
Page 78 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 78)

Tue, 20 May 2014 19:17:15 GMT

Wow, this is genius. I've been using this website since 9th grade and it's really helped me prioritize which finals I need to focus more on without all the icky math. Thank you so much Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Tue, 20 May 2014 17:45:51 GMT

This is my life.

Roger: Mine too.

Tue, 20 May 2014 14:27:56 GMT

This web site had very rude humor

Tue, 20 May 2014 13:58:18 GMT

Roger Rules!!!

Roger: Thanks!

Tue, 20 May 2014 13:52:43 GMT

I have an 85 in math this semester and I want at least a 60!! Which means I have to get a -40 on my exam put that on the list of things not going to happen!

Tue, 20 May 2014 13:27:19 GMT

I have a 59.4 in my spanish class, i want to get at least a 60 or 65? There are 4 parts of the test and their all worth 100 points.

Roger: What is your question?

Tue, 20 May 2014 13:02:50 GMT

I have a 70% in math and the final counts as a test grade. Tests are worth 50% and we have taken 9 this semester. What do i need on the final to get a 74% in the class?

Roger: Have you tried using the calculator that is labeled “my final counts as a test”? You will also need to know your current test average.

Tue, 20 May 2014 02:10:33 GMT

You are such a cool human, Roger! Thanks for being awesome.

Roger: Haha, thanks!

Tue, 20 May 2014 01:52:53 GMT

Great I need a 90 on my chem final to keep my 90, put that under the list of things that aren't going to happen!

Roger: Don’t give up!

jim bob
Tue, 20 May 2014 01:49:30 GMT

lets say a i got a a 77 in the first term and a 84 in my second term and my final is worth 20% while each term is worth 40% what do i need on my final for at least an 80 ?

Roger: Your current grade is a 80.5%. You’ll need to get at least a 78% on the final to get a 80% overall.

Mon, 19 May 2014 23:38:33 GMT

first marking period I had a 49% and now have a 62% this marking period. my finals are next week, what do I need on my final which is 11% of my grade to at least have a 60% average?

Roger: Well, your current grade is a 55.5%. You’ll need at least a 96.4% on the final to get a 60% overall.

Slick Rick
Mon, 19 May 2014 23:38:30 GMT

Thanks big homie. I've been needing this info for at least my whole life.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Nyob Zoo
Mon, 19 May 2014 21:08:47 GMT

I have a 76% in both my classes right now. One final is worth 25% and the other is worth 15%. What would I need on my finals to pass with a minimum of 76%?? Please Help!!!!

Roger: You would need to score at least a 76% on each final.

Mon, 19 May 2014 18:35:05 GMT

I have a 91% in the class. 972/1064.

My final had 63 questions and it is 10% of my grade. How many points can I miss, and still make an 89.5 % in the class?(my school rounds up)

I did the final grade calculator and it said I needed to make a 76% but that seems really low for some reason.. Did I put the numbers in right?

Roger: That sounds correct to me.

Domingo von Trapp
Mon, 19 May 2014 13:27:04 GMT

You sassy man, sassing us with your sass. I like it.

Roger: ;)

Mon, 19 May 2014 02:49:51 GMT

Here is an another formula Roger =)
For example: (This is for exams worth 20% of grade.)
1st nine weeks- 81.54
2nd nine weeks- 69.36

Take the 1st nine weeks and multiply by 2.
Take the 2nd nine weeks and multiply by 2.

Add them both up.

Take what you think you will make on the exam.
Add them total of the 2 nine weeks and the guessed exam grade.
Finally, just divide by 5. =)

(81.54 x 2 = 163.08) 1st nine weeks
(69.36 x 2 = 138.72) 2nd nine weeks

(163.08 + 138.72 = 301.8)
(301.8 + 56 = 357.8)
(357.8 / 5 = 71.56)

71.56 would count as the final grade for that semester.
Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to help :D

Roger: Nice idea! I don’t think this is a very common case though..

A guy
Mon, 19 May 2014 00:47:05 GMT

hahaha, i need a 16% on my engineering final to sustain my A in that class...the final is worth 15% of my grade and i have a 103 :))))

Roger: Good luck!

Mon, 19 May 2014 00:10:00 GMT

Okay I have a project as my final. This project is worth 2 and a half test grades and for me this is an A but I wanna know what this will boost my grade up to in that class.

I have a 67% in that class and lets say I receive a 95% on the project, what will be my grade for the class in the end?

Roger: It depends on (1) how much your tests are worth, (2) how many tests you have taken, and (3) your current test average.

Sun, 18 May 2014 23:18:49 GMT


Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 18 May 2014 21:33:59 GMT

This is taking so much pressure off me. I just felt stress disappear learning I need to get a B on the final to get a B- in bio. And if I fail it I don't have to take the class again during the summer. Thanks Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Fri, 16 May 2014 14:10:48 GMT

the new grading scale at my school only allows you to get 50 percent or higher on everything so all my grades are set in stone

Fri, 16 May 2014 01:56:52 GMT

This is helpful :) thanks

Roger: You’re welcome!

The Geek
Thu, 15 May 2014 22:37:41 GMT

I'm stress free thanks to you Roger. Thanks! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 15 May 2014 21:38:40 GMT

Don't you get kind of depressed when all these desperate college students can't use your grade calculator by themselves?? Not very hard and I thought most colleges require at least pre-calc to graduate :)

Thu, 15 May 2014 03:22:28 GMT

Hi! I was hoping you could help me calculate what I need to make on my final for anatomy in order to get a 90%. It is confusing compared to what I am used to because it just says


well I have all 100 from homework. I figured I have an 84.7% now because out of the 9 tests we took there were 454 questions and I have 384.51 correct. this final will have 50 more questions. Can you help me figure out this madness?

Roger: So, your current grade is a 86.2%. You will need to get at least a 64/50 (128%) on your final to get a 90% overall.

Thu, 15 May 2014 02:01:25 GMT

Ok in geography I have 89% for quarter 4 quarter 3 I got 94% (91% together). I need to get 92.5% overall. I have one test coming up amd then the final. We have taken 9 tests so far and our tests together are 44% of our grade (ish) and my average is about 85%. The final is 20% of our grade. What do I need yo score for the next test and final to get my wanted grade? Thanks!!

Roger: You will need to average at least a 96.1% on your next test and final exams to get a 92.5% overall.

Thu, 15 May 2014 01:50:13 GMT

In my advanced algebra class, our final is this week. Our school's semester weighting system goes like this: 2 quarters (weighted 40% a piece) and our semester test (weighted 20%). I got a 96.32% in the first quarter of the class and a 91.35% in the second quarter. For a lot of scholarships and stuff it is important that I keep all A's for my semester grades. And looking at the study material, it's harder than I remembered before... How well would I have to do on the test to scrape by for the semester at an A-, or 90% overall? Thanks!

Roger: Your current grade is a 93.84%. You need to get at least a 74.7% on your final to get a 90% overall.

Jen Flynn
Wed, 14 May 2014 21:35:17 GMT

I have an 82 percent in my class . I need to get a 60 to pass. I have one project left at 15 % and 3 test at 10% each for a total of 35% of grade- am I correct I only need get 19% over these areas to pass?

Roger: I’ll answer your question on your previous post.

Jen Flynn
Wed, 14 May 2014 21:14:16 GMT

Assuming this is correct and if it is- wow what a great site!
I have an 82 percent in class- the remaining things 1 project 15%, 3 more tests each 10% = 35% which i plugged in as the final number since there is no final. Do i really only need 19 percent total on these items to squeak by with a D - 60%( no I am not an underachiever this has been a super hard class and is getting harder, I'm just concerned at this point about passing since I will be graduating)- Jen

Roger: Yep, that sounds about right. But it looks like you should have used 45% instead of 35%. Are you sure you added up the weights correctly?

Wyatt Garman
Wed, 14 May 2014 17:59:53 GMT

I have a ap class my grade is at a 69.4 and my 3rd quater exam got a 76 and my 4th qtr is 10% of my grade what do I need to pass

3rd quater grade:70
4th quater grade: 69.4

Roger: What percentage do you need to pass? Also, how is your grade distributed between your quarter grades and exams?

Wed, 14 May 2014 16:09:58 GMT

Hi roger i have a 83.6% in anatomy and want to have at least have a 79.5% in the class. My final is 20% of my grade and it is worth a 100 points which there is 830 points in the grade book. And there is a 50 point project. So my question is what do I need to get on my final and project to have at least a 79.5%?(there is no weighted system)

Roger: Well, 100 points compared to 830 points isn’t 20%. I don’t think your final is worth 20% of your grade. I’ll ignore that part for now. So, you’ll need to average at least a 56.8% on your 100 point final and 50 point project to get a 79.5% overall.

Wed, 14 May 2014 15:33:52 GMT

I currently have 24% from my assignments and class participations.
Assignment - 47.5/100 (19%) - 40% of final grade
Participation - 5/10 (5%) - 10% of final grade

That means i currently have 24%

Final exam is worth 50%. Doesnt simple math tell me that I only need 50%-24% = 26% to obtain a final passing mark of 50%? But your calculator tells me i need 76% on my final to obtain a passing mark of 50%.

Roger: Your current grade is not a 24%. Your current grade is a 48%, because you’re only counting your “Assignment” and “Paticipation” categories. Those two categories are 40% + 10%, which add up to 50%. So, you can think of your overall grade as 24/50, which is 48%, not 24%. Does that make sense?

Shekinah Swanson
Wed, 14 May 2014 13:22:21 GMT

Thank you so much Roger. I am so stressed about this class I was afraid to try and figure it out myself. Your figures have given me more confidence, which means I can stress less and concentrate on getting those grades up!

Again, thank you:).

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 14 May 2014 06:26:47 GMT

Why does a 10% final not do much to your grade. i.e. If you want a 90 and have a 93 in the class you need to get a 64%? Is this real or what?

Roger: Yep. Try it out on paper.

Wed, 14 May 2014 05:10:01 GMT

Thanks for this great service! It really reduces the stress of finals! :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 14 May 2014 03:41:25 GMT

I need at least a 92% to get an A in both my honors spanish and english class. I'm still freaking out

Roger: Good luck!

Wed, 14 May 2014 01:31:30 GMT

So currently I have a 76.73% year to date and if I were to want at least a 80% year to date what would I need to get on my final considering how my previous grades were 78.80, 77.47, and 74.55 and I got a 68 on my mid term? Also, mid term is worth 10% while finals are worth 20?

Roger: Well, you’d need a 93.1% on the final if you have a 76.73% overall right now.

Wed, 14 May 2014 00:49:09 GMT

if i have a 93 what would i have to get on my final if i want a 90 in the class and my final is worth 70 points of my total grade

Roger: It depends on how many points there are total.

Not Roger
Wed, 14 May 2014 00:35:32 GMT

Is you name really roger ?

Roger: Yep.

Tue, 13 May 2014 22:59:16 GMT

hello . my final is worth 150 points . right now my grade is 583.50/650 which is a 89.76. what do i need to get on the final to score a "A"???????

Roger: You’ll need at least a 136.5/150 (91%) on the exam to get a 90% overall.

Tue, 13 May 2014 18:09:24 GMT

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much! I've been flipping out over this final exam tomorrow. Now I think I don't have to do as good as I thought I did. Fewwwwwwwwe, I'm done studying. =)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Adam Louchous
Tue, 13 May 2014 17:38:45 GMT

Dude I'm stressing I need like a 100 on my final to get a b in chemistry and my girlfriends gonna like kill me.

Tue, 13 May 2014 16:37:29 GMT

I only need a 159.87% on my accounting 2 final to get an A. Wish me luck

Roger: Good luck!

Shekinah Swanson
Mon, 12 May 2014 16:06:02 GMT

I need to make a correction on my grades, sorry.

first 14% 150/200

still have to do 21% and 21%

next 14% was midterm in two parts, each worth 100 points, I got 80 and 60

final will be the same, 14%, two parts worth 100 each

and discussion boards 16%, 220 total - currently 356 out of 480.

I am trying to get this but don't know if it's possible. I've never failed a class. I had a 3.72 GPA before this.

Roger: This makes a little more sense.. So, it sounds like you need 1136/1420 in your class, which is a 80%. You’ll need to average at least an 85.4% in your remaining categories (21% + 21% + 14%).

Shekinah Swanson
Mon, 12 May 2014 15:34:58 GMT

Roger, I saw where you told someone if their grades were all different weights to post them here and you could calculate them for them. I hoped if I post mine you can calculate it for me. I need at least 1136 to pass this class and get my degree and I don't know if it's possible at this point.

I needed 14% - 200 but got 150, I still have to do - 21%, and this 21%, this the final - 14%, these are discussion boards worth 220 - 16%, and right now I have 356/480. The total worth of the class is 1420 but if I can achieve an 1136 I will be happy.

Thank you for your assistance,

Roger: I don’t quite understand what you’re saying at all. Could you try to rephrase your question in complete sentences?

Sun, 11 May 2014 21:22:42 GMT

Hey Roger, can you help me?? So, i love baking, and ive already been accepted to my dream college in New York! I was so happy, until i took another look at my grades! I've been devastated to realize i might be failing chemistry. :( I was wondering if you could tell me in advance if ill be able to pass or not. So, going in a bit deeper, my grades are separated into the school quarters. First quarter i got a D at 67.35%. Second quarter i got another D at 68.17%. For the first semester exam i got a D (no percent). Third quarter i got a F at 29.57%. I know, quite shameful, but it got really difficult! and now we're at the end of fourth quarter, and my grade is an F at 59.35%. Im so mad! Just one more percent and itd be a d! But anyway, Im really worried! If i get an F on the second semester exam, will I fail chemistry?? What do I need to get to pass? or is it too late?! Please email me asap!

Roger: Well, the average of your quarter grades is 56.11%, if we ignore the exams. What kind of a grade do you need to pass the class? A 50%? A 60%?

Sun, 11 May 2014 18:55:29 GMT

I have a test coming up soon, and then after that I have my final. My homework average is a 92.11% (worth 8.5%), quiz average is an 87.39% (worth 17%), test average is a 78.96% (worth 59.5%), and my final (worth 15%). I have taken 7 tests so far, so after this test, I will have taken 8 tests. If I score between a 90%-100%, what is the lowest grade I could get and what is the highest grade I could get. I need to know this so that I am able to enter what my current grade is on your final grade calculator.

Roger: If you get a 90% on the test, your current grade would be 82.93%. If you get 100% on the test, your current grade would be 83.8%.

Sat, 10 May 2014 20:51:08 GMT

Thank you for this awesome service!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 10 May 2014 05:54:46 GMT


So this kind of thing has always confused me. I really want to maintain my 4.0 GPA this semester, I think I am close, so I will give you all my class information and I would be very appreciative if you could tell me where I stand.

I hope to stay above at least the 90% mark in all my courses, can you tell me what the minimum score I will need in each of my exams/papers to achieve this?


I have a 101% in the class. Throughout the course there were four scheduled exams that make up 56% of my grade. I have taken three, thus far the final is in less than a week. My scores are as follows: 140.4/140(100.2%), 145.7/140(104.0%), and 145.7/140(104%). By the way, the other 44% is in the form of assignments, I have all of those points.

Roger: You need at least a 20% on the final.


I also have a 101% in this class. Throughout the course there were four scheduled exams that make up 56% of my grade (same professor, go figure). My scores are as follows: 141.16/140(100.8%), 137.2/140(98%), and 147.5/140(104%). Once again, the other 44% comes from quizes and assignments, I have those points.

Roger: You need at least a 24.4% on the final.


I have a 99.6% in this class. We had 6 exams over the course of the semester that accounted for 60% of my grade. Those scores are as follows: 101.49%, 98.33%, 96.15%, 100%, 95%, and 105%. The final will be worth 20% of my grade. The other 20% comes from homework and I have all those points as well.

Roger: You need at least a 52% on the final.

Geology Lecture:

I have a 96% overall. There were four exams that are all worth 25% of my grade. My scores are as follows: 97.5%, 92.5%, 97.5%, and 100%. The final will replace my lowest test grade. After writing this out I realized I am guaranteed an A. So don't worry about Geology lecture. Thanks!

Roger: Uhh.. okay!

Geology Lab:

I have approximately a 90%, I wish I could give you more accurate numbers, but this professor was very unorganized and "graded on a curve." There were three exams throughout the semester accounting for 50% of my grade. I have taken all three. They are as follows: 91%, 95%. The third was the final and I do not know the grade, based on the information I gave you is there anyway to estimate what I needed to get on it to stay above a 90%? The other 50% comes from attendance, quizes, and lab exercises. Attendance= 100%; Quizes= 80%; lab exercises= approx. 89%.

*Note: the entire course was graded "on a curve" and therefore all these number except the attendance, test grades are estimates because he wouldn't supply me with exact numbers.

Roger: So, it sounds like you have approximately a 90% in your attendance/quizzes/lab exercises category. That means you’ll need to average approximately a 90% in your exams as well. That means you’ll need at least an 84% on the final exam.

Intro to Historical Research:

My grade right now is at "a low A" according to my professor, therefore we will assume it is at a 90%. I had a paper that was due that was worth 20% of my grade and a final coming up that will be worth 20%. The other test I took in this class I got a 90% on. The remaining 80% of my grade comes from small papers and quizes. My quiz average was 100% and my paper average was 90.8%. Based the information I have given you, what do I need on the paper and the exam to stay above a 90% overall?

Roger: What is this “other test I took in the class”? I don’t quite understand how your categories add up. They seem to add up to more than 100%.

I am sorry for the long post, I hope I gave you all the information you require. Any feedback will be extremely helpful! Thank you!

A person
Fri, 09 May 2014 21:13:36 GMT

So, the tests I've taken are worth a few different amounts. And it asks how many tests my final is worth. Does that mean how many tests of the highest value it's worth?

Roger: The calculator with the tests assumes that all of your tests are worth exactly the same amount, since most people seemed to fit that model. If your tests all have different weights, the calculation is a little more tricky, but if you post here I can try to help.

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