
Page 77 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 77)

Fri, 09 May 2014 15:16:14 GMT

I have an 81 in my english class, my final is 10% of our grade, all i want is something above a 70. what do i need to get?
Roger: You need at least a -29% (that’s negative).

Fri, 09 May 2014 03:03:55 GMT

Right now my current average in math is 66% what will i need to score on the final to be able to get a "C" the final is worth 200 points

Roger: How many points are there total?

seth rogen
Fri, 09 May 2014 02:16:04 GMT

I have a 69.9 in history and to pass the class i need a 70. What I want to know if its completely accurate that i need to get higher than a 70.56 to reach my goal which is 70. So, is it?

Roger: Sounds about right.

Fri, 09 May 2014 02:13:16 GMT

Dude this site is sick. Because I'm lazy, I come here for every final in every class and use this to help my friends as well. In AP classes, I get stressed out for finals, but when I calculate the grade I need, it creates a minimum goal and I know I'll be fine.

Roger: Thanks!

Thu, 08 May 2014 23:37:21 GMT

You're amazing ROGER HUB! love this website.. super helpful! Thanks for creating something like this in the first place :)

Roger: Thanks. And you’re welcome!

Thu, 08 May 2014 19:17:21 GMT

Cool service man

Roger: Thanks!

Thu, 08 May 2014 18:06:50 GMT

This is actually a test score question okay my history grade is 89% the test is worth 36% of all the test combined the test combined are worth 40% of my grade overall my test average is 76 how much do i need to keep my up to atleast 75%

Roger: I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. Can you split your words into sentences and try rephrasing your question?

I hate math
Thu, 08 May 2014 17:22:16 GMT

Ok I need help to see what I need to get on my final. My problem is she still has to drop grades and I don't know how to figure this out. We have 74 homework assignment she will drop 5 of them, my homework is a 60.2% . I have 8 tests she will drop one my grade is 62.9%. Overall homework is worth 20% tests are worth 60% and Final is worth 20%. How do I figure out what my actual grade is with those grades being dropped?

Roger: In order to figure out what your grade will be after those grades are dropped, you will need to know what your lowest 5 homework grades were and your lowest test grade. Can you provide those?

it student
Thu, 08 May 2014 17:19:33 GMT

I just took a database final exam. I have an 83% in the class. Labs and quizzes are worth 10%, projects and the final are worth 25%, exam 1 and 2 are worth 15%

What can I make on my final to make an 80%

Roger: Did you mean that your projects category and your final category are worth 25% each? Either way, your numbers don’t add up to 100%.

Thu, 08 May 2014 00:21:47 GMT

So my math class has three sections quizzes, tests, and the final. My teacher said she would replace our lowest test grade with what we get on the final. So the grade on the final goes in the final category and if its higher than the lowest test grade it will replace it. My lowest test is a 41/60. I have an 83 in the class and I'm trying to keep at least an 80.
Quizzes-20%- 205/240
Tests-60%- 273/330

Roger: You’ll need at least a 66.4% on your final to keep at least an 80% overall. This is actually lower than your lowest test score! (Your lowest test score was a 41/60, or 68.3%.) That means that you won’t even need to replace your lowest test score to get the 80% overall, but if you do, that’d be even better.

Wed, 07 May 2014 19:14:26 GMT

What is my grade?
The class is out of a total of 755 points. The professor says our final exam can be averaged with the percent of one low exam score if it is to our advantage. It can supplement a low exam score by 50%. Does this help me?
Quizzes: 190.6/225
Tests: 202.5/300 (Scores: 65/100, 69.5/100, and 68/100)
Additional Grade Criteria: 23/30
Final: 162/200
My current percent is 76.5. How does the averaging of scores work, and does it help me improve my percent?

Roger: Well, if you average your Final grade and your lowest test grade, it will bring your 65/100 to a 73/100. That will give you 8 more points overall, which will increase your total grade by 1.06%. Does that help?

Wed, 07 May 2014 14:14:22 GMT


10%: 457/384.85 =84.21%
50%: 400/311 =77.75%
20%: 124/71 58%

final 2%. what do I need? to get at least a 70%

Roger: That adds up to 105%.. Also, what grade do you want to get?

Roger: I’ll assume you meant 20%, not 2%. You’ll need at least a 56.3% on the final to get a 70% overall.

Wed, 07 May 2014 09:59:35 GMT

If I have an average of 77.6
Two exams left all 4 exams are 70% of grade writing assignments are worth 10% I have 81% with two to go and the rest of the 20% is from my two presentations what do I need to get to pass with 82%?

Roger: I need to know your current exam average, your current writing assignments average, and how many writing assignments you’ve completed so far.

Wed, 07 May 2014 06:30:12 GMT

I love the little quips that pop up with the results. Strangely comforting in that they trivialize the grade by regarding it casually.

Wed, 07 May 2014 02:37:35 GMT

Hi Roger,
If I currently have an 85 in my class and I have only completed 50% of the homework (he hasn't added this grade to the 85 I currently have) thats worth 12% of the final grade, and my final exam is worth 22%, what do I need to make on my final to pass with at least an 80? or maybe even a 70?

Thanks! love your site!!


Roger: You will need at least a 81.4% on your final to get an 80% overall. You will need at least a 35.9% on your final to get a 70% overall.

Tue, 06 May 2014 17:40:54 GMT


10%: 457/384.85 =84.21%
50%: 400/311 =77.75%
20%: 124/71 58%

final 25%. what do I need?

Roger: That adds up to 105%.. Also, what grade do you want to get?

Tue, 06 May 2014 16:25:19 GMT

Dom, I would like to reply your message about those assumptions. First of all I got a 3.69 in my freshmen year because of certain family issues that is not for you to judge without hearing the whole story. Next, this first semester of sophomore year I got a 3.85 and currently right now I have a 4.0. I hope to maintain it past the finals and also improve my grades. I cannot change what happened in my past, but I can plan and work towards a better future whether in my grades or life. Even if I don't get to a 3.9 by junior year or so, I am confident that I'll be able to bring it up to around a 3.8 or 3.85 at least! :) Good luck to everyone else!

Tue, 06 May 2014 15:49:59 GMT


you are a fucking piece of shit.



P.S. fuck off you ignorant, cocky fuck.

Tue, 06 May 2014 05:56:44 GMT

Hi Roger!
I have an 86.2% in a class right now, and I have a final project left (105 pts, 64% of my grade) before my final. What would I need to get on my final to get an A if I get above a 90% on the project? Is an A even possible? Thank you!

Roger: Did you mean that your project category is worth 64% of your grade? Not a single project? I need to know how much your final is worth, either way.

Tue, 06 May 2014 04:37:47 GMT

Hi Roger!
This class has a total of 6 grades. 2 papers and 4 tests. Each paper and each test is worth 15%. The remaining 10% of the grade is participation.
I earned:
Paper 1: 100
Paper 2: 100
Test 1: 60
Test 2: 86
Test 3: 48
Test 4: ____
And I'll guess participation is 100.
So, what did I need to make on test 4 (that I took today) to get an 81 in the class? (My school rates that as a B-).
Thanks in advance! :)

Roger: You will need to score at least 79.3% on test 4 to get an 81% in the class.

Tue, 06 May 2014 02:48:07 GMT

Dont be such an a**. YOU came to this site, right? It is quick and easy way to get your grade and I for one appreciate it. No one makes such an intellect like you flock to this site, go away, go play with your action figures in your parents basement. Those of us who value our time and look for the most efficient way to get things done appreciate this site, have used my entire college life. As far as minimum grades, I myself have work in HR at my present compnay with an employee base of around 3K and we have NEVER looked at a GPA unless it is for a specific Engineering Field of Study, THEN it is a tie breaker. In the real world, not Star Wars, or where ever you spend your free time, getting the degree is where the weight is. I also do not want DeeDeeDee working on my liver, but I am doubting DeeDeeDee gets into Med School. Relax, put a value on your time and let someone do the little things that need done.

Roger, keep up the good work and dont let posts like Dom discourage you.

Tue, 06 May 2014 00:31:16 GMT

Wish me luck I need a %120 on my English final in order to get an A lol

Mon, 05 May 2014 23:49:17 GMT

Thanks, it was higher than I was thinking too, worst case scenario I would barely pass with D at 59, even better he put in a C! My guess is that he rounded the grade up, it was a 69.7. :)

Roger: Congrats!

Mon, 05 May 2014 23:09:43 GMT

Dom, that's pretty harsh and judgmental. Not everyone is good at everything. Most people probably aren't struggling to pass the classes that have to do with their major. They might be general classes that the person just isn't good at. That doesn't mean they don't deserve to go to college.

I also came here to see what my final test needs to be to get at least a 70% in my math class. I have a 81% currently and was worried, but this calculator let me know that I shouldn't have been. I've always been terrible at math and actually have a learning disorder associated with it. The job I'm aiming for has very little math, and the math that there is, is nowhere near the level of the class I'm currently taking. I don't know why the general studies has such a high standard for math, but it does. So I'm just trying to push past it.

Some peoples brains are just hard wired to be unbalanced with certain subjects. Someone going for a math degree could be a genius at math and hard science, but not so good at writing papers or critical thinking when it come to social issues. That doesn't mean they wont be good in the field they're going for. It just means they're not good at the unnecessary general classes that have nothing to do with their major. Many colleges in Europe don't even require the students to take general classes. They just focus on their major for three years. This sounds like a better system to me.

Mon, 05 May 2014 18:29:46 GMT

Good Lord. I can not believe there are this many ignorant people in the world or do they just flock to this site?

First off if you can't figure out what your total grade is at the moment then you need to take more math classes. Secondly if you finished your sophomore year with a 3.7GPA then have fun taking an extra year if you want a 3.9GPA which at this point you wont get straight A's unless you start taking art classes.

Half of you are aiming for a 70% in the class. WTF. That is a piss poor grade and you should not be perusing a college degree with that crap, and if any of you plan on going to grad school a 3.0GPA is the lowest to shoot for. Not to mention for Medical school a 3.6GPA is the lowest they accept. Medical school is prestigious and I don't believe anyone with a lower average should try going to medical school because I don't want a DeeDeeDee pulling my liver out.

Mon, 05 May 2014 15:17:54 GMT

No need to answer, thanks for reading. He actually graded that day turns out I made a 69 that includes that last weeks participation grade, did better than I thought considering the bad score I got on the 2nd exam. lol

Roger: That’s higher than I expected. Congrats!

Mon, 05 May 2014 13:10:40 GMT

Hey, thank you Roger for this website! It really makes it a lot easier and faster. Have a nice day!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Mon, 05 May 2014 02:44:17 GMT

Roger please help! Your website just might put me at ease! I would like to know exactly what grade I can get on the final exam in order to pass the class? Syllabus says I need an overall class grade of a 70% & at least a 50% on final exam. (Getting a 50% on the final seems too good to be true..or is it)?
Here are my scores..
Average on tests is 77.4% worth 50% of grade
Average on math labs is 98% worth 20% of grade
Final exam grade ? worth 30% of grade

Hope I gave you enough info!

Roger: Yep, without the restriction that you need at least a 50% on the final exam, you would only need a 39% on the final exam to get a 70%.

Mon, 05 May 2014 00:23:50 GMT

Hi Rogerhub! I love your site. It gives me comfort.

This is embarrassing but I think I might have barely passed. Had a difficult time in this one, I tried my best though. lol


I finished both exams in this class and I think I might have a final grade of 62, don't have the grade yet, I used your calculator. I still have the last participation for the week that needs to be added which is 10 percent, I should get a 100 with that. How much will that add on to my final grade? If I have a 62?

Roger: Thanks! If you have a 62% right now, 10% participation will bring your grade up to a 65.8%.

Sun, 04 May 2014 21:58:36 GMT

So we have four grading sections in my history class and i have one more grade in the 25% category. What do I need to get on that assignment to have a 70 in the class before I take the final. The last assignment is 100 points
30%- 342/455- 75%
30%- 373/510- 73%
25%- 75/150- 50 %
15%- Final

Roger: If you want a 70% in the class before you take the final, you need to get at least a 75.1% on the 100 point assignment.

Sun, 04 May 2014 20:59:25 GMT

Wait, could this possibly be right???

In my World Lit class with a points system I have:

242/250 on essays
50/50 on a project
93/100 on midterm
99/100 on a project

An A needs at least 540/600 possible points. So right now I have 484/500 with the final exam counting for 100 points. If I only need a total of 540 to get the A, then I could basically FAIL the final exam with a 56.6% and still get an A ????

Apparently I'm better at English than I am at Math, because although this seems to add up, I can't believe it is right.

Roger: That’s correct. Congrats!

alexis anthony
Sun, 04 May 2014 20:31:40 GMT

dear roger,

I am taking human biology 160-02 at Northampton community college, Bethlehem Pa. I have a 59.50% as of right now in my course. On my lab final its multiple choice and its a 2 part test ( 1 is on the digestive, respiratory, urinary systems) and the other part is cumulative stuff. secondly I am registered to medical assistant specialized diploma program and I need to pass this course with a C so is there any websites to help me review also, I have a lecture final too that I am struggling with so please help me out if u can..

Alexis Anthony

Roger: What’s your question?

Sun, 04 May 2014 14:33:30 GMT

So, I am not taking a final for my English class, however my last big grade is a paper. It is a test grade. Right now I have a participation grade that is 20%, a learning grade which is 30%, and a test grade which is 50%. As of now I have 10 learning grades (I have 197/205 points from this category). I don't know how much that will bring my grade down. I have all of my participation points. As for tests, we have one grade in for this quarter. I got a 46/50 on my first test, what do I need to score on my paper (i think it's 25% of my test grade) to get an A this quarter?

Roger: I’ll assume that you meant 25%/50% of your test grade, not 25% of your test grade (12.5% of your total grade). If so, you need at least a 71.1% on your paper to get an A.

Sun, 04 May 2014 12:17:26 GMT

My current GPA is 3.6981. My school calculates GPA like this: Concordia.
Grade Percentage Letter Grade Grade Points for GPA
93-100 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
63-66 D 1.0
60-62 D- 0.7
Below 60 F 0

And everything is unweighted no matter if you take AP classes or honors classes. If I get all A's though the second semester of this year, what will my GPA be?
And also, if I get 1 A-, what will my GPA be? 2 A-? 1 B+?

Right now I'm a sophomore still, If I manage to get all A's in junior, and senior year what will my GPA be in the end?

If I get all A's through junior year what will my GPA be? And all A's through 1st semester of senior year(for early decision applications)?

My aim is for a 3.85 end of junior year, or 1st semester senior year end is that possible? Is a 3.9 possible?

Sorry for the long rant! I just want to see what grades I need to get to reach my goal. Thanks!

Roger: Hi Vicky. I need to know how many classes you’ve taken so far as well as how many classes you’re planning to take for every semester of your high school career. I suggest you ask your counselor as well, if you want more personalized answers about grades and stuff

Hey! To continue on that... School year Grade level Number Course description Academic level Grade Column Grade Points Weight
2013 09 0015 Humanities 9 HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2013 09 0015 Humanities 9 HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2013 09 0115 Humanities 9 HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2013 09 0115 Humanities 9 HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2013 09 0220 Algebra 1 HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE B 1.5000 0.5000
2013 09 0220 Algebra 1 HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2013 09 0325 Biology HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A- 1.8350 0.5000
2013 09 0325 Biology HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2013 09 0450 Heritage Mandarin 5 HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2013 09 0450 Heritage Mandarin 5 HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE A- 1.8350 0.5000
2013 09 0554 Concordia Singers HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2013 09 0554 Concordia Singers HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2013 09 0711 HS Physical Education HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2013 09 0735 Health 1 HS SEMESTER TWO GRADE A- 1.8350 0.5000
2014 10 0026 Honors World Literature 10 Honors SEMESTER ONE GRADE A- 1.8350 0.5000
2014 10 0150 AP World History AP SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2014 10 0225 Honors Geometry Honors SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2014 10 0330 Honors Chemistry Honors SEMESTER ONE GRADE B+ 1.6650 0.5000
2014 10 0452 Heritage Mandarin 6 HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2014 10 0554 Concordia Singers HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000 0.5000
2014 10 0711 HS Physical Education HS SEMESTER ONE GRADE A 2.0000

I just wanted to ask here on first to see if it is even possible...So if you could help that would be great! :D I have finals coming up, and although I have all A's right now finals are worth 20% so it's really risky.

Roger: I think you’re mistaken about your grading scale. It looks like A-’s are 3.67 and B+’s are 3.33, not 3.7 or 3.3. If you get all A’s this semester, then your GPA will go up to a 3.77. If you get one A- this semester, your GPA will be a 3.76. If you get two A- this semester, your GPA will be a 3.75. If you get 1 B+ and the rest A’s this semester, your GPA will be a 3.75. If you get all A’s this semester and junior year, then your GPA will go up to 3.85. If you get all A’s through your senior year’s first semester as well, your GPA will go up to a 3.87.

Sun, 04 May 2014 03:41:15 GMT

Love this site! I use it every semester ! Thank you !

Roger: You’re welcome!

Master Chief
Sun, 04 May 2014 02:44:15 GMT

I programmed this on to my calculator. So helpful while you're in school!

Roger: Cool!

Sat, 03 May 2014 21:44:08 GMT

If I have earned a total of 377.5 out of 575 points in the class. How would my weighted total be 58.46% ?

Roger: Maybe some of those points are worth more than others?

Sat, 03 May 2014 04:50:40 GMT

I am having trouble figuring what I need to score on my final to achieve either an 80% or a 90% overall. I currently have a 79.3. The course is worth 800 points overall, 100 points for homework, 100 points for quizzes, and 600 for the midterm and final combined. All that I have left to complete is the final exam. Could you please help me out with this?

I have a 99.4% in homework
an 84.8% on quizzes
and a 75.1% for the midterm

Category Score Weight Points Earned
Homework 99.4 % 100 pts 99.42
Quiz 84.8 % 100 pts 84.76
Test 75.1 % 600 pts 450.4

800 total pts
634.57 pts earned

Thank you very much!

Roger: Let’s assume that your final and midterm are worth the same amount of points. Then, you’ll need to get a 76.7% on the final in order to get a 80% overall, or a 103.5% on the final in order to get a 90% overall.

Sat, 03 May 2014 01:28:01 GMT pass with a 70

Roger: Okay.

Sat, 03 May 2014 01:26:27 GMT

My average is an 82.82%
These are the percentages for Final Exam(20.0%), Labs(25.0%), Exams(35.0%), Homework(10.0%), Quizzes(10.0%)

My Lab average is a 79.94%

My Average for my 1st 3 exams was an 81.6%

Homework grades were :
Quiz Grades were :
Can you please tell me what i have to make on my final Roger?

Roger: I’m not sure why you gave me all of this extra information. If your final exam is worth 20% and you want a 70% overall, then you’ll need to score at least a 18.7% on the final.

Fri, 02 May 2014 17:32:45 GMT

Roger, my quiz average is an 86 which is worth 20% of my final grade, my test average is a 78.33 which is worth 60% of my grade. My final is worth 20%, what would I need to make to have a B?

Roger: You will need at least a 79% on your final to get a 80% overall.

Fri, 02 May 2014 17:25:05 GMT

This isn't a question... But I just want to say I LOVE this site and I come here all the time, and use this for every single one of my classes. Great site, easy to use. Thanks Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sydney Jordan
Fri, 02 May 2014 16:41:55 GMT

Hello Roger, I am trying to calculate my grade in my biology class to see if the final is worth taking. The final replaces the lowest test score and I am trying to get a B in my class. 1000 points total can be earned.

Lecture Tests are worth 750 Total Points.

Test One : 129/150
Test Two : 134/150
Test Three : 107/150
Test Four : 122/150
Test Five : 87/150

Lab Tests : Worth 250 Points --> 25% Worth of Grade

Lab Exam 1 : 85/100
Lab Exam 2 : 67.5/100
Lab Report: 100

Quizzes : Not sure how much they are worth -- earned 34 out of 40 points
Bonus quiz : 28 out of 30 points

Roger: You said that there are 250 points in lab tests, but you named 300 points worth of assignments. Also, how are your quizzes factored into the grade? Let me know when you find out.

Fri, 02 May 2014 05:38:11 GMT

I have an 70.15% in my class right now. I have a quiz, exam and final left. The quiz is worth 5%, exam 27.5%, final 35%. What do I need to make on each test to get a 75%

Roger: You’ll need to average a 77.3% on the remaining quiz, exam, and final to get a 75% overall.

Fri, 02 May 2014 04:49:10 GMT

As you are based in California, do you often take the adobe overpass? Is there in fact a baja fresh off of the 101? These are questions I really need answers to. Also my brother Devon forgot his power saw and my dad Mick Jagger really turned my world upside down. One positive thing is that I've been told my charcoal pencil drawings of canyons look like real canyons. Thanks for your time roger.


P.S. I hope my charcoal pencil drawings sell to Italian restaurants all over central Los Angeles.

Roger: Yup...

Charlie L.
Fri, 02 May 2014 04:36:32 GMT

Hey Roger, I currently have a 9% in my physics 211 class, my final is worth 70% of my it humanly possible for me to pass the class? (60%) I really need this credit to pursue my interest in victorian greenhouses in Florida. Thank you for your time!

Your pal,

Roger: You need at least an 81.9% on your final exam to get a 60% overall.

Fri, 02 May 2014 00:19:54 GMT

I love websites

Roger: Me too.

Gaige hollifield
Thu, 01 May 2014 23:08:44 GMT

I science finals and I have an 80% as my grade for now and my final is worth 200 points will my grade drop to a F if I fail?

Roger: Probably not..?

Thu, 01 May 2014 21:44:45 GMT

Roger I need to get an A in my chemistry class.
I made an 100 and a 96 on my first two exams but on my third exam I got a 40.

My final replaces the lowest test.

I got 100 on homework.

Final is also worth 30 percent.

Roger: I need to know your entire grade breakdown by category with the weights for each category.

Thu, 01 May 2014 15:05:00 GMT

I'm trying to determine what is the lowest I can get on my final to maintain a 90% or above.

Homework-245 Pts. (counts as 15%) - done with all homework and have 100%
Quizzes-80pts. each x 4 = 320 Pts. (counts as 20%) - done with all quizzes and have 100%
Discussions-75 Pts. (counts as 5%) - done with all discussions and have 100%
Unit Tests-192 pts. each x 3 = 576 Pts. (counts as 36%)
Unit test 1 - 171/192 (89%)
Unit test 2 - 167/192 (87%)
Unit test 3 - 164/192 (85%)
This is all the tests for this class, so my average test score is 87%
I have also received 10 extra credit points!
My final exam is coming up and is worth 384 points and counts as 24% of my grade. What is the lowest I can get on my final to keep above 90%?
Thank you so much for your help

Roger: Hi there. You will need at least 298/384 (77.6%) on your final to get a 90% overall.

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