
Page 80 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 80)

Thu, 29 May 2014 23:56:27 GMT

I have an 85.68% in my Multi-Variable Calculus class and we get to replace our worst test grade with our final grade. I got a 59% (I know) on my worst test, can you please help me find out what I need on my final to get an 89.5%, if I replace this test grade? Thanks in advance.

Roger: I need to know (1) your current test average, (2) how many tests you have taken so far, (3) how much your test category is worth, and (4) how much your final is worth.

Thu, 29 May 2014 23:38:33 GMT

I don't always calculate my final exam grade, but when I do, I use roger hub...

Thu, 29 May 2014 23:30:07 GMT

Hey i have a 56 know as my second semester and my first semester was a 72 with a 62 as my first exam and i am about to take my final exam can you tell me what i would need to make on that exam to pass the 9th grade language arts.?

Roger: How much is each part of your grade worth?

Thu, 29 May 2014 23:27:24 GMT

Thank you! Finals coming up, need that A...

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 29 May 2014 23:17:08 GMT

Thank you so much Roger! This helped me give myself a much needed confidence booster. Will be using this in the future. Thank You!

Roger: You’re welcome! You earned it!

Marching band is life
Thu, 29 May 2014 19:52:03 GMT

Thanks for letting me know it wasn't possible to get all a's this semester. I got way more sleep knowing there wasn't hope xD

Scarlet Capulet
Thu, 29 May 2014 19:50:03 GMT

This website is blocked at my school and it stressed me out more than the finals themselves.

Thu, 29 May 2014 19:23:11 GMT

Sorry that was dumb I forgot to say my history final is 15% of my grade

Roger: So, it looks like you’ll need at least a 75.8% on the final exam to get at least an 89.5% overall.

Thu, 29 May 2014 18:41:11 GMT

Hey! I have a 99 in my class, my final is worth 20%, the professor does the weighted system of grading so can you please tell me what I should get on the final to get at least 94 in the class?
Ps: I would have known how to do it if it was by the points system :p

Roger: You’ll need to score at least a 74% on your final exam.

Thu, 29 May 2014 18:39:34 GMT

roger didn't save you, you did he just showed you how :)

Dear Roger
Thu, 29 May 2014 17:49:05 GMT

Youre my hero, im doing an essay on you for english, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING

Roger: Haha, that’s awesome. You’re welcome!

Alex VE from California
Thu, 29 May 2014 17:42:24 GMT

Thanks Roger! Really Cool tool!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 29 May 2014 15:57:14 GMT

I just want to say thanks to Roger for creating this. It has literally SAVED me this semester! You're my hero, dude.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Thu, 29 May 2014 15:15:22 GMT

hi Roger

so I cant seem to figure this out --> I have a B in English right now, not counting the exam (82.2%) & I need a 71% on the exam to maintain a B. but I also got a 75% on a paper that's worth two test grades that the teacher has yet to submit & I'm not sure if that'll make my grade better or worse

do you know how to calculate that to get a final grade? thanks

Roger: Well, if you got a 75% on your paper worth two test grades, that will probably make it harder to maintain a B right? If you want a more clear answer, I need to know more about how exactly your grade is calculated.

Thu, 29 May 2014 13:09:13 GMT

Do you make money from the ads off of this?

Roger: A little bit. I started doing it to cover server costs.

༼ つ◕_◕༽つ
Thu, 29 May 2014 07:03:56 GMT

༼ つ◕_◕༽つthis is legit༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

Thu, 29 May 2014 06:30:15 GMT

Amazing... I need a 62.3% on my history final to keep my A, 89% on my final to keep my A in science, 93% on my spanish final to up my grade to an A, and 79% on my geometry final to keep my A... which means I don't really need to study history that much, and study science and spanish A LOT!! sigh... science final is tomorrow and its worth at least 15% of my grade and spanish final is on friday and I want to get the A in the course... wish me luck

Nobody was here
Thu, 29 May 2014 06:18:01 GMT

I'm just using this to confirm that I need to do no studying at all. \o/

Thu, 29 May 2014 03:08:26 GMT

Man. All of you have to grow up and stop posting dumb comments. THANKS ROGER!!

Roger: Haha, you’re welcome!

Wed, 28 May 2014 23:53:11 GMT

I need yo advice because you are an amazing intellectual person. All finals are worth 15% of my spiritual grade. I want to get all a's and my grades are as follows: 89.8, 93.5, 93.5, 90.6, 90.5, 94. I know I will get lower than a 70 in one of the 93.5 class. VANDY ANCHOR DOWN. I have to chose which ones to study. I feel comfortable in the other 93.5 and the 94. How should I break up my time. FINALS END MONDAY. RESPECT THE T-HUMP. THANK YOU ROGER. IF AN EMERY KID SEES THIS YALL KNOW WHO IT IS. STAY CLASSY ROGER.

Quadratic Formula
Wed, 28 May 2014 23:11:46 GMT

This site is very helpful. I always use it to calculate what my grade will be after I take my final exams. Saves my a lot of stress. For example, I was freaking out about my math final but the calculator told me I only needed a 55% to get a 90 in the class. Yay me! Thanks so much, RogerHub

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 28 May 2014 17:42:53 GMT

I currently have a 90.9 in my history class. I did test corrections for 3 tests on which I gained 6.5 points back total that he will put into the grade book in replacement of my original test grades. We have a total of 673.5 points in the class, and I have 612.5. Since he adds the test correction points in after the final, I need to know what I should get on the final to get at least an 89.5, keeping in mind that i will have 6.5 more points. -- Am I correct that I will need to get a 75% on the final?

Roger: Well, how much is your final worth? You forgot to mention that important piece of information. Anyway, your overall grade will go up from a 90.94% to a 91.91% after the correction points are added.

Wed, 28 May 2014 15:00:20 GMT

Who is Roger Hub? Why is everyone on this site talking about him?

I don't know
Wed, 28 May 2014 14:42:27 GMT

If I have an 87% in class and I have a project that is worth 46 points and I fail it what will my final grade be in the class?

Roger: It depends how many points you have total. Also, what kind of grade do you need to pass?

Wed, 28 May 2014 11:25:25 GMT

I currently have an 87%. We have a final coming up that is worth 20% of our final grade. Do I really need 102% to get a 89.5%?

Roger: That sounds about right.

Wed, 28 May 2014 06:05:21 GMT

Thank you SO MUCH :)

Roger: You’re welcome!

Wed, 28 May 2014 04:47:13 GMT

So I can get a -50% to maintain an A in my class.... I LIKE THIS SITE

prince khar
Wed, 28 May 2014 04:22:45 GMT

oh yeah baby i love this website

Wed, 28 May 2014 01:25:24 GMT

This site does not work

Another IMSA Student
Wed, 28 May 2014 00:50:28 GMT

lol at the IMSA student below.

Struggle bus much?

Tue, 27 May 2014 23:21:25 GMT

In my final grade, each quarter accounts for 20% and each exam, 10%. I have scored 93%, 92%, and 89.6% the three quarters and 85% on the first exam. What do I have now? What will I need to raise my grade to a 92.5%? A 92%?

Roger: That only comprises 70% of your grade. I assume you have 1 more quarter and 1 more exam left? Anyway, your current grade is a 90.6%. You will need to average at least an 88.6% on your fourth quarter and last exam to get a 90% overall. You will need to average at least a 96.9% to get a 92.5% overall. You will need to average at least a 95.3% to get a 92% overall.

Kim jon Un
Tue, 27 May 2014 22:51:59 GMT


Tue, 27 May 2014 22:33:40 GMT

All you guys are retarded about asking these questions about "what do I need to get on the final for this class?" The formula is right there plug also you kids and your A's it's okay to get a B you're not gonna get whipped in life

Kimberly Wu
Tue, 27 May 2014 22:16:48 GMT

I have a 94% in Spanish, and my final is worth 100 points. What is the lowest grade I need to get on my final to maintain my A?

Roger: It depends on how many points you have total.

Tue, 27 May 2014 21:22:52 GMT

This sit neds to get it's mith st8. mi teecher said I onley needd 149 percent to get a A but this sais I ned 249 to git 100
Oh. Uh-oh. Teacher sees my work and suggests I focus on math now instead...

Long Hair Dont Care
Tue, 27 May 2014 21:19:45 GMT

This made me sad on the inside...and i dont like being sad

Tue, 27 May 2014 21:06:52 GMT

I hate your answers. Goodbye

College dude
Tue, 27 May 2014 20:46:32 GMT

hehe, look at yall you highschooloers, trying to get an A, B, C, or just passing. dude this is what what you need to see to calm your selves down!!!

Tue, 27 May 2014 20:23:11 GMT

Ps I like your hair

Tue, 27 May 2014 20:14:08 GMT

so, 77% will bring my math grade up to a C. But I don't care! Why? because the college I'm looking at requires 4 credits of math with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, so I'll have to retake that class anyway. Lucky meю

Tue, 27 May 2014 20:11:20 GMT


IMSA Student
Tue, 27 May 2014 16:04:23 GMT

Did you go to IMSA?

Roger: I’m not sure what that is, so probably not.

Tue, 27 May 2014 09:18:22 GMT

Is it okay to have 3 B's freshman year

Roger: Sure! If you took 6 classes each semester, that’s a GPA of 3.75, which is pretty good!

Tue, 27 May 2014 07:26:09 GMT

I wonder how much the site visit rate varies based on the time of year

Roger: Quite a bit ;)

Tue, 27 May 2014 04:08:13 GMT

Ok so my french teacher gave me 51% in writing. And the finals counts for 60%. How much do I need to pass. Stressed

Roger: Finals? Do you have more than one?

Tue, 27 May 2014 04:06:27 GMT

All I need is a B+ or higher on my test tomorrow. I will be happy if I can still have a B+ for the semester.

Roger: Good luck!

Tue, 27 May 2014 04:02:00 GMT

I have 2 parts too my final. In the class now i have a 88 on the first part i got 9/40 the second part is 100 points what do i need to keep a 80

Roger: What’s your overall grade right now? Also, how much is your final worth? By the way, there is an option labeled “my final has 2+ parts” that will do exactly what you’re asking.

Tue, 27 May 2014 02:55:35 GMT

soooooo I have token one part of my final (out of 2) and I got
45/75 or 60% on my 1st Part
my 2nd Part is worth "Packet Points"/225 Points (not including my 1 part)
and my Final is worth 10% so at the end my final is 300 points.
My grade currently is a 77.88% what do I need to get on my packet o get a B- (80%)

Roger: Well, you need at least a 99.08% on your entire final, so you need to get at least a 252/225 (112%) on your packet to get an 80% overall.

Help please
Tue, 27 May 2014 00:01:53 GMT

Whats my grade right now AND Whats the lowest I can get on my final if....
Current grade: 88.3 (excluding participation grade)
What i want: 89.5 (including participation grade)
My final counts as a test
Test avaerage: 82. 71
Tests taken: 7
Tests are worth 60%
Assignments are worth 30%
Assignment average: 99.44
Participation worth 10%
Participation average: hasnt been entered, but its 100%
Thank you!!!!

Roger: Well, your current grade is actually a 89.46% if you include your 100% participation grade. So, to get a 89.5% overall, you will need to get at least a 83.3% on your final test. Good luck!

Ashley Williams
Mon, 26 May 2014 22:42:44 GMT

I have a 92 in a class and I HAVE A FINAL WORTH 10 PERCENT and if i were to take a zero what would be my final grade me

Roger: Your final grade would be a 82.8%.

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