
Page 81 – Comments for “Discuss: Final Grade Calculator”

Comments (Page 81)

Tue, 03 Jun 2014 01:16:34 GMT

How is it possible that I have to get a 68% to pass with a 80%? (My grade right now is 83%) (My final is worth 20%)

Roger: That sounds about right. Try working through the math yourself if you’re still unsure.

Tue, 03 Jun 2014 01:04:54 GMT

besides Spanish, i need 20-40%s on finals to retain straight As. i need a 95 in spanish for an A. i better study.

Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:59:37 GMT

George/Jessica: in order to pass language arts you need to know how to spell now

Aliza Amin
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:38:40 GMT

Hey Roger,

I have an 89% in class right now. I have a quiz and a test that are respectively worth 20 points and 50 points out of a goal of 364 points in the test category. The test category is worth 80% of my grade and the other 20% is for homework.

What do I need on my quiz and test to get a 90% in this class?

Roger: What are your test category and homework category averages right now?

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:31:27 GMT

Hi roger

Roger: Hi.

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:03:31 GMT

Thank god no need to study today

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:00:58 GMT

Hello, again. I received a 73.55 on the game in JAVA, so what do I need on the final exam that is worth 15% of my grade?

Roger: So, your current grade is a 79.92%. To get that to a B (80%), you will need to get at least a 80.45% on your final exam.

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:52:59 GMT

what if your school is one SBG

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:32:19 GMT

I have a 69.89 in chemistry.
We atill have a final worth 15% and a participation grade worth 10%. Assuming i get a 100% on the participation what do i need to get in order to get a 74

Roger: Your overall grade will go up to a 73.4% once your 100% participation is included. Thereafter, you will need at least a 77.2% on your final exam to raise your overall grade to a 74%.

Hay Gurl
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:20:58 GMT

My overall grade is an 83.4%
Homework is worth 10% of my overall grade and my average for my homework is - 98%
Projects are also worth 10% of my overall grade and average is - 92%
Subsection Tests are worth 60% and my average is 79.5%
Section Tests are worth 20% but we haven't take any yet.

So I just took a subsection test on which I got a 29/30. What would be my overall grade?

Roger: That depends on how many points you have in the subsection tests category already.

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:50:59 GMT

Scared for my math final and test I need a 1.5 gpa But I have a 3.7 =}

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:46:50 GMT

Hey i have a 56 know as my second semester and my first semester was a 72 with a 62 as my first exam and i am about to take my final exam can you tell me what i would need to make on that exam to pass the 8th grade language arts the exam is 25% my grade for semester 2.?

Roger: How much is each semester grade worth in comparison to the first exam?

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 17:01:02 GMT

Thank you for this! I have always stressed about the wrong subjects. I feel a lot better knowing that i just need to worry about one final! Otherwise I am pretty set(: Thank you so much for making a junior a lot less stressed out(:

Roger: You’re welcome!

MC Ren
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 15:11:28 GMT

What ih iss blood

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 03:43:52 GMT

hey i took all three parts of my final in my math class already. However, we still have one more test in the class that will go in as a 4th quarter test grade. I have an 80.40 overall and scored a 74.56 overall on my final. the test is going to be around 40 points, any idea how well i need to do on it?

Roger: I have some questions: 1) does your 80.40% already include your final grade? 2) how much is your final worth? 3) how much are your 4th quarter test grades worth? 4) how many 4th quarter test grades do you have? 5) what is your average score in the category of 4th quarter test grades? 5) what grade do you want overall?.

Warren Worthington, III
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 01:20:16 GMT

Is there a way to calculate two semester grades at 40% each and two semester tests at 10% each? My school gives grades by the semester, although your overall grade is counted yearly.
Also, I will post a picture of the silence from Dr. Who right beneath this.

Did you see that? Freaky, right?

Roger: Well, all you have to do is multiply each category by how much that category is worth. As a simple example, if you had a 40% homework category and a 60% test category, you would multiply you homework grade (100%) and your test grade (85%) like this: 100% × 40% + 85% × 60% = 91%. You have four categories worth 40%, 40%, 10%, and 10%. So, you would need to multiply four different pairs, and add them all up. Does that help?

Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:39:56 GMT


Roger: You’re welcome!

Ryan Pax
Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:31:05 GMT

Hey Roger,
So I have an 81% in my Spanish class. I did this assignment before the final and got a 37/30 on it. I was wondering how much will that bring up my grade? Right now there is total of 794 points in the class. I have 657.50 points. Tell me if you need any more information.
Thanks a lot!!

Roger: So, according to the numbers 657.50 and 794, it seems like you have a 82.8% in the class, not a 81%. If so, your grade would go up to a 84.3% once the assignment is included.

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:31:22 GMT

i wish i was one of the people who only needs a 0 or negative percentage to maintain their grade but i need 80% and higher UGGHH!

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:29:32 GMT

saved my life i live for this

Roger: Haha

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:50:42 GMT

hi roger i tried plugging this into the calculator but it didnt work. I have 4 parts for my english final and i already took one part
The first part is worth 30%
The second part 30%
The third part 30%
The 4th part 10%

I got a 90 on my first part. Currently I have an 89.17 in the class what do i need to get on the rest of my finals for an 89.5??? thanks!

Roger: How much is your entire final exam worth?

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:03:31 GMT

I hate how everyone is like oh, i need to get an A and I'm just hoping for no D's

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 18:32:07 GMT

Go spurs Lebron sucks

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 17:56:31 GMT

This helped me so much! Thanks Roger!

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:50:15 GMT

I Have a 60 percent in health and my final is worth 20% if i pass this final what will my grade be to graduate

Much less stressed
Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:51:35 GMT

I was freaking out about history but apparently I only need 48.4% to retain my A, so now I just gotta focus on science and geometry...

Roger: Good luck on your exams!

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 02:12:49 GMT

i have a 89.6 and i desperatly need an A but i dont know how to study well. what are some good ways to study and some tips . please im begging for you to answer me please

Roger: I think that finding somebody smart in your class and hanging around with them is a great way to study.

Sun, 01 Jun 2014 02:09:42 GMT

I need to get -27% to get an A!!!

smart and insecure about what ppl think of me
Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:09:02 GMT

hey i can get a 0% on my final and still pass but I'm gonna get a 100% cause I'm smart and gay

first name yolo second name swag
Sat, 31 May 2014 22:16:14 GMT

i got a 59 percent i passed with an A! wooohoooo

vke,sn kvd,snfmvj,kfersmvcjbkl;wrmegkewdrd nbgdkredgbr e,iwemhsfweldfkvnemwklcbjgfdedlkbtenm,kgdetnbm,kgten mjbnf gdbjmbngd etdgmc cjndg bmjbcgntmgj,bc dsbmjcbsb mxjgb sj, ncdstw,jgmntbwrjfdnjdekmvnfdel,,mvnefmv,dlcebcdnkmvfdebdnfvcmkcdnbnvcmndebfcnvjfdbvcfjdnvjfhviamsoscrewedcnmfkdlmnv mfd,cmnvfndmklvmfremklv fde
see if you can find how i really feel

Sat, 31 May 2014 18:02:25 GMT

Thank you so much for this site! I guess I need to go study now..

Roger: You’re welcome!

Sat, 31 May 2014 15:07:02 GMT

I need to get a c on my algebra 2 final to keep my B and a B on my chem final to bring me from a B to a B-. Yaaaaaa buddy

Sat, 31 May 2014 15:03:38 GMT

How do you get the average of your 2 cycle grades and exam?

Roger: Well, if you want to know your overall grade, it depends on how much each part is worth. For example, if they’re all worth 1/3rd of your grade, you can just add up all three grades and then divide the sum by 3.

Sat, 31 May 2014 14:21:53 GMT

Thanks for this, Roger. *Sigh* Now off to worry about my grades.

Roger: You’re welcome!

Chem 4 Life
Sat, 31 May 2014 04:42:34 GMT

I really wanted to get 100% in chemistry by the end of the semester, but that won't happen unless I get 101.2%! I sure hope it's curved!

Connor Cain
Fri, 30 May 2014 20:03:36 GMT

Hi Roger, In my school each quarter grade counts as 40% of the semester grade, and the final counts as 20. If I got a 95.3% on third quarter and have a 91.6% now, what do I need on the final to make my semester grade at least 92.5%?

Roger: Your current grade is a 93.5%. You’ll need to get at least a 88.7% on the final exam to get a 92.5% overall.

Fri, 30 May 2014 18:30:59 GMT

Apparently I can get a 2 on my final and still pass. And apparently a -388 would get me a zero... Hm. Cool

Fri, 30 May 2014 13:58:32 GMT


Fri, 30 May 2014 12:58:16 GMT


Fri, 30 May 2014 04:35:19 GMT

Hey Roger !!I
I currently have a 48% in my computer science class and the midterm and final are worth 40% of my grade and im turning in an extra credit paper which is worth 40 points is that enough to get a C in the class.

Roger: If you do really well on those assignments, maybe!

look at #REWD
Fri, 30 May 2014 04:26:44 GMT

Why are you focusing on math when your grammar is like that.

Fri, 30 May 2014 03:54:58 GMT

well im getting 50 and need 250% to get 90 , looks like i gotta seduce MY MATH TEACHER all summer , oh lord have mercy HAHAHAHHA :(

ben dover
Fri, 30 May 2014 03:22:02 GMT

well i guess i dont need too study

Harry Weiner
Fri, 30 May 2014 03:08:50 GMT

Hi Roger,

I have a 92.7 percent in my bio class. I am a good student. I want to get a 99 percent. your calculations do not match mine.

Please explain.

Harry Weiner.

Akbar Rashalelajamaristanabel
Fri, 30 May 2014 02:49:04 GMT

Hi Jacob H.

Akbar Rashalelajamaristanabel
Fri, 30 May 2014 02:45:15 GMT

I will be hard studying on final for grade of math.

Thank Roger,

-Akbar R.

P.S: May be you teacher to me?

Ryan Pax
Fri, 30 May 2014 01:53:48 GMT

Hey, so my final doesn't have a percent. I have a 93% in my Marketing Class. We are taking a 30 point quiz tomorrow and I was wondering what I need to get to keep my A or get a 92%? In the class we have had a total of 365 points to get. Right now I have 355 points. If you could get back to me tonight that would be so good.
Thank again!

Roger: A 355/365 is not a 93%. It’s a 97%. Are you sure that’s correct?

bob the builder
Fri, 30 May 2014 01:13:14 GMT

Please email me as i have a problem with this website, email me at
(email removed)

feel free to send me tons of spam, i find it hilarious
Tons of stuff I dont want and brochures

Roger: Don’t post your email on the Internet! You can voice your opinions right here if you want.

Horrible student
Fri, 30 May 2014 01:03:30 GMT

I just spent almost 45 min messing around with different grade combos instead of studying...

Fri, 30 May 2014 00:55:05 GMT

This site is complete crap. It said I needed a 86% to retain my B, but with my 80% I still got a B for the semester

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