
Page 76 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 76)

Thu, 01 May 2014 13:11:23 GMT

I need help!!! I have a 75% right now in my class. I would like to know what I need to get on my final exam to raise my grade to the minimum of 80% for a B. My exam is next week so I'm hope to get a response ASAP.

This is my professors break down...
4 tests (each worth 15%) equals 60% of your grade
20% from Participation
20% for Chapter Quizzes

My fourth test is my final so it'll be the one that's worth the last 15%
I have received 20% for participation and 20% for my chapter quizzes, so those are taken care of. I'm fine in those categories. It's just my final I'm worried about. If you could let me know what percentage that would be wonderful!

Thank you and very grateful for your help.

Roger: Hi Jennifer. You will need to get 100.0% on your final test in order to raise your grade to a 80% overall. Good luck!

Thu, 01 May 2014 13:08:36 GMT

My current GPA is 3.6981. My school calculates GPA like this: Concordia.
Grade Percentage Letter Grade Grade Points for GPA
93-100 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
63-66 D 1.0
60-62 D- 0.7
Below 60 F 0

And everything is unweighted no matter if you take AP classes or honors classes. If I get all A's though the second semester of this year, what will my GPA be?
And also, if I get 1 A-, what will my GPA be? 2 A-? 1 B+?

Right now I'm a sophomore still, If I manage to get all A's in junior, and senior year what will my GPA be in the end?

If I get all A's through junior year what will my GPA be? And all A's through 1st semester of senior year(for early decision applications)?

My aim is for a 3.85 end of junior year, or 1st semester senior year end is that possible? Is a 3.9 possible?

Sorry for the long rant! I just want to see what grades I need to get to reach my goal. Thanks!

Roger: Hi Vicky. I need to know how many classes you’ve taken so far as well as how many classes you’re planning to take for every semester of your high school career. I suggest you ask your counselor as well, if you want more personalized answers about grades and stuff.

Thu, 01 May 2014 04:45:03 GMT

Roger, My test average is 76% for three tests. We have one more test to go. The tests in total are worth 60% of the grade. My current grade in the class is 79.6% What score do I need on the final test to get at least a 76 in the class?

Roger: You will need to keep your test average at least a 70%. To do that, you’ll need to get at least a 52% on your last test, assuming that each test has the same weight.

Wed, 30 Apr 2014 23:46:55 GMT

I have an online class, and it has 3 sections. My labs are worth 25% of my final grade I have a 58.4 in that section. I have 90s in the other 2 sections. what will my grade be if I stay with a 58.4 in my lab section?

Roger: I’ll assume that you have exactly 90% in your other two sections. If so, then your overall grade will be 82.1%.

College student
Wed, 30 Apr 2014 23:44:46 GMT

Hi I need a A- at least

evaluation is

assignments 30% (150 points)
weekly discussions 30% (396 points)
unit exams 40% (483 points)

I have gotten all A's on my Assignments and weekly discussions

my Exams are


/85 (last exam)

What do I need to get on this last exam to get an A- or higher

Roger: I’ll assume that you got 100% in assignments and weekly discussions, since you said you got all of them. You’ll need at least a 14/85 (16.5%) on your last exam to get a 90% overall. Your current grade is a 95%.

Wed, 30 Apr 2014 23:26:40 GMT

I need to know what is the minumum grade i can make on my next test and final to pass

a. Six Unit Tests: 72% of Grade
b. Observational Experience: 3% of Grade
c. One Final Exam: 25% of Grade

i have taken 5 unit test with grades of 83, 79, 70, 84.5, 66.5
on the observational experience i got a 90.5
I need to know what i need to make on the last unit test and final to come out with a grade of 77.5

Roger: Hi Jasmine. You’ll need to average at least a 77.9% on your last unit test and the final exam to get a 77.5% overall.

John Chung
Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:43:53 GMT

Help me please! I have 70% in class and need a 80% overall. There are 2 test left. First test is 15% of grade and the second is 30%. What would I need to in both tests to get an 80%?

I still have a few more hw left to I can try to get my grade up asap as well..

Roger: You’ll need to average a 92.2% on your remaining two tests to get an 80% overall.

For Emma
Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:36:27 GMT

Emma, you need at least a 61 on both tests (60.75 to be exact) to keep a 65

Wed, 30 Apr 2014 04:44:17 GMT

Total Points: 550
homework, 50 points
50/50 points
Five exams, 100 points each (each is 18% of my grade)
exam 1: 70%
exam 2: 65%
exam 3: 51%
exam 4: tomorrow!
exam 5: next week!

what average score do I need to get on my next two exams to get at least a 65%? (math is obviously not my strongest subject...)

Roger: You’ll need to average a 60.75% on your next two exams to get a 65% overall.

Wed, 30 Apr 2014 00:43:01 GMT

Dear Roger,
I have a 80 in my chem class.
I got a 50%, 92%, 82%, and a 64% on my tests. (Tests are worth 40% of my grade and classwork is 35%, HW is 15%, and the final is 10%.)
I have a 40 point, 70 point, and 30 point test left.
If i get 100 on the other categories, what do I need to get on the the next tests to get at least a 90?

Roger: That depends on how many points your previous tests were worth.

I got a 30/60, 69/75, and 57.5/70 on the three past tests.

Roger: It sounds like you currently have a 80/90 in your chem class, not an 80%. (Let me know if that sounds wrong.) Also, you didn’t mention if you wanted me to take your final into consideration, so I will ignore it now and assume that you want an overall grade of 81/90 (90%). If so, you’ll need to average at least a 79.19% on your next 3 tests to get a 90% before the final.

Um I know that I have an 80. I asked my teacher and she said I would have to get an 85 on the next tests. I have a notebook grade that I think is the equivalent to 3 test grades, that will theoretically could bring my grade up 4%.

Roger: You misunderstood what I meant. Your current grade seems to be a 81/90, which is a 90%, not an 80%. You started off your original question with “I have a 80 in my chem class”, which I assume you meant as 80%. Also, did you have another question?

J Winchester
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:33:29 GMT

Hi I currently have a 93 in world studies. I didn't turn in a project that is worth 40% of my grade. I only have 4 projects done. I got a 100% on all 4. What will my grade be once the 0 project is in? Thank you in advance! :)

Roger: I’ll assume that you meant your Project Category was worth 40%, not that single project. If so, your grade will drop to a 85%.

Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:40:25 GMT

I have a 73% in math. Got a 38% on a test which is worth 60% of my whole grade, along with a 20% on a quiz that is worth 10% of my grade. My question is, what is my current grade in the course?

Roger: Did you mean that your Test category is worth 60% of your grade, not your single test? I’ll assume not, since you didn’t say so. I’ll also assume that you have no other undecided categories (like another Final Exam category). If so, your current grade would be a 46.7%. Let me know if any of my assumptions were wrong.

Mon, 28 Apr 2014 04:03:54 GMT

Is 660 a good us history sat subject test score?

Roger: It’s better than a 650!

Stealthly Ninja
Mon, 28 Apr 2014 03:19:30 GMT

Site says I need a 150% on my final exam.

Well that sucks..

Roger: Good luck!

Sun, 27 Apr 2014 22:26:00 GMT

i have a 89.91% in my class now i got a 0% on my final project and its worth 15% whats my score

Roger: Assuming you don’t have any other undecided categories (like a Final Exam category), your overall grade would be a 76.4%.

Sun, 27 Apr 2014 08:19:33 GMT

Ok so, here

Quiz 1: 100%
2: 84.38%
3: 90%
4: 76.19%
5: 56.25%
6: 73.33%
7: 80.12%
8: 58.33%
9: 83.33%
10: 95%
11: 92.59%
13: 100%
Midterm : 42.71%
Each quiz is worth 20 points. There are 15 quizzes. The two quizzes with the lowest scores will be dropped. There are 260 points from quizzes. There are two tests midterm and final. Each is worth 100 points. An email assignment is 5 points. Total of 465 points by the end of the semester.

My current grade is a 72.3%. The final is worth 100 points. Assuming that i get the 100% on the last two quizzes, the 5 points from the email assignment and my scores for quiz 5 and 8 are dropped. What do i need to get on the final to average an 80%?

Roger: You’ll need at least a 89.3% on your final exam to get an 80% overall.

Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:52:30 GMT

I have a 50% in the class and one test left. My final exam is worth 20% of my grade what do I need to score for the test and final exam?

Roger: I need some more information: 1) What grade are you aiming to get? 2) How much is your test category worth? 3) Are all of your tests worth the same? 4a) And if so, then how many tests have you taken? 4b) If not, how many points do you have in your test category, and how many points is the next test worth?.

Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:26:33 GMT

Dear Roger,
I missed an assignment that was worth 20% of my grade. I have a 96.62 right now, if I get a 0 for the assignment what will my grade be?

Roger: Assuming that you have no undetermined categories in your grade (like a Final Category), your grade will be a 77.3%.

Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:27:09 GMT

Thank you so much!! you're awesome :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 25 Apr 2014 18:11:21 GMT

current grade: 88.00%, worth 77% of overall grade
assume 100% in notes category, worth 5% of overall grade
final is 18%, what do I need on the final for 90.0%? (Final is out of 60 questions)

Roger: You will need at least a 95.8% on your final exam (57.5/60) to get a 90% overall.

Fri, 25 Apr 2014 14:44:38 GMT

My overall percentage in class is 63%. I have taken five tests and have scored: 50%, 69%, 69%, 31%, and 80%. Classwork count for 15% and tests and exams count for 85% of my grade. I have one more test and then my final. What will I need to score on the last test and then the final in order to get and overall percentage of 75%?

Roger: It looks like your current classwork average is a 81%. To get a 75% overall, you will need to bring your test average up to a 74%. To do so, you need to average at least a 109.5% on your next test and final, assuming that each of your tests is worth the same amount as the final.

S. Smith
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:18:17 GMT

4 Exams @ 100 points apiece 400
MyMathLabs Homework 200
Final Exam 200
Total Points Possible 800

Roger here is how it is in our syllabus, I have a test today and then i will have my final. My current grade is 82.5 overall as of now. I have and 87.9 average on homework and 77.6 average on the first 3 tests.
Thank u.

Roger: I don’t know what your question is..

Fri, 25 Apr 2014 03:23:16 GMT

Dear Roger,
I have a class and it has a two part final. I have a 81 in this class and I want to get a 90. On the first part I got a 95 and I have no idea what to get on the second part. Both parts of the final are worth 15% each. Will I get a 90 average

Roger: You will need at least a 127% on the second part of your final to get a 90% overall.

Aishat T Oki
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 02:33:27 GMT

So far, i have 86.71% in the class which 737 out 850. The total points is 1000 or 100%
weekly assignments 75/ 90 or 83.33%. this is 9% of my final grade.
weekly research 137/170 or 80.59% this is 17 % of my final grade.
discussions 110/120 0r 91.67% this is 12% of my final grade
portfolio 50/50 0r 100% this is 5% of my final grade
in class participation 210/210 0r 100% this is 21%of my final grade
Midterm Exam 110/150 0r 73.33% this is 15% percent of my final grade
Quiz 45/60 0r 75% this is 6% of my final grade

Final Exam is 150 points or 15% of my final grade.
My question is can i get 70% 0r below ,and still maintain my B average ?

Roger: You will need to get at least a 42% on your final to get a 80% overall. If you get a 70% on your final, your overall grade will be a 84.2%.

Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:43:35 GMT

Dear Roger,
I have a 80 in my chem class.
I got a 50%, 92%, 82%, and a 64% on my tests. (Tests are worth 40% of my grade and classwork is 35%, HW is 15%, and the final is 10%.)
I have a 40 point, 70 point, and 30 point test left.
If i get 100 on the other categories, what do I need to get on the the next tests to get at least a 90?

Roger: That depends on how many points your previous tests were worth.

I got a 30/60, 69/75, and 57.5/70 on the three past tests.

Roger: It sounds like you currently have a 80/90 in your chem class, not an 80%. (Let me know if that sounds wrong.) Also, you didn’t mention if you wanted me to take your final into consideration, so I will ignore it now and assume that you want an overall grade of 81/90 (90%). If so, you’ll need to average at least a 79.19% on your next 3 tests to get a 90% before the final.

Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:20:20 GMT

My class has a lecture and a lab. All tests for both classes are worth 100 points. My lecture grade is worth 60% of my final grade & my lab is worth 40% of my final grade. I have a 77% in my lab class and currently a 80.5% in my lecture. What do I have to get on my final 100 point lecture test to get 80% in the class? Or how low of a grade can I get that will keep me at a 70%?

Roger: Hi Erika. It depends on how many lecture tests you have taken so far. Also, are there any other assignments that go into your grade? (homework, etc.)

Thu, 24 Apr 2014 01:21:30 GMT

Dear Roger,
I have a 80 in my chem class.
I got a 50%, 92%, 82%, and a 64% on my tests. (Tests are worth 40% of my grade and classwork is 35%, HW is 15%, and the final is 10%.)
I have a 40 point, 70 point, and 30 point test left.
If i get 100 on the other categories, what do I need to get on the the next tests to get at least a 90?

Roger: That depends on how many points your previous tests were worth.

Stressed Beyond Stressed
Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:37:16 GMT

So I am worried about my Spanish Grade. I had a 91 all semester, but got a 48 on a test which plummeted my grade to an 85.

What do I have to get on the next test to try to bring me up from that? To an A
We have 2 more quizzes which are 100 points in the quiz category
The test is worth 100 points in test

The test category is 40% and I have a 279.00/350.00

Quizzes 35% I have a 559.00/600

And in the class work category 15%
I have 519.00/629.00

The final is also worth 10% thank you

Roger: If you get a 126% on the next test, you can bring your grade up to a 90%. You would need to average a 102.6% on the next test, the next 2 quizzes, and the final in order to get a 90% overall.

Wed, 23 Apr 2014 00:38:18 GMT

I had a final in my economics class today. The final is worth 250 points and after I calculated all 4 of my test before the final, it says that my grade is a 65.25. I want to make at least a 75 or 80 in the course. My teacher said not to stress about our grades if they are low because we still have alot of points left (she was talking about the final being worth 250 pts). My quiz grades are not added in yet. I used a different final grade calculator and it said that I needed to make a 71 on the test to pass the class with an 80. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?

Roger: That doesn’t sound right to me.

Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:48:19 GMT

I have a final soon that has 200 points possible. I currently have a 94% in the class so if I didn't do the final what % will my class grade be afterwards?

Roger: That depends on how many points you have total.

Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:40:39 GMT

Need to pass the class with 78% on exams. What do I need to get on my final? What would I need to get to score an 82%?

Exams (80%, 320) 80.8%
Test #1 (15%, 48) 34.00 70.8%
Test #2 (18.8%, 60) 47.00 78.3%
Test #3 (19.4%, 62) 54.00 87.1%
Test #4 (20.3%, 65) 54.00 83.1%
Mac Test Points (1.6%, 5) 5.00 100.0%
Final Exam (25%, 80) ?

Roger: To get a 78% on exams, you will need 55.6/80 (69.5%) on the final exam. To get an 82% on exams, you will need a 68.4/80 (85.5%) on the final exam.

Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:08:38 GMT

I'm in my senior year of highschool and I've been exempt from finals so this doesn't have anything to do with my test scores but I'm worried I might fail because I have a project due

So I currently have an 83%in the class an the project is 100 points and is worth 22.5 percent of my total score. What do I need to keep over a 70%

Roger: You will need at least a 25.2% on the project to get a 70% overall.

Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:51:17 GMT

I did extremely poorly on my midterm and I'm scared that I might not pass the course.

I got 29% of the midterm (worth 35%), I got 86% on my written assignment (worth 15%) and the final exam is worth 50%.

What grade would I need to get on the final to get at least 55%?

Roger: You need at least a 63.9% on the final to get a 55% overall.

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 23:15:05 GMT

Hi Roger,

I am getting 45% in my class and I have my exam next week which is worth 25% of my final mark what do I need to get on my exam to get a 50 in the class

Roger: You need at least a 65% on that exam to get a 50% in the class.

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:46:35 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have 100% on class participation (40%), 90% on test 1(30%). I wanted to know my current grade and what I would need to get on the final to get a grade of a 90% or higher.

Thanks :)

Roger: I’ll assume that your final is worth 30%. Your current grade is a 95.7%. To get a 90% overall, you need at least a 76.7% on the final.

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 05:07:01 GMT

Hi Roger!
Sorry for the late reponse. I'm interested in pursuing Business /Communications. I'm interested in Uof Minnesota (Carlson School of Management), U of Wisconsin Madison, U of C Berkeley, and Drake University. Any idea of what I can do to help my gpa or other tips for getting into a good school for business?
Thanks so much! :)
PS I have a 3.866 and am 91% in class. I am an honor/ AP student.

Roger: I’m not an admissions counselor. I’m afraid I can’t help you out with this :/

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:12:42 GMT

it says I will need a 20% on my final to get the 76% average is that correct? it seems off......

I am at a 90% in the class as of now and I just have my last final to go which is 20% of my grade what is the lowest percent I can score on my final and still make the average of 76% in the course?

Roger: The calculator is always correct. ;)

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:09:58 GMT

I have a 90% in my class
my final is worth 20%
what is the lowest percentage I can get on my final to get a 76% average in the class?

An overall of 76% on all your tests and final combined is a pass
if all your tests and finals do not add up to make a 76% you fail the course

Roger: You need to get at least a 20% on your final.

Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:57:03 GMT

Hey!! I'm really nervous to whether I will pass my exam today. I am getting a 64% and my final is worth 25%..... I'm not very confident with my studying!! It says I need at least 30% to pass, (50%) is that right??

Roger: Yep, that’s right.

Bryson Wilson
Thu, 17 Apr 2014 03:12:19 GMT


I am taking my final biology class and I'm trying to calculate my grade so far and what I would need to make in order to finish the class with at least an 80.

Lecture Exam grades: 74, 67, 78 (they count 60%)
Lecture Quizzes: 85, 80, 90, 100, 90, 100, 100 (they count 10%)
Lab Quizzes: 95, 95, 100, 80, 85, 88 (they count 10%)
Midterm: 87 (counts 10%)

We still have one more lecture exam, a few lecture quizzes, lab quizzes, and a final. But I am wanting to know what I would need to make on my final exam and on my 4th lecture exam since they will do more damage to my grade. If you could let me know I would appreciate that.

Roger: I’ll assume that your final is worth 10%, since you never mentioned what it was worth. Your current grade is a 78.6%. You will need at least a 92.4% on the final exam to get an 80% overall.

Thu, 17 Apr 2014 00:29:26 GMT

Hi Roger,

I am taking A&P I which has a Lab portion and a Lecture portion...we need to pass BOTH with a , or higher in order to pass the class. My professor told me how to figure out our grade thus far so that we know what we need to score on our last few quizzes and exams and pass the class. So, in the Lab portion we have 4 exams. Each worth .25 My grades thus far are 87, 41, 82, ____. Our Final is not until May 12th.

In the Lecture We have 4 Practicals and 7 quizzes... we have only taken thus far, but here are my grades. Exam 1-75, Exam 2-91, Exam 3-87, Exam 4 ? . Quiz 1-70, Quiz 2-70, Quiz 3-90, Quiz 4-100, Quiz 5-80, Quiz 6 ?, Quiz 7 ?

Can you help my figure out what I need to score on my Final Lab exam AND my Lecture 4 Exam as well as Quizzes 6 & 7 in order to get an 80 in the overall class??

I know this is a lot, but I cannot figure it out. You are welcome to email me.



Roger: You said that you need “a , or higher”. What does that mean? I’ll assume that you need an 80% on each part to pass. If so, you’ll need a 110% on the final lab exam to get an 80% in that section. For the lecture portion, I need to know how much a quiz is worth in comparison to an exam. Could you provide that?

Wed, 16 Apr 2014 23:01:56 GMT

I currently have taken 5 quizzes in Biology. I made a 70, 70, 60 ,60, 40. I have 3 exams including a 48, 60, 60. Whats my overall average in the class right now?

Roger: It depends on how much those quizzes and exams are worth.

s. smith
Wed, 16 Apr 2014 05:59:52 GMT

I currently have an 82.5% in class I have an 89.5% on my homework and a 77.6% average on my tests, I still have one more test to take and a final. what would I need to make on them to still pass the class?
Thank you!!

Roger: Can you tell me how much each of those categories are worth?

Tue, 15 Apr 2014 00:08:54 GMT

I currently have a 68.7% in my algebra class. Quizzes are 15% of my final and tests are worth 60% of my final. I have 2 quizzes left and 1 test and my final (20% of final grade). On the quizzes I've made 100, 80, 80 & on my tests I've made an 69, 74, and 50. What do I need to make in order to pass this class with a 75%??

Roger: You’ll need to average an 81% on the remaining test, quizzes, and final exam to get a 75% overall.

Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:46:04 GMT

Roger, I need a little help.

My current grade is a 77.9%

Midterm =30% (I got a 59%)
Quizzes= 30% (I have an average of 89.6%)
Discussion = 10% (I have 100% average)
Final = 30%

Is there any way for my to get a 90% in the class? If so, what will I need on my final?

Roger: You will need at least a 118% on the final exam to get a 90% overall.

Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:37:49 GMT

Dear Roger,
I curently have a 83 in one of my classes.
I got a 50% on one test, 92% on another, and 82.14% on another.
So I got 30/60, 69/75, and 57.5/70.
Tests and quizzes are 40% of my grade.
Classwork is 35%, HW is 15%, and the final is 10%.
Hypothetically, if I were to have two more quizzes that were worth 40 points each and the final, would it be possible for me to get a 90? (Assuming that I got 100 in both classwork and hw)
Or what would i need to get on the two quizzes disregarding the final?

Roger: That depends.. how many points are your quizzes worth?

Erm... The quizzes are 40 points, but they are still 40% of my grade.

Roger: To get a 90%, you’ll need to average a 85.0% on the remaining 2 quizzes and final exam.

Sat, 12 Apr 2014 03:24:16 GMT

Dear Roger,
I curently have a 83 in one of my classes.
I got a 50% on one test, 92% on another, and 82.14% on another.
So I got 30/60, 69/75, and 57.5/70.
Tests and quizzes are 40% of my grade.
Classwork is 35%, HW is 15%, and the final is 10%.
Hypothetically, if I were to have two more quizzes that were worth 40 points each and the final, would it be possible for me to get a 90? (Assuming that I got 100 in both classwork and hw)
Or what would i need to get on the two quizzes disregarding the final?

Roger: That depends.. how many points are your quizzes worth?

Shalom Goldberg
Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:54:20 GMT

Roger, I tried your formula and I don't think it makes sense big guy.
Here is my information:
Exams 1 + 2 is worth 30% of the grade.
Term Paper is worth 20% of the grade.
Quizzes are worth 10% of the grade.
Comparative Project is worth 5% of the grade.
Final exam is worth 35% of the grade.

My scores so far are as follows:
I got a 70% on both exams.
I got 100% on the term paper.
I got 100% on the quizzes.
I got a 100% on the comparative project.

I need to get an overall grade of 73% in this class (a C).

What do I need to get on the Final Exam?

Roger: To get a 73% overall, you will need at least a 48.6% on the Final Exam.

Wed, 09 Apr 2014 03:40:53 GMT

Assignments worth - 20% 76% mean obtained on all three assignments
Weekly quizzes worth - 40% 70% obtained as a mean on all 10 quizzes
Final exam worth - 40%

What do I need to get on the final to PASS the course?

Roger: What grade do you need in the course to pass?

Wed, 09 Apr 2014 01:39:36 GMT


I currently have an 81 in the class. I currently have a 67 on my homework which is worth 10% of my grade. I have 3 exams worth 20% each. Exam 1: 90 Exam 2: 80 Exam 3: I haven't taken yet. The final is worth 30%. What will I have to get on my last exam and on my final to make an 80 in the class?

Roger: To get a 80% overall, you will need to average at least a 78.6% on Exam 3 and the final.

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