54 GMT

i have 89 percent in Algebra and what grade do i need to get an A in the class (89.5 or above). The tests are worth 25% of my grade. Could u please tell me what do i need to get on test to get an A?

Roger: It depends on your test average and how many tests you’ve taken. (By the way, the calculator can do this for you.)

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